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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16857863 No.16857863 [Reply] [Original]

How significant was this? What have we learned from it?

>> No.16857875

markets have been a centrally planned simulation since 2009

>> No.16857881

>How significant was this?
Very. Still the biggest factor today since it never actually ended.

>What have we learned from it?

>> No.16857889

>Very. Still the biggest factor today since it never actually ended.

>> No.16857897

Are we good then?

>> No.16857903

Literally crippled the economy and we have never recovered. It exposed the lie behind everything.

>> No.16857904

Don't have enough information, but i'd wager little to nothing. Banks have "Shock tests" and other more stringent bullshit they have to follow, but their business model is based on taking risks. There is no solution. Its pure human nature enshrined in an economic system. Just adapt, faggot.

>> No.16857919
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>> No.16857930

Most significant happening in history, unironically

>> No.16858182

Why do you believe this?

>> No.16858207

we learned almost nothing.
the government still is excited to give white people's money to non-whites
private bankers are still clamoring to be the middle man for these transactions
shitskins are targeted for subprime loans, they pay the minimum and eventually the interest catches up to them and they default. government pays the bill.

>> No.16858215

Why was it so significant?

>> No.16858234

Nothing, in fact we decided to allow investment banks to rate tranches themselves on top of the whole CLO corporate bubble.

>> No.16858260

people don't learn and they continue voting for shitskin gibs. Just keep your head up and wait for when the dam cracks. compound interest means it will crash eventually.
they'll blame bankers during the crash but at the end of the day we all should know whose fault it is.

>> No.16858265


>> No.16858302

>What have we learned from it?
nothing, there are bubbles everywhere, shadow banking is back and the repo market will soon collapse again

>> No.16858336

You have to be over 18 to use this site.

>> No.16858349

I was listening to Alex Jones back in 2007 and I remember him talking about how the economy was about to implode about a year before the stock market actually started to crash. I was in high school and I remember being so bored listening to him have economists on all the time. I only listened for the entertaining rants. Anyways ... does anyone else remember people who predicted the crash a while before it happened?

>> No.16858372
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the jews?

>> No.16858439

Yup. Corporate debt is the new bubble, and because it's corporate debt it's been leaking into every part of the system, equities, real estate, health care. Corporate credit is the lynchpin behind the "everything bubble"

>> No.16858459

>he thinks we are out of the crisis

>> No.16858471

Ok doomer

>> No.16858727

can the next financial crisis hurry up and happen already?

>> No.16858908

the jews.

>> No.16858971

Supremely. Nothing.

>> No.16859016

Next one when? I want discounts on stocks.

>> No.16859042

he's right retard, all QE is doing is kicking the can down the road. while making the problem worse for future generations.

>> No.16859053

Real estate markets are gonna collapse again.

>> No.16859264

t. not in the business

nearly every reputable lender got beat the fuck down with legislation making it very very hard to give out those cancerous loans.

You shouldn't be worried about Maria and Juan defaulting on their loans, instead worry about Ling Ling and Wi Ping buying up all the property in your nice white neighborhood.