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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1686393 No.1686393 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/

I'm a reference for my friend who is being interviewed for a job which specifically asked for a friend as a reference along with professional contacts. I have to complete a form where I rate 18 aspects of his personality on a scale of 1-10. For over half of them I gave him a 10, I just want to know before I turn it in how that looks to an employer. Would you not take it seriously if I gave him great reviews for everything because I'm his friend and of course I'm going to want to make him look good? My scores for him are how I actually feel and I'm not going to artificially give him lower scores to make it seem more realistic, I'm just curious how it will be taken if I didn't give him anything lower than an 8 in any of the personality traits.

>> No.1686399

Well that's probably what they expect when they ask for a friend as a reference.
As long as you're being sincere, then you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.1686415

give him all 10s

>> No.1686427

Are you being serious?

>> No.1686429

yes, else why the fuck should I consider your friend if you think he lacks in some fields. get me a friend that you think is good, not mediocre.

>> No.1686440

idk I think it would ruin the credibility of the reference if I give him 10/10 for everything

>> No.1686442

I see you're attempting to cope by saying the reason you have no friends is because no one is good enough.

Bitter permavirgin neckbeard with no friends detected.

>> No.1686456

Which are the fields you have to rate him?

>> No.1686457
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>> No.1686477

All 10's. With a sidenote, "I have never known a better man in my life."

You are not fucking HR to evaluate objectively, he asked you to recommend a friend and it is what you did.

>> No.1686492

I don't understand what you mean in the second part

>> No.1686511
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Option 1
Give all tens and write a note saying how fucking stupid this form is.

Option 2
Make your friend fill it out so that when he doesn't get hired it's not your fault.

Option 3
Don't fill it out and tell the employer to call you. During the call you should pretend your friend just paid you and his dick is deep in your throat. Tell the employer how great your friend is and give examples about how he would be successful in the work place. Make that bitch want to hire him. You are his wingman.

Option 4
Go to the store and suck a boss' dick.

>> No.1686608

How do I talk to the employer with a dick deep down my throat?

>> No.1686613

fucking anon, how incompetent are you.

>> No.1686667

Not at all

>> No.1686782


Screening potential employees by testing their friends to see how retarded they are. I like this approach. Birds of a feather, after all.

>> No.1686789

How common is this?

>> No.1686809


I've never encountered it but then I'm not fungible and easily-replaced.

>> No.1686812

>Screening potential employees by testing their friends to see how retarded they are.

this is exactly what it is, I reckon he works in a sales position or marketing.

>> No.1686818

It's a technical position

>> No.1686823

This is getting common and is very ridiculous.

Don't overthink it. Anything short of 10s is going to raise red flags. Basically what they're going to do is ask three references willing to vouch that this guy they're considering hiring is

1. not a drug addict
2. not a pedophile
3. not human garbage, etc.

basically, if you vouch for a guy and he turns out to be a wreck, you'll be blackballed as well.