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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16856933 No.16856933 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>wageslave at Walmart for 10 hour days to barely afford rent at shit apartment and eat scraps so trump's but buddies can get richer
>ask for birthday off, first day I've asked for off in ten years of stocking shelves
>boss laughs in my face
>feel sick and get uncontrollable diarrhea
>in toilet
>boss comes in and screams at me for taking too long in the bathroom on the clock
>finish without wiping, work rest of the day with shit stained pants.
I cant so it anymore bros. We fucking lost. Donald betrayed us and we are destined to slave for nothing for all of eternity. Its over for us.

I don't give a flying fuck what you faggots say about socialism I'm voting for Bernie or Yang 2020. Why shouldn't I get free shit from the government. They are the only hope

>> No.16856953 [DELETED] 

nice blog, fag.

>> No.16856958

Lel, just vote to dismantle the government retard.

>> No.16856966

Good to know that not only the customers are Walmart sharters.

>> No.16856974

Vote for yang.
If i voted itd be either trump (to anger fanatical liberals) or yang (on the off chance he actually pulls off ubi)

>> No.16856974,1 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself, idiot.

>> No.16857146

vote wasted. any vote for anyone other than bernie is a vote for wageslavery.

>> No.16857196



>> No.16857236 [DELETED] 

You fucking retarded faggots will be wageslaves forever even if your UBI heroes win. Fuck off and KYS.

>> No.16857257

Explain to me why any president (once elected) would give a shit about a walmart peasant?

>> No.16857362

Bernie is a man of the people and truly cares. I can tell when he talks. Now fuck off

>> No.16857562

get a CDL license, get paid training and make 70k first year, 100k+ second year. If you can pass a background, this is 100% viable
Cant pass background? get a job as a server, you liltterly make more money in tips than Walmart.
you work a job for drug users and criminals. YES, you can change, just try.

>> No.16857936

Because that isn’t leading to neo feudalism ya fucking retard

>> No.16857988

This can’t be a real. Democrats are so desperate they are botting with faggots.

Get a better job op. You have to have majorly fucked up to work at Walmart in which case you deserve to have a shit life.

>> No.16858014

Choked on my food at "feel sick and get uncontrollable diarrhea" that really got me for some reason.

Thank you anon. I hope things get better for you if this story is true.

>> No.16858083

Why not try apply to work at a comfy hotel anon

>> No.16858126

Bernie is laughing at you from his 4th mansion paid for by his donors. Seafaggot.

>> No.16858149

Anyone one normie enough to believe politicians will change their lives are destined to fail at life

>> No.16858360

Kek, your life really sounds pathetic anon. Thanks for the laugh

>> No.16858561

As much I enjoyed (and still enjoy) the epic ass kicking of the braindead SJW cult, Trump is still just another puppet of the Holy Trinity of MIC/Zionists/Saudis. Otherwise he would have been accidented before he even announced his candidacy,

>> No.16858576

get fucked boi

>> No.16858586

>I can tell when he talks.


>> No.16858679

Imagine working at Wal Mart.

>> No.16858695

If you wanted better rights and wages then you would have unionised.

>> No.16858702

Me too OP

pretty sure bernie would push btc to well over 1 trillion mcap

>> No.16858725

Didn't Bill Gates tweet about how life has gotten much better in all areas statisticly?

>> No.16858768

He didn't work until his 40's, and has a middle-school understanding of economics.

Yes, he's honest, but that doesn't qualify him nor excuse his stupidity. The middle class won't accept a 50-60% tax rate and everything he proposes will get blocked.

>> No.16858792

Socialism = shared misery. You can rise above your situation, anon. Don’t listen to the fucktards on here- u are destined for greatness. Being real, fren. I feel you though, it’s infuriating to have to pay $2,400 a month for a two bedroom apartment (throwing money down a black hole) while fucjtards down the street from me have four bedroom houses and a $500 a month mortgage payment because they happened to have jobs/were the right age at the right point in history.

>> No.16858803

>$2,400 a month for a two bedroom apartment (throwing money down a black hole)

oh man imagine actually doing this when you can get 50% returns on FRM staking

>> No.16858823

$2,400 in a MMA would be even greater

>> No.16858830

Harsh realities of life my dude.
>UBI will not solve what people say it will
>Yang may or may not be a Chinese puppet
>Bernie isn't really going to do anything
>Free medical care will not really solve everything

Get your shit together and get back out there.

>> No.16858907

>stocking shelves for 10 years
you got a disability or something lol

>> No.16858937

>works at walmart for 10 years
>why did trump do this to me!!???
fucking loser

>> No.16858950

>boss comes in and screams at me for taking too long in the bathroom on the clock
but did it make you wipe faster

>> No.16859006

Didnt a bunch of major liberals talking heads had a reunion to see what they could do to sandbag bernie?
Is 2016 gonna repeat itself bros?

>> No.16859030

I mean you arent wrong, you gotta root for a man as honest as bernie, even tho I may disagree on somethings.
But at this point is delusional to believe the Demotards are gonna let him get to the finals, you saw what happened in 2016.

>> No.16859109

it doesn't matter faggot my pain isn't a joke

>> No.16859112

learned to code 10 years ago
became a millionaire 3 years ago

the solution is obvious
learn to code shitter

>> No.16859478

Nobody could do what you do. This is slavery. Go live with your parents for a while while going to trade school, learn an actual profession. Walmart jobs will be automated in 15 years anyway, get ahead of the curve bruh.

>> No.16859530

millionaires dont post on here

>> No.16859585
File: 1.39 MB, 2556x1272, biznessmen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Donald betrayed us
You're a tard for ever thinkin he could, The only person that can make your life better is is you.

Are you one of the from the post in the image?

>> No.16859653

Just join the military. Or do what I’m doing and join the Conservation Corp. Or get a job at UPS if you can. Lots of things you can do anon, never give up. And never rely on government to sustain you. Unless you just say fuck it and go on welfare or something, you very well could do that too

>> No.16859712

Well this, nobody’s gonna change your life for you. You could just move to a better country in Europe.

>> No.16859731

>Just join the military
Thats the most cucked job in the world

>> No.16859734

You vote for very childish reasons anon.

>> No.16859894

Not if you're higher-IQ and can land a job that gets you a TS and/or takes you to DLI.

Better career options after that than a Bachelor's and you get paid to do it.

.t 98 AFQT score

>> No.16859929

>Not if you're higher-IQ
but obviously still sub 100
>Better career options after that than a Bachelor's and you get paid to do it.
Mutt spotted, you live in the the most cucked country in the world! I know you'll argue, the brainwashing runs deep.
>t 98 AFQT score
I have no clue what that is, but I assume you've been indoctrinated or its your IQ, both are bad.

Also, great reddit spacing

>> No.16860088

>Reddit spacing

Been on 4chan since harbl days; I'm not cucked enough to change my typing habits just because Reddit share some of them.

>> No.16860158

Hey, at least your not arguing that 'people' that join the military are joining the most cucked profession.
Keep your reddit spacing cuck

>> No.16860858

Its already there. Collegue of mine has done all the right things, STEM, non-meme knowledge, everything. He says every corp in in the mid west he gets a interview asks the exact same questions, offers exact the same amount of money and gives exact the same amount of benefits. even in wildly different industries.
>the invisible hand of the market it the weekly meetup at the business owners association
>sheeple still believe in this freedom shit

>> No.16861329

I am actually voting for Sanders. As I am getting into my mid thirties I notice my health deteriorating. I NEED socialized healthcare. It was fun voting for Trump but fuck him.

>> No.16861455

>i'm old now
>this means someone else should pay for my healthcare
fuck off boomer

>> No.16861504

>ANOTHER boss laughs/screams at me in the bathroom thread from the same guy
>/biz/ devours the bait

>> No.16861533

> we lost
fuck off, it's you who lost, because you're a pathetic loser and wait for lefties to fix your problems. know what? they won't. go kys

>> No.16861687

Twenty years ago I worked at Walmart while in college....wasn't that bad but I only worked 15-20 hrs/week. Its worse now by leaps and bounds...stores aren't kept clean, nigs just hanging around instead of working, lazy fat chicks that don't care. The same thing happened to Kmart in the 70's-80's....look for the development of a 'new Walmart' replacement, a lower end Target if you will...invest in it if you spot it.

>> No.16861696

your faggot victim mentality is what keeps you down, you seem extremely feminine and a fucking loser to be honest. grow the fuck up and start taking responsibility for your own life.

eurofag here, dont give a fuck about trump or bernie or whoever the fuck is in the office

>> No.16862385

Bernie is based. Imagine voting for a liar and a grifter over an honest man.

>> No.16862567
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>> No.16862694

>no life experience
>thinks his opinion copypasted from self help scam gurus matters