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File: 78 KB, 799x573, PokerStarsTable[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
154276 No.154276[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me, /biz/, why do you guys spend so much time fussing over stocks, which just move wherever the fuck they want, when you could be playing online poker with actual strategy and making far more money?

>> No.154285

How do you figure?

>> No.154282

We can all win. But your poker game is zero sum.

>> No.154294

Online poker is easy. Just get 3 or 4 of your friends together on Skype and join online poker rooms together and rip off anyone else who joins your games. You all know each other's cards, so you can muscle the random person into doing whatever you want them to do. Then just split the winnings with your friends at the end of the night and do it again the next day.

>> No.154320

You'd be getting a fifth of the profit you would get from playing well. This doesn't seem profitable.

>> No.154324

If you do that over any reasonable sample of hands, the site will detect that you are colluding and they'll suspend your accounts and seize your monies.

>> No.154344

I play Internet Poker but make very little. I'd love to make enough to cover my weekly rent but there doesn't seem to be as many people and I'm not strong enough a player to win that much in the time I spend on it. It's such a time sink and although you'll have some days where you make a hundreds you'll others where you lose just as much.

>> No.154347

What do you use for odds/hud?

>> No.154353

Nothing. It's basic probability and a bit of luck.

>> No.154360

It's pretty much all luck if you're not using any sort of indicator at all...

>> No.154364

How do you figure?

>> No.154379
File: 75 KB, 784x112, HnCv[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's not like real life where you have people's faces and movements to rely on, it's purely about numbers and I know you're not calculating those probabilities in your head.

This is the indicator I use, works great for me, nice and simple. As well as a hud that tracks players tendencies and stuff, but I haven't been playing long enough to have great data on the players.

>> No.154385

Yep, this does happen. Ive seen it

>> No.154388

Even in real life it's all about probability. If you're playing at any capacity you should know which starting hands to play and which to fold, at that point it's about knowing how many outs you have and when to call, raise and fold. I don't see your Huds offering any particular advantage other than giving you the exact percentage of success, a figure most people could deduce in their heads based on what's showing on the table.

>> No.154394

It means I get to think less. I can play like 8 or 9 tables at a time without paying much attention to any specific one. And the huds help me figure out what specific other players style is like.

>> No.154397

>It means I get to think less

Sounds like a great strategy.

>> No.154408

It's very advantageous if you can see what range of hands he plays pre and what tendencies he has postflop. But some of it you can figure out with pen and paper- that's why I play on a site that doesn't allow HUDs.
If you play on a HUD site you better learn to take advantage of everything that the HUD gives you or you're an underdog. But on a non HUD site it's enough with doing some of the things the HUD does with pen and paper. I prefer sites that ban HUDs myself seems like I get my edge easier that way. Remember the edge over others is relative to what edge others have.

>> No.155956


strange, how do they detect it?

>> No.155989

Not to be that cunt, but hell, there is already another general poker thread on the first page. And none have to do with business or finance, it is just degenerates talking about up or downswings and the occasional winning microstakes player.

Think of the board quality!

>> No.156009

Stock market grows 8% average annually. Poke, like all gambling, is a zero sum game where your win is someone's lose

>> No.156032

That's like asking why you don't become a professional <insert game here> player and compete in tournaments for cash prizes. It's a fine option if you have the skills to be a top player, but there are only a relatively few people who can do it.

>> No.156106

Because I don't like poker
Rather play vidya or watch animu in my free time
>poker as an income source
>playing games for income

>> No.156168

>$1.25 pot
>far more money

>> No.156173

Go all in all the time. Everybody folds 90% of the time. You keep the initial chips placed on the round.

>> No.156197

Actually you are fucked over every time, since the casino takes 5% of each pot

>play against friend.
>he loses 10€ to you
>you only get 9,50€
>you lose those 9,50€ to him
>he actually gets only 90,25€
>75c lost to the jews

>> No.156190

Then you lose your money the sixth time you go all in because somebody called your bluff.

>> No.156208


Switch tables. Don't stay at one table going all in every round

>> No.156229

gl with that strategy

been playing poker for fun for some time
you can't fuck people over like that

>> No.156238


I have for 3 years now. I never do it with large pots. I make about $10 a day fucking over people in online poker. Pays my boat loan.

>> No.156249

so you join cash games, all in the first hand, then collect your shekels?

what blinds/limit? How big is your stack?

>> No.156270


Usually <$5 like OP's pic. I play all day on my phone while at work. I play sportsbook and Titan Poker.

>> No.156287

>nigger 1 has joined game
>nigger 2 has joined game
>nigger 3 has joined game
>nigger 4 has joined game
>cookiemonster x has joined game
>jacuzilusie has joined game
>lisa 47 has joined game
>marc 93 has joined game
>all the niggers leave after getting 50 dollars
>nigger 1 has joined game
>nigger 2 has joined game
>nigger 3 has joined game
>nigger 4 is fucking around somewhere.

You get the idea.

>> No.156550

...Like doge and panda right?

>> No.157636

what's that program called?

>> No.157643

I'm not very good with numbers

>> No.157651

This is true.

And why can't I do both? I'm not a big fan of high risk stocks where I have to be watching them 24/7 though, although I honestly still don't really know what the fuck I'm doing and just go with "safe" stocks that pay dividends and the odd penny stock I think will go up over the next few months.

>> No.157736
File: 49 KB, 500x375, troll-economics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.157757

>the economics of crypto currencies.jpg

>> No.157831


when more players start to play the sum also rises

>> No.157850

I don't get it.

>> No.157858 [DELETED] 

i just cant solve this in my mind wtf

>> No.157876


Person A put in $20 and received $30. $10 gain.
Person B put in $50 ($20+$30) and received $40. $10 loss.

>> No.157874

OP's pic is limit holdem, so you can't go all in, you filthy scum.

If you played no limit, and went all in for 100bb, assuming you get called only with QQ+, you will get called around 7% of the time with 20% chance of winning and 80% chance of losing 100 big blinds, and 93% chance of winning 1.5bb. So on average you'd lose 2.8 big blinds per hand. Which is $2.8 assuming you are playing 100NL.

TLDR you are a faggot

>> No.158133

I'll bite:
>'A' is party A
>'B' is party B
>'C' is the box
First step:
>A -> -20
>B -> -20
>C -> +40
Second step:
>A -> +30
>B -> -30
>C -> 0
Third Step:
>A -> 0
>B -> +40
>C -> -40

Total them up:
>A = -20 + 30 = +10
>B = -20 -30 +40 = -10
>C = +40 -40 = 0

neingag needs to lrn2gametheory

>> No.158884
File: 11 KB, 187x187, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not playing PLO

>> No.159997

Because I can buy a stock, set stop loss, set sell price and leave.

Because I have to grind 18h a day to scrape some cents off a fish.

Poker is for plebs who want to become pickup artists and travel the world. Manchildren basically.

>> No.160033

What If I would use a new account/proxy on every game?

>> No.161122

A = -20
B = -20

A = -20 +40 = +20
B = still -20

A = +20 +30 = 50
B = -20 -30 = -50


>> No.161140

Actually, too afraid of competition. Thought it was going to be like PVP, so I chose to study daytrading, which I likened more to PVE, but uh, yea. It's also way harder.

>> No.161145

Poker players like that do exist but I don't think manchildren are really willing to put in 18 hours a day for nothing.

>> No.161158

>the joke is the second guy loses $10 errytime

>> No.161173

Online poker bots mean your basically playing against stock market algorithms anyway.

>> No.161248

Poker bots don't exist on decent sites

>> No.161437

I'm gonna guess they probably have a way to detect and ban proxies. If not though, I'm sure there are still ways. They can track down patterns and what not.

That method could probably work, but it's not very profitable. That, and I don't know if they do this still or what places still do it, they usually have a buy in amount, and then they do like a $50.00 before you can cash out thing.

>> No.161499

>getting assfucked by rake and variance

mite aswell put my br on black and hope

>> No.161509


Stocks ain't gambling I hate when people say that. Only those who know jack shit about it say that.. Have fun with your poker faggot

>> No.161865

Brick mortar game. 50 euro buyin 21 man tourney. I am shortstack with 4 left. 3 in the money. Flop a straight flush draw, bet half pot. Villain, also the dealer, calls. Turn a low card. I bet half pot, villain goes all-in. I look down to check my cards, when I look up, villain has dealt the river! Its a king and he throws king nine offsuit on the table. I am stunned and ask what exactly happened. Tourney director rules I was all-in... guy covers me. I go home and whine on 4chan. Live poker is rigged

>> No.162181

poker is a business

you make smart investments in profitable situations

>> No.162193

except for when people take notes of him as a player and call with AJo+ 88+ which is like twice as likely (even when his equity increases he still doesn't like getting called when behind)

>> No.162199

you might have had to call anyway if you had little money left

>> No.162226

Poker is first and foremost gambling, really.

>> No.162243

Was going to fold into the money. Pot odds were no good when guy was all-in. Had only a double draw and flushdraw could have been drawing dead.

>> No.162249

>when more players start to play the sum also rises
Who have to lose their money for someone else to win.

8% is a bit high, but you can defnitely get more than 4% return a year on the stockmarket just by owning a decent amount of shares. If you don't like taking chances, the stockmarket is for you, buy a few bluechip shares at a low (the end of the FED tapering was perfect for buying bluechip) and just fucking wait. If you like taking chances, the stockmarket is for you, just do lots of research before you speculate and shit.

>> No.162341

so is the stock market

>> No.162371

I see you a lot in poker threads but are you even profitable? You've never posted stats or anything. Post some graphs already, tripfag

>> No.162473
File: 37 KB, 575x485, 130K at 100NL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After black friday I played mostly on bovada so no graphs

but here, have some FTP winnings

>> No.162533

nice bro

>> No.164370
File: 86 KB, 624x564, 1377943085666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.164377

How many hours a day do you put in?

>> No.164383

What this story makes no sense, can someone explain it in a clearer manner?

>> No.164411

Wish I had the patience to be an MTT grinder. There's good money to be made of all those rec players if you can put in some serious volume.

>> No.164416

would probally help if you could fucking do it in all states.... Fuck you hawaii. Other wise i'de still do online poker

>> No.167009

What about cryptocurrencies?

>> No.167025


both games are zero sum. just that for every transaction, there's a tax which those who collect also play.

>> No.167027


>> No.167037


>not playing seven card stud, the most skilled poker game
>playing PLO, the most variance-based poker game there is

>> No.167045


>be me
>be playing with friends
>there is no house player
>its just friends playing each other
>we all know a lot of info about each other
>we know who's most likely to lose, who's most likely to win
>certain players pick up on tells
>start abusing them
>the players who usually win are the ones who pick up tells
>but they are actually gambling on reading tells and forcing his opponents to fold


>> No.167085

Used to 6table $5 SNGs. ROI was pretty high, like 10% or something IIRC.

Moved upto $10 when I was rolled enough. Still profitable, but eventually I cashed out and started a life teaching English.

Tried playing out in Poland and Ukraine, thinking I could keep crushing games and live a ballah life for cheap, but once I was away from home, having income and meeting girls, I just lost the discipline with poker and started gambling.

Eventually tried playing a calculated LAG game and trying to crack HUP and MTTs, but just didn't have the staying power.

Up about £1k overall. My friend was up about £6k.

At least I still remember the basics of play. Comes in handy when there's a live game. (Relatively high stakes live play is only way I can concentrate nowadays).

True story: when I was teaching in Russia, a colleague of mine used to play house games with some (ruble) billionaires in attendance. They used to have like $20 (max, total chip count, not per chip (i.e. low)) on the table each apparently.

>> No.168199
File: 10 KB, 300x168, 267267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sleep in
>miss 8m pokerstars tourney

>> No.168215

How hard is it and how long would it take to learn playing poker well enough so i can make a reasonable amount of money online?

reasonable amount of money = at least $5000 a month

>> No.168220
File: 1.98 MB, 250x187, 1392264312629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>get into 1m tourny for 1 dollar
>get connection issues
>have to be sat out for most of the game
>come back with only a few Ms
>have to play fold or shove mode
>lose my first shove

>> No.169625

Very hard.

>> No.169690


It's really not that easy for entry level players at the moment. The online poker gold rush is over, and black friday scared away legions of fish.

Probably still worth learning it if you live somewhere cheap like eastern Europe though.

>> No.169739

You can reach the point of being profitable in a month of intensive practice but $5k a month, hard, very. You're competing with hordes of people from poor countries who can dedicate their life to it for $500 a month.

>> No.169745

Why not IRL poker? There's still plenty of fish to win off of at any busy casino. Online poker has too much competition now against some disciplined grinders. Brick-n-mortar poker seems better.