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16848292 No.16848292 [Reply] [Original]

I admit it, I was very short on money over the last 2 years and knew you faggots were right. LINK will have you all make it and be wealthy. I just want to know one thing, what's the next LINK so I can actually get in early. Missed BTC, missed ETH, missed LINK. And now, finally, I have an excess of income to spend and I can't afford a make it stack of any of those 3. There's always one sub 10m cap coin that will become a make-out coin while the other 90+% will fail. Is it ARPA? Someone soon feed me.

>> No.16848372

Defi is the living meme. Listen to the episodes of SNX ceo Kain. Also you can still profit from ETH by having 32 ETH and running a node. Plus 1,000 link eoy is always on the table so you’re not priced out fren. We will all make it

>> No.16848397

>link not even $5 yet and positioned to go a LOT higher
>guys i'm priced out should I buy udoo lmao

Maybe boomer stocks are more your speed

>> No.16848409

I can afford probably a good 2k LINK, probably around 5k by summer but that's still not even a make it stack. I want the next one that I can sit with comfy. I plan on stacking ETH/LINK but I was just seeing if any generous anon wanted to spoonfeed me.

>> No.16848437

Go for link man. Be patient. We'll probably see sub $2 Link again.

>> No.16848440

just put few hundred bucks or something in to link, sell it for profit after a year

>> No.16848454

You aren't priced out yet. That's fucking loser talk. I want you to get all of your money together. Get your parent's money together. Get your neetbux money together. Sell your playstation and anime faggot figurine collection. Sell your fucking car, your house, your dog. Fucking everything. We're all gonna fucking make it. Get your act together and fucking was dishes at night and cashier for McDonald's during the day. Put it ALL in Link or you'll fucking regret it trying to chase the shitcoin of the month

>> No.16848467
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Normies will be buying this at $10+, you’re not even closed to being priced out. Just keep DCAing this year.

>> No.16848479

stac NET

>> No.16848484

This is the dream, I want 10k LINK and could afford that if we have one more bear wave.

>> No.16848676

Link is 2.35 and u are talking u are priced out ? How fcking brainless u are ?

>> No.16848700

A 10k making it stack is $24,000 right now

>> No.16848710

This. And I only have about 6k to throw at crypto right now. So, with that in mind, priced out.

>> No.16848717

Why are people so obsessed with 10k link? this isn't going to $100.. maybe $10 max by 2023.

>> No.16848762

>he doesnt know it is the fucking god protocol.

>> No.16848769

>priced out
Think about what these words mean.
LINK will likely do a 100x from here.
There are probably a handful of other cryptos in all of future history that will repeat LINK, BTC, ETH etc. trajectory. Maybe 5-10 tops. Do you want to gamble on a 99.9% chance to lose everything so you can have a .1% chance at a 1000x, or do you want the sure thing 100x? I'd take the latter and I'm 154 IQ. What's your IQ?

With 2,000 LINK you'll be able to pay for a decent house to raise a family in and NEVER have to have a mortgage. In most places that means you live, RENT FREE, for less than $5,000/year + food costs. It becomes very easy to save money when you're not throwing $1000-3000/month away on housing. This will set you up to retire early. It'll create freedom in your life choices. You may not escape waging altogether but you won't feel trapped. In a month you'll be able to save up enough to quit and spend another month or two looking for another job. You'll feel less than half the financial pressure of most people in the world.

Be grateful for the opportunity.

>> No.16848770

if people are buying bsv at 6 billion market cap people will buy link at 1 billion, you are not priced out

in fact, the chinese money will start flowing in the next week or two because of the confluxchain and another company that i cannot speak of announcements

link will probably be 2.80-3.50 by the end of this week alone

>> No.16848787


>> No.16848797

My plan is to diversify into QNT and dump my QNT once it moons and go all in on link.

>> No.16848828


shut the fuck up and buy link. everyone always wants more.

>> No.16848836

Lol only one flaw to your plan: quant is a shitcoin that already got pnded. It's entire usecase is covered by link.

>> No.16848847
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were going to the moon boys

>> No.16848861

Kill yourself

>> No.16848866

>It's entire usecase is covered by link.

Ok retard.

>> No.16848874

He's not wrong...

>> No.16848887
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>hearing all these people talk about reaching 10k link
>they don't know the sad truth that once you get there all you can think about is why it isn't 100k
>t. 10k holder

>> No.16848929

This. It’s pain. I was so happy when I reached 10k linkies. Then, as the months passed I thought more and more about reaching 100k and how far I am from that milestone.

>> No.16848943
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>Only 1k link
>Top comfy

>> No.16848944
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Linkmarines Do you know for sure that you'd go to Heaven if you were to die suddenly today?


>> No.16848969

We won’t have a correction that low again.

>> No.16849006

Well then thread still applies, I'll mull it over whether I should get a half assed LINK stack. The marines are probably right, might as well jump in late.

>> No.16849061

Yeah, retard. Better to be the last ‘smart money’ investor than the first bag holder fleeced.

>> No.16849076

Ok thanks fren

>> No.16849079

dont listen to him snx was a pump n dump. they have screen caps of some discord faggot admitting jt

>> No.16849081

not even close to being priced out op. was $2.3 btc/eth priced out?

>> No.16849098


I bought btc years ago when it was $1k, ate shit until its ATH, then bought a ton of link. Your journey has to begin at some point.

>> No.16849125

$2.3 is different depending on supply. It's like buying $23 ETH. Which, obviously is still great gains but that's a 60-70x from here. Obviously still great, guess I'm just discouraged I knew LINK was a great buy but was going through financial issues while it was cheap.

>> No.16849160

Chinese New Year in about a week, we usually see a dip then, no? I know that's more specific to BTC, but the market tends to follow

>> No.16849166

You sound like a retard. Link is dirt cheap right now compared to how high its going.

>> No.16849199

Trust me normies will not bother investing 2k or 5k into some obscure project it's too difficult to explain it to them anyways.

>> No.16849211

I already said it's going to fly, I said I missed a make it stack.

>> No.16849223

You have 4/5 years before link actually moons, that's plenty of time to accumulate a stack, wow you might have to forego buying a new phone or some other stupid shit to afford it, god forbid

>> No.16849258

you deserve it

>> No.16849269

>that long
Try end of year

>> No.16849293

Thanks fren

>> No.16849295


>> No.16849298

A fancy new phone would be like $600 that wouldn't help much

>> No.16849346

gonna have to wait on this one, 100k stack is enough to make it in 2 years MAYBE

>> No.16849351

end of year 4 years from now

>> No.16849365

Should I hold 42 eth or 2.8k link?

>> No.16849369

You haven't missed BAT yet

>> No.16849833

BIZ is the ultimate friend and enemy for link. A lot of NEETs here have huge link bags. They are going to sell early and Link dump will trigger. So screen cap this OP...expect atleast 50% retracement when Link hits $3.50...all because of biz neets

>> No.16850057

This is basically where I'm at.

>> No.16850116

>that's still not even a make it stack.
This is like saying that 5k ETH isn't a make it stack.

>> No.16850329

Just buy link. You should still be able to 20x your investment.

>> No.16850367

and new year

>> No.16850407

Prob buy bch. 10X is atleast gaurunteed

>> No.16850410

If you buy link for less than $10 then you can still 100x your investment. At least

>> No.16850448

Just because you can't get a make it stack doesn't mean you shouldn't get a stack at all. It is still the most sure thing in crypto. As another Anon said. Take the 100% chance for huge gains. In the unlikely event that there are any microcaps in existence that will outperform link in the next 2 years they will not have the same staking gains and they are higher risk.

>> No.16850517

Link most probable outcome at peak of next bullrun is $20-30, if youre feeling a bit more generous I could see up to $50. There is no chance link hits $200 in the next five years.

>> No.16850559

1000x is the minimum

>> No.16850570

If you can afford that much
1 youre not priced out
2 you should invest in a safer bet like BCH

>> No.16850584

2.3 link is more like 100 eth

>> No.16850622

I'm a Conservative guy... If someone buys link at $10 then they can 100x it when it reaches $1000. It can reach $10,000 and so on. It will be very important. But I want to see the promises fulfilled first. If they manage to fulfil them then easily 1000x.

>> No.16850626

To be priced out means you can't even afford a 1k stack, idiot

>> No.16850633

Just buy BitCoin (SV of course!)

>> No.16850653

Work 3 jobs and live like a monk. Put everything into link.

>> No.16850704
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All the anons who have/plan to have 2k stack, how the fuck will you go about taking profit?

At what price will you start selling, in what quantities? When will your final sell be? Will you keep something forever? Will you keep all forever?

I was thinking about keeping 1000 links forever and stake 'em. And sell the other 1000 links in a batches of 100, starting at 300$. So sell first 100 at 300$, second 100 at 400$ and so on.

>> No.16850714

Things is we shouldn’t be selling any link even this bull run so If you want something to flip for the next year buy eth or bch or maybe litecoin but link is going to go up in value as smart contracts continue to permeate the world so I wouldn’t sell any until it hits 100 at least I would just hold down some good goy job and wait

>> No.16850743
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>tfw bought 11k LINK at ICO
>never bought any since to not fuck up my perfect 11 cent average

not sure if I'm autistic or a loser

>> No.16850747

That’s a decent plan keep accumulating this year tho it’s the most valuable asset this decade

>> No.16850788

You don't underestand markets, or Link

>> No.16850816

Kleros is still very low mate. Look it up. Even Vitalik shills it semi actively. Their roadmap has been insane and they publish shit all the time.

>> No.16850839

>ETH hits $5
>"guys i'm priced out now, what's the next ETH?"

>> No.16850914

Buy RSR and unironicially dude 1000 link. At minimum try to get 500 which shouldn't be hard at all for someone with at least 200$ a week into crypto

>> No.16850927

Link will be 82 max.

>> No.16850982
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You're not priced out faggot. I have a 32k stack, I've been buying every month since the ICO and I'm going to keep buying until at least $10.

Either you heed this advice and start DCAing in, or you neck yourself in 2 years when LINK is over $30 and you realise you could have been a millionaire.

>> No.16851109

It's pumping, when will Sergey start dumping 700k?

>> No.16851117

Im in the same boat have 2k may get another 500 after the next dip. Ill probably copy you desu.

>> No.16851143

this is a dumb question as a noob, but once the price goes high as fuck and everyone sells. what would be the point in even owning it anymore? wont the price go down

>> No.16851145

Bitcoin is too difficult to explain to normies, but they bought that.
ETH even more so.

Link allows for smart contracts, smart loans, smart securities, smart bonds, ...
"Smart X" is catchy, normies lap this type of shit up.

>> No.16851257

1k link is unironically the make it stack. Just buy them and tuck it away, then go looking for gems.

>> No.16851314

How can you not know anything at all about Chainlink?

>> No.16851582

It's not "currency", it's a utility token. An analogy would be like: each token is a tcp packet on the internet - people aren't going to "stop" using tcp, that means getting off the internet and mobile forever/cancelling internet service

If this shit goes as planned, it's in place PERMANENTLY

>> No.16851628

If you think link is getting any real adoption you are delusional. Its only a question of how high it can pump on speculation

>> No.16851702

It's used as collateral in contracts, if link works as planned there will be MASSIVE demand for it

>> No.16851714

The Conflux/Chainlink blog contains the sentence "billions of users".
We made it

>> No.16851728


>> No.16851818

How much are they paying you to shill? Serious, in this whole threads of shills, you are by far the most brilliant and over top with just shilling the dream of just being ultra rich...hold it back a little there. Btw hook me up, you know how to contact me

>> No.16851861

Chinese do need to prepare some of that red pocket money to dish out, usually a dip in Hk stocks...not so much in real estate, chinese gotta get a home if they can before CNY.

>> No.16851913


>> No.16851958


>> No.16852163
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Masternodes already profitable
Collaboration with 80b + revenue company on AMB-NET to be announced
Test bundles uploaded by Nichirei Corp
Massive accumulation happened in Sept/Oct
Price at ATL after FUDstorm from emotional bag holders in TG

>> No.16852182

Itt people actually believe link can reach double digits

>> No.16852194

I've been waiting for link to go under $2 to buy it but I dont think it will anymore. Should I just get in now?

>> No.16852239

Yeah sure just do it whatever. It’s never going above $4 who cares.

>> No.16852243

Wait for it to go sub $1 later this year

>> No.16852257

buy a little now a little next week and a little the week after that.

>> No.16852267

It isn’t

>> No.16852304

Not sub 1 but below 1.5 wont be surprising. People are forgetting Link is coming off ath cycle while most other alts have already bottomed out and are starting a new cycle.

>> No.16852385

Will reach $10.00 before it goes back under $1.50

>> No.16852456

Dude go fuck yourself. Just buy it already and stop complaning when youre really not as poor as the majority of people here

>> No.16852467


BUMP answer this fellow faggot linklets

>> No.16852480

>selling link
I am afraid you simply will not make it fren. You don't have the "warrior" mentality that is required. You also don't know about the very real benefits of steaking.

>> No.16852498


nigga i have to buy my own place so how the fuck am i supposed to do that with my tiny stack if i never sell. what kind of profits can i expect from staking if i stake 2000 links anyway?

>> No.16852529


also want to avoid wagecucking, i couldn't handle that shit after i finish college

>> No.16852580


and if i was to really think. if we are really THAT early then even 1000 link stack will be HUGE in 10 years, so why not sell first 1000 and keep the second 1000 forever? by selling first 1000 i could afford buying my own place without debt and probably still have some money to start my own business. why would that be bad?

>> No.16852606

>what kind of profits can i expect from staking if i stake 2000 links anyway?
You should probably do your own research

>> No.16852620

>1 million United States Federal reserve notes is better than 2 million United States Federal reserve notes

>> No.16852646


fuck off. nobody knows what staking rewards willl be. likely something around 10% per year. how much will that be depends on the link price.


>what is opportunity cost
if i cash out 1 mil and buy my own place at the real estate crash and start investing in boomer stocks in the middle of the crysis where the prices are low then yes 1 mil is better than (remember, i would only sell 1000 links so it could take a while for these 1000 links to be worth 2 million)

>> No.16853440

>see the promises fulfilled first
by then it will be too late!

t. .03 LINK whale circa 2055

>> No.16853491

>asks what kind of profits can be expected from staking
>answers his own question

>> No.16853501

>Trust me normies will not bother investing 2k or 5k into some obscure project it's too difficult to explain it to them anyways.
You are clueless
Do you think they care? They'll just buy whatever will make them money. And since it’s on coinbase and not some obscure bullshit exchange the fomo is going to be catastrophic.

>> No.16853545
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VIDT is your answer

>> No.16853602


kek i know, just want another opinion on what to do with my stack reeeee

>> No.16853657

This post proves that you have no idea how market works
>link is off ath cycle
Are you fucking retarded? Lol
Market doesn’t work like that

>> No.16853711

Dude, you cant time everything perfectly. If you understand the project, you know it is destined for growth. You can sit and bitch about a 40 cent price difference or you can get onboard. I tried playing this game of waiting to buy when it was at .20 thinking I'd get just a little more when it drops to .18. Needless to say it never made it to .18 and I ended up settling over .30 waiting for the dip that never came. It's better to just be onboard then fretting over a 10% difference because in the long run it wont matter.

>> No.16854013
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>There is no chance link hits $200 in the next five years.

>> No.16854051

Digital asset is replacing australia's chess system with their blockchain based system. They will use chainlink. Everything has to be done by by spring 2021.

>> No.16854226
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This is now a breadcrumb thread

>> No.16854629

>I was thinking about keeping 1000 links forever and stake 'em. And sell the other 1000 links in a batches of 100, starting at 300$. So sell first 100 at 300$, second 100 at 400$ and so on.

Do you need the money? If not why not wait till $400 if you think it is likely to go that way - obviously after there is movement. Those amounts you are cashing out are not life changing really..

>> No.16854639

>Thinking australia won't be burned out by then
what's CHESS system?

>> No.16854645

Go back to Africa.

>> No.16854650

just buy link before you an hero

>> No.16854730

I have only 200 dollars worth of link, do I sell now so I can buy more? I am young and not willing to invest more.

>> No.16854733


>> No.16854819

Ok, why do you think they'll use link?

>> No.16854873

Look into zap! Supposed to have some big partnerships announced tomorrow and Thursday

>> No.16855226

Hey rsr fren, how many rsr would you recommend?

>> No.16855330


>> No.16855614

we don't need FOMO for Link to moon. The market demand will drive the price up even without fomo
It's this the cool thing of Link
Hold 3 years

>> No.16855960

Had a similar plan lol