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1679397 No.1679397 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good time to invest in silver and/or gold? One of my colleagues swears by it, hè just bought a lot of silver coins, i'm not convinced yet.

Does anyone here have experience with it?
What are the pros and cons?

>> No.1679401

under $15 you can buy it

>> No.1679402

gold is cheap now.. good price to buy.. buy if you plan to hodl

>> No.1679403

tbqh id buy a gold coin just to display it

how much monies are you talking about OP?

>> No.1679406

pros: if there is widespread financial system collapse but not a total collapse only a partial it's very safe. silver mining is not profitable under $23 spot so some mines actually buy silver when it's this cheap instead of continuing operations. silver will definitely visit above $25 in the near future.

cons: vat and huge premium on buy and you can usually sell at spot price. this means with taxes and all you need physical silver to double in price before you see any profit on it.

>> No.1679414

oh an done more thing, for anyone to actually buy your shit spot either needs to be climbing still or being stabilized. because nobody is going to buy it as it starts to fall from $50. everyone will drop silver like a hot potato or give you shit price except a few retards whom you won't find as they will be buying from mike malooney..

>> No.1679426

Thanks, i'll sleep another night over it

>> No.1679740

I would, anon. Prices were here last year at this time, and over the summer/fall we were at $20+

>> No.1679756

>and over the summer/fall we were at $20+
which was still way too low. the problem is when the stock market craps itself witch is bound to happen in 1-8 years really, it will be too late to buy, but holding till that is really costly.silver can decrease in value and you can easily lose patience and sell it and get fucked. this has happened many times with many who thought he got the timing right.

holding silver especially if you can buy under $15 is not bad, but going all in is really not wise.

>> No.1679767

it's funny tho, if you look at these charts you will see that silver is still overpriced to gold for the past 30 years. despite the historic ration being around 12 recently it's more around 55.

so expecting that silver will miraculously over-perform gold especially in the absence of a bunch of retards that try to buy it all, is not well founded.


>> No.1679896

Sold all my silver and gold and went full retard in Bitcoin.

>> No.1680287

look for 2nd hand and vat paid silver. this brings it much closer to spot.

these metals are a long term hold though, even if you get a limited mint coin you will still need to hold it for years before collectors will want to pay a premium for it

>> No.1680373

Best to talk to the "stacker community" about this one. I'm not a stacker but I do hold 25 oz of silver. That was the minimum the bank allowed me to buy.

Pros: imo, Could be used for jewelry or sold to jewelers, worst case.

- The "Prepper" community also swears to stack silver as well. So you might be able to barter and trade with them.

- If it goes up you can sell and make capital gains

Cons: Can't really do much with them really other than hold and see what happens, thus tying up your money for years.

>> No.1680442

>stacker community
sounds like good unbiased source right there!
>The "Prepper" community
yes let's ask insane people with severe irrational anxiety!

btw i have like 40oz, bought a 100 but sold most of it already. the more i think about it the more i want to sell the rest too. too bad the spot is at a low to usd.

>> No.1680449

my man

>> No.1680483

>sounds like good unbiased source right there!

precious metals, gemstones, coins, jewelry...all these things are a blend of hobby as well as possible profit. it isn't "just" about profit, its not a pure financial gain tool

>> No.1680489

have you ever watched a stackers video?

there was this guy that repeated for 20 minutes how he will hold onto his silver he bought at $39 because this low price result of severe manipulation might just crumble any day and he encouraged others to do the same... in fact he was planning to buy some more at this bargain price. i think the vid was like 3 years old and when i watched it silver was at $13 spot. yep typical stacker.

>> No.1680490

Stay away from Silver as it has been at the center of controversy over price rigging.

As for Gold, which is more liquid than Silver, I suggest taking a perspective of "locking in" the value of whatever you want to convert it with. At the moment, it is low compared to USD, but just about the same when compared with the rest of the currencies (actually it's even more expensive in Australian dollars now, since the AUD is so weak).

So, OP. What currency are you planning to "Lock in"?

>> No.1680495

i have to agree right now gold is probably better buy. just look at the gold/silver price ratios and see for yourself!

>> No.1680549

What is that in oz.
I'm not op but I live and Canada and was wondering what would flip easier.
Gold bar, coins jewelry.
Or silver bars coins jewelry.

>> No.1680556
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I think he ment per oz. They mostly go by spot price. If you're going to buy silver you have 3 main choices.
>Junk Silver
Mainly coins 64 and younger. Usually circulated but some coins may have numismatic value so they are sold higher
>Silver Bullion
Silver Eagles for USA - lower numismatic value (some do) lower premium bought in sold individualy or k n green monster box's from the mint
>Silver Bars
Lowest premium you'll get it closest to spot. Buy from a safe source you'll be ok

>> No.1680575

Numismatics is a nice hobby, and I would recommend it.
I wouldn't recommend relying on it for investments unless you know what you're doing. I mean, that goes for everything, but there are coins you can be sure will stay the same value and coins you can be sure will increase in value and coins that you really can't be sure of all, and if you mix those up (or even just mix up coins that increase in value quickly versus slowly) you can waste a lot of money.

>> No.1680600

That said, many governments and other groups now sell "coins" known as rounds which are essentially small pieces of bullion. These are different from the silver quarters and such that you see advertised on TV. You can tell them apart by looking at how the value is printed-- in rounds it will be in precious metal weight instead of cost, usually troy ounces. If you buy those you have the advantage of being able to treat it like a straight commodity-- it's guaranteed to have the indicated precious metal content and you can buy it as part of investment portfolios that disallow coins. You also have the disadvantage of it not having numismatic value because it's not rare in the same ways, it's mostly tied up in safe deposit boxes, and various legal and subcultural distinctions that make coin collectors usually not care about them unless they're interested in having bullion along with coins.

>> No.1680765

What's spot mean
And where can I find gold and silver in Canada that's real and not a scam.
Also is it possible to buy gold and silver and have the price rise soon or wait till it does drop of it does?

>> No.1680794

spot price, which is usually what people will pay in a one-on-one transaction

>> No.1681094
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i'm euro tho for some reason maples have the least premium here.

>> No.1681095

real silver has a very distinct sound learn it and you will never buy a fake one.

>> No.1681157

>this means with taxes and all you need physical silver to double in price before you see any profit on it.
So much this. Definitely be careful and educate yourself on its tax status in your country of residence. I don't know a single country that levies VAT on gold, since it's considered a reserve currency. But I do know several places that put VAT on silver, since it's usually considered a raw material for industry first and foremost. This completely kills the investment potential of physical silver for private individuals in my home country. I'll never get good annual returns out of silver if I have to first make up for 20% VAT.

>> No.1681777


>financial advisor says not to bother with metals because they don't generate anything

>"yeah but what about as a hedge?"

>well you'd have to store it and then sell it when it's high, but they'll buy it below what it's worth so they can turn a profit

I guess I'll just keep buying on my own. I want metals for when the recession finally manifests again after 8+ years of papering over it with bullshit Fed fuckery. """Recovery""" my ass.

>> No.1682089

British colony
engaged in trade talks
weak economy

all Canadian coins are cheap right now. you might be able to turn a profit on some of the themed series unless you just want to horde generic maples on the chance some EU banks collapse

>> No.1682164

I'm currently holding GLD and GDX. It's not quite as bulletproof as holding physical but you can dodge all the hassle of transporting and storing.

>> No.1682462
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>One of my colleagues swears by it

>> No.1682822

i bought these 100 maples as a trial to test out the seller and delivery estonia has vat free silver but of course instead they put a premium on it. but at least it doesn't go to my fucking state i fucking hate that retarded vat and do everything in my power to avoid it at all cost.

anyways once i got them i started looking into selling them. and quickly realized i can't even turn a fucking profit on them even after silver went up significantly unless i sell them privately because every large buyer buys under spot by 20% and i had 20% prem on them. and i don't even intend to pay any taxes after them i mean fuck that i'm still fleeced on these fuckers.

so i sell them to morons that think it's a good idea to buy silver coins and only have to compete with other sellers in price that's a comfy position but not secure at all and quite time consuming.

>> No.1682951
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this .

if you want commodities, buy etf or futures or something.

>> No.1682953
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no yield

>> No.1682957

I own a pawnshop and I am buying every piece of gold and silver I can.

I just bought 40oz of silver off a guy yesterday for $15 an oz. I plan on sitting on all of my silver for the foreseeable future. Gold I melt when the business needs some extra cash so it isnt as much of an investment for me.

>> No.1682970
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thats funny cause berkshire stock doesn't have a yeild either.

>> No.1682999


I've always liked the jewish rule, 1/3 in real estate, 1/3 in stocks, and 1/3 in gold. The first two will make you rich, the last one will keep you rich. Anywhere for 7.5% - 33% of your wealth in gold, depending on how you want to time the market an shit.

Gold is a defensive play, if you have no wealth, don't buy it, you don't have anything to lose yet. Create wealth first, then worry about retaining it.

Gold will track inflation, but it's a bitch to buy / sell / store, it doesn't generate income, etc. The benefit gold has is that it is a store of wealth, it can't deflate / hyper inflate.

The jews like gold because it's the best 'in case shit' tool. Massive war? Grab it out of the safe and run. Hyper inflation and currency cuckery? Doesn't matter, you have gold. Government decides to bail in using your bank deposits like in cyprus? Fuck you gov, I have gold.

Gold is the only insurance policy worth anything when 'shit happens'. Buy gold, keep gold, don't invest in gold expecting mad gainz though.

>> No.1683004
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the price of gold has quadrupled over the last 80 years btw.

>> No.1683059

I guess I'm not a good jew since I bought silver first, now I just got me some btc and some alt coins, and I'm planning to buy a flat in a year.

>> No.1683285

THE question is tho, will it keep going that way or crash back down to "normal"?

>> No.1683351

>the price of gold has quadrupled over the last 80 years btw.
and what was inflation rate for the past 80 years nigga? gold is not even good long term store of value. it's only good if you buy it undervalued and sell it overvalued and don't pay taxes on the difference. it requires patience and luck and lot's of money.

>> No.1683378
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that is already adjusted for inflation.

don't u know how to read charts by now?

>> No.1683388
File: 77 KB, 872x498, inflation-adjusted-gold-price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you probably looked at the wrong charts nigga.
also the basket used for inflation is severely manipulated lately. after the war your average worker would easily afford a home a car and everything without loans. today a youngster has almost zero chance of getting all that. but sugar and flour and beer is cheaper i guess.

>> No.1683391

Your advisor is right.

While the economy as a whole hasn't recovered as well as times before, the Stock market made huge gains following the years after 08. People who held through it made off very well.

You can sit their and "hedge your bets" while everyone else keeps making gains. Unless you can predict when the market will tank again and time it just right (you can't) you are losing out big time.

Not saying there isn't money to be made on metals, but long term it's a fools errand. And if you're a paranoid prepper food, guns, and ammo is way more important.

>> No.1683393
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lol. ur looking at the wrong chart.

thats comparing it to the value of the dollar. that chart is actually proving my point , but you're to retarded to read it right.

>> No.1683401
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>> No.1683402

my point was the value of dollar has gone to shit so your gains are not impressive at all.

>> No.1683403

to put it differently the purchasing power of the gold has fallen steadily for the past century.
we have a little hike thanks to the troubles, but overall the big picture is not pretty.

gold is more of a costly but relatively safe heaven than an investment long term.

>> No.1683419

It's almost as if as when you get older you can move your money to safer vehicles (i.e. bonds, real estate) to avoid massive shocks to your portfolio.

>> No.1683470

once again . you have no idea what you are looking at .

Gold has outpaced the dollar .

>> No.1683478

what? what do you mean by outpaced?
the dollar is devaluing faster than gold sure. and? that makes it okay to buy gold to you? if you want to keep up with inflation you need to put your money in stuff that yields something above inflation.