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16798663 No.16798663 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you ACTUALLY grown your wealth from reading any one of these books? If so which do you recommend someone should start with?

>> No.16799912
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The direct book I made money with is this.
The book in your image helped me indirectly.

>> No.16799953

It's a toss up on how useful they are sometimes. Use them as tools and references, but you're not suddenly gonna wake up and make an extra 10k a year or something. Can be useful if you're looking to expand your criteria for investing or starting a business.

>> No.16799954
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Pay yourself first - principle helped me. Dont need to read a book to learn it though, I just taught it in one sentence.

>> No.16799957

based, but how?

>> No.16799960

yass my Dijkstra queen

>> No.16799966

Studied that hull options futures book like an autist - whole notebooks with notes and did all the excercises
Managed to make six figures thanks to amzn options

>> No.16800066

Lot of programs can improve by having multi-threaded design. I improved one product's performance by taking it's monolithic design to mult-threaded. They paid me lot of money. I regret making an early quotation. Their business is booming because of my work. :(

>> No.16800071

big poo come from my anus
that make me wealthy

>> No.16800371

Strong lesson my guy,

Next time, you know you can sell multi-threading to make the most out of it when you consult other businesses, and I'm sure that business that is booming will give you a glowing reference for your own business in the form of feedback. Make it happen bro.

>> No.16800489

>amzn options
You invested in Amazon's options?

>> No.16801084

good question. And the answer is no, but I've only read like 2 of the books there, but I also had no capital to investing over the last few years so not like I had the opportunity to apply anything I read from Taleb or Kahneman.
Nice, you've probably saved some observant anons hours.
>. I regret making an early quotation. Their business is booming because of my work.
What have you learned about giving quotes now? Should you have negotiated longer?

>> No.16801985

Based. I’m reading that book now. I learned so much even from the intro.

>> No.16802715
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Just finished this. Great read, honestly. Gave me a lot more perspective on why Bitcoin isn't going anywhere, why I should be in shiny rocks more, and FUCK THE FED REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.16803022

The Theory of Money and Credit by Ludwig von Mises is one of the greatest economics books of all time

>> No.16803461

bumping because why the fuck not?

>> No.16803537

think and grow rich, its the book that started the entire self help movement. hill define the laws of success that every single successful person uses daily. if you are interested in learning about trading read "way of the turtle." love you, keep searching for real knowledge.

>> No.16803576

Nope, I just trust my gut feeling. I don't research, I just have faith.

>> No.16803766

Anyone know where to get this or any of the other books in OP for free via PDF? Been trading options and futures for 5 years, but I'm always game to learn something new.

yes, cheap, I am.

>> No.16804419
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Mises was one of the first and biggest redpills I ever had. Also made me realize how fucking retarded the average person is when having opinions about politics and economy. Pretty much every single issue in politics and society can be instantly understood by taking a glance at the economic incentives of all parties involved. It's weird. Having a grasp of Austrian Economics is like having x-ray vision, you can see through all the BS and get to the heart of the matter in a moment. It probably saved me hundreds or thousands of hours of pointless arguing about politics because you learn to see through it.

>> No.16804531

>le' economic incentives

Global corporations continually do things that are bad for their profits, like Hollywood or Netflix producing content they know people don't like.

>> No.16804583

I've read around 1/4 of these boomer books, and had I grown up in boomer times I would have been able to apply the concepts as they are written in the books and made it fairly easily.

One day whilst wagecucking in minimum wage customer service, saving up for a deposit for my first investment property (in the boomer books example deals where like 1/5 the price, because real estate is also basically a ponzi fueled by fractional reserve bank credit and artificially low interest rates) I discovered BTC and researched it for about a month and wanted to dump everything into it after I realized it was undervalued and scarce.

I then bought just $100 worth to try it out and it pumped 20% in a week. I promptly FOMO'd in all my savings (I could afford to lose everything) and now made it without having to go through all this shit which doesn't even really work that well anymore unless you are a very skilled and active investor. i.e. renovate bad houses in good neighborhoods or research the shit out of companies and write covered calls and hope to get a few % each month etc... lol, the entire economy is all bullshit and I would have never made it without BTC.

>> No.16804614

i enjoyed nassim nicholas taleb's books

>> No.16804664

I haven't read Mises and won't speak for that anon.
However, I assume the counterargument is look to the economic incentives for the individual decision makers. Long term strategies which are good for the company often are mutually exclusive with their own career advancement. That and that costs saved or failure averted is hard to measure, mindless busywork like meetings, report writing and in the case of Hollywood and Netflix commissioning scripts, pilots, and even a series produces work - an outcome, even if it's a waste of company resources.
Apart from the barbell strategy, and generally avoiding the pathetic/narrative fallacy and intentional stance I've found very little practical takeout form his books.

>> No.16804988

Can anybody suggest me the chapters to read if I want to get with features and options. I don't think I have time to read though the whole book

>> No.16805105

Just search Hull Derivatives pdf, you should get a result.

>> No.16805115

Read the intro and then read the chapters specific to options and futures. Do the exercises to hone your intuition.

>> No.16805167

>Studied that hull options futures book like an autist - whole notebooks with notes and did all the excercises
>Managed to make six figures thanks to amzn options

could you please tell me your sources? I'm beginning to study options as well. that would be extra useful, fren

>> No.16805195

lol nvm. I didn't read it correctly. thanks

>> No.16805222

yes before I was wealthy I spammed Bob Proctor YouTube videos

>> No.16805338

>Pretty much every single issue in politics and society can be instantly understood by taking a glance at the economic incentives of all parties involved.
Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell speak the same in the first chapter.

>> No.16805468

Here is one big redpill about reading books.
Looks like it is a business right now to read books. There are companies that is offering 10 mins summary of popular books (target is mostly young men or wanntaprenuers, mostly those third world country immigrants).
If you want to absorb the content of the book and mold your belief system according to it's content(Take Theory of Money and Credit) you have read it, re-read it, write notes to make a smaller version of it, re-read until you know what chapter talks about what and until you are able to educate someone else with the knowledge. Then you know you have read the book and increased your IQ. Our brain has lot of memory. We are under utilizing it by not doing what I mentioned.

I have read, re-read, taken notes, wrote programs, again and again from The C programming Language (K&R C) and The C++ Programming Language (Bjarne) and I know every bit of C/C++ programming. It took me ~4 years to arrive at this mastery. It could have taken lesser if it was not for two fucking girls I wasted time on, cats I kept at my house and hours or league of legends. I am done. My sole purpose is to read books, implement the concept and become god.
Sorry nobody is there to listen to my voice. Hope you guys don't mind.

>> No.16805536

>If you want to absorb the content of the book and mold your belief system according to it's content(Take Theory of Money and Credit) you have read it, re-read it, write notes to make a smaller version of it, re-read until you know what chapter talks about what and until
I doubt it, more than dout it - for me it just doesn't fucking work. I have literally thousands of words of notes like that and they haven't done jack shit for me. I even try and condense books to heuristics and try and find situations in my own life where I can apply the knowledge - it's never specific or applicable.
Maybe I'm reading the wrong books, but the re-reading, writing notes strategy doesn't work.

>> No.16805550

I don't know if they would have let me go or not. These were bunch of non-technical guys. When I gave them the idea of improving their product's performance by making multi-threaded design, they knew what they had to do. If quoted a higher price they would have looked around and hired someone else to do "Multi-threading design" . How effective would that have been? Not better than mine I know. Not boasting but I am one-man army and it's hard to find people like me. I do fast work and effective work. My lesson is "I should have detailed about my work". Should have told, "I am going to improve your product's performance". Now they are scaling it and paying high price by outsourcing it to some local team. They are paying too much. I would have taken half but I don't want to visit them.

>> No.16805559

you wanna see?

>> No.16805580
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Here I am learning Algebra(Abstract algebra) and I am writing whole book. I have to re-read two more times and I will know everything about algebra. And it is very useful. Don’t doubt. These concepts are very very useful.

>> No.16805624

Oh I got your problem I guess.
Don't go about reading anything.
First thing you have to find purpose in life.
You have to read whatever serve that purpose. And you don't apply literally after reading a book. You have to plan. And then your purpose and your reading will become one and the same.
Take Mr. Warren Buffet.
He goes to sec.gov. Download 10-K form. Print it. Read it like a maniac. He does this everyday.
His purpose and his reading are synced.
Take Elon Musk for another instance. He goes to some Japanese website about manga. Buy the most trendy manage. Read it and shitpost on Twitter. His life and reading are synced.

>> No.16805636
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This book made me a lot of money.

Truly a life-changer.

>> No.16805659

I have a purpose in life, in fact I'm one of the most purposeful and goal directed people I know (because people constantly tell me.)
>And then your purpose and your reading will become one and the same.
No it doesn't. Things don't just magically fall into place, especially when you don't have money or the connections to capitalize on your talents (marketing and schoomzing being talents I don't have).

>> No.16805670

I just read the wikipedia.
So it says "imagine the goal as if you have acquired it already and work towards it"?
This thing is already said in "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D Wattle.

>> No.16805690

Impossible. I am myself very purposeful person. I discovered my own ways to getting it.
If you don't have money and if it the mandatory bottleneck you have to earn money fast. You fear would drive you to write a book, write a program, fool someone, scam someone, rob bank or whatever you feel fit. You will get it. I can't explain more. I am in the flow. You are not. Find it. Try harder is a thing.

>> No.16805752

How the fuck would you write a book quickly and also make a enough money out of it to be a worthwhile venture?
Show me you know what you're talking about.

>> No.16805806
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>You fear would drive you to write a book
I gave one example of what you would do.
I didn't write any book although I will and I am waiting for some time, not to earn but to educate.
Although this guy wrote a very generic sounding book and made it. His fear of failure drove him to earn him thousands if not millions of dollars.
You pick what you want to do to solve your money problem. Fear >> Sexual energy. Learn the basic of capitalizing them. Jesus you have to learn a lot about life. How old are you?

>> No.16805852

How is manias, panics and crashes? Also I have ordered quote a few.

>> No.16805916

It doesnt make you rich tho

>> No.16805947

You sound like the biggest boomer normie.
Most books are bullshit

>> No.16805977

Sorry for you.

>> No.16806006

You are the stupidist person if you think books are bullshit. KYS you fucking idiot. If bait well done.

>> No.16806175

I like reading too

>> No.16807094

Stop being an accoomulator. Whether the knowledge made you money or not is the ONLY reason to pursue it further.
Seems to me you're just wasting years of your life to learn a bunch of useless non-actionable programming/math concepts that in the long run will be detrimental to your opportunity cost average.

>> No.16807273
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Yes, 10 of them.
Would recommend the Intelligent investor, basic economics, fooled by randomness, thinking fast and slow.
Very solid books covering some of the fundamental pillars of investing imo.
If you are into trading i've heard reminisces of a stock operator is a must read - its a biography of a trader from the 20's but is one of those books where the wisdom is perfectly applicable to trading nowadays.
>Pic related is a quote

>> No.16807283

Read the ancients and the classics. Those books survived for a reason.

>> No.16807324

If you're looking to read books on very distinct, separated topics and hoping it'll get you rich you're on a fools errand. You gotta read books about the whole of humanity to understand principles such as leadership, management, etc...

>> No.16807388

Nah, not at all. I usually have some anons on here and /lit/ summarize the books for me. Problem is, if you ask someone outright they’ll give you the run around or just straight up bs you, so what I usually do is provide information about a book I’m interested in that’s completely inaccurate. Inevitably, some anon will come out of the wood work and correct me, and if he doesn’t have the answer then another poster will correct him. I don’t have time to sift through dog shit.

>> No.16807402

>And it is very useful. Don’t doubt. These concepts are very very useful.
How is it? I studied that shit and it hasn't been useful at all. Sure, there are some meme applications of group theory in chemistry but that's irrelevant to me. And it could be useful for certain areas of theoretical physics, but again irrelevant for me. How is it useful outside academia?

>> No.16807501

>How is it useful outside academia?
Do you have an idea how trading and investment things work? Its all about separating signal from the noise, which is all about mathematics to construct the model and clean it up. The anon might or might not find an application of what he learned to opportunities he encounters, but you'll never even have the chance.

>> No.16807516

The only people who get rich from these books are the authors. Not because they have good business ideas but because they're good at making you buy their books.

>> No.16807535

it's all nonsense. eitehr you want to start or dont want to start. the only way i recommend reading books is if you are completely green to this certain way of thinking, once you've read a few you've read them all. most of these are "good reads" but utterly useless.

t. someone who has read half of those

millionaire fastlane
think and grow rich
i will teach you to be rich
trading in the zone

all of those market books are nice but realistically unless you're an investor or whatever you will learn absolutely 0 from it.

>> No.16807556

Well. This is my limit. You know yourself. I cannot make you believe.

>> No.16807618

Probability, staistics, differential quations and linear algebra would be useful. I'm talking about abstract algebra specifically. Is there a useful application out there? Maybe there's something, but it doesn't like the best use of time.

I would have liked to see an actual argument but okay.

>> No.16807629

BTW, I'm studying data science and machine learning something I know for certain has a lot of applications. I'd need to be convinced that spending my time learning abstract algebra would be a more useful investment of my time.

>> No.16807743

Read adam smith

cool guy

its really funny because marx stole all the ideas smith had, and rewrote them as angrily as possible.

Smith though was just trying to explain why people fail to see the market.

>> No.16808384
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full of shit. Is this some kind of pre-midlife crisis session of yours? Im not saying you may not be successful, but you sound fucked up as hell