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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16847990 No.16847990 [Reply] [Original]


goldbugs, silverchads, and cryptoshills report in


>> No.16848127

great idea...gotta keep the scam rolling

>> No.16848151
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reminder if youre not a silverlink chad youll never make it

>> No.16848164

Thank you FED for keeping America financially secure, and securing our boomer generation into retirement.

>> No.16848183

if hedge funds get access to 0.0001% money btc will be 1m almost instantly

>> No.16848190

I like /biz/ memes but I'm not really good at real world economy, so what does it all mean?

>> No.16848206

It means precious metals are worthless and will dump

>> No.16848220

Don’t short stocks. God knows how long this nonsense will keep them pumped. At least for the whole of 2020.

>> No.16848547
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> >1 BTC
My body is ready.

>> No.16848755

Is this like what Japan has done with their economy for the last 30 years?

>> No.16848781

someone post full article

>> No.16848791

Reninder that this is the beginning of act iv of crypto saga. XRP,BTC,LINK, and ETH will moon significantly in that order from most to least.

>> No.16848793


>> No.16848802

Okay nigger, when is this pump to $1M supposed to occur? I got people I need to pay off

>> No.16848817


>> No.16848901


Not happening bro. Not when Link exists and banks are using their own blockchain solutions anyway.

>> No.16848923

BSV is about to take over the entire crypto market, all other coins are shit. You don't like it? STIFF

>> No.16848966


>paywall wsj

archive that shit man cmon

>> No.16849348

outline.com, works with every paywall article

>> No.16849422

if hedgefonds get free money what will they do with it?

>> No.16849438


>> No.16849455

>BSV is about to take over the entire crypto market
gain some perspective dude. everything is booming right now...fucking ripple is up.

>> No.16849494

Wow it didn't fuckin work

>> No.16849511
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>doesnt understand LINK is a tool for smart contracts
>doesnt understand xrp is for cross borders liquidity

>> No.16849515

the problem is that 95% of regular goys dont have a clue what the fuck is going on and still try to stop pile their paper monies.

>> No.16849595

>doesn’t understand that banks don’t need or care for a volatile and illiquid shitcoin to act as intermediary for their cross border transactions

>> No.16849623

>doesnt understand xrp is for cross borders liquidity
remember that you said this in the future:
"Hey everyone....I know we own SWIFT and we have 99.999% of the the world using it....but lets turn over everything to this other company we have no stake in nor control over"

>> No.16849648

I have 10oz silver and 100linkies. Will I make it?

>> No.16849667

Yes but they don’t have our deficit and they are not the reserve currency.

>> No.16849687

The delusion/panic in the faketoshi camp is working overtime. Let the grownups talk little buddy, your play bitcoin will PnD just like it always does.

>> No.16849808

BSV is leading the market with 100%+ gains, everything else is tracking up because of arbitrage bots that just automatically buy and sell on all markets to keep cryptos correlated.

You can clearly see the movement started from bsv and other assets are just getting a lagged and smaller correlated movement

>> No.16849849

Full article: https://pastebin.com/8zbTqf3W

>> No.16849851

Doesn't anyone here know how to use internet achive or something?
Open archive, paste link, press archive and read it.

>> No.16849876

>BSV is leading the market with 100%+ gains, everything else is tracking up because of arbitrage bots that just automatically buy and sell on all markets to keep cryptos correlated.

>bots can buy everything simultaneously with no outside money coming in
you sound very gay

>> No.16849880

I tried this with a wsj article recently and it didn’t work. I could read the full version in my browser (not even signed in or anything) but the archive was the abridged version with paywall.

>> No.16849920

the hero /biz/ doesnt deserve

>> No.16849925

you think the almost 100% perfect sub-second correlation across all cryptos is due to humans buying? it's all arbitrage and market making bots dude, the only thing that matters is the differential between how different cryptos are moving.
Same shit for the s&p and whatnot, most of the volume is just etfs buying and selling everything at once rather than people stockpicking

>> No.16849942

>swift: hey guys please keep using our legacy system thats slow as shit and costs a lot while having to keep nostro/vostro accounts just cuz XXXXXXDDDDDD

yeah ok rere

>> No.16849947
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> make money out of thin air
> lend it for interest
> literally infinite profits
is this the final Jew ? I can't think of any simpler way to make money

>> No.16849956


maybe it has something to do with the title of this thread.

>> No.16849996

let me try to explain to you simply zoomie:

each commercial bank owns a percentage share in the federal reserve...their percentage of ownership is equal to their total market capitalization...the bigger the bank (jpm) the bigger the share of fed they own.
swift is their own system. saying they are going to fomo into ripple is so stupid that its not even stupid.

>> No.16850049
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>> No.16850088

I hate to propagate cryptoshit talk in a good thread, but the clearinghouse they mention in the article could be replaced by LINK, yeah?

>> No.16850119

Holy shit you really are room temp IQ

SWIFT does not facilitate funds transfer: rather, it sends payment orders, which must be settled by correspondent accounts that the institutions have with each other. Each financial institution, to exchange banking transactions, must have a banking relationship by either being a bank or affiliating itself with one (or more) so as to enjoy those particular business features.

A lot of banks already use ripplenet.....the regulatory clarity is whats holding back ODL for xrapid

>> No.16850512

Chinese Sanctions for oil and gas industry are in pipe right now. likely deployed by weekend. coworker says they're "all involved" levels.

>> No.16850539

XRP is the future

>> No.16850638

man you are SOOOOOO wrong.

>> No.16850655

XRP is dead and will fade away. I mean it already is. This is Dash level dead.

>> No.16850669

hi trevor

>> No.16850713

>subscribe to read the full story
would somebody give me a quick rundown please?

>> No.16850779

cryto fags do because we have been fucked with tether so hard before. Usd is the real world tether. Ride it out and sell peridically into something that will old value. im starting to thing its btc more and more because gold is going to get shit on with this.

>> No.16850798

It means they will give free money to boomer funds so they can buy stonks so the numbers go up.
Why thats good for the real economy Im not sure?? Some anon should explain more

>> No.16850900

if your take is true then we really are living on borrowed time

>> No.16850908

its not good,usd is real world tether. they print and pump btc. Well stock market has a bunch of middle men bullshit so it takes a while for money to flow to lower lever rich people who then use that money for whatever. the artticle is implying that the fed(bitfiniex) is just going to give it straight to hedge funds/smaller banks(lower level rich people). It will pump everything.

>> No.16851839

Clearinhouses balance out the days debts and credits so only the difference needs to be settled. You could use Link oracle to verify digital assets being settled and to have an accurate balance of credits and debts that isnt relying on a central point of failure (the actual clearinghouse org).

>> No.16851854


>> No.16851881

>i've got people I need to pay off
This is why BTC is dead. Degenerates like you.

>> No.16851897

>shill pushing for israeli chainlink scam AND bank shitcoin
Imagine my shock

>> No.16851904

I keep saying to you retards they dont want to have a 2008 again and these kike fucks have the manipulation of the market so down that we will never see a fucking crash ever. If anything it will be such a slight decline that we won't notice at all and our great great great grand children or whatever wont even know that it was different 500yrs earlier.

>> No.16852183

The same thing they do every time, give themselves huge bonus and golden parachutes, the whole shit is a perma scam

>> No.16852200

I sincerely doubt that. Any attempts to long btc will be met with market manipulation whose only purpose will be to kill speculators

>> No.16852209

>no crash
All the world banks between 2008-September 2019 created out of thin air $14 trillion USD. In the last 4 months they created $1.1 trillion usd. This year is the year.

>> No.16852226

So what’s the catch with all us then? Let’s assume a massive crash as we know and expect will not happen. What’s the side effect to all this bullshit? It is not possible for the Fed to keep doing this insanity without any side effects. I’m sure one of those involves shoving yet another dildo up every goy’s ass. It just makes me feel sick how far these people will go.

>> No.16852287

Noo what the fug this should be illegal

>> No.16852346

>market manipulation
the current 'whales' dont wont even matter at that point
the current batch of whales will cashout at 100-200k and will be replaced by much much bigger whales who will be immune to such petty manipulation attempts.

>> No.16852352

Xrp will dethrone BTC and become King

>> No.16852359

Hi YouTube!

>> No.16852364

>Doesn't understand that half the world is using XRP and Ripple technology already

XRP already won the crypto wars. You just haven't heard the announcement yet. I wonder why?

>> No.16852427

>this time it's different
i swear i heard this before

>> No.16852453

If you actually did research into what Ripple is doing, you're going to find that nearly the whole banking industry is ready to switch to XRP and Ripple. Ripple tech is already being trialed or being outright used in many banks and institutions across the world. I think India already made the full switch.

SWIFT is done. This was all planned buddy. Bank of America, Citi, JP Morgan will all go Ripple. It's just slower adoption here over in the States. But it's a done deal.

Xrp is going to be king. Btc will be banned. USA will print out new rainbow cash with gold standard again. Taste the rainbow! Xrp will be global standard. USD loses world reserve status.

>> No.16852489

>FED give CASH 2 Banks through OVERNIGHT LOANS(REPO)
>This is because Interest rates are SO LOW that banks are taking risky investments and NOT KEEPING ENOUGH CASH ON HAND SO THEY MUST TAKE OVERNIGHT LOANS
>REPOs are at around 200B, which means banks are collectivley collecting and returning 200B EVERYNIGHT. Banks loan the 200B to other banks to create 1-2% interest OVERNIGHT.
>Inflation is stupid high because of this, and now we are EXPERIMENTING with neg. interest rates
>*everyone trys to pull out*
>Banks dont have enough liquidity
>RIP in Pieces

>> No.16852506

>Massive income inequality

>> No.16852549

>china will beat us

>> No.16852561

it's confidence. as long as the rest of the world wants to believe in the usd, then the usd has value. confidence doesn't last forever.

>> No.16852569

And what do you know, xrp provides on demand liquidity to solve the crisis.

>> No.16852596

thats bullshit
The lower the interest the more important it is to invest since you will lose on inflation

>> No.16852599

which leads to extremism and populism as you can see in the west today. Today's scenario is similar to pre 1929, and think about what happened after in Europe, I'm just repeating what Ray Dalio is saying which I think is very sensible.

>> No.16852613

if only there was an electronic form a gold.....

>> No.16852619

They have the ability to control more so then any time in history. Kikes will not let it fall apart no matter what. Money can be printed out of thin fucking air and has been forever. Sorry guys but its never gonna happen we will drift ever on into third world status though ever slowly.
Shit will just slowly get worse but we won't notice it getting worse because it will be in such a way that cannot be perceive by the common man.

>> No.16852623

>this is your average biztard

>> No.16852640

explain why Im brainlet

>> No.16852644

That's not true, countries are buying gold atm. It's only a matter of time. Why buy gold as a country if you don't intend to use it?

>> No.16852667

Negative interest rates mean that money is deducted from savings accounts/bonds instead of money being gained. Since we are in a debt-based economy, people will refuse to issue new debts because you would actually be losing money. People would rather hold on to their money than lose it to negative inflation. A -.1% isnt anything drastic, but if the Fed's only tool is lowering interest, who knows what the bottom is. We used to think it was 0%.

>> No.16852673

gold is used for electronics so on other then just laying around waiting for the collapse.

>> No.16852682

Interest* not inflation

>> No.16852711

>is considering
Wow... it’s nothing

No its great but it fails often

Is more reliable

>> No.16852726

If I have 100k and I lose 0.5 to negative interest AND 3% purchasing power through inflation I will put it in index funds and hope it gains at least 3.5 so I stay even.
If I keep it it will just depeciate

>> No.16852755

>Xrp is going to be king. Btc will be banned. USA will print out new rainbow cash with gold standard again. Taste the rainbow! Xrp will be global standard.

your brain on high fructose corn syrup and youtube.

>> No.16852873

see >>16852599
the common man is slow to wake up but he is ever so slowly waking up, the only way shit son't hit the fan is if the elite literally shower the plebs with money, through tax or whatever until inequality is more acceptable.

What matters is inflation in the end, not interest rates. The central banks are playing with the interest rates to reach their inflation target which is 2% in the US, this is what the FED thinks is the best long term inflation target for a stable economy. The low interest rate is simply an incentive to invest. It is important to invest regardless of the interest rate level if inflation is high.

>> No.16852885

if rates continue to drop because of an inability to combat inflation with other means then we will be talking of rates of anywhere from (1%) to (5%). Rates at this extent will definitely affect the decisions of many financial institutions.
Also since the US is the worlds reserve currency, the negative interest rates will affect international markets moreso than EU or asian markets.

>> No.16852897

yes it will affect my decision. Why would I keep it on some account if I lose 5%. Everybody would buy index funds

>> No.16852918

USD is going to be debased as the reserve currency. China has already spread non-paper fiat among its people, and almost nobody actually uses paper money. This means they have all the infrastructure to create a cryptocurrency tied to the yuan. This is already in the making, and hopefully it doesn't mean the end of the USD.

Russia and China have already agreed to not price any of there negations in $, but in rubles and yuan. Iran will be contributing to this because they will refuse to sell us oil. USD is in a bad spot.

>> No.16852931

>all money in the US in index funds
you w0t m8

>> No.16852938

they want you to do either that or to spend everything to help muh economy

>> No.16852963

Rothschilds BOW to the bogdanoffs
Posses psychic abilities...

>> No.16852970

>hoard PMs
>Most people will not be ready and scramble eventually bc -(interest)% + -(inflation)% = LOSING A LOT OF CASH
>sell PMs
>buy a tiger

>> No.16852999

Honestly the breakening is simply when the negative rates and inflation makes financial equations unprofitable.

>> No.16853027


>> No.16853056
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ripple net does not = XRP you pathetic simpleton. you must be one stupid nigger

>> No.16853062

you mean a yuan tied to the cryptocurrency? you can't be wealthy if your main value comes from printable paper money, but a limited resource cryptocurrency seems more valuable much like gold. should cryptocurrency be a store of value and paper money be a currency which is intended to exchange your wealth?

>> No.16853063

The Federal Reserve did nothing wrong.

>> No.16853116

Even the poor use digital money. Paper money is almost obsolete in China. I can see mass adoption of cryptocurrencys when the tech is more refined and maybe the hype dies so its not all vaporware. But to be quite honest i'm not too knowledgeable on cryptos.

However, I think cryptos will be a progression from FIAT, almost like we are seeing a rise of contractor/self-employed status in the job market.

>> No.16853174

>confidence in USD
The confidence is driven from oil only being traded in USD. That's why we've been sucking the Saudi dick for 50 years. Petro dollar goes away and the US collapses

>> No.16853261

bitcoin is backed by mathematics so its pretty based

>> No.16853364

>almost like we are seeing a rise of contractor/self-employed status in the job market.
That's called pauperisation though, I know this is the future but it means 0 job security, people are going to be disposable day to day contractors. Shit is so fucked with automation coming, this and the kikes. In the end Ted Kaczynski was right all along, technology was humanity's biggest mistake.

>> No.16854249

This is why I'll play the stock market game (well, index funds anyway) while the clock is still ticking but I'm also buying precious metals and crypto just in case.

>> No.16854413
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>> No.16854418
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it never changes

>> No.16854463
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>buy a tiger
I like where your head is at anon

>> No.16854586

The nature of PMs make it very hard to dump for anyone, that's why it builds empires. And if they dump, it will just be the toilet paper shit and droop the price even lower and that means I'll buy the absolute fuck out of it. THEYRE FUCKED.

>> No.16854904
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oh yes fed daddy fuck my wealth harder
inflate me with your QE cum

>> No.16854999
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>> No.16855047

odd larp is odd

>> No.16855049

Thank you kindly my good sir.

Tried that once upon a time, it didn't work. I tried using twitter as a redirect, it stopped working.

>> No.16855415
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It just doesn't end.
So, we're just going to be OK with paying $20 for a 6 pack in the near future or what? Annual 2% inflation has dicked us all.
Revolution when?

>> No.16855629

Those numbers are always dicked down to prevent outrage. It probably is 10% or more and rises as the show goes on. Time to bring back the guillotine. Usury will not be tolerated. Make an example out of these fucks.

>> No.16855649

I mean those things kind of balance out, right?

>> No.16855670

Xrphaggots are the definition of 100 iq midwits who are too arrogant to even make good memes for their shittoken

>> No.16855694

As a reserve currency the impact of our negative interest rates reverberate globally. This will strain international markets since they are already dealing with negative interest rates.

Strain may not be the best word. But the effects of our NIRP will only compound the effect in their economy. Hopefully It isn't too negative.

>> No.16855710

I just want to use my silver like a real cow boy :(

>> No.16856857

we are waiting for you to sell
the moment you sell we pump to 1M

>> No.16856973


>> No.16857002

a 6 pack is almost $20 in canada already lol

>> No.16857080

>Why thats good for the real economy Im not sure??
yeah nah it's not good for the economy. if you own equity they're gonna pump more because thats exactly what these hedge funds are gonna buy.

>> No.16857287

Man, when they pull the rug out it is going to be so fucking bad. Wouldn't surprise me if the wealthy are already building a new national entity in secret to deploy when this global economic system goes super nova.

>> No.16857318

It used to. Now it barely works with any.

>> No.16857339

Fuck me for investing assuming rational policy from the fed. I should have just YOLOd into big tech growth at historic overvalued, ATH prices. I'd be a millionaire. 0 interest rates for a decade. Stock market at peak. Lets just print $50 billion / day to paaamp eeettt. What the actual fuck? I don't know if there is a bubble right now, but this for sure will create one.

>> No.16857421

Take it off bank and no neg. interest. Banks will be storing physical cash at - 1%

>> No.16857449

I know that 98% of this thread didn't read OP's article because it requires a subscription

>> No.16857461

bullshit its never been about the petrodollar you retard they aren't afraid of it.

>> No.16857469


Easy to get around shit tier paywalls like WSJ, boomer. Do you watch youtube ads too?

>> No.16857487

bullshit the common man is becoming more neoliberal then ever before. you live in a fantasy land kikes have control and they will have even more control when everything goes digital. they can fudge numbers lie and do whatever the fuck it takes to keep shit afloat. you just don't see how deep all of is actually is.

>> No.16857549

They want to destroy your savings so that you’re dependent on their cheap inflated credit and charge you interest when you are a bad goy. They want you to be completely dependent on them.

>> No.16857803

>luxury lager
Buy buy buy. It'll double your investment in a year.

>> No.16857821
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Are people losing faith in the economy, or is it just that new investors are not replacing the old ones? Do Millennials save or even have enough income on average for Boomer stocks?

>> No.16857828

Not just charge interest but prevent you from purchasing necessities if you wrongthink

>> No.16857838

Thanks fren.

>> No.16857899

So what do you do with six figures sitting in a savings account? This bullshit is on my mind too much now.

>> No.16858209

Hedge some of your wealth in assets that aren't tied to USD in value.

>SWIFT does not facilitate funds transfer: rather, it sends payment orders, which must be settled by correspondent accounts that the institutions have with each other.

That sounds a lot like facilitating funds transfer, I'm a brainlet so you'll have to spell out the difference between that and Ripple's system. In any case, this last part here:

> Each financial institution, to exchange banking transactions, must have a banking relationship by either being a bank or affiliating itself with one (or more) so as to enjoy those particular business features

Just made the case for smartcontracts, which needs Chainlink. Smart contracts are trustless and will completely ignore the need for having a banking relationship.

Impossible. XRP has a central authority that dictates the amount in circulation and the amount that can be created. The bitcoin having a hard cap of 21 million and you having to mine it as opposed to any BTC being premined is what makes the currency so altruistic and honest.

>> No.16858297

PMs or crypto but crypto is shitnfor storing wealthy

>> No.16858338
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>XRP has a central authority that dictates the amount in circulation
Ripple has a monopoly on the supply but ultimately it has no central authority. XRP is Oil and Ripple is the only Exxon in town.

>you having to mine it as opposed to any BTC being premined is what makes the currency so altruistic and honest

Gosh, you are such a blind fool! Bitcoin mining costs electricity of several countries, and is centralized with mining cartels in China and a few other places.

Get your head of out your ass. Bitcoin failed. In fact I suspect with the "climate agenda" of the Elite, Bitcoin mining is going to be banned.

>> No.16858402

That defines a monopoly. Textbook monopoly even. A monopoly is defined by market power NOT what you just said

>> No.16858559

No, McGraw-Hill is a textbook monopoly.

>> No.16858717


Bitcoin and gold, friend

>> No.16859745

>Federal Reserve officials are considering lending cash directly to hedge funds
You faggot niggers can do one of 2 things:
-bitch about it on 4chin
-make money off it yourself

>> No.16859810

but instead you'll just do something stupid like buy (((crypto)))

>> No.16859836

>make money out of thin air
Can we please stop this tard tier meme, its WAY worse than that. I wouldn't have any issue if that was the case, its the fact that its debt, debt that will subjugate future generations.

>> No.16859855

No its not because there's plenty of other crypto in town. Ripple just does it best and they do it on the xrp chain.

>> No.16859874

are you blind? watch what is happening in some euro countries, people are mad about their condition of life. Sure in the US you are cucked beyond belief despite the fact that you have guns lmao. Think about 1929 and what happened afterwards, people will elect populist that will legit chase the elites, this or there will be blood in the decades to come.

>> No.16859879

Don't go full retard Anon

>> No.16859887


>> No.16859897

but they do
the money they make out of nothing isn't worth anything that's why they lend it to make it real trough debt
but at the very beginning they do create money out of nothing even if it's just a number on a screen

>> No.16859902

>bitcoin mining is going to be banned
>*difficulty adjusts*
>*people keep mining in private*
heh, nothing personel kid

>> No.16859922
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>people will elect populist that will legit chase the elites

>> No.16859942

Please have a read of the below, its the debt that created the funds. Thanks for proving me right, you truly don't understand how bad it really is.
Read it 2 or 3 times, its a great read.

>> No.16860009

What happened in the 30s in Europe?

>> No.16860040
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>Hitler wasn't groomed and selected by the elites

>> No.16860124

Why would they have done it if they already had control like you imply?

>> No.16860294

>case for smartcontracts, which needs Chainlink.

absolute imbecile degenerate.

what if I tell you that there are more than one really working smart contract implementations, like cardano, while LiNK is still nothing but streams of bullshit and some json parsing.

fuck this clown world

>> No.16860391
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Can someone post the article

>> No.16860437

have a (you), fren.

>> No.16860484

How cardano pulls off chain data into the SC?

>> No.16860535

were can i do my own research? and were are your numbers from?

>> No.16860831

search for central banks balance sheets on google (FED, ECB, BoE, PBoC, BoJ)

>> No.16860843
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>> No.16861501

>c0k gag

>> No.16862064


The idea of using the clearinghouse appeals to some investors and analysts because the Fed has had trouble getting cash into the hands of the smaller banks, securities dealers and investors who need it the most
> securities dealers and investors
> who need [$$$] the most
Wsj I don't even

>> No.16862348
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>Xrp is going to be king. Btc will be banned. USA will print out new rainbow cash with gold standard again. Taste the rainbow! Xrp will be global standard. USD loses world reserve status.

>> No.16862365

for you >>16852453

>> No.16862489

>and is centralized with mining cartels in China and a few other places
China has a strong mining influence but that doesn't mean other countries can't build up their own mining farms to level the playing field. This isn't like a company trying to compete with Facebook or Google where they just won't have the resources or knowhow or marketing to compete. You can brute force it to even the playing field in a decentralized network.

>Ripple has a monopoly on the supply
That's the problem. If Ripple wants to flood the market, they can. There are 100 billion tokens in existence and they have at least 90% of it.

Answer >>16860484's question.

>> No.16862564

You people are so dumb

>Ripple has a monopoly on the money
This statement is ultimately meaningless because in every market a top % of the elites have the money

Stay poor

>> No.16862690

>You people are so dumb
why do you tards project? Constantly? Its trolling level projection.

Lets start, ripple is not cryptocurrency
Inb4 MUH cryptographicly secure
>MUH XRP is the best
at what? de risking?
>MUH BTC will be banned
its actually the ONLY one thats proven it won't get banned
>Stay poor
Have to seen the XRP chart? Not very many products to hedge this shitcoin with...Its obvious who the poor one actually is, yet more projection.

>> No.16862733
File: 333 KB, 1775x1534, 4L_bYPzNoyg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought my first silver coins yesterday
>they are already worth $0.20 more per coin

>> No.16862864

I bought a bunch of gold from August/September last year and by the time my orders were placed to before they were delivered to my house, the price on each item went up $50-$100. They haven’t gone down since.

>> No.16862901

Nice! I went through JM Bullion. Kind of surprised they take a week just to ship but all good, they aren’t going anywhere.

>> No.16863153

1) Figure out how much all of your monthly, necessary expenses cost.

2) Set aside six months of said expenses. Keep half in the bank, half as cash.

3) With what remains use one half to buy gold by the ounce. Any amount left that is less than a full ounce you buy silver with.

4) With the other half buy as much BTC as you can.

I assume that you intend for these savings to remain as savings rather than use them for investment. That would be different advice.

>> No.16863275

>let's ignore the massive amount of partnerships Ripple has
>let's ignore the fact that xrp is already being trialed and used
>let's ignore that xrp is completely superior to bitcoin

You live in a total fantasy land.

>> No.16863332

how would you look at the repo operations? are they increasing the money supply through those monetary actions? how can I track that?

>> No.16863383

You faggots are saying the same stuff that you have for years. WHO is using it and in what measured amount?

>> No.16863621


>> No.16863650

read about reverse factoring. every major corporation can hide huge amounts debt. It is a lot worse than everyone expects...

>> No.16863654

You're delusional. All you need to do is browse the Ripple insights page and they catalogue everything.

Hey listen man, do what you want. I just don't get the tribalism you fools in crypto get into. I look at the fundamentals and invest. Ripple has by far the best use case.

>> No.16863775

No, you need more and go diversify.

>> No.16863924

for the repo I don't really know, google is your fren, there has to be some fed webpage that tracks this, I'm not sure