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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1679929 No.1679929 [Reply] [Original]

/CCG/ - Cryptocurrency General - STOP BEING A FAGGOT AND DO 20X FUTURES

OLD THREAD >>1660057

>https://1broker.com/?c=en/action/r&i=11313 (Globally with x5 Margin)
>https://www.okcoin.com/?invid=2120673 (Outside US only or VPN with x20 Future Contracts)

>https://telegram.me/joinchat/An3v0z_I8F4nZX6oMn7PcA (Crypto Discussion on Telegram)
>https://telegram.me/joinchat/C9Qooj_3ODViAwrS4UPn9w (/biz/ Pump & Dump Group on Telegram)
>https://discord.gg/7tEks (Crypto Discussion on Discord)






>> No.1679995

ICN breaking top ten would be awesome.

>> No.1680046

ICN is fucking mooning, happy I bought some. You can all still join the ride!

>> No.1680058

ICN is looking a lot like the STEEM pump of this summer. Do you see it hitting top 5 in a similar fashion?

>> No.1680060

That's some top quality shilling my friend. Keep up the good work

>> No.1680061
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Here you go, take your (you).

>> No.1680063


Except better, since ICN's OMFP and ICNX will be released on the 28th of dec. Alot of people with little knowledge about crypto can put there money in here.


ICN has so much to offer, you'd be a retard not to invest.

>> No.1680064

weak response, shill. You can't brush everything of with the (you) meme.

>> No.1680079

How will those people be brought on board, though? It seems harder to get into than BTC, ETH and such.

>> No.1680089


There is a marketing campaign planned for Q1 2017.

Secondly, when you invest into ICNX people will have a more diverse portfolio, I think this will attract people. You won't have to faff around and buy all these coins/tokens yourself.


You can check in all out on their medium page.

>> No.1680092

I really don't know, if they start paying at least $0.01 per ICN every 3 months I think it could get that big. The team has delivered earlier than scheduled and have been nothing but quality to the community. They even got a PR marketing Wall Street team to advertise or something like that. So there's nothing bad to say about them.

>> No.1680094

Also the fact that they got listed on Kraken from day one and not Polo or Bittrex makes me like them even more.

>> No.1680112


Exactly. If people want to call this shilling go ahead, you can never win on 4chan anyways.

For those who are interested, please see the links below.

>> https://medium.com/iconominet
>> https://ico.iconomi.net/
>> https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1587736.0

>> https://www.reddit.com/r/ICONOMI/

>> No.1680131

How do referrals work in faucets? Do they go by IP address or BTC address or what?

>> No.1680137

IP, don't try to proxy fag, they will get you faster then 4chan

>> No.1680145

but I could make a new wallet from a different internet connection? No proxy, a completely different connection

>> No.1680149

Never tried it but should work.

>> No.1680172
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Even though it's only on one exchange that didn't exist in the christmas 2013 bubble, I've still missed seeing this message on bitcoinity

>> No.1680181
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We did it before, we can do it again.
Get your rocket trains out, we are going to the moon again

>> No.1680332

Lmaoing @ nocoiner right now, fuck it's feels good

>> No.1680359

Funny how the only altcoin that actually has a future gets never shill on here, really makes you think

>> No.1680411

Anyone make some good $$ on swiscoin today?

>> No.1680417
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>That feel when my 100+ coins have doubled in a year.

>> No.1680477 [DELETED] 

I had 1.6 BTC a couple of months ago now I have 0.3 left. It's hopeless now

>> No.1680491

Fuck this, I've lost over 1BTC and now I have like 0.25 left. Ultima Ratio now, what should I buy?

>> No.1680586

Whatever is not shilled here

>> No.1680625
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showerhead, how am i gonna make a new kraken account and invest in iconomi if i don't even know if the new fund management platform mean anything?

>> No.1681083
File: 8 KB, 729x234, wallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electrum question:

if I want to save my wallet on a flash drive for instance, do I simply drag this file into the flash drive?

I tried doing this, and it made a copy. Can I safely delete the original file?

Will this keep my wallet safe?

>> No.1681138
File: 96 KB, 301x301, grc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone interested in Gridcoin? Computing capability growth of approx 700% in a year. http://formula-boinc.org/ #5 in 2015, achieved #1 in 2016.

>> No.1681170

?? Bela has cool new projects but I don't know what it's gonna be.
Any info on this?

>> No.1681184

Will Waves moon in January?

>> No.1681192

Hey guys just recently became /hascoins/... is Coinbase a meme? What are you guys using for crypto mobile apps?

>> No.1681196
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Just some log chart p*rn. Enjoy

>> No.1681345

Why is BTC exploding? Ive been waiting on a low for days now to buy some but this is crazy

>> No.1681351
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It's not exploding. This is a very consistent trend that's been going on for over a year.

>> No.1681356

Also, don't wait for lows.
This ride is going to 1k, after which things are likely to pick up even more because the media will be covering the 1k milestone.
And once the normies (reeee) get a whiff of this, we're going to infinity and beyond.

>> No.1681365

Im not talking about a crash, im talking about a low we have seen every time it went up quickly, wich was followed by an even bigger rise, yes, but the lows were always there.
Wich makes it odd the low isnt here this week.
Nobody wants another bubble,

>> No.1681367

you mean the magical handle like during the Silk Road bust. Look at the chart above, it happened in September

>> No.1681369

Unless you're about to drop several tens of thousands, those little drops weren't going to do much for you.

>> No.1681383

Yes, one would, i want to put an extra €2200,- in and it would be silly to buy at the highest price in weeks

>> No.1681386

No im talking about a little low wich follows every big raise

>> No.1681402

This week's "highest price in weeks" becomes the future's "lowest price in years".

I was in the same boat as you.
Price was around € 730 when I made up my mind to buy a week ago, and eventually I was forced to wait until yesterday to actually pull the trigger at € 770 because of bank card bs and the kraken deposit delay.

It's at € 795 now though.

>> No.1681427

Oh, and I'm also waiting to drop another € 10k as soon as it gets deposited.

>> No.1681442

would you say that's over now?
someone still has those bitcoins

>> No.1681451

Sure, and the entity may unload it, but currently I don't think it is the real moment. Kind of feels like 2012, but just talking my ass tbqh.
>buying the dips
Have fun being chased by the price

>> No.1681459

you have no idea what you're doing

>> No.1681480

I can get pretty lazy researching the secondary formalities of some things, yes.

>> No.1681501

Waves will moon if they come through on fiat gateways. (It's looking like they will)

This will also be compounded if BTC also comes down.

>> No.1681527

Im astonished at all the shitcoins being shilled here. Buy and hold the bitcoin and monero and watch as the price continues to rise.

Just dropped $13k and another $12k is on the way.
Buy now or buy at 900, 1000 etc

>> No.1681540

They might go away once they realize how slow these threads really are.

>> No.1681554

>Im astonished at all the shitcoins being shilled here.
>*shills monero*

>> No.1681613

It dropped $9 in the last 2,5 hours.
Thats €26 of a difference, 5 days of groceries for me and worth the wait.
I get what you are saying but the last months, every raise the size of what we have seen the last couple of days was followed by a (little) low, there was no way it kept going up this quick, and it didnt

>> No.1681686

Peaks like that one occur many many times a day though, are you going to buy&sell every time, or run a bot?

>> No.1681760

do you guys actually buy/sell bitcoins or mine it ?
is it worth to mine bitcoin nowadays ?

>> No.1681911

>up $35 in a day


>> No.1681949

It's slightly better than the trend from the last 15 months.

>> No.1682262


>less than 5% gain in a day is "surreal"

babbys first cyrptocurrency?

>> No.1682272

It doesn't matter what percentage it is when it's such a high value, my alt coins up 1234478% literally 10 cents.

As long as you have enough bitcoins gains are massive. Made $6,000 in the last week.

>> No.1682312


Wait what the fuck do you even understand trading?

The percentage is literally all that matters, your return is the amount you invested multiplied by the percent change, it doesn't matter what the price of the coin is

>> No.1682317

>do you guys actually buy/sell bitcoins or mine it ?
yes, i buy and sell. no mining tho
>is it worth to mine bitcoin nowadays ?
not at all for bitcoin, but yes for eth, xmr, lbry, zec, and various other alt coins

>> No.1682692
File: 36 KB, 839x457, Screen Shot 2016-12-22 at 09.16.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin just broke £700

Currently £702.91
+£45, +6.93% in the day


bitcoin is going to the moon
these daily gains are INSANE

>> No.1682696
File: 44 KB, 560x310, xbt trend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these daily gains are INSANE


This is very much a continuation of the trend that's been very consistent for about 15 months now.
This is a long-term bull charging straight for $ 1k.

If you want to see insane gains, see what happens after the normies read about bitcoin hitting $ 1k in the news.

>> No.1682725

sry, just a little excited

When do you think it will hit $1k?

> tfw making more than minimum wage on only a few bitcoins.

>> No.1682728

Couple weeks if you follow the long-term trend.