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16800342 No.16800342[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What can I spike my garbage with to stop my roommate from going through it? he's obsessed with recycling to the point he digs through every trash can he sees. it's ridiculous. i tried spitting and jizzing all over it but that didn't stop him. i need something good.

>> No.16800365

>he's obsessed with recycling
Why is this a bad thing you chode?

>> No.16800377

>falling for the recycling meme

all recycling does it mix toxic chemicals together creating additional chemicals in the recycled product

>> No.16800378

not caring about the environment is a new 4chan npc fad. they dont know why, they just do what the memes tell them

>> No.16800382

you have to go back

>> No.16800395

Indian here. Have you tried shitting on it?

>> No.16800398


>> No.16800402

Shit in the garage can you amateur. Cut your pubes and throw them in there with your shit.

>> No.16800403

i mean i've wiped my ass and thrown toilet paper away in it. he still sorts through it

>> No.16800406

>falling for the recycling meme
Yawn. You're a fucking idiot. Leave this board now.

>> No.16800412

doesn't stop him you noob. this guy is the final boss. you gotta get creative. im thinking something harmful and toxic because gruesome doesn't work. i don't wanna kill him i just want something to make him dizzy and lightheaded as soon as he opens the trash

>> No.16800413
File: 442 KB, 550x720, nramwf6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I throw my paper/cans in the trash and my food/bones in the recycling. Nobody can do anything about it. What do you think about that?

>> No.16800419

>provides zero science as to why i'm incorrect

vegan tranny detected

>> No.16800427

fucking BASED im about to start doing this. fuck those eco-commies and muh earth

>> No.16800434

Why don't you sort your recycling correctly instead of behaving like a third-world parasite by leaving the burden to others?
In my town they will not pick up recycling that isn't properly sorted, so he's probably just making up for your complete lack of effort to avoid garbage piling up.

You're worthless.

>> No.16800442

see how the npc lacks self awareness, not realizing it just proved my point

>> No.16800447
File: 45 KB, 647x644, 1561831057906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ever heard of a landfill you brainlet? we have enough land to fill garbage in it for the next 300 million years

>> No.16800457

>The Recycle Virgin vs The Landfill Chad.

someone meme it into existence. i cant wait to throw trash in the recycle bin tomorrow.

>> No.16800462

I think you're a cunt
>provides zero science why he's correct
When was the last time you had a shower? Mid August 2016?

>> No.16800467
File: 16 KB, 242x354, 20191223_123345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a Glow.
Print declassified papers but photoshop alterations with your name replacing whoever villainous parties.
Partially burn some and spike other with fake blood and if you have access to firearms used cartridges add them.
Observe it and make sure he sees the above before

>> No.16800470

This. It’s 2020. Burning trash needs to be revisited with new tech. Same with launching trash into the sun. 90% of organized recycling goes into the landfill anyways. It just makes soccer moms feel superior and white

>> No.16800494
File: 158 KB, 2518x1024, virginvschadrecycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone finish this

>> No.16800526

put a load of cat or dog hair in it. chances are he's allergic to one

>> No.16800552

Agreed, as long as they capture the smoke. They could even use trash as fuel in power plants The Japanese burn their trash (it's sorted into burnable and non-burnable trash).

>> No.16800592

They have air scrubbers in Norway that for coal plants that work to well. They make power plants net negative CO2 killing plants. We need those scrubbers but just for bad chemicals.

>> No.16800612


nice binkie fren

>> No.16800627

Take your trash somewhere else or tell him it's making you uncomfortable and you'll sort it yourself. That's intrusive

>> No.16800677


If you're going to be passive aggressive about it at least do stuff like leave behind unwrapped condom with brownie smeared on

>> No.16801341

>Recycle your trash
>It gets all mixed into single container anyways
>Everything is burned
What's the point?

>> No.16801359

Take some of the chainlink from your ass and put it into the trash.
Its sure to fend off any scavenger.