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16805856 No.16805856 [Reply] [Original]

sad that the only anons left holding chainlink are deluded schizo fucks and their dumb followers who wants to believe they are somehow part of something mystical to give a purpose to their wasteful lives.
meanwhile, all the OGs are slowly transfering their gains into bsv and the slightly above average anons are starting to catch on. The smartest one did long ago.
Truth is, token unironically not needed and everything chainlink does could've been done on the original bitcoin blockchain. The blog post was unironically just a blogpost too. Linkies all thought those memes were marines being ironic, making good shitposts and such, but it was even better than that, it was unironic fud.
as always, no amount of anon posts should lead your investements. DYOR or be left weak-handed and broke

>> No.16806183

Subliminal benis on left.

>> No.16806308

DMOR - BitcoinCashSV want a centralized private company-style approach to Crypto with blocks so large that not even AWS would be able to sustain their pipe dream network. On this path, the coming years, the will be akin to a multinational datacenter, rather than a brand of cryptocurrency.
Furthermore they plan to reverse out protocols which were implemented on the bitcoin chain over the years to improve functionality and security (P2SH) which will result in users of BSV being able to claim and spend BSV which existed on the bitcoin chain from before August 2017 without ever knowing private keys. The results with be seemingly limitless inflation and dumping of their currency, to the detriment of the oblivious and mislead who lack the knowledge of how to claim 'unclaimed' Bitcoin / BSV from the fork.
If there were ever an opportunity to invest in the future of bitcoincashSV, it has long since past. After the Genesis Hard fork I fully expect BSV to be the headline of unfortunate articles and imagine the price per coin to plummet, in 2020.

>> No.16806436

dude just give in alreadylmao

>> No.16807038

I do sometimes shill the bsv memes for fun but it's important share the truth so that High IQ anons know what's really going on.

>> No.16807164

If I was a linkie, I would start DYORing pretty damn fast.

>> No.16807186

people still bagholding chainlink are the same ones who bagheld request network. youll always have that last group of bagholders who can never open their eyes.

>> No.16807189
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BSV is garbage

>> No.16807197

lmao. Not a single word of this is true. Fuck off

>> No.16807206

Chainlink $8 eoy 2020

>> No.16807252

the post

>> No.16807979

Care to refute some of those words?

>> No.16808001

>t. 01G

>> No.16808015

Link was a psyop to force memetic attention away from BCH initially and now BSV. The logo has kike imagery all over it. The more you know.

>> No.16808030
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>On this path, the coming years, the will be akin to a multinational datacenter
>not even AWS can compete
holy shit that's bullish. Imagine buying the successor to AWS in current year. It's like loading up on Apple stock in 1982

>> No.16809022

sad that you have to be a filthy pajeet