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File: 106 KB, 1080x673, IMG_20200114_223031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16852751 No.16852751 [Reply] [Original]

Craig will win the case against Ira.
Today was just the beginning.
Get ready real Bitcoiners.

>> No.16852758

Has craig won anything?

>> No.16852762

he's going to deposit he seed inside their mouth, isn't he?

>> No.16852765

is this moron too stupid to realize he owes 500k bitcoin?

>> No.16852768

Man hes gotta be having the time of his life right now

>> No.16852790

You misunderstand what is actually happening in this court case. Ira and Calvin are running a scam where they will create a court decision that Craig owes Ira half of the Satoshi coins. Then they will attempt to have that enforced. Ira is in on the scam.

>> No.16852817
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The battle over your mind.

>> No.16852824

I didn't know you guys were full blown schizos, I thought that was just a meme.

Wow, get some help man

>> No.16852838

??? holyshit you are a brainlet

dipshit creg owes 500k bitcoin or he goes to federal prison, not sure how clear this is

>> No.16852842
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A civil case in Florida isn't going to force governments around the world to clamp down on miners and force them to fork stoj coins.

>> No.16852847

It's literally the same scam that Craig pulled when he sued his own company in Australia.

>> No.16852858
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>4D chess
>4D chess
4D chess sirs buy bsv sirs very good coin much profit 1200 rupees EOY

>> No.16852864

the dump taking place right now will be fucking glorious

>> No.16852865

what the fuck are you even talking about?

let me put this in simple terms: CREG NEEDS TO COME UP WITH 500k BITCOIN OR HE GOES TO JAIL

>> No.16852867

Even if he wins doesn't he have to pay her billions?

>> No.16852869

sauce on that statement?

>> No.16852870

He literally had to run away
And he already got an Antiguan passport for the final exit scam

>> No.16852879

Did you even read what I was replying to, retard?

>> No.16852882

No, that doesn't mean he goes to federal prison if he loses.
I never said that governments will enforce it. It's them attempting what I said originally none the less

>> No.16852883

Only if Ira side can prove a legal partnership between Craig and his friend who helped him code the first version.

>> No.16852891

You'd have to look through the old court files

>> No.16852892


Yes, yes it does, its considered fraud

>> No.16852899

Where is he posting this stuff?

>> No.16852901

True, and he will most likely end up in Antigua after all this is finished

>> No.16852904

maybe ur the brainlet.
>create "judgement" that declares creg must pay ira 500k
>rationale behind this is: both were involved with bitcoin create (ie. creg is satoshi)
>calvin + creg mine invalid blocks in bsv. stealing satoshi's original coins
>now creg pays ira 500k...which cost him nothing...they were just forged from his own blockchain
>moves 500k satoshi bsv coins to ira (his partner) they now imply they will "sell the btc/bch" coins.
is this making more sense now.

>> No.16852912

did you read any of the court transcript, it's already been decided that creg is wrong and the only way to bail his ass out is to deliver 500k bitcoin

>> No.16852917

He owes BTC not BSV

>> No.16852921
File: 49 KB, 500x618, BSVBROKEBITCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, fair enough. If the court in Florida does the right thing they'll shut this whole shitshow down and throw his dumbass in jail for fraud but this isn't a criminal trial.

>> No.16852922

Nothing is decided you brainlet.

>> No.16852925

this quite possibly the dumbest shit i've ever read, congrats you are the top brainlet on biz anon

>> No.16852927

>I never said that governments will enforce it
Then how do you expect the case to be enforced and the coins stolen? At least use some reason in your cope posting.

Because if a court case is enforced by the government it's the miners who will then be forced by the government to enforce the out come of the case. Why is thinking so goddamn hard for you faggots?

>> No.16852933

Also this. The case is strictly BTC.

>> No.16852937

of course, but the stupid market wont know....
he will just say "i'm transferring the bsv now, and will do the btc """"SOOOON""""" and dumb 90iq will believe him

also: Sending a copy of bitcoin whitepaper to copyright office doesn't prove he is satoshi, but look how many mongoloids fell for it...

>> No.16852942

You do realise it is illegal for him to discuss an ongoing court case right. If this is real, he basically shot himself in the foot...

>> No.16852943

your right it wasn't a criminal trial until creg thought he could outsmart a judge and lost, guess what happens now?

clearly you didn't read the transcript

>> No.16852946

you need more real life experience in dealing with conmen....the confusion of "but he transferred bsv...what about btc"? will just be another point of confusing he uses

>> No.16852949


>> No.16852950
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Buckle up, faggots

>> No.16852956
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They want it to work is all I'm saying. The court said it doesn't decide if craig is Satoshi (the creator of Bitcoin) or not. Also, they will probably use that to fork Satoshi's unclaimed bsv coins.

>> No.16852960

you need medication anon

>> No.16852965

>your right it wasn't a criminal trial until creg thought he could outsmart a judge and lost, guess what happens now?
I hope that also.

>> No.16852967
File: 50 KB, 533x388, 21B9E841-4939-4CB9-9232-505F836174AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the miners who will then be forced by the government
take your pills

>> No.16852971


>> No.16852986

4 billion

>> No.16853015


They have no clue lol

>> No.16853020

see >>16852956

You guys are fucking idiots. I'm not saying the government WILL enforce this. I'm playing devils advocate in a scenario where the government would enforce the court case. kys retards.

>> No.16853032

you are bumbling idiot get off my board

>> No.16853073

>you are bumbling idiot

I bought BSV at $50. Suck my dick, niggerfaggot.

>> No.16853077

over the last year, creg had that mysterious post out of the blue saying something to the effect: "Miners must comply with the law, miners are not above the law....if a judge rules XXX then a miner must obey"

everyone was scraching heads a bit of what he meant, then of course it clicked: he is setting the stage for "a judge ordered me to mine invalid blocks and take satoshi's coins because I owe ira"....

Its a cheap and stupid ploy, but he is a cheap and stupid person.

>> No.16853086 [DELETED] 

What is the context for this?? E.g. the release of certain documents,...

Still no uploaded files showing up on courtlistener b y the way: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/6309656/kleiman-v-wright/?filed_after=&filed_before=&entry_gte=&entry_lte=&order_by=desc

>> No.16853102

What do even people talk about? Even the miners do it, nodes won't fucking confirm shit. Invalid miners will be working for nothing.

>> No.16853108

>Craig will win the case against Ira.
nobody on earth really gives a shit either way except for creg, ira, bsv pajeet shills and creg's homosexual lovers who fuck creg in the ass whenever he needs a pick-me-up.

>> No.16853111

such an ambiguously worded phrase.
translation: they provided a password protected zip file that contained an excel spreadsheet that listed the 'addresses' he owns.

>> No.16853120
File: 22 KB, 422x354, DYlyTaqW4AE2E3U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Load ze fud.

>> No.16853122

what "nodes"?
you mean the software that nchain wrote that you run?

>> No.16853123

>the government
which government?
Good luck enforcing anything
Based on which law? Miner can do whatever they want with electricity since they are private entities paying regular electricity bills

>> No.16853124

Not illegal just not advised. But he holds all the keys I believe so what's the risk?

>> No.16853130

nchain? I mean the original bitcoin node that is open source and free. Doesn't he owe BTC?

>> No.16853133
File: 86 KB, 672x371, ujlhfukfyykug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because in such an event that courts did order something like that on Bitcoin, it would be possible because miners have addresses. Especially the big ones.

Like I said earlier though, even if for some reason the Florida court orders miners to seize the coins it's only one jurisdiction. You need courts all over the world to enforce anything on Bitcoin, which is very fucking hard to do and they certainty aren't going to do it over a civil court case in Florida that according to even the court is shaky.

Now I have a bunch of literal retards replying to me who don't understand wtf I'm talking about.

>> No.16853145


>> No.16853148

yes. but he will first move bsv....people with >105iq will say "but what about the btc" and he will just do more handwaving and delays...

the thing about conmen is their story never makes full sense...they compartmentalize everything where individual statements or actions make limited sense, but the whole story falls apart on examination.
stated another way, its why they prey on <105iq crowd.

>> No.16853149


>> No.16853153

>Good luck enforcing anything



>> No.16853154

why do you think that it is intentionally so hard to sync a bsv node??

the only nodes that the average joe will have access to will be ones that impose this coin allocation by fiat. that’s what genesis is for.

>> No.16853159

>even if for some reason the Florida court orders miners to seize the coins it's only one jurisdiction. You need courts all over the world to enforce anything on Bitcoin,
thats not how interpol works dude. a judgement in the US will be enforceable worldwide.

>> No.16853168

Court said he owed BTC though not BSV. With this way in future everyone could just create their own fork with valueless coins.

>> No.16853182

again you are out of your depth in dealing with conmen.

the bsv/btc/bch distinction will only serve to confuse the market (his market of low iq retards)

>> No.16853189

Can he trick the court with this kinda shit though? i think not.

>> No.16853198

The court doesn't make that decision though so craig will still need the keys to access the coins on BTC and BCH. He doesn't have those keys, btw

>> No.16853219

he doesn’t need to trick the court, just something he can wave around to prove his need to hard fork himself a bunch of free BSV

and these hapless fools are celebrating their own impending dumpening

>> No.16853246

hey Kamerad, wo postet Satoshi den shit?

>> No.16853277
File: 167 KB, 1005x628, 1558063282728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Countries don't automatically accept judgments. I don't know a whole lot about Interpol, but this is from their website:

>INTERPOL cannot compel the law enforcement authorities in any country to arrest someone who is the subject of a Red Notice.

As of right now the case in Florida is still dealing with a large amount of doubt that creg even actually owns the coins and this would only happen if he loses the case, fails to provide keys/pay Ira and they move to seize them by force without the strongest of evidence he ever actually owned them.

Not likely.

>> No.16853560

>a judgment in the US will be enforceable worldwide.
Holy shit imagine actually believing this

>> No.16853713

Billions of a worthless coin. BTC is going to 0

>> No.16854044

imagine not believing this

>> No.16854178

Why would anyone believe that. In order for minors to comply, they'd have to hardfork. All they're doing is refusing to hardfork. Craig can run a hardfork on his own nodes.