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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 253 KB, 1280x960, klerossss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16812354 No.16812354 [Reply] [Original]

13 hours.

Who's gearing up?

How much are you putting in?
(Me - $10K)

What are Vitalik + his dad's wallet?

$1 date predictions?
(mine : September 2021, the month the Roman empire fell)

Check this based AF story about how a kid made $4.5K on T2CR : https://medium.com/@PresenceNumeriq/journey-of-a-fresh-kleros-token-curated-registry-bounty-hunter-1e5f4833ec8a

Get the facts : https://blog.kleros.io/kleros-token-sale-announcement-january-11-2020/

REMEMBER - All FUD is from poor people who do not understand crypto. Accumulate. Hold. Stake for ETH. Do not sell under $1.

Good luck, anons.

>> No.16812366
File: 65 KB, 964x643, 1564441995539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godspeed based Kleroterion

>> No.16812377

Almost time to execute my strategy

I've been waiting..
I'm probably about to have more PNK than anyone here.

Here's a tip. Tom Sawyer.

>> No.16812393


“Don't you ever get the feeling that all your life is going by and you're not taking advantage of it? Do you realize you've lived nearly half the time you have to live already?”

>> No.16812451

Racism won't help you accumulate, anon. Kek.

>> No.16812456

Vitalik wallets : Dunno
Buying $4K
$1 date : EOY 2021

>> No.16812472

If you believe there will be another bullrun, you should really buy PNK

$1 isn't even out of the question.

>> No.16812482

Gotta give a date if you wanna be a true-blue belieber! Place your bets.

>> No.16812515

>Purchase $10k PNK in their sale
>Put in wallet
>Set and forget circa Q3 2021
Have a 6 figure sum in < 24 months.

>> No.16812579

It's going to happen, and we will point back to these threads as hardened proof, just like $ETH + $LINK.

>> No.16812592
File: 6 KB, 310x163, vitfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dammit. Fine. I'll throw down. Reeee. You assholes.

>> No.16812719

WIll put in $2k and go from there.
$1 : 2022?
I think we got more time to accumulate but a first buy is good for safety in case it pops.

>> No.16812862

If this hits $1 i'm rich AF. make it happen and i will never leave this board.

>> No.16812960


>> No.16813136
File: 110 KB, 1200x628, 0929381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non believers get the stocks.

>> No.16813239

Send it, it's been a fucking year.

>> No.16813261

How will this do well in price with 1 BILLION tokens? What am I missing here biz?

>> No.16813271

Is it bad that I recognize who's physique that is?

>> No.16813280

As always, patience is rewarded with low caps. This has been a pretty ridiculous accumulation phase tho. The sale will be the final catalyst.

>> No.16813288

$150 because I'm poor. I'm going to be rich in india

>> No.16813293

Only 35% more in future sales and ecosystem growth. Expect at least 25% of the supply to flow out to rewards and incentive programs.

This is a long-game hold that will inevitably reach a six digit market-cap.

>> No.16813317


>> No.16813326

150 million tokens are released tomorrow which is half the supply lel
these threads are all samefags

>> No.16813344

Is that good or bad (being half the supply})

>> No.16813349
File: 1.81 MB, 1283x1600, PNKsale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're going to be stepped + BOUGHT. goddamn you brainlets are stupid.

>> No.16813357

theyre going to sell $1 million tokens when daily volume for the past 6-8 months has been $400 per day? yeah ok

>> No.16813370

Yeah, no one's buying this, daily volume is super low

>> No.16813381

i mean they will buy it probably. vitalik has shilled it like these fags spam in every thread but that doesn't mean it will definitely mooooooon

i guess we will see

>> No.16813388

Personally, I think you'll be surprised. I believe people have been waiting for this liquidity. There have been $30K chunks + $40K in Uniswap. $1M isn't shit.

What are Vitalik's wallets? Let's see.

>> No.16813392

and even if its a good project that doesnt mean it will moon

>> No.16813498

Mr. positivity, huh.

>> No.16813506
File: 11 KB, 300x168, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it means. Why invest in anything then? Why not burn all my money. Everything is useless guys, pack it up!

>> No.16813573

Sometimes I truly wonder what would happen if I put my entire net worth into something like this and waited 2 years without selling. 10% will do. Let's go, boys. 8_8

>> No.16813636

im not saying dont invest im just saying if youre expecting some guaranteed moon then idk

>> No.16813817

If this was ever going to take off, it's 2020. Vitalik, T2CR, actual lawyers getting on board. Aragon trashcoin fight. Layer 2.

It's all ready, with no bagholders to comb through.

>> No.16813933 [DELETED] 

Buncha pansies ITT. I'll show you how a big boy throws down tonight.

>> No.16813942

Buncha panies ITT


The big boys will show you how it's done tomorrow.

>> No.16813948

Nah it's going to moon once people realize how much ETH is to be made from staking you just need to wait

>> No.16813952

The shovel meme will no longer be a meme.

>> No.16813967

you stake PNK and receive eth? tell me more fren

>> No.16813980


>> No.16813986

As if I needed another reason to be bullish on PNK, you autists are alright. Keep it up.

50 cents EOY 2020.
$1.00 EOY 2021.

>> No.16814074

got 5 ETH so far in 2 months.

>> No.16814133

If Kleros brings in more than $250K by next week I'll put in $25,000.

>> No.16814222

"It's happening tonight" (tm)

>> No.16814247

dubs me too

oh fuck! trips and purple. GET

>> No.16814250
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Here's hoping it reaches a nice dollar.

>> No.16814272
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Checked and Purple I.D. pilled.

>> No.16814277


>> No.16814505
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> Mfw I see Vitalik in a small group chat with Kleros folk

>> No.16814520

Based and kek

>> No.16814759

How much do you recommend staking to get selected as a juror? I only have 50k ataking atm

>> No.16815072

So I just need to go to the site at the sale time to buy?
Also how to stake mates?

>> No.16815109

Throw more in for better chances. I don't know what's a good amount but I'm sure there is an optimum amount that autists in the telegram can answer.

Basically. Metamask should work. You can stake via the DApps section of the website in the court.

>> No.16815115

Premined shittoken

>> No.16815192

I agree with you here but it unironically has a use-case in the system and pays out in ETH

Not too bad compared to half the shit out there

>> No.16815233
File: 127 KB, 680x574, 348753678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>six digit market cap

>> No.16815244

Not for much longer

>> No.16815326


>> No.16815341

another shitcoin

>> No.16815390

this having its own token is completely retarded and unneeded.

>> No.16815500

It's required for staking and preventing sybil attacks.


The sale starts soon. Be there or be square.

>> No.16815581

> Not doing 5 minutes of research

Not going to make it

>> No.16815583

Shitcoin or not, it's about profit anon. This one stinks of it.

Link style but with far better fundamentals and use cases.

Silly not to have a punt

>> No.16815624

Yeah If ETH somehow moons again this will go along for the ride. Also I can't see it dumping in value from current value that much.
So put a cheeki 500, who knows, if it moons to a dollar its a massive profit, if it starts to drop in value take it out and put it in whatever flavor of the month shitcoin is being shilled on Biz

>> No.16815642

whats the difference buying at this sale than from uniswap? do they sell it at a discount?

>> No.16815706

Possibly at times but will likely be arbed away. The benefit for everyone is that the team isn't dumping any tokens on the market so theoretically the price won't dump compared to how most projects do it. The benefit for the buyer is they get a set rate with no liquidity issues which allows groups like Vitalik's inner circle and Bitfinex to buy in (they will).

>> No.16815738

thanks. why do you say vitalik will buy in?

>> No.16815797
File: 304 KB, 1894x858, PNKvitaliksite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wouldn't he?


>> No.16815814

Pretty sure V's dad follows Kleros on twitter also.

>inb4 his bags are bigger

>> No.16815815


>> No.16815891

So what the fuck do I do? Buy it off IDEX today or wait for the sale? Which one is cheapest? I only have like 1.5 ETH

>> No.16815914

Price is P good right now, but, 90 minutes there should be a link.

>> No.16815918

He does, and he posts about it, too. It's cute. He like.... praises Vitalik for posting about it.

This should be really cool. Even if they only raise like $200K, that's still a shitload of dough.

>> No.16815921

A.L.S.O. - if you ever wanna market buy in the future, UNISWAP is key.

godspeed lads. be back in a hot bit.

>> No.16816395

how much for suicide stack?

>> No.16816407


>> No.16816414


I bought like bit over 100k of PNK just for a stack. Cost me like what.. 5 eth or something? Just gambling money here.

>> No.16816467

Damn son, those 30 mil 48 and 49 prices PNK sold out in SECONDS. I actually bought on uniswap an hour before the sale because it was 48 on there, glad I did.

>> No.16816472

.....anddddd we LIVE!



350,000 is the suicide stack

1M to make it.

>> No.16816481

Holy shit

28,558,652 sold so far?! Zang.

>> No.16816501

eh, slowed the fuck down, its over. only 30m sold from 150m.

>> No.16816515


>> No.16816520

It's been like an hour. That's $230,000. Fucking amazing!

>> No.16816523

everyone buys at the start

>> No.16816533

Yeah, but I mean. Christ... it's the first 24 hours. That's spectacular.

We going to the fuckin' moon lads.

>> No.16816536

some degenerate threw in 1000 eth

>> No.16816539

First HOUR.

For something pajeets on here say nobody cares about.

Incredible stuff.

>> No.16816543


I wanna know!

I gotta crash. Congrats, PNK team! Ya'll fucking deserve this.

>> No.16816555 [DELETED] 

kek ur salty tears make me erect

>> No.16816579

why would i buy here when the price on idex is lower????

>> No.16816585
File: 217 KB, 2416x1568, hattip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn the madmen actually did it. congrats.

>> No.16816596

Because the amount available for sale at that price is pretty small. Can't buy more than a few eth worth.

>> No.16816616

apu that's a roman helmet, you're wearing the wrong helmet lil guy.

>> No.16816642

that might be the joke.

>> No.16816662
File: 441 KB, 1649x772, sell tiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for reference.

>> No.16816666

Suicide Prevention Lifeline


Please think twice anons

>> No.16816720

Kek should have done this but only came here at the start time

>> No.16816721

Threw in $10K. Godspeed, Kleros.

>> No.16816731
File: 49 KB, 300x304, pepe-png-nervous-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those digits

>> No.16816733


>> No.16816750

I'm in for half a mil. Feeling sentimental because this is my last crypto play for at least a year; gotta start saving up for a house now in case I don't make it from my stinky PiNKies.

>> No.16816762

Wow. Okay, fuck it, I'll throw in another $5K.

>> No.16816838

welp, no more sales, its over

>> No.16816865

Seems like it's easier to buy using the advanced tab. Just got 200 PNK to test it out, going to get some more later.

>> No.16816868


>> No.16816873

It's going for a month. If it sells out, your shot at liquidity is over.

Buy it.

>> No.16816922
File: 85 KB, 210x209, 13255445878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is about 100k a suicide stack frens?

>> No.16816927

300K suicide stack

1M to make it.

>> No.16816935

REEEE I only have like $3K liquid. Guess it's something.

>> No.16816976

if this thing goes to $1 im a millionaire

>> No.16816990

I really don't think $1 is hopium, fren.

>> No.16817022
File: 44 KB, 500x500, 1577064960776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90 eth
welp i wont make it as much you guys will make it frens

>> No.16817052

1M isn't 90 ETH. More like 50.

>> No.16817080

FOMO'd in another 30 ETH. kek.

>> No.16817101

50 heh
im at .5 fren
should i buy in more?

>> No.16817121

is staking a meme? you can get 0.12 eth in rewards for voting at the court but have the risk of losing all your shit giving it to a third party..

>> No.16817168


>> No.16817178

The ETH shovel is no longer a meme, and this is one of the best. Just don't be a brainlet, and you'll be fine. That's the best part about Kleros. The cult is growing, and it's all extreme autists.

Easy 50x by next year for strong hands.

>> No.16817188
File: 635 KB, 780x784, 1576845466126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright fren
if i die, i die

>> No.16817197

So this is where all the richfags on /biz/ hang out? I thought all of /biz/ got rekt by the bear market and there's only poorfags left. Can any of you shills actually prove your purchase?

>> No.16817201

but how often do they do those cases? feels like im never gonna get picked

>> No.16817278

I'm not rich but this is the first token I have bought in over a year apart from accumulating more LINK. You can go look at etherscan and see that people are buying it. And given that there is a sale with 100M+ tokens left going on right now, what would be the point in shilling it? It's not like some illiquid idex p&d that we could possibly move the price on.

>> No.16817478

This is actually impressive as F considering ETH is about to probably moon. I thought you all were larping about this shitcoin. Kleros is on the moon watch list.

>> No.16817520
File: 42 KB, 595x412, pnk case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't lose your entire staked amount when you voted against the majority. You only lose the PNK that is locked for that case. I had the same misunderstanding when I started staking. Kleros should make this more clear imo.

You can check out kleroscan.com for a list of every case and when they were submitted. I am completely convinced Kleros has a great future ahead of it but right now there simply aren't enough cases to go around. I expect this to change soon though.

>> No.16817687

I might dump my $700 worth of holo for this. Not selling any link ever again.

>> No.16817714

So you just send ETH from a blockchain wallet and you get kleros in return? How do you stake that shit?

>> No.16817715


>> No.16817812

So blockchain wallet bad?

>> No.16817817


>> No.16817847

this shows the whole process

>> No.16817964

Yep it bounces. I went to the court site after using MM but it’s not picking up on the pnk. Does it take a while?

>> No.16818075

I bought cause vitalik shilled me

>> No.16818093

Same, i originally only bought 50k. Bought another 25k today and am considering selling my enj and hot stack to buy another 100k...basically putting all my eggs into this oee for now lol

>> No.16818116

Anyone know how to get the kleros to show up in the court browser? It shows the amount I have when I click the buy but on the main page it says 0.

>> No.16818167

how do i buy this with usd

>> No.16818175

buy with eth

>> No.16818198
File: 83 KB, 900x450, external-content.duckduckgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember vitalik shilled this piece of shit as well

>> No.16818209

Fuck you’re right and I still have my bag of that OMG trash. Is vitalik gonna make a bag holder again??? I don’t think I can handle anymore bags

>> No.16818273

who replies to these obvious shill threads its so fucking cringe

>> No.16818279

Can anyone please tell me what's the need for 1 billion tokens instead of 21 million

>> No.16818404

Got my PNK at reduced price, can't wait for the pamp - over 30mil sold in an hour is BULLISH

>> No.16818550

Why would I buy 20k Kleros at this "presale" for 1 ETH, when I could get 19.500 Kleros for 1 ETH on uniswap.

Why would it go up and not down after selling so much kleros.

Why do you guys think prices will go up, when suddenly everyone will stake and no one will get a case because of that.


>> No.16818633

which is more, 20.000 or 19.500?

>> No.16818681

uhh well... what is more kleros in circulation 350 million or 600 million?

>> No.16819544

Cause after you do that, you can't do that again, until the price goes up from the sale.

>> No.16819627

I'll ask again, why is there a need for this token?

>> No.16819727


>> No.16819732

It prevents the ETH foundation from being able to control all cases

>> No.16819780

36mil sold today eh?

Not bad at all, this memecoin is showing strong signs of making it.

Doing a token sale in 2020, the absolute maniacs.

>> No.16820141
File: 65 KB, 912x516, greta-thunberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Meme coin

>> No.16820232

why isnt it a memecoin?

>> No.16820825

Their reasons for having a token are explained here.

>> No.16820974

It's a memecoin but I hold large bags.

Pretty confident this will make large profits over the next 18 months.

If you think ETH is shit and never gonna make it, don't buy. If you at all think ETH has another chance at bull, Kleros is gonna go with them.

For any micro to macro whale, this should be a simple buy.

>> No.16821123

how much PNK to make it?

>> No.16821345

I don't see how Kleros as a service will actually help anyone : freelancers and customers already use contracts to guarantee service and pay that are enforced by most national laws as far as I know. Maybe for international freelancing? All other cases presented on their website sound like a minute proposals to fill their pitch.

Really not sure on this one. If the service does not ship or get used and the startup dies in a few years, it won't even have the time to x2.

>> No.16821370

How many times are you going to ask faggot?


>> No.16821398

this, no one will use this, what normie buys PNK tokens to resolve disputes

>> No.16821489

You're obviously a brainlet and I doubt that that you possess the ability to actually read the information provided in the following link which answers your question...


>> No.16821515

Sorry this is fucking retarded, people will just build a dapp that uses eth and this token will be useless

>> No.16821593

ahahahahhahhahahahahahhhah 18k volumw
ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahhahhahahahhah i told you

>> No.16821653


>> No.16821696

2 HOURS and zero sales pack it up boys

>> No.16821715 [DELETED] 


"it will be $1 jus wait and see you will regret not bugyinahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhahaahhahhahaahhhahhaahahhahhhah


>> No.16821783

Zero sales? They sold 36 million already and they're not even 12 hours into the 30 day sale.

Your fud campaign is obvious and weak but it's still not to late to sell whatever shitcoin that has you so depressed for some PNK because its going to moon with or without you.

>> No.16821798

Pnk has been "going to the moon" now for 2 years
It's a premined shittoken and heavily shilled on /biz/

>> No.16821800

thats all the interest there was, gone in 12 hrs. the rest of the month wont even sell 36 million, screencap this.

>> No.16821807

this 100%

>> No.16821842

stop counter shilling my fud

150 million more tokens and only 36 million sold

abandon ship

>> No.16821895

So to buy you just send eth to 0x5EdF42Ce9DA28d0B1790C6093103526e3bb88eF3?

>> No.16821911

Contracts tend to be a bitch to enforce when you don't have thousands of dollars to throw down on a legal team.

>> No.16821990

How is market cap only 1.7 million

>> No.16822003

Yes. The address on the website.


>> No.16822044

It's not, check etherscan.

>> No.16822096

Ok I buy PNK after I eat chocolate muffin

>> No.16822256


>> No.16822328

Good ETH shovel it's like a ponzi that doesn't need new buyers to ROI

>> No.16822388

- Do it then.

- It will

- Low cap, soldi token use case, shilled by Vit, ETH shovel, general bullish sentiment, one year accumulation phase without dumping. So many reasons.

350K suicide stack
1M to make it

they will though. these are the autist only days.

>he doesn't know they just sold $350,000 worth in a day

It's a token sale


and this

>> No.16822607

Uhhhhhow are you gonna ROI if there are no new buyers, please explain.

>> No.16822614

the pnk cunts are actually doing it! 36M in a day. solid.

>> No.16822615

CASES, brainlet.

>> No.16822629

You can lose your tokens if you do it wrong. Also there are no fucking cases, they are too few opened

>> No.16822638

Als9 you can only win 0.1 eth per vote so you Wil take a looooooooong time to roi

>> No.16822639

it doesn't pay out in its native token like many of the convoluted and shitty token systems you see around this space. What happens when holding 500 dollars of PNK earns you 1 ETH a week (worth 1000 dollars in a year). Arbitrage. PNK price goes up.

>> No.16822650

Where did you read that you earn 1 eth per week?

>> No.16822655

There is a hefty amount for how early this is. Every few days is a big deal. Have you ever bought in on something early before?

>> No.16822666

for the tehcnical one you get 0.4 or something though

>> No.16822676

It's not hard to imagine 1 ETH per week. Someone just earned 4.2k USD for an article LOL

>> No.16822696

That was a bounty which is no longer available. Nice hopium on the weekly 1 eth.

>> No.16822756

See also, T2CR

>> No.16822878

You remind me of a Communist

>> No.16823160
File: 49 KB, 637x358, Galaxy Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My stinky PNKys!! I am literally euphoric about the pent up demand.


As much as you can afford without upsetting mom

>> No.16823218

He doesn't understand. It's okay, since the sale proves this as a worthy investment, we're closing in on true "Biz Coin" status. He'll soon know, just like Link.

>> No.16823281

Once people fully start grasping the Generalized Token Curated Registry (GTCR lol) they will realize that this is basically an oracle for everything that LINK can't cover.

>> No.16823425

Proof of Humanity too. Anyone still sleeping on Kleros is a brainlet. Fact.

>> No.16823462

It should be really useful for oracles. It could probably even be combined with Chainlink somehow.

>> No.16823493

I forgot this even existed. Based. We're gonna make it.

>> No.16823501

Another 10 ETH in. Might as well follow the herd.

>> No.16823989

> They don't know

Imagine thinking this will dump after a year of staying steady. No where to go but up.

>> No.16824676

It'll have a good first spike. A new bear trend may take 'er down, but we will (unironically) never see these levels once it heads up. (((they))) will not allow.

>> No.16824706

I'm pretty sure that most the bleeding is over. The old holders weren't selling and I don't expect the news buyers to sell either. Positive times ahead fren

>> No.16824834
File: 55 KB, 768x418, WIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going anywhere down fast at this market cap

>> No.16824887

Link hit 4$ with 1 billion tokens

>> No.16824921

They certainly won't dump on themselves.



>> No.16824970

What timeframe are we looking here? They have few products out atm. How's the future looking?

>> No.16825106

Been going at a rapid pace since summer. So have Vitalik shills. Should continue.

>> No.16825116

undervalued not sure why people are ignoring their products which have shipped

Even in trad markets this is a screaming buy. Imagine owning a top 50 address in this when it goes DAO in a bull market.

>> No.16825178
File: 145 KB, 646x700, 1528409583440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> top 50 address
> mfw almost me

>> No.16825215

imagine thinking thats normal and this piece of shit is worth anything

>> No.16825305

Sale furore over it seems. Bet they announce something big this week though.

Gov use cases incoming

>> No.16825573


>> No.16825610

200k + and richer than you reporting in >>16816407
i'm confused mr. 34posts by this ID

>> No.16825718

boy will you be salty this summer.

>> No.16825722

is this ULTRA SALT poster who comes into every kleros thread to bitch about same-fagging that doesn't really exist yet still says he supports the projects?

i bet you all think this $300,000 they raised in one-day is all from the same person, right?

>> No.16825728

Imagine thinking the $250K that was raised today (and the subsequent other year long accumulation) isn't smart money.

>> No.16825772

No, that's me. And you better bet your faggot ass that samefagging exists. Doesn't mean I don't like Kleros you fucking retard. I've been in this thread the whole time. Thanks for the shoutout faggot. That guy you're bitchin at was countering fud you fucking brainlet.

>> No.16825804

For a project their size 300k is probably 6 months extra runway at current eth prices. They announced to be in some final for EU money of up to 5mil or some shit.

Bet they end up with 3mil by the end of q2

>> No.16825817
File: 59 KB, 350x338, b2f5024d201a28b991fb2d9f47e51e77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> At least he, also, will make it

I'm just not sure if I should invite him to the yacht party.

>> No.16825967

Please respond.
>uhh well... what is more kleros in circulation 350 million or 600 million?

Why would the prices go up when supply nearly doubles?

>> No.16826016

>poor guy doesn't know about the raging party we're already having on my yacht because nobody invited him

>> No.16826116

Why would the price go down?

>> No.16826123

why wouldnt it

>> No.16826412

Just bought 16,000 more PNK for the hell of it.

>> No.16826504


literally every single person bought in this range, including the $250K+ the last 24 hours.

demand is there. big progress is happening in a time where that's flourishing price-points. why wouldn't it go UP is the real question.

I remember anon's saying they "wouldn't raise more than $5K because the volume has been so low". they were wrong.

at the end of the day, i think we can all say that kleros has been some of the most mentally stimulating and kek-worthy conversation this board has seen in the last 6 months.

kleros is definitely /ourcoin/ now, and i remain bullish as hell.

as always, time will tell.

>> No.16826777
File: 403 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200112-133125_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me why just people won't use aragon? It makes kleros useless

>> No.16826894
File: 77 KB, 1966x496, aragonisaFORK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Aragon is a fork of Kleros.

>> No.16826896

Also, you gain ETH by using Kleros, not Aragonium Useless ERC-20 Token #2.

>> No.16826902

Also, Vitalik doesn't tweet shit like this about Aragon :


>> No.16827692
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, 38ef38ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will more cases open? I wonder how much it would cost if I wanted to solve something on the platform. The blockchain juror thing is pretty niche field I would say. The product and the money needs to lie in something else they use have like proof of humanity.