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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 51 KB, 2000x1333, 2000px-Flag_of_Europe.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16837476 No.16837476 [Reply] [Original]

Hi Anons, what should i do, when the eu collapse by 2023.

>> No.16837519

Do not keep any money in Euros (it will fail) or in a Bank (they will steal it, see Cyprus in 2013). All savings should be in Gold and Bitcoin.

>> No.16837526

move out of big cities. water, food, weapons.

>> No.16837538
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That's not how you spell federalization Anon.

>> No.16837560

based yurofrens
eurozone was the real WW3

>> No.16837568

The demographics aren’t there yet

>> No.16837596

never gonna happen
eurobonds are just an utopia
collapse soon

>> No.16837659
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Not sure about that one frens

>> No.16837678

I’m all for it
Just healthy skepticism

>> No.16837696

If poor or middle-class, just stay where you are
If rich, move to Switzerland.
If very rich, move to Monaco.

>> No.16837789

this is just an NPC tracker, kek

>> No.16837841
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Cope harder Putinbot

>> No.16837874

>hillary is ahead
go ahead and make a referendum, you will see blinking red almost everywhere

>> No.16837886


Depends on where you live, where do you live anon?

>> No.16837889

seething incels

>> No.16837894

What happened in Greece with those 15% ?
Did they all commit suicide ?

>> No.16837916
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Probably fake data, the majority are euroskeptic in Italy.

>> No.16837917


>> No.16837928
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you have to go back

>> No.16837958

Ill give you a hint: no common language.

>> No.16837996

that's just the tip of the iceberg
fiscal policies are vastly different, there are several tax paradise not willing to align, benelux and ireland are letting corporation avoid 100% of taxation, ecb is unable to inject liquidity in the system cause eu commission is like NOOOOO YOU CAN'T JUST DO DEFICIT (not even in a recession), they are even thinking about helicopter money or MMT
if you cannot see this, sorry, but eurozone cannot survive
EU could, it's meaningless apart from deciding the shape of fucking cucumbers

>> No.16838012
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Not for long.

>> No.16838032

kek, imagine forcing debt unification
imagine german bonds at the same interest rate of greek bonds

>> No.16838092


unrealistic advice

>> No.16838323

Serbia in EU? I will personally make sure this never happens. Croatian brethren fell for this scam and really taught us a good lesson about this nonsense.

>> No.16838364

the delusional goy even included Switzerland and UK in the map, what a faggot

>> No.16838464

disgusting, only a mutt would think that looks remotely desirable or plausible

>> No.16838779

EU will be a superpower by 2023

>> No.16838835
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are you on some heavy drug?

>> No.16838860
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>> No.16838869

Precisely why the EU is needed.
With the rest of the world developing European countries will find it ever harder to make their voices heard on the international stage.

>> No.16838923

fucking brainlet, the rest of the world literally runs on double digit deficit spending
ECB is desperate cause QE didn’t work out at all and it just pumped S&P500, and there is no way to stimulate the economy, interest are already negative, so there is no space for any move
but EU full-retard bureaucrats are still following idiotic rules like 3% gdp/deficit based on thin air, following austerity policies and smashing the national economies
you will pay for you are doing to EU countries
EU needs urgent double digit deficit spending, and it needs to bring unemployment to zero fucking percent in the full area

>> No.16838954

eurozone is a fucking ticking bomb and you are still speaking with some non-sense precooked propaganda like a fucking parrot

>> No.16838958

zero percent unemployment will wreck the economy m8

>> No.16838968


>> No.16838969
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Are you fucking joking?

>> No.16838997

>EU needs urgent double digit deficit spending, and it needs to bring unemployment to zero fucking percent in the full area
gtfo keynesian crypto-commie kike piece of shit you're not welcome

>> No.16838998

People bullish on the EU are maybe the most entertaining retards out there.

>> No.16839020

italian here, can confirm we will leave the eurozone after the next elections.

Op just be ready to invest in the stock market right after the eu collapse, that will be the best bottom price to get in at, before european economies start a bullrun due to not being crippled by the euro and eu regulations anymore

>> No.16839021
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it’s not about Keynes or fucking Austrian kike, it’s about economic stimulus when it’s fucking needed, do you think US is a commie-country?
It’s all so tiresome

>> No.16839025

>do you think US is a commie-country?

>> No.16839030

this guy knows exactly whats up. The problem in e is the absolutely retarded 3% deficit spending rule, once that is raised and governments start puoring money into the economy with real double digit deficits (instead of taxing money from it like they are doing now with budget surpluses) then european economies will start rising back up

>> No.16839035

you will get cucked a la Salvini

>> No.16839041

Dead cat bounce

>> No.16839049

Pretty sure mutts will disagree
Investments are made on deficit
No investments, no growth

>> No.16839083

literally zero reason to require a socialization of that investment though the state apparatus unless you want to subsidize your buddies' money-losing business to prop up some fucking statistics at the expense of the actually profitable economy

>> No.16839184

>zero reason to require a socialization of that investment
>muh free market

>> No.16839195

are you ok? did you have a stroke?

>> No.16839201

eurozone is a fucking cage with zero inflation, why a private should ever invest a single cent?
Inflation is 0.2%
You get a loan and have to repay 3%
They are fucking draining liquidity out of you pocket
So the math faggot

>> No.16839221

>Inflation is 0.2%
>You get a loan and have to repay 3%
wow a non issue
you rather have the government give away money at 0% to businesses with no profitability (that will eventually go broke when the free money faucet runs off)? cause those that are profitable can take debt at 3% because they make money

>> No.16839229

where are you from? Just curious cause you're fully right but most europeans are too stupid to see it as it is.

>> No.16839264

the freer the market the freer the people

>> No.16839304

Inflation is so low that even if banks can get free money (negative interest rates from ECB) and people can get a loan at 2%, that everybody just want to save money and nobody wants to invest
Just look around you, it’s exactly what’s happening and it’s the exact reason why economy is stopping
ECB is pushing for deficit, EU commission is constantly stopping it, new green deal? Not on deficit. New infrastructures? Not on deficit. And little by little the euro cage is converting countries to third world shitskin containers. Healthcare going to shit everywhere, pension system are collapsing and so on. Guess why?
Fucking ultra-nazi-liberists are living out of this world to barely see reality

>> No.16839314

Great, so let’s fucking forget about eurozone cage and have free currencies

>> No.16839401

>cause those that are profitable can take debt at 3% because they make money
but this will drain liquidity from the system
It means someone inside the cage just lost 2.8%
it’s like throwing 97 bones to 100 dogs
everybody can be “competitive” as much as they want
But in the end 3 competitive dogs will die in this cage anyway, it’s fucking math
You should have 103 bones for 100 dogs, the best 3 can get an extra one, otherwise you are killing people in the process, just look at Greek child mortality rate

>> No.16839422

Warren Mosler would be proud of you

>> No.16839451

They are building a totalitarian dictatorship.
Seems more likely we'll have an iron grip on power with millions dead or locked up in gulags in the EU in 2023 than a "collapse".

>> No.16839455

>Inflation is so low that even if banks can get free money (negative interest rates from ECB) and people can get a loan at 2%, that everybody just want to save money and nobody wants to invest
Failure to invest has more to do with the negative outlook on the future due to overregulation on overtaxation that hurt profitability than inflation. You take the keynesian view that the government should pump the inflation to force people to invest to try and save their saving, you see how that's commie do you? If people are comfy not investing (because the lack of opportunity) why would you force them to take on the risk?

>ECB is pushing for deficit
>EU commission is constantly stopping it

>new green deal? Not on deficit. New infrastructures? Not on deficit.
if there's demand and they are profitable green energies and vehicles will phase out current tech, 10-20 years ago we already had a huge push on renewables and we spent a shitton on subpar solar panels n shiet and we're paying the price for it now, just wait for it to be appealing to people (tech mature enough) and it will come without your intervention

>And little by little the euro cage is converting countries to third world shitskin containers
blame the kikes that promote immigration and little to no border control

>Healthcare going to shit everywhere
comfy, wouldnt happen had it been private

>pension system are collapsing
comfy and forseeable since day one, did you check the active population chart ever? should have gone for private not public

>Fucking ultra-nazi-liberists are living out of this world to barely see reality
based ad hitlerium as always

>> No.16839464

kek the profits banks make on the loans don't just disappear they recycle in the economy this is just you going full retard
fuck greeks and fuck krauts, maybe you german scum shouldn't have loaned to subpar euros at prime rates and either should have taken it the fkn greeks, both parties are to blame, the stance that germany took on greece is versailles treaty tier but again both parties fucked up it's just that the greeks are paying the fuckup because krauts are in a position of power, me personally I piss on every dead greek kid and every german boomer that isnt getting his debt paid

>> No.16839468
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>ECB prints over 5 trillion Euros out of thin air and spends it buying greek and italian bonds and zombie corporate debt
>our policies are failing. we need to print even more money

>> No.16839470

You’ll be welcome here in the UK as long as you bring lots of money, otherwise stay there

>> No.16839479

>Healthcare going to shit
socialism doesn't work, retard
>Pension system collapsing
socialism doesn't work, retard

>> No.16839494


UK on its way to being a islamist stronghold shithole. Ya, no, thanks, one of the last places that come to mind when wanting to move.

>> No.16839506
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ITT: Stats from 5 years ago and memes about the Eurozone crisis

/biz/ we expect better.

The EU has proved resilient to crisis, and now with massive growth patterns establishing in the Eastern states, a new economic gravitational center is forming. The old Western economies will be boosted due to preferential access to new markets of consumers, and those new markets will accelerate their growth as infrastructure and commerce continues to pump into the region.

Retarded Brits and Americans continually call the demise of the bloc, while their economies sleepwalk into chinese ownership, and coast on financial stimulus which will be finite. The largest "industry" in the UK is finance, and most of their exports are with the EU, while the EU has been busy building new trade relationships globally, and keeping it's manufacturing and industrial sectors healthy.

I know this board is dominated by Brits and Americans, but their takes on the EU are just laughably bad. The EU is a more stable entity than either of those countries enjoy. 2/4 major UK regions want the UK to break up, and the US supremacy is all reliant on the petrodollar and mutual indebtedness.

>> No.16839513

>20 years later
EU is in a permanent recession, no military, cucked yuropoors
>USA and China debt has so many zeroes that are not fitting a /biz/ post
2% unemployment, stocks at ATH with 20000% gains, 7th gen military weapons, can convert Europe in a parking spot in 3.5 seconds
Debt is just a fucking number that can NEVER go down, money are literally printed on debt, if you want to reduce it, you have to drain liquidity from real economy

>> No.16839515

>due to overregulation on overtaxation that hurt profitability

You dont understand that you are saying the exact same thing. Overtaxation is the problem, and the eu is FORCING balanced budgets and temporary deficits of only up to 3%, so the eu is forcing governments to tax more money out of the economy than the amount of money they put into the economy.
Yes lower taxation is needed for growth but that is the same as saying budget deficits, you can only lower taxation now if the eu allows you to have a higher projected deficit (even though the deficit will be less than that since the economy will grow more, but the eu models don't really account for that).

lowering taxes = higher government deficit

>> No.16839522
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Thank you for your post. 2 centimes have been deposited into your bank account (which will be confiscated in the next crisis).

>> No.16839528

Then taxation should be illegal

>> No.16839543
File: 14 KB, 825x510, ECB-Balance-Sheet-until-July-2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16839546

This is what EU cucks never get and are not biologically able to grasp. Reality runs on a script and most EU people are scripted to demise.

>> No.16839549

no, he's arguing for deficit spending, sure that means you dont have to raise taxes on the short term, hell you migh even take em to zero and finance yourself throught deficit only, except that's an indirect tax on future inflation, yes, inflation affects you negatively, unless you are a bum that doesn't work and doesn't save

add some more zeroes like venezuela
>Debt is just a fucking number that can NEVER go down, money are literally printed on debt, if you want to reduce it, you have to drain liquidity from real economy
wrong, you're just kicking the can down the road

>> No.16839604
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>wrong, you're just kicking the can down the road
that’s literally the only thing you can do with the current monetary system
the first you realize it the better

>> No.16839617
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>The Telegraph

>> No.16839626

This country would be unironically too stronk so everyone else will do everything in their power to shut down the plan

>> No.16839667

not just greek and intalian, it has to spend it to equally to buy bonds from every eu state, to be "fair" which creates huge market distorsions and only worsens the difference in interest rates across the eu members. Instead of making economies converge it makes them diverge even more.
And it-s proven that kind of printing (qe) doesnt actually add net money to the real economy, its only a nice gift of free money for banks since the ecb is not allow to buy bonds from govts directly, so banks can make free money out of thin air, and they are not incentivized to give out loans anymore, due to shitty aggregate demand and zero inflation/interest rate.

You think that is printing money? Its actally sucking money out of the economy, and putting it into the black accounting hole of the ecb:

>govt prints 1% interest rate bond putting 100$ in the economy
>bank buys the bond for 100$, immediately sells it to the ecb for 100.1$
>ecb "buys" that bond with "money" created out of thin air
>now the govt owes 101$ to the ecb
>Result: the bank made 0.1% return in a minute at zero risk. Overall the govt will have to suck 1 more dollar out of the real economy through taxation, in order to repay the money the ecb kindly printed. In the medium term, no money is added to the real economy. Only way to bring money in the economy is exports, but mathematically not every country can be a net exporter

>> No.16839686

literally you cannot escape debt
every single fucking cent since the inception of the current monetary system was emitted on debt
can you do some basic math?
the only way to make debt less heavy and balance the economy is inflation
inflation is not some sort of “evil thing that makes you Venezuela”, inflation is a balancing mechanism to have a sustainable debt
if you want to reduce debt, you are reducing private wealth, it’s fucking math
if you don’t like this system l, buy BTC, but do not support eurozone otherwise your logic is literally a short circuit and you are fucking human non-sense

>> No.16839720

inflation only affects you negatively if you are not productive and have your money parked somewhere. If you produce something the economy wants, then you will be making more money from the inflation. So overall it's an incentive to produce reall stuff that people want, rather than park your money somewhere and do nothing productive with it.

Hyperinflation is a problem but its like saying car brakes are bad cause they slow a car down, and car crashes are basically a car slowing down very fast.
Hyperinflation is simply when people start using some foreign currency in daily transactions so the local currency goes to zero.

>no, he's arguing for deficit spending, sure that means you dont have to raise taxes on the short term
So you want lower taxes or higher taxes? Cause you need higher short term deficit in order to reduce taxes, if you dont get that you are not worth my time to continue this conversation.

>> No.16839738
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their brain is literally short-circuiting

>> No.16839757

>uses its power to import all of Africa along with the Islamic world and give them free stuff
>welfare state collapses
>riots and chaos erupt as the nignigs lose their free stuff
>civilization falls apart
>a thousand years of darkness ensues
Haven't they done enough damage already?

>> No.16839790
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we need to wipe out leftists asap

>> No.16840118

>Muh immigrants
Give me a break for fuck sake
Ok no immigrants. Then what's the plan? To tear Europe apart and leave little single countries stay on their own?
How do they even compete against Usa?
How can Greece compete against some other big country?
Inb4 all these little countries are going to be Usa cucks like it's going to be, instead of being just one serious country with just one military army

>> No.16840167


>> No.16840176

why the fuck we need to compete with chinks and pajeet you fucking complete mongoloid?
we should invest massively in research & development, physics, chemistry, medicine, everything that brings innovation, tech and improve our life
we should never compete with bangla salaries to produce some fucking cheap toxic clothes
you want to compete with them?
there you go:
-salary deflation
-work everyday
-social progress trashed
In one word: YUROPOORS

>> No.16840192
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>we should invest massively in research & development, physics, chemistry, medicine, everything that brings innovation, tech and improve our life

>> No.16840201

You can't compete and shipping in more nigs and slimes isn't going to help, only make things much worse when the shit hits the fan. The heyday of European civilization is long since over, but at least they could go down with some dignity. Oh well, another sad chapter for the history books.

>> No.16840207

Meme. Real estate is the real deal.

>> No.16840237
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>> No.16840347
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sad but true
unskilled niggers bring up criminality rates and fuel a rat race between unemployed yuropoors that will never get a pension even after 40 years of wagie-waging
add a non-working meme currency
lot of EU bureaucracy
aaaand explosive combo
civil war and collapse cannot be stopped

>> No.16840389
File: 24 KB, 602x338, D2D5BF04-C50E-41CA-8249-E03E6ED1E317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unemployed yuropoors that will never get a pension even after 40 years of wagie-waging
“we need to become more competitive so we decided to fire you after 37 years of great adventures as a cage operator with us”

>> No.16840466

Potato Nigger here.

If your country is thinking of leaving the EU, get behind it. they parked about 3 generations of other countries' debt here in 08 and since then Ireland has been sold off piecemeal to vulture funds. all arts, culture, bars, clubs are being shut down in Dublin and replaced with hotels and yuppie apartments, we have apocalyptic levels of migrants coming in. even being set up in rural areas. the eurozone debt alone wiped out the good from anything they ever paid for (mostly roads). our govt. (and sadly the normie population) is one of the most pozzed in the world so they're going full blown Kalergi on us and not even trying to hide it anymore. Irish families raising their kids in travelodges for years, homeless crisis and they still import boatloads of migrants in a day. this is all the EU. I pray to god Italy leaves and brings this whole house of cards crashing down.

>> No.16840773

absolutely not you fucking morons. US is going don the drain and we will free ourselves from your oppression. You fucking Anglo bastards tried fuck fellow Whites over and brown us, and it is you who became an Amerimutt.
The doom of the burger is the dawn of new european ascent.
Europe is about to moon.

>> No.16840787

this would turn all of europe into mystery meat

>> No.16840791

European civilization peaked in the 18th century, it has been going downhill for the last three centuries.

>> No.16840798

Yeah, we can thank The Age of Anglo for that. Now, we are back.

>> No.16840817

my sister has a PhD in Physics
she believe research is the only way to make humanity progress
she is doing a post-doc and researching some new material which could change everybody’s life: graphene
european funds are very limited, even for countries which are NET contributors
she was getting a ridiculous salary, very close to the legal minimum
funds were on and off
now they are gone
now my sister is unemployed and the research stopped
is this normal? can humanity progress in this way?
not all private companies are willing to invest in researches that can last 10/20/30/40 years
ecb needs urgently to inject this money inside monetary mass M1, skipping the big banks and the eu commission mafia
europeans have a lot to offer, let them have a chance

>> No.16840819

look at the jews you fucking idiot

>> No.16840826

cringe and reality disconnected

>> No.16840838
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It's unironically just a matter of time. There's has been a huge political shift, you can feel the political tension in the air. Tic toc

>> No.16840845

sir and watch charts
you are a patented retard

>> No.16840879

Lega, FDI and the mummy can almost do it alone
But the mummy is old and he is already sold out to EU
Salvini is starting to lick EU ass as well
I really wish Italexit bro, but never trust politicians

>> No.16840893

Every fucking time I see a virtue signalling refugee welcome faggot. it is either a Frenchcuck or Anglo-saxon. You were the jews all along.

>> No.16840968
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guess who was in charge of the british empire during the 19th Century?

>> No.16840984

How does that redeem you. We were able to kick them out for the entire millennia.

>> No.16841018

>70 years of peace


>> No.16841040

Not a bong but they came back in and stayed after the "glorious revolution". everything England has done since then has furthered the cause of Zion.

>> No.16841069

Touting your failure as an achievement. Who the fuck tried to start the WW in Ukraine. And you retarded goy there were no 70 years of peace in Europe, you fuckers go tell that to Yougoslavia. Surprise surprise once again you supported shitskins against Whites.

>> No.16841081


>> No.16841222
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>orthodox turkmutts vs. catholic turkmutts vs. muslim turkmutts
>y-you betrayed da huwite race!

>> No.16841320

Maybe you should to investments with more than 3%yield lol. Policies are not there to support your non profit businesses.

>> No.16841448
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you guys are italian too?
Spread the verb, Italexit cant come soon enough!