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File: 18 KB, 620x478, 9557D317-C63D-45F6-9EC8-C762D2EDED2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16803687 No.16803687 [Reply] [Original]

Funny.. I've been to the mental hospital and the dumbasses said "you want to kys for being short? Teenage issues". Im 24.5. You know what?

They really are lucky to be employed when they are so useless. Mental health industry is a meme.

You know what Ive realized? I was right all along. My world becomes more fucking dark as time goes by. This emasculation is one no other human has endured.
This doesnt "go away" in time. It becomes more and more hellish. I think Im going to kill myself soon. I was going to wait for the potential ntc mooning so I could get my surgeries, but I am too burnt out with just being alive. Just being conscious drains my energy. Nigger god. I am almost 25.. btc is literally my last hope for the surgeries and even then it's just too late to become normal again.. I am fucked in the head

This is a PSA. If youre short, youre not a man and you never will be one. Saying otherwise is COPE and sugar coating reality.

How do we legalize assisted suicide for people with shit genetics? It would actually help society move forward. Eugenics is the answer.

>> No.16803700

True. What exactly is short. I am 1.83m and I feel inadequate

>> No.16803716

Are you trolling me? I'm 5'5". I am literally the most emasculated human on earth.

>> No.16803721

Plenty of short people are able to find a girl. Maybe it's because you're so whiny.

>> No.16803722

Just imagine how fucked your head would be if you were 1.651 meters. Would you not become a destroyed human as well? 6ft is taller than like 90% of males. Im shorter than 90% of males.

>> No.16803727

^this is what is known as a retard.
>dur hur I am a feminine pussy and chicks dig that
>dur hur I dont care about masculinity or dominance so long as some random whore sleeps with me

>> No.16803732

Short guy here. I just moved to Peru. Im 5'5" and feel like a giant.
Highly recommend
Lots of cuties to bang. Good luck

>> No.16803738

just find a short bitch. 5ft girls are better

>> No.16803743

Yup. Or if you're really good get a girl taller than you. I have has those as well. The only bad thing is the girl taller than me wore glasses and that's a no go for me

>> No.16803749
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wow, can believe youre back again
this is going to be an epic thread

>> No.16803754

You guys miss the point so hard. I see coping is common and realists are not.

You are short therefore not a man. Saying otherwise is coping. This isnt even about women. This is about pride.

>> No.16803759

You cant deny what I say are straight up facts.

>> No.16803768
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>> No.16803770

Masculinity is not being whiny like you.

>> No.16803772

>it's impossible for my life to be worthwile because i am 5'5

>> No.16803775
File: 65 KB, 800x449, prince-purple-rain_wide-9e4c5c92b0580c5b17b5fbf6b156f618c3144294-s800-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many threads are you going to keep making here crying about your height? This nigga was 5'3 and got more pussy and money then most guys ever dreamed of.

>> No.16803778


Do the world a favor and KILL YOURSELF!

>> No.16803779

Because I did get fucked in life
I don't understand what youre saying here

>> No.16803781

But he's right, dealing with a whiny piece of shit like you would be a major turn off.


>> No.16803785

You just need a girl who is 4'11" I hear that's the average height for women is SEA

>> No.16803789

new rule. If I btfod logic used in a post, im hiding your posts instead of repeating myself. Learn to read, fags

>> No.16803791

Except I btfod you here, retard: >>16803754
Read the last two sentences, 10IQ dumbass

>> No.16803792
File: 28 KB, 550x550, csIKLGEPJYRZNIAWBoLW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy bragged last thread that women wanted him and wanted to fuck him all the time because hes supposedly buff.

yet, he says hes upset about not being a man, not that he cant get women (though he admitted to still being a virgin)

>> No.16803797

I know a guy that's around 5'4-5'5 or so and he has just dated the shortest girls we know. Aside from that, the standards for being a man are not really that high. lot of fats, nerds, etc. being short is an impediment but it's not the end, no reason you can't have friends and self-respect. lifting will probably help. being ugly is worse I'd say

>> No.16803805

Need a reminder of the training I used to do?

Read the last two sentences of the post you responded to

>> No.16803808
File: 435 KB, 305x205, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your threads OP

>> No.16803815

>You are short therefore not a man. Saying otherwise is coping. This isnt even about women. This is about pride.
>the standards for being a man are not really that high. lot of fats, nerds, etc. being short is an impediment but it's not the end, no reason you can't have friends and self-respect. lifting will probably help. being ugly is worse I'd say

>> No.16803816
File: 309 KB, 455x401, 1578539769673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the words of /fit/
>post body
no one gives a shit that you say that you can curl 60 lb 100 times in under 5 minutes

post. body.

>> No.16803827





>> No.16803828

Right. Because fucking women and gaining money is fucking gay right dude? How unmanly. I know people like you. They just can't function in life because of some stupid thing or person and choose to be whiny cunts for the rest of their lives. Fair enough its your life just take this shit to facebook faggot.

>> No.16803830

oh jesus. Did I not explain I went from 170lb to 115lb back to 140lb? I can post my body and it will be average as I havent trained in nearly 8 years. Keep coping with what I used to do. I know your pussy ass couldnt handle me at my prime (I wouldnt even call it my prime as I was still improving).

Sad you have to think Im lying of what I ised to do just to cope. Keep seething

>> No.16803834

we love you long time.

>> No.16803837

>I know people like you. They just can't function in life because of some stupid thing or person and choose to be whiny cunts for the rest of their lives.
And its justified. You dont know what a "linch pin" is, huh?

>> No.16803838

>you want to kys for being short
thats pathetic 6 2 cope

>> No.16803841

Better yet despite having a shit body now, Im willing to post myself if you do the same :)
Its only fair :))

>> No.16803844



>> No.16803848

real me also dont have autism attacks and go full caps. kek

>> No.16803852
File: 83 KB, 212x218, 1574960191031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime you come back here youre going to get made fun of by true oldfags like
Pay a nigger in africa to break your legs gain height, never post here again. Its that easy

>> No.16803856

Why should i post my body? You can think im fat, skinny, and ugly all you want.

YOU are trying to PROVE you were muscular at one point. I dont believe you were ever muscular. I think you were a lazy piece of shit that never trained.
Post body to prove me wrong.

im not posting mine, because i dont care what you think what i look like

>> No.16803859
File: 9 KB, 228x221, C392862A-7297-477A-954B-18993CA3AA10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im making fun of you Im so fucking COOL !!

>> No.16803867

>YOU are trying to PROVE you were muscular at one point.
>at one point
>at one point
Ya, at one point... lmfao retard.

> Post body to prove me wrong.
after 8 years of not training. Na. I dont care if you dont believe I trained hard :)

>im not posting mine, because i dont care what you think what i look like
k, lard ass

>> No.16803877
File: 332 KB, 900x900, 1575127007661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lard ass calling me lard ass

>> No.16803884

coping weeb

>> No.16803893

this weeb is more muscular than you. youre a schizo who has gran delusions. You honestly think we can trust how much you lifted at one point?

Not too mention, its much easier for short people to become fat

>> No.16803914
File: 121 KB, 674x649, 2EAAEFBD-F618-4724-8A58-6AEFE3A5BB91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this weeb is more muscular than you.
>I-I wont post a pic of myself though BAKA!!
lmfao whatever, loser. Im hiding your shitposts now.

>> No.16803925

you can think im fat all you want. im not trying to prove to /biz/ that i was muscular at one point.

Why should you recieve anything in life if you never tried working out? What proof do you have that you worked a job even too?

You have no proof.
So why should we feel sorry for you?

>> No.16803950

What country are you from?

>> No.16803951

yes yes I dont care if you dont believe me. Just keep coping like a bitch. I dont care. Yes im fat. Im actually 400lb and eat children for breakfast. You are a greek god and have the strength of 100 narutos. You caught me :(

>> No.16803957

I came here to say this. Peru being the exact country to recommend. Solid advice here OP

>> No.16803960

U.S. live near LA
And if youre gonna say "just move where chicks are shorter", I'll just facepalm since I responded to that argument already.

>> No.16803966

okay, so you admit it

Why do you think you deserve better in life if you dont try at all then?

>> No.16803993

LA chicks are pretty short. But they value $$$ not "

>> No.16803994

become a 212 bodybuilder. that is the height limit.

>> No.16804006

again, the guy claims he doesnt care about getting girls.
he just wants height surgery to feel manlier. but complains that even if he got it, his back would be too short.

This thread is basically a giant diary for him. hes not looking for advice at all.

ITT i posted. he has a literal 1000 page journal. This thread is going to become apart of his journal

>> No.16804014
File: 83 KB, 1024x518, 1499233372765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im 24.5
I'm 25 about to turn 26. I've had to face a whole other set of battles this past year. My friends are not my friends and I had to come to terms with that. Just people who smile.
I know that life is difficult. I am not trying to say I understand what pain you've felt. But what I do want to say anon is that I'm glad you posted about this. And unlike those people in my life, this anon is here for you anon.

>> No.16804016

This. isnt. about. women. Also, they dont value money from men until they are used up and tired of the whore life (mid 30s and up).

>> No.16804021

Bruh... that is literally my problem. Here, I'll copy and paste something from my notes (a summary, NOT everything):

At age 12, I would do 100 pushups in 1 minute and 20 seconds without stopping. At age 16.5, I used to do 17k pushups with 45lb in a month, 51k situps in a month, curl a 20lb dumbbell 1,800 times per arm in one single set, almost maxed the machines I used for 2 yrs (ages 15-16), curl 50lb dumbbells, hand stand pushups, Etc. That's just a brief summary. I basically did one of everything. Trained 2-3 hrs everyday for 4.5 yrs from age 12-16.5.

As for the weights in the machines that I used, I couldn't tell you. I put pins randomly. I tried to put it in the heaviest I could handle, but never looked at the amount. The fitness room in my highschool also had pins for bench presses. I had my own bench press too with not much weights (maybe about 200lb. Nothing really).

I was planning on doubling my routine and doubling of that and doubling THAT, but it hit me I wasn't going to grow anymore and it completely destroyed me to oblivion at age 16.5. Now I'm 24.

I trained EVERY part I could. I did yoga too. Etc. Training was literally what defined me. So why did I stop? Because my final height was 5'5". That messed up everything. Schooling, jobs, mental health, etc.
Now I need 40k to get surgeries to make me 5'9" (5'10" was my dream height).
I have been suicidal for about 7.5ish years over my height.

>> No.16804028

this is all LARP btw. He never posts his body to prove it
And OP admitted last thread hes been committed serveral times.

Theres a 90% chance hes lying about all this working out

>> No.16804033

Also here's something I was thinking about
My grandfather is about 5ft 4 inches (inb4 old people shrink, he was always around that height). But to me he is a one of my most treasured people.
I'm sure he was tormented by his height in times too. Especially since the country he grew up in has tons of tall people (Yugoslavia).

But you could be that figure to someone too anon. Hopefully that's a whitepill to you that no matter what, you're grandkids would always love you immensely.

>> No.16804037

long story short, I was ultra super obsessed about training the way a crack addict is obsessed with crack. Being short blew up my brain and I became a short tempered massive asshole over my never ending rage.

I swore off training until I get my limb lengthening surgeries. Sad thing is I know its too late to go back to normal even with those surgeries. The real me died. All those years of training.. all that progress gone. It is as if I never trained at all. god spit on my face. That mother fucker took away everything from me

>> No.16804043

you never trained.

post pics or stop lying

>> No.16804045

Haha useless? Nigger there's a continuous stream of schizophrenics who get righttracked again. Mental health will remain weither you finally put your miserable life to an end or not.

Its useless for borderline cunts like yourself. Yet your kind does everything possible to get admitted.

Just kill yourself and dont bother anyone anymore

>> No.16804047
File: 330 KB, 1080x1040, 1538097891677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm, if he hasn't shown pics then you're likely right.
Come on OP, stop being a fag and post pics. Prove this anon wrong.

>> No.16804050


>> No.16804059

seriously, read is fucking journal

>17,000 push ups a month

That means the fuck did 500 push ups a day, minimum. And if OP was a buff as he says, thats pushing up 150 pounds worth of weight 500 times.

How would OP even heal his muscles at all doing 500 push ups a day? If he took rest days, that would mean he would have to do TWO THOUSAND PUSH UPS in day

And youre telling me hes not a lying schizo?

>> No.16804071
File: 84 KB, 1100x825, 5d979320c4b69a16697ac7f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, drugs. Just do a several micrograms microdose of LSD everyday, you WILL make light of your shitty attitudes and reconcile to being more content with going on living. It is a magical substance and it would help you, I 10/10 recommend. It is worth all legal risk due to you being a faggot that would otherwise kill himself for just being short. Think of quadriplegics Anon, at least you can fucking walk, your position can always be worse, practice greatfullness and appreciation and you will have literal physical brain changes due to intentionally thinking happy thoughts.

>> No.16804088

trade you btc for link, you will grow about 1 foot in length of your etheric penis

>> No.16804093
File: 3.28 MB, 4032x3024, A6EDD5A8-4472-4CC6-888A-10DF56171F84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes yes Im lying. Thats why I have over 4k notes about this one issue. Because ive been lying TO MYSELF for years apparently.

Jesus christ imagine having to cope this hard. Next few pics in imgur link related, coping weeb freak.

It would take way too long to make individual posts of all of them so I compiled them within the link.
>whaaa he HAS to be lying! No one was that obsessed!
>im a fatass weeb so no one can train more than me!!!!
dumb bitch: https://imgur.com/a/PUpmNNC

>> No.16804099

>you're grandkids would always love you immensely.
I plan on getting surgeries to chop off my dick. Not spreading my shit genes

>> No.16804108

Dude, level with me. What is your weight? You seem like you are trying to cope with my old routine. Does it make you feel insecure?

>> No.16804117


Nigger I'm 5"6' and I can pull both shorter & taller grills

>> No.16804120

>why would a crazy person thats men medicatted and seeing psychiatric care since middle school go through an absolute crazy length lie
gee, i dont know
>17,000 push ups a month
>500 push ups a day

How the FUCK can anyone believe this larp?

>> No.16804126

>That means the fuck did 500 push ups a day, minimum. And if OP was a buff as he says, thats pushing up 150 pounds worth of weight 500 times.

I did 300 pushups in 4 min and 20 sec with 45 lb. 10 sec break within intervals (20 sec total of break). 1 min and 20 sec per 100. 3 sets total.

that was the end of my final month. In the beginning, my stamina was less. Day one I couldnt even do 500 without tiring out, but I improved quickly. I would do 1k within the hour (low 40 min mark).

I started doing 100 in one set at age 12. I min and 20 sec. Took me 5 days to go from 30 to 100.

Fatass. Its not THAT impressive. Maybe your pussy ass could do the same if you werent bitch made.

>> No.16804128

Just get a tall bf

>> No.16804136

Not how I did it. I actually did more than a messily 500 a day. You can do 100 in a minute and 20 seconds if you werent a pussy.

>> No.16804141



>> No.16804146

Read. Not about women. What the fuck is the average biz IQ?

>> No.16804149
File: 654 KB, 918x1000, 926a9cb32248a7683b2147a343c646eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are saying you could do 300 push ups, all around 170 lb IN 4 MINUTES NO REST.
You would have to do 2 push ups a minute.


ive worked with schizos before. and this guy is EXACTLY like the "body builder" ones ive worked with

>> No.16804150

5 posts. All caps lock... why do I get the feeling youre not 18?

>> No.16804161

>You would have to do 2 push ups a minute.
jesus christ..

Anyways, yes I did indeed do 100 in a minute and 20 sec and I did that literally everyday (unless I was sick or possibly a sunday when I used to be religious). Every fucking day from age 12-16.5. No shit it would have been childs play by then, fatass. That was my warm up, dumb coping bitch. Click the imgur link, bitch.

>> No.16804173
File: 7 KB, 231x218, F7E7CB17-6C3F-473B-A24F-378FE0DE5E71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger. I clicked my link and I was the first view.. LOL. This is how I KNOW you are coping. You are hurt over the idea that I was that obsessed with training since it makes you feel inferior. It affects you so much so that you even refuse to click the imgur link which s basically documented proof.

>> No.16804174

Where did you respond to that already?

Regardless, I already responded to someone who gave he same advice but my advice was going to be more to where BOTH men and women are shorter. Ive lived in LA and in Peru.

Fuck the gym
Fuck “just be more confident bro”
Fuck “you need to just change you attitude”
Fuck your facepalm

Scrape up $600
Go Peru (or Asia or something)
Spend a week or two there

See if I’m right or not. If you’re actually suicidal then there’s not much to lose

>> No.16804175

I can see someone doing 100 push ups in around a minute or two. No one is arguing that. He's saying you didn't do any of that and you haven't posted proof.
I don't understand why you wont post a picture of your arm flexing with a time stamp OP. You literally have the power to clear your own name but in all your time bringing this issue up you never post any non-doxx pics with a time stamp.

>> No.16804186

i mean 2 a sec. LOL, but thanks for correction

You honestly think i believe you can push up 170 lb 100 times in a minute.

no. i cant. Maybe a skinny asian martial artist. But OP claims to be a huge body builder. He didnt even do body weight exercise.

OP is basically claiming he can bench 170 lb HUNDRED TIMES in a minute.

Go up to anyone bench pressing in your local gym. Ask the biggest muscular guy you know if they can do such a thing.

>> No.16804201

>He's saying you didn't do any of that and you haven't posted proof.
Literally the imgur link, dummy
> I don't understand why you wont post a picture of your arm flexing with a time stamp OP.
I can but I havent trained in basically 8 years so wtf would you expect? Not only that but I went from 170lb to 115ish or something like that (tried to starve myself to death) back to about 140lb. At most it would be "lean" muscle which is pathetic looking.

Documentation in the imgur link is more than enough proof

>> No.16804210

>I can see someone doing 100 push ups in around a minute or two. No one is arguing that.
you sure about that?
read this retard's post:
>You honestly think i believe you can push up 170 lb 100 times in a minute.

>> No.16804224

>Documentation in the imgur link is more than enough proof
no. its not.
us /fit/izens would laugh you out immediately for having no body pics at all. You dont even have any pics of yourself when you were supposedly big.

You are a lying mentally guy, whose admitted to having self harm tendecies, whose been commited several times. Why would anyone believe you?

Only reason im bumping this thread, is because you obviously need to be re-committed again before you hurt someone.

>> No.16804223

and also, retard, learn to math. A minute and 20 seconds. Not just 60 seconds, moron.

> He didnt even do body weight exercise.
I went to the fitness room for 2 years, asswipe.

>> No.16804230

jesus christ. You honestly believe I was lying to myself since 2016... think about that.

Again, lard ass. Ill post a pic of myself if you do it too.
>no because then my fatassness would be exposed!
goes both ways, bitch. Post a pic of yourself if you want a pic of me

>> No.16804238

im not the manlet schizoid virgin who thinks he deserves to be taller and richer. i dont care if you think im fat.

prove that you were muscular at one point

schizo people go through outrageous amounts of work to try to be something theyre not. Look at trannies, they spend years trying to transition.

It probably took you a month at most to write up those fake journal entries.

Get help. Now

>> No.16804239
File: 40 KB, 400x386, 1551353061074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, hi legextension-anon how have you been?

>> No.16804247

If you can't gauge the truth value of a post via text alone you don't belong on /biz/.

Nobody owes you anything, pics of themselves or otherwise buttboy.

Now kneel and suck

>> No.16804248


OP's blog btw
sadly i can't read it anymore cause its blocked in russia now

>> No.16804252
File: 350 KB, 1085x1866, 1870DF3B-C42A-49DD-9A9A-E23B1CE8F8BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoooly shit. I clicked the link again and it STILL only has 1 view (me).

Wow, youre pathetic. I'll just post the pics here since youre too much of a pussy to click the link

>> No.16804258
File: 339 KB, 1030x1695, A08D70BE-43F3-4D4C-BA91-8EBDB94743B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16804259

Stop being a bitch and have fun
I have seen fucking monsters enjoying life to the fullest

>> No.16804268
File: 249 KB, 1203x1716, 21918CC7-E976-48BE-BEB5-C373C3646AE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> schizo people go through outrageous amounts of work to try to be something theyre not. Look at trannies, they spend years trying to transition.
>It probably took you a month at most to write up those fake journal entries.

That level of coping shouldnt even be possible..

>> No.16804270
File: 1.93 MB, 1080x1920, fatty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also OP's flabby arm
world class bodybuilder btw

>> No.16804274

just kill yourself already your cringy whiny bitch

>> No.16804278
File: 291 KB, 1069x1645, 44D3C7B2-7352-4F17-BCF4-8FA18042E88C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually pity you more than I pity myself. Thats saying something.

You actually cant HANDLE what I used to be and are just trying to cope by saying I MUST be lying. You want me to post a pic of my body after 8 years of not training (and mass starving myself at one point) just so you can say to yourself "I knew it! He never trained that hard!".

Absolutely pathetic

>> No.16804284

body builders document themselves all the time.

Youre saying, while you were supposedly muscular, you never took ONE photo of yourself?

>> No.16804291


>> No.16804292

I forgot about that place Lol (suicide project). Bookmarking so that when my phone is investigated after my suicide, people will know just how justified I was.

>> No.16804307



>> No.16804308

Nope. What >>16804291 posted was yr 6.5ish or maybe even 7/8 of not training.

I didnt have a phone until.. 18? I never used technology besides hearing music when I trained. Not even social media. No friends. Nothing. My world was training. Without it, I feel like a crackhead without crack

>> No.16804312

Aaand more caps lock. Mr autismo

>> No.16804314

nobody gives a fuck what you looked like
rn you're a fat flabby tranny

>> No.16804316

Anon. If you stopped somewhere in age 16, then I get it. But damn I still don't get why you don't post some timestamp of yourself. You keep phone posting anyways.

>> No.16804320


You're constantly admitted because you brag about going to kill yourself. Yet you still havent done it. What are you waiting for pussy?

>> No.16804326
File: 442 KB, 1280x720, Hdqg0M5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tricep barely pops out even when flexing
>no delt
>no bicep
yep, OP is heavily exaggerating his work out routine

>> No.16804334

I don't know if that's OP. But that is a big arm for someone who supposedly doesn't work out.

>> No.16804340

That is OP, I gurantee you that. And its only big cause he's a fatass.

>> No.16804341

So if it OP's arm, then that is good physic.

>> No.16804344

Jesus christ, retard. Im not explaining again.

Whatever. Keep coping. ya ya ive lied sonce 2016 at minimum (had notes farther back but they are gone) all to contrive a story of myself that never happened. Also, CALLED IT. >>16804278
> You want me to post a pic of my body after 8 years of not training (and mass starving myself at one point) just so you can say to yourself "I knew it! He never trained that hard!".

>> No.16804346

No time stamp. unacceptable.

>> No.16804348
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, 1BF271CB-3862-4873-9143-6635CD500EC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, thats me. Ill even take a pic of the bathroom

>> No.16804353

>no photos exist of you when you were big
yeah sure.

Youre 25. Youre saying you never had a flip phone in highschool? Also, how fucking big do you think higher schoolers get? only 1% of highschoolers can actually get big. Most body builders are early to mid 20s

>> No.16804361

Yet YOU are the one that dug up the pic LMFAOO

>> No.16804362

I'm going to bed OP. I would like for you to post a time stamp photo with some part of your body to at least show us you aren't larping as a shorter person.
With this (You) farm of a thread, I can see why someone would go through the ten minutes to create a list of notes that are fake.
I'm not saying that you're a fake. But I am saying just post a time stamp with your foot by a quarter. I'll check back a little later.

>> No.16804365

it took me literally 10 seconds to find it in archives

>> No.16804371

back up those stats, weeb

>> No.16804376

Thank you OP. See that's way we need. Though a time stamp would have been nice too.
I think you're going to be alright.
What's your most ideal scenario for the next two years? Real question hours here.

>> No.16804385

Highly doubt it. Considering how many posts ive made about this, it probably took you an hr minimum

dude, even if you think I somehow faked the dates on my notes, THIS is impossible to fake: >>16804248
That link that retard posted was basically the same content of my notes on my phone and you can clearly see the dates. You can click the username "water" within the link and you will see all the posts and all the dates. Literally impossible to fake that

>> No.16804389

just find a short girl, it's not that hard anon

>> No.16804391


76K just for the surgery for this retard boi HAHAHHAHAHAHAH


>> No.16804392

Surgeries to increase my height and attempt to make up for lost time or suicide if I cant go back to normal or dont get the surgeries in time. With my shit paying job, btc is my last hope. I would margin trade, but I feel like the gods of torment target me specifically and will make me lose all my trades so I dont fuck with that... not now at least

>> No.16804401

move to mexico you'll be a god

>> No.16804405
File: 95 KB, 1080x720, C82B9E79-3B5B-4C9C-B6F9-E57CDB6816D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False, down syndrome idiot. http://www.lengthening-sldf.com/

>> No.16804415

>margin trade
Patience is the key to trading stocks and you are not in a place to make good trading decisions when you stake your life on accomplishing a goal in a limited amount of time.
How much does the surgery cost? Perhaps I can tell you a way to achieve this goal. I'm good at planning.

>> No.16804420

Also how much do you make with your job?

>> No.16804427

15 an hr with a 2 yr electrical trade degree. No debt. Needed 9 months to finish ba (thought it was 1.5 yrs but I misunderstood something). I quit for now since I cant think about going into debt with this in the way. And ya, I feel this state of mind would make me be a retard and margin trading.

the real me wouldnt mind taking risks and losing a month of work. I would literally not even get 1% depressed about that if I were back to normal, but this isnt the real me. I feel so squeezed with time.

>> No.16804433

Also, I do security and its shit. Its actually closer to mid 14 an hr, not 15. Plan on just becoming either a teacher's assistant or a school security guard (did the cert for it). Pay will be about the same, but I figure its more tolerable than this current horseshit (the duties here suck).

>> No.16804438

>30K Euros
Okay, this is doable. Very doable. How much is in saving anon? How much are you able to save a year?
From these numebers I can come up with a safe plan to be completed in a timely manner.

>> No.16804441

So that's a second source of income, very good.

>> No.16804449

For now, like 1k a month is what I save since I still live at home. Its all in the form of btc. Long story short I fucked up some stuff plus paid like 5k for school (no debt but had some before from the incomplete ba). I have maybe about 5k currently.

>> No.16804511

Alright, 5K. So you have 15% already saved up. Very good.
Every month you can add nearly $1,000, so that's 3% of your total goal being added every month.

Lets say you have a goal of having the surgery done in 3 years. On your current track, you will have enough money to do the surgery in just under 3 years.
That's with nothing else done. You could have a business on the side. You could self publish. And more. And all those things would bring you closer all without risking your 36% added savings towards your goal.

But if you do want to invest to safely squeeze more returns, I would advise opening up a Robinhood trading account (there is an automatic 3% annualized return rate for just letting your money sit in the trading account) or open a TD Ameritrade account. Both allow you to trade stocks without paying per buy or sell of share now.

Set up trailing stop losses where if the stock loses more than 2.5% you sell. Or just follow the stocks and go with your gut. I do the second piece of advice. I'm up nearly 17% since mid October in SQ, so I have some margin for error in it's fluctuation. So even if it dropped 4% I can wait out the storm (because I have reasons to believe it's going to continue going up for a little bit more).

You can keep your money in crypto, just for when it shoots up. But I would hedge yourself. Some in crypto and some in stocks.
But don't gamble in the stock market. Invest in the SPY (index of the S&P 500 comanies) or choose blue chip companies like Microsoft, Costco, Paypal, Visa, ect

Also, don't day trade, have the mindset that you're going to buy a stock you expect to go up over the next week or few months (longer is even better).
I have a general rule of thumb where if the stock I just bought is shooting down with a lot of volume dumping it (~4.5% or more) for some reason but I expect it to go up sometime in the next week, I'll just hold on to it until it increases. Usually there are rebound in the next few days.

>> No.16804557

Stop being a bitch. Being tall sucks a lot, women are more naturally scared of you, it's hard to find clothe clothes that fit good. Bump your head on shit easier, prone to back problems, being tall aint all it's cracked up to be. Make your life work, because you will get the surgery and realize that your depression comes from something else.

>> No.16804560


No one gives a fuck about height anywhere near as much as you think they do. Women just want a man taller than they are, and there are plenty of women out there who would be looking up at a 5'5" guy.

Also stop arguing with neets on the internet anon. They're using you at your expense to make them feel better about themselves. Don't feed them.

>> No.16804565

If you could get 10% return on your total investment a year, then your goal will be attained in two and a half years instead of 2.8 or 2.9 years.

This is what I want to emphasize though. We're talking about a matter of MONTHS to reach your goal but you're still risking your money which means risking that this will go on a little bit longer.

I would advise you play it safe. Keep depositing your money into your savings because every year your getting 36% of your goal added.
I would also write a children's book if I were you. Not kidding. Advertise it on Reddit. Make it about a kid that wants to save the planet from pollution or something. He has a grandpa Mick who is a scientist but people say he's too young to do something about it. Seriously people would buy it for their 6 year olds.

Also, you know that you'll get 12K a year from just saving. Think of ways you can make an extra 3K a year. That would be a great increase and come to about $250 a month.

You can do garage sale & estate sale flipping, you can write the book, garden for a few clients every weekend (mow blow and go for $50 a month per client, you can have a side youtube gig with just your voice for narrating some topic that has a reddit page, there's a ton of possibilities.

So let me break it down in my next post what you options could look like with conservative estimates. And I'll even calculate some saving so you have a little money after you get your 33K USD surgery.

>> No.16804568

Girls like fucking dogs, I'm sure they'll fuck a short guy too

>> No.16804607

>take home money from job
$1,000 a month
>garage sale & estate sale flipping
$40 for waking up very saturday and looking at the garage sale app to see where the sales are
$35 you sell every copy for $.99. Have some message at the end like "share this story with your friends to let them know everyone can make a difference"
>garden for a few clients every weekend (mow blow and go for $50 a month per client, you can have a side
If you have 3 houses you go to every Saturday for an hour and a half each, that's $150
>youtube gig with just your voice for narrating some topic that has a reddit page
$15, depends on the niche and how you monetize it. Lots of ways to monetize it but we'll be conservative here.

So the grand total is $240.
Now just cut back on eating out, or cut Dish network and just stream and you're at $250 extra a month or more.

With a savings of $1,250 a month—you will have saved $37,500 in 2.5 years from now. So that should leave you about $4,500 dollars extra in your savings account for buffer room.
So in reality, you will reach the amount you need for your surgery in 2.2 years.

Very do able anon and that's with no risk to your savings too!

>> No.16804618

I hangout in smg a lot, so I'm sure if you posted in there you can grab my attention to ask a question or something. But from the way you're going, you'll for sure reach that goal anon.
Jesus bless and I hope this was encouraging.

It's also worth noting that for time management, it's more beneficial to have 4 mow, blow, and go clients instead of doing the garage sale flipping every week. I can earn you extra money if you buy old tvs with VHS players in them or good stuff in general, but your time is better spent getting 4 gardening clients that you know you can just skate by without having to try shipping packages, etc.

>> No.16804638
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>53 posts by this ID
holy shit just kill yourself already faggot no one gives a fuck

>> No.16804648

First requirement for being a man:
1. Stop being a little whiny bitch.
It was never about height.
But it looks like you don’t meet the criteria.

>> No.16804681

im going to sleep now. One of my plans is to start amazon wholesaling if I can take out a decent business loan (3-10k). Supposedly 10% a month from that is reasonable. Anyways, I'll look into what youre saying more.

>> No.16804760
File: 207 KB, 438x333, 275695817004201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why hasnt this guy killed himself yet?

>> No.16804832

You have mental issues.

>> No.16804891

With the absence of a more obvious goal, our societal goal should be the advancement of our species as a whole. Eugenics is the most logical way to encourage that on the surface. But eugenics will never equal natural selection because eugenics requires imperfect human input. Inb4 muh algorithms are in charge, they are created and programmed by humans. Nature is much slower but ultimately the perfect guide for choosing which species and individual members are most fit for carrying on. Natural selection cannot be stopped despite what you might think when you look around at our world now.

We shouldn't give up on researching eugenics, but honestly think about who is deciding the criteria. It shouldn't be a democratic vote, it shouldn't be one person, it shouldn't be a group of 1,000 academics, it shouldn't be a government committee: So who the fuck would you trust to decide the criteria for who lives and dies?

>> No.16804911

This thread was moved to >>>/r9k/56198818