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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16821662 No.16821662 [Reply] [Original]

Keys are released.
Flaw in BCH exposed.
Flaw in BTC exposed.
BSV to $1200 in 4 days.

Do what you will with this.


>> No.16821665


>> No.16821669

I am going to do absolutely nothing.

>> No.16821686

>aka bsv scam collapses on 4th February
>pls buy our bullshit for 15th January
lets JUST wait and see, shall we

>> No.16821689
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Don't like it? STIFF!

>> No.16821711

all completely irrelevant to bsvs value proposition of unlimited adoption

>> No.16821729

>tfw people will be fudding Bitcoin all the way to the top

Feels good being smart money.

>> No.16821737

bsv is the retard coin it's shills only use basic insticts of fear and greed to get retards to buy their bags.

>> No.16821750

I can't wait for the waves of suicides from people who missed Bitcoin a second time.

>> No.16821760
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>Don't like it? GAY!

>> No.16821771


>> No.16821831

Genesis Block

>> No.16821848
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, 1559087815476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething. Nations will utilize BSV's infrastructure.

>> No.16821858

>one post by this ID
>bumping the thread
Don't make it so obvious that you're a samefag shill.

>> No.16821865
File: 78 KB, 561x661, 1573604398183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nations will utilize BSV's infrastructure.
What is this even supposed to mean?

>> No.16821877
File: 16 KB, 224x215, happydedede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. You know you've got a winner when you are hounded by autistic morons all the way to the top of +10,000% growth kek

>> No.16821963

it means nations around the world can start using BSV as a backbone for their economy and stop using the USD scam

>> No.16822081

this. many nations, their central banks, and all elites will lose power to calvin and CSW.
These two will upset the entire monetary system. the US will have to bend the knee or else.

In the future, the history books will marvel at how a guy who ran illegal sportsbetting website and hid out in antigua and a tax cheat from australia were able to do this. but its the truth, this is what will happen. the rothchilds are now forced to follow the plan these two have crafted.

>> No.16822116

Right. Missing BitCoin the 1st time is very understandable. But a second time...

That’s suicide territory.

>> No.16822211

>my dad works for Bitcoin

How does it feel to still have no clue how this stuff works? Nations and business will adapt Bitcoin because it's cheaper, faster and more secure than any system that exists today.

>> No.16822249


i will screenshot this and add it to the list of missed predictions for bsv, thanks pajeet

>> No.16822261

Don’t like it? STIFF!

>> No.16822377

i hate you faggots so much

>> No.16822418

God I want him to do the needful so much. Because the reality is that he won't dent the price and he will have to live with the fact that he blew his load

>> No.16822478

STIFF! GREG shill.

>> No.16822693

You wouldnt go and lie about this, right anon?

>> No.16823015


>> No.16824020

yes, agreed. many nations will adopt because its so much cheaper.
the biggest concern most central banks have (like the federal reserve) is: how cheap is it to print our own money vs use someone elses.
therefore as you point out, this will drive them to drop usd and use bsv instead. good times ahead.

>> No.16824449

Calvin will lose millions on pumping this retarded project and throwing boomer parties to bait investors, and you spammers won't escape the rancid slums you live in with the $0.05 per faketoshi posts he pays you.
And then there's the retards who actually BOUGHT this scam with their wagie money. Pfffffhahahahaahhaha.

>> No.16824984
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The Stiffening is near! STIFF

>> No.16824995
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>> No.16825042

I want to believe, but.. He hasn't delivered anything since 2015. I had to sell most of my stack during this pump just in case he's fucked.

>> No.16825144

it may be that the plustoken dumps have changed his plans. those dumps were absorbed rather well over 4 months. that was 3-4bln.

>> No.16825271

there's only a few problems with your prediction

>> No.16825720


>> No.16825734

and it works fear is the best seller.