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16827301 No.16827301 [Reply] [Original]

can anyone here who has unironically made it describe what its like in excruciating detail? Like your daily life, what you did last week, or last month, etc. Pics and greentext highly encouraged.

>> No.16827327

I still work, everything is the same, the only difference is I can buy whatever I want at the supermarket and I have really nice furniture. I also bought my mom an apartment cause I was such a pain in the ass to raise...but that’s really it.

>> No.16827347

I stress a lot to make sure the money doesn’t disappear because I know the value of not being a full wagecuck.

>> No.16827369

Why not build up a giant stack of something tangible like gold or silver or something in addition to your other investments? My PMs help me sleep soundly regardless of what the markets do

>> No.16827387

do you enjoy life more? Aren't you able to hang out with friends you like, or travel? what are your hobbies?

>> No.16827416
File: 44 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making its a meme my dude some of us were just born with something wrong , somewhere along the line we stopped enjoying things , we stopped finding meaning in anything , now you might still feel a tiny bit hope that you can change

>if i just start lifting
>if i get rich and good car / clothes
>if i get a gf
>im gonna feel good

you wont and its fucking over

>> No.16827478


>> No.16827488

Because I don’t really trust good to give me any real gains. It’s like hitting the pause button on you’re money.

>> No.16827514

I don’t really like to travel....I spend a lot of my free time taking photography of urban decay. Since my career is allows me to work for only 8 months out of the year I have 4 months to hang out with my mom, and brothers. Spending time with them really helps my metal state. I’m not seriously depressed but the seriousness of life gets exhausting.

>> No.16827524


Same guy, just using my phone now.

>> No.16827539

Yeah but if you’ve already made it and you have enough to spread around you could easy have a stockpile of money (ie gold) sufficient to live on for the balance of your natural life sitting somewhere. I suspect you haven’t truly made it

>> No.16827561


>> No.16827575

“Making it” is different for everyone....I have a new worth which includes real estate of about 8 million.

>> No.16827579
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How much do you earn

>> No.16827580

That's called a serotonin deficiency. Take St. John's Wort. It's like 5 bucks for a million capsules and it floods your brain with serotonin.

>> No.16827587
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>He inspired me to go to the gym.
>I want to make it in life

>> No.16827594

Job and investments together...around 265,000 a year.

>> No.16827610

Then why not focus on setting enough aside as a hoard so you don’t stress over the rest?

>> No.16827611

Also No kids, no wife....live with longtime gf. So the money goes even farther

>> No.16827624
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Personally wouldn't consider 265k as "made it". Made it is 3M after taxes, everyone's view is different.

>> No.16827658

Oh yeah, that’s not lol, but that 265k a year is the income from my gig and my investments...on top of that my net worth is around 8 million from my investments and real estate.

>> No.16827681
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I had to do this for a college course. The professor gave me a c- and said to "know your audience". Guess he isn't a fan of the degen lifestyle.

>> No.16827697

tits or gtfo

>> No.16827777


I agree that brain chemistry can be difficult to change. However, think of those things you mentioned on a spectrum,

No love/partner---------Love

Most everyone would agree those spectrums have an ideal "side" to be on. In other words, if you are fat and unhealthy as fuck, this is DEFINITELY not helping you.

And yes things like clothing or cars are a meme. But "FREEDOM" (by virtue of good finances), "HEALTH", "LOVE" are universally desired. They exist as positives that will help you, if not completely solve your malaise.

And also, to me it sometimes seems this line of thinking (not always) is used as an excuse. For example, the fat person who eats cake and candy and drinks soda all the time claims he wouldn't be happier if he was in shape. It's a way of rationalizing that behavior. But what it truly is, is the unwillingness to actually do hard work and change yourself. The unwillingness to experience pain.

People who smoke are in the same boat. Quitting would be a painful experience so they continue telling themselves that they would be no happier not smoking so why even try? "it's a futile effort. Therefore I shouldn't expend any effort."

The blackpill to all of this, is that it requires a high intelligence to really change yourself. Because it involves manipulating and experimenting with your own habits, thoughts and tendencies. Meta-cognition. Some people I think simply lack the mental power to really understand why they have the problems they do and how to remedy them. Hence many poor people being obese for example. Many poor people doing drugs for example...they get reeled in and trapped by the "easy high" and lack the mental capacity to escape. They are completely controlled by their destructive impulses

>> No.16827827

I have a client/ good friend who is a billionaire. I hate to tell you this but not much changes. Sure she takes a private jet when she travels, but managing the money is very stressful and on a much bigger scale. Her divorce has been going on for five years now because there are so many assets. Her whole life seems like it revolves around managing her money/ assets and preventing people from taking advantage of her. Her problems are slightly different than mine, but she has just as many of them if not more.

>> No.16827853

How would you explain highly intelligent alcoholics or suicides then

>> No.16827855

Those 7’s tho

>> No.16827892

What brand

>> No.16827986

that sucks. what would you do to handle the wealth/lifestyle differently? Seems like the most obvious takeaway is to keep a low profile.

>> No.16828384

Because oftentimes high IQ people are even worse if they ever find themselves wrapped in a delusion or mental illness they've developed
And the reason for this is essentially twofold:
>Because they have so many ways to rationalize their behavior in their mind's creativity (in short they can apply their metacognition on terribly insufficient 'data' [life experience] creating a feedback loop)
>And their lives are not usually bad enough in other ways to warrant a confrontation with themselves and what's addling them
Thus they often go on for far too long with a middling sense of 'my instincts tell me life shouldn't be so horrible' but continue on with their yuppie lifestyle living in a nice condo without a soul

>> No.16828391

Maybe 2-10 million dollars would be ideal.

>> No.16828446
File: 53 KB, 480x360, 298eb8e8d2a1d9f621b53a8e9ff8aeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had the urge to coom but I didn't because of your post.

>> No.16828475

But it isn't just sad yuppies though

>> No.16828549

I moved back in with my mom as I'm an only child and she's getting older. Got us a really big house out in the country so it's not too bad. Still 5 mins from downtown.
She still works because she wants to finish topping off her 401k over the next 5 years. I really protested against it, but she's worried I'll blow all the money I guess.
Spend a lot of time smoking weed and online just bullshitting.
Invested in some "trendy" condos on campus that I rent out to rich college kids.
Still not in a relationship, but don't really want to be. Bought an alright 30k car outright.
Honestly, its a little lonely, everyone else has regular lives and I sit around all day cooking and cleaning, shitposting, and smoking.

>> No.16828646

I go to Japan twice a year to brush up on my language skills there and indulge in the tourism and buy a fuckload of useless collectibles.
I dont go out every weekend, I cook a lot of my own food. My friends are very trustworthy and I have known them since preschool. I buy them vidya, food, or pay for activities to share the wealth but don't go beyond that and they totally get it.
My net worth is like 15-17 mil roughly, im tellin ya living in the poorer southern states with that kinda wealth sets you up for life as long as you dont have an extravagant lifestyle. Plus being in a college town makes property that much more lucrative.

>> No.16828710

It's funny, I still pirate shit. I still buy groceries from the ghetto supermarket down the road, and still use sales coupons apps and whatever I can to save money. I autistically calculate my decided budget at least 3-4 times a weeek and fill out an excel sheet I have open at all times on my laptop, gaming rig, and desktop.
thanks for reading my blogposts hope this is a peer into what you wanted OP.

>> No.16828822

24 and 200k/yr, micro made-it I guess. I don't really have to pay attention to the prices of thing I buy. Uber drivers always comment on how nice my place is when they drop me off and its always awkward. Last month my gf left me to go fuck other dudes so its been soul crushing loneliness for a while now, especially living alone. Gym kinda helps but its hard when im drinking my brains out all the time. Its hard to see my close friends who are never gonna make it because i want them to have nice things too and not worry about money.

tl;dr is that I have nice things now but the novelty wore off really quick. trying to focus more on health, education, and relationships. maybe one of those will make me happy

>> No.16828844


>> No.16828884

Maybe get off 4 chan and internet, go through 30 days detox, but you cant you need to sign to get your fix. This is the new drug.

>> No.16829005

good to read anon, im in a rural midwestern college town and if i happen to make it with my shitcones i expect my life to be similar to yours. even 2 or 3 mil is enough to live like a king around here, since a fairly nice house can be bought for $100k. My number one rule would be not to let ANYONE find out, and have people think I have some kind of online business where I work from home.

>> No.16829015

What the fuck do you do? I'm 22 and earning like 15k per year.

>> No.16829058

I've seen lots of high IQ people who are depressed, and they all have one thing in common. For one reason or another, they don't take care of their health. Probably out of laziness.
With a high IQ you should be able to read nutrition books, form exercise habits and meditate. But loads of them don't.

>> No.16829068

sounds like I would imagine it. good for you, anon

how did you get rich? with crypto or actual investment strategies?

>> No.16829182

thanks for these posts anon.

>> No.16829231

>estranged child-support dodging father died and left me a mere 1k and his shit house
>fix up shit house with carpenter, electrician friends
>sell it for a profit of about 40k
>bet it all on ETH and BTC because in a doomer arc due to having trouble finishing college and felt wreckless. almost went all in on stocks but so fucking glad I didnt
>cash it all out just before 2017 ATH
>invest in real estate right around campus
>one year later, university pays me 2.3 mil for apartment complex property they will renovate and annex to new sports dormitory
>go extra hard on BTC low early last year as I now have around 5 mil padding in case trades go wrong.
>ride the wave last summer and sell at 11k

I have several plots along the most popular bar street in our city and make a killing on hipsters, trust fund babies, and rich out of towners.
Its tempting, but I dont think I will even go back into crypto out of no need to alone, but I owe this board a deal so I help offer advice when I can.

>> No.16829350


You’re missing God anon. Not joking.

>> No.16829389

Or maybe they tried exercise and meditation, then found out they don't work.

>> No.16829617

Based. I’m good looking and fit and have a gf and make a ton of money and I still want to kms. No amount of money changes the fact that life is completely meaningless. Sex and drugs are fun momentarily but then the brain chemicals wear off and you’re right back to your short pointless life. Religion: cope. Marriage/children: cope. Big house/cars: cope. In 50 years you’ll be dead and in another 50 nobody will remember you existed.

>> No.16829625

Science and common sense say otherwise.
Even if it doesn't cure you 100%, it makes a huge difference.

>> No.16829632

God is a made up idea that helps chimp-level retards cope with their shitty lives

>> No.16829639

Lol at this fat fuck coping. Do the world a favor and hang yourself you “enlightened” prick. There’s nothing worse than some retard who thinks he’s smarter than everyone else, yet is trapped in his cycle of self pity while blaming the world for his shortcomings.

>> No.16829641

I find it entertaining. It gives you full license to go full retard and make some insane creative work which fucks with normies.

>> No.16829668

Take some time and listen to some Jordan Peterson. Not the meme “LEFTIST BTFO BY BASED JP” videos made by some faggot redditor. Look into his podcasts, specifically his earlier lectures on his explanation of religion and our search for purpose. He makes a few good points that really shifted my view of the world into a more positive light without compromising my stances.

>> No.16830644

>OP thinks there are crypto millionaires posting here
Do...do we tell him bros?

>> No.16831075

software engineer in the bay area

>> No.16831097

When I become a millionaire I'll unironically still post here. only change in my life will be a computer screen showing a lot of numbers on my account

>> No.16831394


>made it
>still works

Wasted money. I guess if you weren't born with the aristocratic spirit, you will never have it.

>> No.16831885

if you do it for 3 weeks straight you wont want to go back

>> No.16831934
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>> No.16831961


>wake up at 7:30am on a cold winter day
>get to choose whether I go back to sleep in my nice warm bed or get up for the day

this is the literal definition of “making” it

>> No.16832076

can second this. my good friend's childhood pal is a billionaire. He can't trust new people because you never know who's your real friend or just wants access. Everyone he has had any sort of relationship with is often secretly jockeying for a contract or seat at the table. Just think about the amount of money they spend on landscaping alone and if you're a shit level landecaper, one contract with him can make you.These people are flawed as anyone else and you'd be surprised what can happen if you just ask them point blank for shit. He once doled out 2 million to an old pal who asked for a house. someone he speaks to once evry few years

>> No.16832111

lurk moar

>> No.16832205

Kek you already made it, and you're still, ngmi.
Sounds like you got a small loan of 1 million dollars from daddy and you ran out of entitlements. Now you feel too entitled for the world you live in, that sucks bro. I can't imagine whats worse than being born into money with a brain made of poo

>> No.16832259
File: 12 KB, 250x240, C327CBCB-4066-4F8C-8AD9-5652F883823C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is the personification of man’s moral ideals. Look past the word and you’ll find some direction. Navigate through the forces that flow in the universe

>> No.16832294

> 3 weeks straight

Building up the discipline is the most difficult part there and that's a separate trait from having intelligence.

>> No.16832302

I just want a ranch with a view, so I can drink and smoke on my porch and wait to die, is that so bad?

>> No.16832332
File: 123 KB, 750x1024, chekem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chekt and blackpilled

i've been able to change myself in the past, and have gone through dramatic changes in my lifestyle myself but there comes a tipping point for me where the motivation starts to run dry and I'm left with my old friend self-sabotage. I've been able to quarantine the self sabotage a bit and the only thing that really holds me back at this point is some latent alcohol abuse and procrastination. Much moreso procrastination. And as I age the need to resolve the procrastination becomes more and more dire.

>> No.16832387

You've got it anon.

>> No.16832501

265k income is a damn good income stream. At an interest rate of 5% on bonds, that's the equivalent of $5MM invested.

>> No.16832507

I'm on the way to making it, but I have some friends who have made it. They work on businesses projects and dedicate time to their hobbies/interests. When they sell a business, they tend to travel a lot/party until they commit on a new project to pursue for the next year or two.

As others have mentioned, a lot of energy is spent protecting their money through investments. You don't just keep the money in the bank, you live off dividends and only spend a certain amount, say $20k a month, and no more. They still work because it's boring af to not do anything. The one's that do often commit suicide or get into major drug addictions.

>> No.16832523

what do ya'll do?

>> No.16832567

I'm a engineer contractor and have a small business relating to my field. Someone I know started in investment banking, then went into e-commerce and real estate. He completely made it at around $5M or so. Another just flips houses and creates airbnb vacation spots - he's probably worth between 500k-1M but gets consistent revenue off the real estate and enough to work on other gigs

>> No.16833145

Youre one of the good ones anon

>> No.16834060

Legit I quit caffeine a month ago and I'm already feeling smarter. It was almost impossible to quit.

>> No.16834204

I'm stuck in "made it limbo" and I'd rather be poor, "made it" enough to quit my job, haven't worked in 2 years, but still don't have enough to buy my own house/a new Tesla roadster, also I'm basically getting more and more retarded each day from not growing, I've done the gym meme ect but if it wasn't for my family and friends the isolation would be too much to bear... once I have a house I'll consider a career and or family... I'll get a GF and call it a life, I was never a tranny fucker like 90% of this board a place like Pattaya seems to me like living hell... I just want a normal life bros and I'm going to have one :)

>> No.16834212

remember anons nothing fails like success

>> No.16834433
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Oh ahit its soleimani

>> No.16834497

I might have a perspective on this. When you see issues that others don't even notice and keep seeing issues that could be solved with a little effort, but you're the I only one that seems to even care, everything starts to look as useless effort and you keep feeling drained simply by going about your day. You end up so drained every day that you don't take care of yourself. This is a cycle, you sometime manage to let things go for a while and focus on your own desires, but the cycles starts all over when you starts getting overwhelmed by the sea issues you managed to ignore for a while. Unless you live constantly among equal peers this seems unavoidable to me.

>> No.16834596

>Oh yeah, that’s not lol, but that 265k a year is the income from my gig and my investments...on top of that my net worth is around 8 million from my investments and real estate.

Holy Fuck! bunch of POOR FAGS.

If aint pulling in at least 10 mil a year ... you dont even have a chance.

Wake the fuck up Losers. Life is for the Wolves, not sheep.

I'm spanking it in Antigua pulling down 30 mil+ off of Casino money. Got a yacht worth over 50 mil and all the bitches money can buy.

Step up to the Plate or Fuck off!

>> No.16834600

Woke up to 500% swings up on Tron for days straight. Waited one night and my net worth upped itself $80K in 6 hours sleep. Sold. Got into Link. You know the rest.

Currently 180% and cruising on FRM. Buy some.

>> No.16834626

Blog post to expand on my previous one. Maybe I'm just incapable of letting things go, still, the average lifestyle drains me. I should add that yes, I have a weed addiction that takes 10% of my monthly income, when I smoke every evening I can force my brain to not think about unsolved issues and instead enjoy the moment (a temporary fix, not a cure), this gets me far more easily through the next day of grind because it allows me to sleep. I often wonder if I'm slightly above average in intelligence or just a very smart retard that appears normal/smart to others.
It's getting better as I grow older, but life has always felt a struggle to stay afloat, I remember having panic attacks as a kid, just I didn't know what they where until later in life and just laid in my bed with my chest heavy and being scared shitless about the world.
If you're a father, hug your kids and tell them you love them sometime, I never had that and it probably played a role(my father grew up without a mother and poor so I can't blame him for his faults).

>> No.16834646

>since a fairly nice house can be bought for $100k.

Your FUCKING JOKING RIGHT? "A fairly nice house is $100k"

The absolute STATE of BIZ!
* every fucking thread has loser, retard, wanna be Larpers like you.


>> No.16834686
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This whole thread needs Jesus.

>> No.16834812

>not much changes

I don't believe that at all. Not that they don't have their own problems, but the stress of not having to worry about money being gone from your life is a pretty big change unless you've never really had that worry. I've yet to make it but I'll never forget what my rock bottom felt like when I hit it and had only 10 dollars to use for food for a whole month and very close to eviction.