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16835660 No.16835660 [Reply] [Original]

Praise kek, BSV and CSW

>> No.16835664

In a few hours it starts

>> No.16835688

We are already above EOS
LTC soon

>> No.16835692
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no YOU start

>> No.16835960

Hashrate is up

>> No.16835985
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No YOU you

>> No.16836031
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no YOU up

>> No.16836065
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no YOU

>> No.16836118
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No You no

>> No.16836135

>BSV will pop

Yeah bubbles pop

>> No.16836156

this thread a cute

>> No.16837241
File: 115 KB, 900x509, 1578696381192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

164$ up 4% in a sea of red eos you're done. Next litecoin

>> No.16837374

169$ holy kek, does mister Squids ever get tired of being wrong

I'm a few hours on the dot it's starting

>> No.16837375

$168. What's driving the price up? Is it all just "maybe Craig really is Satoshi?"

>> No.16837387

he IS satoshi

>> No.16837421


In this case it's meme triangles and yes he is

>> No.16837423

I hope so. I've hedged into BSV pretty hard. It seems to make more sense that he is than he isn't...

>> No.16837435

>It seems to make more sense that he is than he isn't...
congrats, you have a working and independent mind. You will make it

>> No.16837443

If you actually dyor you will find that satoshi was almost certainly Hal Dave and Craig. It’s not even that hard to figure out.

BSV allows for actual application of the technology though, that’s why it’s taking off. Oh and insiders know the courier arrived.

>> No.16837455

YES! HOly fuck, bought my last bags 2 hours ago. Lets fucking go. FUck core cuks!!

>> No.16837468

Mate, if the Tulip Trust turns out to be a hoax, then literally everything about Craig is fake as well, including his involvement with bitcoin

>> No.16837486

Smart money knows it’s not a hoax. This is unironically a glownigger op to take crypto back from China. It has Five Eyes written all over it.

>> No.16837501

t. bought at 84
I have nothing to lose and plenty of chance to cash out ahead, I ain’t lying to you. Dyor and pay attention to the details and timeline.

>> No.16837517

>Oh and insiders know the courier arrived.
That's juicy. Getting fuck all done at work today LOL. Good times.

>> No.16837521

172$ so stiff

>> No.16837527


>> No.16837552

Stop with the FUD, please. BSV is going to pass Tether and BCH today. It's going to flip BTC before EOM.

>> No.16837633

Aaaand we have a daily support niggers. How will you celebrate your weekend 1.5x? Me? I’m diversifying into SNSS

>> No.16837658

Omfg I have more than 105 is w-wha-which-c-can-c-can-what?

>> No.16838060

That makes a lot of sense, what other interesting stuff do you know, wise anon?

>> No.16838071

Hmm.. My ID

>> No.16838102

Holy fucking shit...

Cult SV fate...

>> No.16838130

Seriously...that can't be random...

>> No.16838170
File: 99 KB, 866x1162, Screen Shot 2019-12-08 at 6.21.29 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.16838171

you’ll never meet a member of any intelligence agency, calm down anon. everyone knows that.

I know emergent fintechs are a front for “alternative data” based lending that will eventually be rolled into credit reporting, making a pseudo social score

>> No.16838187

oh fugg. Kek wants it. All in bsv

>> No.16838222

Kek be praised

>> No.16838238

Proud member Cult SV

>> No.16838248


>> No.16838254
File: 119 KB, 450x405, 1565863635813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that isn't a sign I don't know what is. All in BSV we are going to make it

>> No.16838274

Checked and based. Im literally all in

>> No.16838299
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>> No.16838303

Literally just sold my grandma on the black market to buy more

>> No.16838332

Beware, people. If the Tulip Trust is fake and a hoax, it will be VERY bad.

>> No.16838348

According to Creg the courier has arrived. I dont have the screencap of his messages from yesterday.... but either all us BSVjeets are going to be stupid rich or ... well I'm already broke so who cares

>> No.16838359
File: 12 KB, 313x144, 1578875532641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the screencap

>> No.16838402

Checked follow the eyes to the golden years

>> No.16838415

As I said, be wary. If it's just another bluff, it means he made up everything, and nothing good is likely to come out of court. GL with that.

>> No.16838430

Your concern trolling is extremely cringe. Craig is Satoshi, BSV is bitcoin and we have already won. Try to find a way to deal with it

>> No.16838442

No I understand man. It could be catastrophic or massive. Either way these next few weeks will be a hell of a ride kek

>> No.16838482

Why do you say it doesn't matter if the Tulip Trust is real? Too much hinges on it. If it ain't, it's kill.

>> No.16838494

What/who does it matter for?
What hinges on it?

>> No.16838524

Craig's story, among other things. If the trust was made up, nothing about him would be real. Not good, prolly

>> No.16838564

Craig is Satoshi no matter if the tulips are real or not. Have you done any research on Craig and his past career at all? Have you read any of his academic writings, blog posts, patents, and speeches on bitcoin?

>> No.16838581

Here's the sad part. The Tulip Trust overrides the speeches and patents.

>> No.16838591

Yeah, it is very sad if you believe so. Don't like it? STIFF

>> No.16838612

You're being told if the Tulip Trust isn't real, neither is the rest. Pray that it be.

>> No.16838630

yeah, told by you who clearly hasn't done as much research as I. Funny how you think your words bear any weight at all. lmao

>> No.16838650

You're saying if his biggest credential turns out to be fake, it doesn't matter? Nah mate.

>> No.16839142

checked and praised, just bought 1million bsv after reading this. Inshallah

>> No.16840232

Is cult good or bad?

>> No.16840250

just ask craig to suck his cock already you homo

>> No.16840257

I want in the cult.

>> No.16840298

i have one BTC leftt rest is all in on BSV
figured it keep it as a souvenir or some shit but now I figured I souldve put it in as well
any chance we get another dip?

>> No.16840304

How far do you think its gunna go before it goes back down

>> No.16840325
File: 13 KB, 657x527, R14kkDj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok newfren get a moneybutton, handcash and twetch account and you're in

>> No.16840535

And baemail

>> No.16841673

Where is the guy who says I'm full of shit now?

I said in a few hours it starts we will pass eos and litecoin. We officially PASSED LITECOIN

>> No.16842029

Why is it shooting up?
>inb4 "it's f8"
Really, isn't Craig in the middle of a law suit? Is there a fundamental reason why it's going up so high?

>> No.16842911


>> No.16842942

I know I have and this man is right at the top of the dunning-kruger curve.

>> No.16843288

>Is there a fundamental reason why it's going up so high?
It's fucking uncompromised Bitcoin now deal with it or get left behind

>> No.16843294

dyor bitch

>> No.16843305
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We have spent over a year laying everything out for you in great detail and with unlimited patience. The history, the facts, the data, the clues, the hints and the information flows.

Only a few listened - The ones who could think critically and see through the paid blockstream FUD. You are not one of them. So as we say...

Have a nice life.

>> No.16843376
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>> No.16843483


>> No.16843548
File: 3 KB, 225x225, images (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these gets, all the frens, CultSV

Truly a blessed thread. Praise kek

>> No.16843562

We officially are back at 200$ truly a time to be alive

>> No.16843607

Never doubted you for a second, squids. You're still a massive faggot though, and I mean that in the best way