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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16838333 No.16838333 [Reply] [Original]

how many of you are running a node?
which services are you using?
how much does it cost you per month, how many linkies have you earned?
post resources and help others answer questions


>> No.16838468

I am.
costs about 10-20eu a month
I have earned 0 LINKS. The only ones earning are the 21 nodes on the ref contracts that sergey is paying with 350m to incentivize the network.
Supposedly the fourswords guides are good but it myself so couldnt tell you.
I can answer qs regarding node operation on AWS

>> No.16838496

When do you expect to earn links? Does staking need to be live first for anyone running a node to earn links? I thought you could do jobs already and earn links without staking

>> No.16838567

I applied early to be an official reviewed node but haven't heard a fucking word from the cunts. I am hoping they'll let me in at some point since I've spending plenty money and working my hole off to get good at this.
It is possible to earn link now but there is literally no one using the nodes aside from the reference contracts which only use the 21 selected chainlink nodes.
It could indeed not be til staking til companies would trust NEET nodes.

>> No.16838643

Got also database on aws? I was on google and shit was so expensive.

>> No.16838663

>I applied early to be an official reviewed node but haven't heard a fucking word
that sucks, i heard sergey mention they got a few hundred applicants, and they may simply lack the resources (although they shouldn't) to get through all of the applications. if it has been a long time since you applied, then that's kind of disappointing to hear to say the least
>there is literally no one using the nodes aside from the reference contracts
i guess this is a bullish thing if we are still this early in the network.. i hope we will see more adoption and neet nodes verified in the future
>It could indeed not be til staking til companies would trust NEET nodes.
perhaps, all neet nodes need are contracts for node operators to deploy to fulfill requests sent to them

>> No.16838682

I've got databases and instances on AWS costing me $130/month ive been paying for since like July lol. When will Thomas review meeeeeee?

>> No.16838702

yup. It doesn't seem to be costing me too much at all. honestly I would probably be better off shutting off my node until something happens because there's not a hope anyones going to go onto market.link and make a request.

>> No.16838731

Really? Are you using an account that doesn't have any free usage left? I can't see how it would be costing you that much.

>> No.16838773

slightly misread. I thought you said it was just the db costing that much. either way that's way too much. Are you using free tier as much as possible?
I have 2 free tier micro instances and the free tier postgres db and that's it. I've actually stopped my failsafe instance cause there's no point in having it running while i've no usage. I'm also including fiews subscription in my total monthly costs.

>> No.16838778

What the hell is your setup of you're paying that much? You sound like a retard desu

>> No.16838824

you get 750 hours free ec2 instance hours per month which will cover one instance entirely for the month. the second one you'd have to pay for alright but it shouldn't be more than a tenner. same for the postgres database.

make sure you have your ropsten nides on a separate acount from your mainnet to avoid paying for those too.

>> No.16838912

its really the mutli AZ RDS database that is the high $$$. Ive been running production ready for the sake of being ready if I can up to have my node reviewed. Guess the jokes on me lol

>> No.16838983

To all you positive contributing meets out there:
Wait for it! But: also make you think if you want to compete with linkpool etc.!
It's literally the same shit as for early adopters.
IMO it will take equally as much time for chainlink to power its boosters to fly to the moon as it took btc to start getting proper recognition.
You guys are ahead of time by a magnitude of +-2y! Endorsement is cool but pls don't hurt yourself during the time!

>> No.16838995

so i should turn off my neet node for now? idk what youre really trying to tell me

>> No.16839036

so 3 more years? got it

>> No.16839050

Thanks Thomas

>> No.16839059

You should develop your skills in the testnet with local setup and free tier cloud services until staking gets released. Learn solidity, cloud infrastructure, internet protocols, pentesting and other forms of security, server monitoring tools etc

>> No.16839122

go for free tier RDS for the time being. I can tell you that it's perfectly fine.

>> No.16839139

the difference is early bitcoin miners could actually earn something. We are just sitting here incurring bills until things kick off and there will be effectively no difference between us and the people who set up the infrastructure the week prior to things kicking off.

>> No.16839365

Anyone got anymore questions?

>> No.16839389

How long would it take from 0 to able to run jobs, troubleshoot issues and maintain a redundant setup for a burnt out 30yo boomer with a stem degree

>> No.16839430

On your own. maybe a month.
With help alot faster. Go to link node general on telegram and someone will help you out with the most brainlet of questions.

>> No.16839987


>> No.16840017

Literally making $46k a year after taxes steaking just 6k linkies. You need to be "in the know" about what data is in demand, but there is a LOT of money to be made here.

>> No.16840023

when will there be one-click node setup?

>> No.16840096
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>> No.16840146

What is the bare maintenance costs to run a node yourself on AWS? I have a managed linkpool node, and am in the same position where im paying to maintain it but not yet verified by the core CL team. Want to compare my costs.

>> No.16840181


>> No.16840210


>> No.16840280

How is this shit gonna be decentralized if everyone is running on AWS?

>> No.16840756

they can use google cloud!

>> No.16840780