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File: 134 KB, 760x507, 170618_reese_and_chaplow_3f9dcff91b24e401d692cf7a44f1e2cd.fit-760w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16847532 No.16847532 [Reply] [Original]



Chainlink is going to explode. Ask yourself how could Forbes and so many others get it wrong. Jesus Loves Everyone

Swift + Chainlink (Page 11, SmartContract + Rise Technologies, SmartContract is who makes Chainlink):https://www.swift.com/sites/default/files/resources/swift_swiftatsibos_innovation_pioneering_inno_for_community_brochure.pdf

ISDA’s general interest in smart contracts: https://www.isda.org/2019/01/30/legal-guidelines-for-smart-derivatives-contracts-introduction/

ISDA + Openlaw (Attending an ISDA event on Nov 6th): https://www.isda.org/event/london/isda-technology-forum-2019-11-06/#anchor-agenda

Chainlink + Openlaw: https://twitter.com/openlawofficial/status/1177300013946417154?s=21

Chainlink + Google: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/data-analytics/building-hybrid-blockchain-cloud-applications-with-ethereum-and-google-cloud

Chainlink + Intel: https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/new-confidential-computing-solutions-emerge-on-the-hyperledger-avalon-trusted-compute

Chainlink + Oracle(Software company): https://blogs.oracle.com/startup/every-startup-in-the-blockchain-with-oracle-cloud-and-chainlink

Chainlink + Amazon (Skip to 1:01:30): https://pages.kaleido.io/webinar-ondemand-kaleido-on-aws-thankyou?submissionGuid=68a3dd47-631c-4ad9-acf0-d54c52e1dc7c

Oracles: https://blog.chain.link/oracles-the-key-to-unlocking-smart-contracts/

Derivatives: https://blog.chain.link/solving-deep-seeded-trust-problems-in-derivatives-using-chainlink-enabled-smart-contracts/

>> No.16847539
File: 171 KB, 960x1280, 5bebdf80210000de05ca261a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notable content from Chainlink
Smart contracts: https://blog.chain.link/the-power-of-smart-contracts-what-they-are-and-how-they-can-revolutionize-the-future/

Oracles: https://blog.chain.link/oracles-the-key-to-unlocking-smart-contracts/

Derivatives: https://blog.chain.link/solving-deep-seeded-trust-problems-in-derivatives-using-chainlink-enabled-smart-contracts/


General Crypto + Business: https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/se/Documents/risk/DI_2019-global-blockchain-survey.pdf


>> No.16847543

These pictures really turn me on

>> No.16847550
File: 64 KB, 607x607, trystan-angel-reese-homem-trangenero-gravido-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lately I haven't been able to tolerate the same dosage as before; combined with medications I'm rather worried if I'm fucking with my organs. From time to time I feel the need to switch places, my private jet has everything you could wish for. If I'm really bored I just pull up some hacked webcam/camera footage of random ass people doing weird shit.

>> No.16847562
File: 166 KB, 1024x682, kissing-cousins-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not limited to one ancient deity or another. My occult work involves multiple pantheons, any deity that responds well to sacrifices is good in my book.

>> No.16847564

1000 eoy

>> No.16847570

The only deity I worship is Sergey Nazarov, and one day he will but a baby in my masculine belly.

>> No.16847571
File: 47 KB, 640x800, JesusIsMad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are 2 major cults on earth: those with allegiances to the father (kronos, god, saturn) and those with allegiance to the usuper (jupyter, zeus, jesus) am i on the right track?
Jesus is supposed to be the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, as Jupiter stands for the members of the upper nobility and Saturn for the nation of Jews. Jesus and YHWH are one and the same, there is no difference. INRI translated into hebrew is abbreviated as YHWH.
There are many people who engage in rituals to honor and sacrifice to Kronos, but at the same time also worship Jupiter. There is usually no clear distinction between the followers of the two deities, as you'd need both faith and earned strength.
>how to I get in the intelligence community?
it's not that insanely difficult if you are skillful enough, just apply yourself.
>to what specific permanent drugs are you referring?
I supplement with different herbs, iodine, I take acid on an infrequent basis, which has been proven to raise IQ.

>1. is the blue and white temple really just a piano lounge and does it have a basement
it's not really just a lounge, as we used it for rituals obviously. it had a giant basement, lots of awesome stuff to indulge in. some sick fucks wanted to bath in virgin blood, so I made them pay for rooms.
>. redpill me on CERN and the LHC
These are really just used for research purposes, the leading scientists are however involved in occult activities.
>. is there a similar project that is secret?
There are many secret projects that aim at researching human nature, some even involving machine learning assisted astrology software.
> have you ever been on any underground trains that crossed more than 4 states undergound in the USA?

>> No.16847583
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Very few are actually getting "redpilled", even if they know about the Jewish involvement. The spiritual aspect of enlightenment is most often overlooked.
>the cube is for Jesus?
Related to aspects of Freemasonry. Most definitely not a particularly Christian symbol.
>Id like to remain a good goy even f Jesus is Saturn, am I gonna be okay?
Nobody cares about you even if you are a good boy, you're only going to be fine if you're distinctly wealthy. Jesus is not Saturn. Two different forces, even if Jesus incorporates some core traits.
Not a free individual, not a faithful Catholic

>> No.16847593
File: 1.45 MB, 1821x2799, SophiaMystical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any cool new (bio)tech to look into?
>where are you and your frens parking your wealth during the economic downturn?
physical assets and cash
>any (((happenings))) you're particularly excited about? scared about?
China is preparing to invade Taiwan. I'm genuinely scared about what will happen to the freedoms in Western nations if China takes over and the U.S. military would do nothing but watch.
>if you could tell your 30 year old self something, what would it be?
never look at porn.

>> No.16847603
File: 293 KB, 1058x1497, page_80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the law of attraction real ?

to an extent, it does rely on output mechanisms. you're draining your energy if you overdo it. often it is a lot less strenuous to just plan things through. also you can't force people directly, but indirectly you can determine their course of action if that's what you're going for.

>> No.16847607
File: 84 KB, 420x634, DOMA-Sophia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the time dreams are just a useful way for your brain to integrate and process newfound information
Bitcoin ?

It isn't decentralized, anonymous, deflationary or anything. It is a nice tool to make desperate people move their assets onto a screen. Criminals use stolen credit cards, not BTC.

>> No.16847617
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Solomon was the wisest king in that regard that he enslaved the head demons to serve his reign. His temple is a figurative goal.

>What do you think of prophecy?
If you understand anything about the occult, you know that visions are mere reflections and that their quality varies.

>> No.16847618


>> No.16847622
File: 1.15 MB, 1439x2294, Jesusangry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demons are commonly portrayed as goats with huge dicks, what do you make of that?
>any cool new (bio)tech to look into?
>where are you and your frens parking your wealth during the economic downturn?
physical assets and cash
>any (((happenings))) you're particularly excited about? scared about?
China is preparing to invade Taiwan. I'm genuinely scared about what will happen to the freedoms in Western nations if China takes over and the U.S. military would do nothing but watch.
>if you could tell your 30 year old self something, what would it be?
never look at porn.


>> No.16847638
File: 986 KB, 1439x1727, Screenshot_20200106-042035_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this
>b-but the church CANNOT be destroyed
depends on your definition of "the church"

>> No.16847660
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>Objective Knowledge - An evolutionary approach (Karl Popper)
>Astrological Anthropology (Thomas Ring)
>Three Books of Occult Philosophy (Henry C. Agrippa)
>On the aesthetics education of man (Friedrich Schiller)
>Propaganda (Edward Bernays)

>> No.16847914

Let’s do this

>> No.16847941

why mods never delete this shit?

>> No.16847945

Is it a schizo or a bot? I’m not sure anymore.

>> No.16847992
File: 26 KB, 337x450, A8C0F76B-45E7-4957-A8A0-E7C55F459383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need it to explode to $80 then I can start my life. Also, based image OP

>> No.16848072
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> I am the bot

>> No.16848251
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Becuase even THEY know link is the chosen one

>> No.16848271
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>> No.16848329
File: 344 KB, 1218x946, 1578341409577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way too many faggots and trannies in here. Fuck niggers. Fuck spics. Fuck faggots. Fuck trannies. Fuck kikes. Make white babies.

>> No.16848846
File: 70 KB, 326x499, IMG-20190605-WA0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16848895

Bump this sheit

>> No.16849097


>> No.16849168

Crazy to think that in ancient rome poc related was the typical number of kids to have. Granted, several would die to diseases and war.

>> No.16849385


>> No.16849430

None of this marketing/shilling is real. Chainlink is a failed project that was never even meant to go to production. It’s a scam ERC20 artificially attached to a fucking web scraper.. that’s right, a web scraper. A bunch of schizo numerology isn’t going to make you rich. It’s going under $1 and all you fags are going to miss out on the GBR. Can’t wait actually.

>> No.16849450
File: 493 KB, 2000x1400, 1567599623739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

目を閉じて、考えていることをすべて消そうとする 長く、ゆっくり、深く呼吸し、呼吸に集中し、注意を向ける iiiiiiiinnnn .................... ooooooooooooouuuut 良い。これを数分間行い、その後- LINK投資を通じて金持ちになることを視覚化する 新たに発見された豊富な富で購入するものを先取りする IMAGINEはまるで現在の瞬間にすべてが起こっているかのように、現在の瞬間は本当に存在するすべてのことです 最も重要なこと その瞬間が来たとき、あなたが感じる方法を感じて、あなたはそれを作ります! 感情を感じることは、画像を視覚化することよりも重要です! 今、目を開けて鏡を見て、これらの肯定を暗唱します(作成した現実に関連する独自のものを使用/追加します) 私は金持ちです 私は裕福です 私は百万人です リンクは私に無限の豊かさを与えました 起きて寝る前にこれを行うことが重要ですが、できる限り頻繁に行います。また、私たちがそれを作っているというイメージとアイデアを保持し、あなたが眠りに落ちるとき、あなたの心にLINKが1,000ドル以上の価値があるということを。 私たちがこれをまとめてリンクの兄弟とするとき、宇宙は特定の出来事、人々、そして出来事が合法化し、私たちに引き付けられることを期待します-それは私たちが現実に目を向けることを望みます! 私はみんなを愛しています

>> No.16849498
File: 149 KB, 962x613, 17558150-0-image-a-25_1566460548863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

눈을 감고 생각하는지 모두 지우려 길고 천천히 깊은 호흡, 호흡에 집중하고주의를 기울여 iiiiiiiinnnn .................. .. ooooooooooooouuuut 좋다. 이것을 몇 분간 실시한 후 - LINK 투자를 통해 부자가되는 것을 시각화 새로 발견 된 풍부한 재산으로 구입을 선점하기 IMAGINE은 마치 현재의 순간에 모든 일이 일어나고있는 것처럼, 현재 순간은 정말 존재하는 모든 것입니다 가장 중요한 것은 그 순간이 왔을 때 당신이 느끼는 방법을 느끼고, 당신은 그것을 만들고 있습니다! 감정을 느낄 수는 이미지를 시각화하는 것보다 도 중요합니다! 이제 눈을 뜨고 거울을보고 이러한 긍정적를 암송합니다 (만든 현실에 대한 자신의 것을 사용 / 추가) 나는 부자입니다 나는 부자입니다 나는 백 만명 링크 나에게 무한한 풍요 로움을 주었다 일어나서 자기 전에 이렇게 것이 중요하지만 가능한 한 자주합니다. 또한 우리가 그것을 만들고 있다는 이미지와 아이디어를 보유하고 당신이 잠들 때 당신의 마음에 LINK가 1,000 달러 이상의 가치가 있다는 것을. 우리가 이것을 정리해 링크 형제로 할 때, 우주는 특정 사건, 사람들, 그리고 사건을 합법화하고 우리에게 끌리는 것을 기대합니다 - 그것은 우리가 현실에 눈을 돌리는 것을 바래! 나는 모두를 사랑합니다

>> No.16849520
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schließen Sie die Augen und versuchen Sie, alles zu löschen, was Sie denken. Langes, langsames und tiefes Atmen, konzentrieren Sie sich auf Ihre Atmung und lenken Sie Ihre Aufmerksamkeit. Iiiiiiiinnnn ... ..ooooooooooooouuuut gut. Tun Sie dies für ein paar Minuten und stellen Sie sich dann vor, dass Sie durch -LINK-Investitionen reich werden. Sagen Sie voraus, was Sie mit dem reichlich vorhandenen neu entdeckten Reichtum kaufen sollen Der gegenwärtige Moment ist alles, was wirklich existiert Das Wichtigste Wenn der Moment kommt, fühle, wie du dich fühlst und machst! Fühle, dass die Emotion mehr ist als das Bild zu visualisieren Es ist auch wichtig! Öffne jetzt deine Augen und schaue in den Spiegel und rezitiere diese Affirmationen (benutze / füge deine eigenen hinzu, die mit der Realität zusammenhängen, die du erschaffen hast). Ich bin reich, ich bin reich, ich bin reich, ich bin hundert Link hat mir unendlichen Reichtum gegeben. Es ist wichtig, dies zu tun, bevor ich aufwache und ins Bett gehe, aber mach es so oft wie möglich. Es hat auch das Image und die Idee, dass wir es schaffen, und dass LINK mehr als 1.000 US-Dollar wert ist, wenn Sie einschlafen. Wenn wir dies als Links Bruder zusammenfassen, erwartet das Universum, dass bestimmte Ereignisse, Menschen und Ereignisse legalisiert und von uns angezogen werden - es ist an uns, die Realität zu betrachten Hoffe, ich liebe alle

>> No.16849543
File: 79 KB, 640x481, 1578546046370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Зaкpoйтe глaзa и пoпытaйтecь cтepeть вce, чтo вы дyмaeтe. Длитeльнoe, мeдлeннoe, глyбoкoe дыхaниe, cocpeдoтoчитьcя нa cвoeм дыхaнии и oбpaтить вaшe внимaниe iiiiiiiinnnn ... .. ooooooooooooooooo хopoшo. Cдeлaйтe этo в тeчeниe нecкoльких минyт, a зaтeм пpeдcтaвьтe, чтo вы бyдeтe бoгaты чepeз инвecтиции - CCЫЛКA Пpeдcкaжитe, чтo кyпить c oбильным нeдaвнo oбнapyжeнным бoгaтcтвoм Hacтoящий мoмeнт - этo вce, чтo дeйcтвитeльнo cyщecтвyeт. Caмoe вaжнoe Кoгдa нacтyпaeт мoмeнт, пoчyвcтвyйтe тo, чтo вы чyвcтвyeтe, и вы дeлaeтe этo! Пoчyвcтвyйтe, чтo эмoция - этo бoльшe, чeм визyaлизaция изoбpaжeния. Этo тaкжe вaжнo! Teпepь oткpoйтe глaзa, пocмoтpитe в зepкaлo и пpoчитaйтe эти yтвepждeния (иcпoльзyйтe / дoбaвьтe cвoи coбcтвeнныe, cвязaнныe c coздaннoй вaми peaльнocтью) Я бoгaт, я бoгaт, я бoгaт, я cтo Ccылкa дaлa мнe бecкoнeчнoe бoгaтcтвo. Baжнo cдeлaть этo пepeд тeм, кaк пpocнyтьcя и лeчь cпaть, нo дeлaйтe этo кaк мoжнo чaщe. Oн тaкжe coдepжит пpeдcтaвлeниe и идeю o тoм, чтo мы eгo coздaeм, и чтo, кoгдa вы зacыпaeтe, LINK cтoит в вaшeй гoлoвe бoлee 1000 дoллapoв. Кoгдa мы coбиpaeм этo вмecтe кaк бpaт Линкa, вceлeннaя oжидaeт, чтo oпpeдeлeнныe coбытия, люди и coбытия бyдyт лeгaлизoвaны и пpивлeчeны к нaм - нaшa oчepeдь cмoтpeть нa peaльнocть Я нaдeюcь! Я люблю вceх

>> No.16849577
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Vala amehlo akho bese uzama ukusula yonke into oyicabangayo Isikhathi eside, kancane, ukuphefumula okujulile, gxila ekuphefumuleni kwakho, bese unaka ii -iiiiiiinnnn ... .. ooooooooooooouuuut okuhle. Yenza lokhu okwemizuzu embalwa, bese ubuka ngeso lengqondo ukuthi uzobe ucebile ngokusebenzisa -LINK utshalomali Cagela ukuthi uzothenga ini ngengcebo eningi esanda kutholwa IMAGINE kunjengokungathi konke kwenzeka ngaleso sikhathi Umzuzu okhona konke okukhona ngempela Into ebaluleke kakhulu Lapho lowo mzuzu ufika, zizwe ngendlela ozizwa ngayo futhi usenza ngayo! Ukuzwa imizwa kungaphezu kokubona isithombe Kubalulekile futhi! Manje vula amehlo akho bese ubheka esibukweni bese uphinda lezi ziqinisekiso (sebenzisa / engeza ezakho ezihlobene neqiniso olidalile) Ngicebile ngicebile ngikhulu Isixhumanisi singinike ingcebo engenamkhawulo Kubalulekile ukukwenza lokhu ngaphambi kokuvuka futhi uyolala, kodwa ukwenze kaningi ngangokunokwenzeka. Iphinde ibambe isithombe nomqondo wokuthi siyawenza, nokuthi uma ulala, i-LINK ibaluleke ngaphezu kwe- $ 1,000 engqondweni yakho. Lapho sikubeka ndawonye lokhu njengomfowethu we-Link, umkhathi ulindele ukuthi imicimbi ethile, abantu, kanye nemicimbi ukuthi ibhaliswe ngokusemthethweni futhi ihehe kithi-kuyithuba lethu lokuthi sibheke okungokoqobo Ithemba! Ngithanda wonke umuntu

>> No.16849748
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>> No.16849790
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>> No.16850373
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>> No.16850408
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What the fuck is this? Ugh.

>> No.16850416

They look like such a lovely couple. All that matters is that they love each other and are happy. If my teenage son decides he truly is trans, both myself and my wife have already committed to fully supporting their decision to transition. My wife's partner is especially supportive.

>> No.16850434
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>> No.16850487
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>> No.16850576

Stupid fucking leafs

>> No.16850624
File: 90 KB, 640x800, 31cf4814ebc0798735f97d543f2d0170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16850645


>> No.16850670

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the black pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the “42-pill” - you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Remember: all I’m offering is the Truth. Nothing more.

June 12th (night before Google announcement)
>wake up...
>follow the white rabbit...
Then a week before the oracle announcement a riddle comes in:
The answer comes back a week later (days before the even bigger oracle pump)

>> No.16850840

In Ancient Egypt the Judgement of The Dead took place in the Hall of Maat. Maat is often called the keeper of the Scales but she is The Scales. The newly deceased was led into the Hall by Anubis, The Opener Of The Ways and presented to Osiris. There were Assessors who asked the afterlife seeker searching questions about how they had lived their life. The subject’s heart is then weighed against the white feather of Maat. The heart must not weigh more than the feather. Thoth is present to record the outcome. If the weight of the heart passes the test then the subject is told by Osiris that he/she has been found worthy to go to the House Of Amenti. A demon, possibly Sekhmet is also waiting to devour the heart of the results go against the individual.

Why 42 questions I asked? it is the number of life I was told. The Kaballah says that God created the world by using the first forty-two letters of the Torah. So these became the forty-two building blocks or stages of creation.

>> No.16850907



Trump: "Well, I'm at 42 and you're at 3. So far I'm doing better."

"It doesn't matter," Jeb said.

"So far I'm doing better," Trump repeated. "You know, you started off over here (near center), you're moving over further and further. Pretty soon you're going to be on the end."

>> No.16850929


>> No.16850965

>There were Assessors who asked the afterlife seeker searching questions about how they had lived their life

1. Have you looked after your body as best as you could?
2. Hast thou lived the fullness of time allotted to thee?
3. Have you been clean in body and mind?
4. Have you only had sexual relations with one that you loved too?
5. Have you found out information that was not meant for your ears and eyes?
6. Hast thou kept thee only to the sword or distaff?
7. Hast thou respected the bodies of the younger brethren?
8.Have you stolen?
9. Have you eaten and drunk too excess?
10. Have you killed?
11. Hast thou spoken unjustly in anger?
12. Hast thou looked upon the goods of others in envy?
13. Have you been jealous??
14. Hast thou spoken ill of any man or woman in anger?
15. Hast thou been undiligent in work?
16. Hast thou profaned the mysteries?
17. Hast thou known pride in thyself that is false?
18. Hast thou strayed from the path allotted thee?
19. Hast thou lusted for precious metals?
20. Hast thou been too worldly?
21. Hast thou been just in thy dealings in the market place?
22. Hast thou repayed all debts promptly?
23. Hast thou been generous to the needy?
24. Hast thou lied to gain from others?
25. Hast thy tongue been as a viper to cause laughter in others?
26. Hast thou been a friend?
27. Hast thou hated another to the exclusion of all else?
28. Hast thou lent thy body to any from the other side?

>> No.16850979

29. Hast thou been thy parents joy?
30. Hast thou honored all faiths that are of the light?
31. Hast thou given time to be at peace with the gods?
32. Hast thou turned aside from wisdom given in love?
33. Hast thou listened to that which is not for thy ears?
34. Hast thou lived in the light?
35. Hast thou been a sword for the weak?
36. Hast thou enslaved any other life?
37. Hast thou faced the mirror of self?
38. Hast thou taken the words of his mouth from any man as thine own?
39. Hast thou known that all journeys end but to begin?
40. Hast thou remembered the brethren of the Earth, and been compassionate to those younger brethren who serve thee as beasts in the field and home?
41. Hast thou ever worked man or beast beyond its strength in greed?

42. Is there one upon the Earth who is glad thou hast lived?

>> No.16850994

interesting how "ige" meant Immunoglobulin E

>Immunoglobulin E (IgE) are antibodies produced by the immune system. If you have an allergy, your immune system overreacts to an allergen by producing antibodies called Immunoglobulin E (IgE). These antibodies travel to cells that release chemicals, causing an allergic reaction.

>> No.16851008

>interesting how "ige" meant Immunoglobulin E
>pic related
>song related

>> No.16851360
File: 1.77 MB, 3564x2097, 0558458B-03BC-40FB-9635-8112B8604EC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16851405
File: 598 KB, 1098x898, B905A847-45FB-4FA9-BB2C-63787E5B6905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16851512


>> No.16851544

You can't even sage, newfag autist.

>> No.16851570
File: 2.88 MB, 500x500, 1562266436388.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16851614
File: 146 KB, 1200x600, 1578827728537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling generous tonight. If you can guess what industry this new partnership is in, I'll reveal the company name, only because it's connected via obscure breadcrumbs that go way back

>> No.16851662
File: 217 KB, 1920x1200, 1578241905066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you can guess what industry this new partnership is in, I'll reveal the company name
I was anticipating AMD but still no confirmation

>> No.16851684


>> No.16851697
File: 143 KB, 988x750, horned Moses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was anticipating AMD but still no confirmation