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File: 39 KB, 254x321, old white woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1683300 No.1683300 [Reply] [Original]

Why are old white women universally the worst possible customer you can ever have in your store? They're so stupid, angry at things you can't control while holding you responsible, and self-obsessed.

It's uncanny and I have literally never encountered an exception in 15+ years accumulated experience. Young white women are a mixed bag, old black women are generally friendly even if kinda dull, and old white men generally get that you're just doing your job.

Why is it specifically old white women that are such fucking abominable cunts that are impossible to deal with?

>> No.1683320

Their whole life resolved around their looks. And then they got old.

>> No.1683324


>> No.1683368

White baby boomer women were used to having the easy life. Marry a guy with a steady job, get a nice house, have some kids, don't really have to do any work. Then they start getting old and they can't adapt to the changing world. Now they have to talk to a robot on the phone to get their pills refilled. They need to insert their credit card into the chip reader (and leave it in there until it is approved!) instead of just writing a check. They need don't understand why self checkout is replacing nice cashiers that they can chat with. The good life that they knew has been replaced with frustrating technology that they can't figure out due to their slowly deteriorating mental capacity.

>> No.1683689

Middle aged white males are the worse. They are the most entitled and feel they deserve anything they want because they make 60k a year bossing around Mexicans and brag about how they just got in before college education was required for every job. They brag about all of their man toys they finance and threaten to physically injure 17 year old cashiers for products that weren't up to their expectations.

Every time I see some 40 year old fat ass that still wears athletic clothing and talks about his high school years being a football player chad I'm going to have a fucking aneurism.

>> No.1683715



>> No.1683727


Depends on the industry, but you're talking about housewives. Women who don't work, on often times, have never worked in their lives.

Some are fine and some are complete cunts. Their spending their mans money.

Just the way it is nigger.

>> No.1683753


>> No.1683770

take a woman; naturally dumb and emotionally driven

now add on 50 or so years and alot of ego and entitlement that comes with surviving that long

there you go, you have an old woman

>> No.1683782

im the guy you decribe

heres the thing, this year i have had a few things happen to me that has never ever happened before

>order a burger- they forgot to put the burger in the bun.

They literally just gave me a bun with cheese

>order a coffee- turns out its tea.

Got into argument with waitress that says for me to just drink it. No bitch i ordered a coffee, im sorry but its your job to give me what i ordered, not ORDER me to drink what you brought me and then charge me for it

>order pankcakes
>they come out black, literally black. Ask for news ones. The waiter says they are just well done and that he wont bring me new ones

I swear to god if this next generation is going to run things in a few years were all fucked. A burger with burger, a coffee thats actually tea, a black puck pancake thats just "well done".


>> No.1684073


Women are children.

it took me about 28 years of my life to come to this conclusion. It really is how they want to be related to and how they function.

Think about it.

>> No.1684078

what is an adult tho anyway?

>> No.1684087

no argument is necessary, service workers are drones. always ask to speak with the manager if you are dissatisfied with the product or service. be completely stone-faced, dont be trapped by petty personal snapping back and forth with the grunts bringing you the shit. get what you want, pay for what you received and is fair, and leave.

>> No.1684111


Someone who bears the ultimate responsibilities of life.

ie a Man.

>> No.1685242

>Got into argument with waitress that says for me to just drink it.
I don't know where you went for that but in all the places I work grunts that start shit with customers don't even last a month. People that make customers leave unsatisfied get fired like they have a disease.

>> No.1685249

King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature ...
Book by Robert L. Moore

>> No.1685251

You forgot asian mothers, I'll take Muriel and Mildred over a self-obssesed insane asian bitch any day

>> No.1685270


>no argument is necessary, service workers are drones. always ask to speak with the manager if you are dissatisfied with the product or service. be completely stone-faced, dont be trapped by petty personal snapping back and forth with the grunts bringing you the shit. get what you want, pay for what you received and is fair, and leave.

Holy crap this so much. Who gets emotional about some fast food that you shouldn't be eating anyways?

>> No.1685288
File: 76 KB, 700x926, IMG_2929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently a service worker at starbucks part time while at uni, if you act like a cunt we're going to ruin your drink/food whatever

Usually it's subtle like switching your espresso to decaf or viceversa

You can never prove we did something wrong and we'll smile the entire time

>> No.1685318

like I said, petty petty bullshit. grow the fuck up

>> No.1685326
File: 146 KB, 300x375, IMG_2706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why get so buttmad? I get paid minimum wage to fill spare time and you expect me to not fuck with self-entitled old people?

>> No.1685366

I hate dealing with these fucks.

>> No.1685367

wow, you are human garbage.

>> No.1685415

check your privilege

>> No.1685421

these are the worst if you work retail
these are the worst if you work food service

>> No.1685602

you suck at trolling as well. grow up bitch

>> No.1685626


Old white women are the easiest to deal with. You just give it to them straight. Every thing sells itself when you do that.

They generally don't look at cost efficiency at all and buy things on a whim.