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File: 44 KB, 796x796, BitcoinSV.v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16822331 No.16822331 [Reply] [Original]

Or is what we are seeing a paid shill insurgency?

>> No.16822342

Don’t like it? STIFF! $1200 Jan 15.

>> No.16822348

Yes. Fuck you. BSV has made 15k in 2019 and even more in 2020

>> No.16822372


>> No.16822393
File: 280 KB, 2309x1731, 20190607_194702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16822425


>> No.16822426
File: 232 KB, 1166x772, 1561723959717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paid shill poos from blockstream are actually shilling btc and fudding bsv
they are afraid

>> No.16822433

shut up and kys ;)

>> No.16822434

Chainlink is a scam

>> No.16822440

Yes. I hold zero BTC. Only BSV and BAT.

Most of my money is in trading stock options because crypto is the most Jew manipulated asset class and nowhere near as profitable as equity options. How often do you faggots make 800% gains in a day? Thought so.

>> No.16822453

Could someone hook me up with a paid shilling job? I've been doing it for free for almost a year. I'm starting to feel like a Jannie.

>> No.16822463

>and BAT
Why the fuck would you hold a premined shittoken?

>> No.16822480

sats gang faggot schizo please come here and LOOK. there are no pajeets and SEA faggots its only eurofags, amerifats, and australians here on biz

>> No.16822527


Yes, some of us have been here for 2 years now, before BSV was even a thing and it was just BCH.

>> No.16822562

Autistic holder here, I always loved biz

I was one of the first people to repost bogdanov memes and shill bitbean as a joke in 2017.

Before that I eventually got ethereum in christmas 2016 because of all the shilling here. Obviously as soon as it hit 400 I dumped it all for bitcoin.

I had stayed away from social media until 2017 to fight against the liars / retards that propagated uasf.

Then I liked bitcoin cash, then bsv. It's the most actively developed. Csw is kind of annoying and I'm ignoring him until he delivers something, except for his thoughtful craigswright.net articles which I read from month to month.

I work in crypto and repeating his points of view always makes you look really smart to others unless you say you are quoting him

Before that I didnt come on biz much. Anyway

>> No.16822586

>I work in crypto and repeating his points of view always makes you look really smart to others unless you say you are quoting him

This reminds me of when he was writing blog posts under the name Adam Selene


They loved the guy until they figured out it was CSW the whole time. Hilarious

>> No.16822589

If you notice OP, these paid shill posts come in waves. 2 weeks ago there was not a single thread in regards to BSV. Now the take up more than 50% of the board at times. Yes they are paid shills.

>> No.16822603

what r u talking about ive been making bsv threads daily since inception tard

>> No.16822617

Exactly the pajeet meme is projection. The corecuck fears the genuine dissenter so they have to create the mythos of the BSVjeet. Truth is BSV is all huwhuite and asian. You can't explain that.

>> No.16822621

>Or is what we are seeing a paid shill insurgency?
BitcoinCashSV want a centralized private company-style approach to Crypto with blocks so large that not even AWS would be able to sustain their pipe dream network. On this path, the coming years, the will be akin to a multinational datacenter, rather than a brand of cryptocurrency.
Furthermore they plan to reverse out protocols which were implemented on the bitcoin chain over the years to improve functionality and security (P2SH) which will result in users of BSV being able to claim and spend BSV which existed on the bitcoin chain from before August 2017 without ever knowing private keys. The results with be seemingly limitless inflation and dumping of their currency, to the detriment of the oblivious and mislead who lack the knowledge of how to claim 'unclaimed' Bitcoin / BSV from the fork.
If there were ever an opportunity to invest in the future of bitcoincashSV, it has long since past. After the Genesis Hard fork I fully expect BSV to be the headline of unfortunate articles and imagine the price per coin to plummet, in 2020.

>> No.16822630

funny thing is link has an actual jeet shilling their coin

>> No.16822642
File: 17 KB, 226x223, 1578761016987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16822947

BitcoinCashSV want a centralized private company-style approach to Crypto with blocks so large that not even AWS would be able to sustain their pipe dream network. On this path, the coming years, the will be akin to a multinational datacenter, rather than a brand of cryptocurrency.
Furthermore they plan to reverse out protocols which were implemented on the bitcoin chain over the years to improve functionality and security (P2SH) which will result in users of BSV being able to claim and spend BSV which existed on the bitcoin chain from before August 2017 without ever knowing private keys. The results with be seemingly limitless inflation and dumping of their currency, to the detriment of the oblivious and mislead who lack the knowledge of how to claim 'unclaimed' Bitcoin / BSV from the fork.
If there were ever an opportunity to invest in the future of bitcoincashSV, it has long since past. After the Genesis Hard fork I fully expect BSV to be the headline of unfortunate articles and imagine the price per coin to plummet, in 2020.

>> No.16822968

It's so weird right. I'm thinking these shills have to be blockstream employees trying to discredit BCH or something. I just can't fathom that people can actually be this delusional.

>> No.16822975

lmao bcash is irrelevant now, all the big blockers moved to sv. sorry

>> No.16822977

hi creg, when flip bcash? we trash bcash first ok?

>> No.16823056

You know, I talk with real people on a semi-regular basis, and literally none of them has ever even considered taking BSV seriously.

>> No.16823083


How persuasive

>> No.16823101

>shitposting intensifies when the price pumps 40%

It's like you're a newfag and have never experienced a happening.

>> No.16823103

t. o1g

>> No.16823114
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>> No.16823169
File: 148 KB, 640x479, ABAFB9BB-8351-4782-8EC4-9C30C4BA4081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and I love it. There was a jeet on discord today that said he thought BSV was a meme because of all the fudjeet posts and wow, to be honest boys, I think that seals the deal as a successful mission. If we can keep the price above 0.0174 almost every jeet and kumar will be priced out. Keep up the good work boys. Thanks


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>> No.16823294

>except for his thoughtful craigswright.net articles
this part made it obvious