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16798834 No.16798834 [Reply] [Original]

I need advice anons. A month ago, I was prescribed a drug that ended up disabling me after 1 pill. I can barely stand or walk much without crutches now along with other negative effects that could be lifelong.

I looked into all the treatments I'd need to maximize my chances of recovery and almost nothing is covered by insurance. I need around 25-$30k ideally which would comfortably cover treatment and travel.

>lawsuit against the drug company
I tried. But every firm declined my case. There is a loophole that protects generic manufacturers from litigation. I took the generic version so there is nothing I can do.
I'm not a popular chad so I wouldn't get much.
My credit score is shit. I could maybe convince a family member to cosign but I have no idea how quickly post-treatment I'll be able to work again. I dont want to put someone on the hook for the payments if worst comes to worst.

Do I have any options here? Any chance I can find some generous wealthy person to help me if I tell them my story?

>> No.16798844

This guy literally died, for all the newfags who dont know.

i knew him

>> No.16798880


>> No.16799007


>> No.16799020

Yeah wut?

>> No.16799102

Generic drugs are not different

Thanks for larp fag

>> No.16799138

im not larping. I posted a thread a while ago when I was suicidal too. there is a generic drug loophole.

>> No.16799271

Since you won't say what drug I'm calling LARP

>> No.16799283


>> No.16799354

im sorry anon, f only I have the shekels to spare. I hope God finds a way to help you. pls stay strong.

>> No.16799393

If your going to LARP do it about something you know more about.

Active ingredients in branded and generic medicine is exactly the same as the other anon pointed out, more so the pharma that produce these medicines are held to the same strict regulations and processing audits as the one who formulated, patented and sold the drug originally.

So unless you bought this from a pajeet that made it in a shed saying the reason it's generic is horseshit.

Also the fact, that one pill disabled you sounds ridiculous. A much more convincing LARP would to have said you had a servere allergic reaction, but doesn't give you a reason for fishing for an easy idea to (((raise money))).

>> No.16799465

i remember his thread last time. But even then, he never posted any pictures or proof of his medicen bottle that supposedly fucked his life.

>> No.16799496
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Yes, both brand name and generic versions are dangerous. But because I took the generic version, I cannot sue. Pic-related is one reply I got from a law firm.
>Also the fact, that one pill disabled you sounds ridiculous.
its ridiculous but true unfortunately.

>> No.16799536
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Please look into this- people using the technique have started to walk again:



free wednesday live calls:

>> No.16799552

I don't remember anyone asking for that. I have the bottle in my bad in another the room. I can post it later if necessary. This isn't a larp, I'm really in this situation.

>> No.16799559


>> No.16799577
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Fetch those suicidal feelings out from the cellar amd take the fags that did this to you with you. Send a real message. Big Pharma shills should be hanged

>> No.16799615

I went through an anger phase, believe me. now I just want to recover by any means. besides, I cant exactly do much in my current state.

>> No.16799616


Hey man I remember you from last thread. Shit sucks, I hope everything gets better for you.

Have you looked into other legal options, for instance bringing suit against the healthcare provider (Individual/Practice/Hospital etc)?

Glad you at least found some treatments - you could also try contacting the treatment providers directly asking for free treatment or some discount - this is not as uncommon as you may think.

Lastly, you could look into more experimental versions of the same treatment routes - this is harder to find, and riskier both in terms of success and your health, but may be worth an option.

Also, I know this has already been stated, but I would recommend you look into alternative therapies or treatments - the human body is very complex, and certain things just work for people, just like certain things just wreck people.

I wish you all the best.

>> No.16799662
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>uses a cropped email to try and convince this isn't a LARP.

>> No.16799678

thanks man.
>Have you looked into other legal options, for instance bringing suit against the healthcare provider (Individual/Practice/Hospital etc)?
I honestly dont blame the physician. I dont want to ruin her over this.
>Glad you at least found some treatments - you could also try contacting the treatment providers directly asking for free treatment or some discount - this is not as uncommon as you may think.
Free won't happen but ill get it as low as I can.
>Lastly, you could look into more experimental versions of the same treatment routes - this is harder to find, and riskier both in terms of success and your health, but may be worth an option.
I tried but I'll look again.
>Also, I know this has already been stated, but I would recommend you look into alternative therapies or treatments - the human body is very complex, and certain things just work for people, just like certain things just wreck people.
I am. I'm reading everything about this condition. Even the treatments I am trying to raise money for (regenerative medicine) are somewhat alternative (though still science-backed)

thanks for the good vibes anon

>> No.16799685

Not that this twat isn't larping, but you're not 100% correct. Generic pharmacokinetics need to be within 80-125% for bioequivalence (across the usual range of PK measures) which, after statistical testing nets out to around a 10% variance.

t. big pharma

>> No.16799696

I wish I were larping anon :-(

>> No.16799725

the issue isnt that the generic is particularly bad.. the entire class of drugs both name-brand and generic cause these effects. But I can't sue because I happened to take the generic version.

>> No.16800282

What state? When did you first go to the hospital for this? When did you first notify the prescriber? What kind of doctor prescribed this? What pill is this? What is it treating? You need to keep track of everyone you speak to, when, about what. Have you continued to take the medication? Are you on a new medication now? Have you paused between medications? Have you sought any physical therapy or 3rd party consultation for addressing your physical issues?

You can organize a gofundme for legal fees, call your local news, continue to pester the office that prescribed you it and hope the press gets you enough donations to make the company give you some "shut up" money.

Also, I hate to burst your bubble but most "treatments" not covered by insurance won't help you a goddamn bit. What kind of treatments will you believe cure "this"

What is even the issue?

>> No.16800351

Was there an alternative drug/treatment that your insurance company wouldn't cover? Maybe you can sue them. Stop using Google specifically to research this, for many reasons.

>> No.16800388

contact the news media and create some bad press.

>> No.16800399

At least try the gofundme you may be able to make some money out of it. Even if you only got like $500, wouldn't it be worth the effort to set up the page?

>> No.16800444


Fags gtfo- if this was a larp and he were asking you to fill his wallet that’s one thing, he’s literally only asking for ADVICE. Get off his case, leave if you don’t believe him, he’s not trying to gain anything

Anon, unfortunately I don’t have any expertise on the matter. If this is true, I hope it all works out, I am sorry for your current state. I encourage you to keep looking at legal angles- were all the side effects listed? The one you’re experiencing? Etc. God speed.

>> No.16800491

MD. I went to the emergency room as soon as it started happening which was the day of the first dose. It was prescribed by an urgent care. fluoroquinolone antibiotic . I stopped after the 1 pill. no meds now, only supplements to help heal but i did take another antibiotic after. I havent seen any doctor since.

>local news
my story isnt unique and there have been local news stories about it. there are thousands of people that have been harmed by these drugs, look up. "floxies".

>Also, I hate to burst your bubble but most "treatments" not covered by insurance won't help you a goddamn bit. What kind of treatments will you believe cure "this"
Not a cure but they will help with recovery. regenerative medicine treatments like autologous stem cell, prolotherapy, etc..I found a doctor experienced in treating this condition.

id need to put my story out there for all friends, family, acquaintances. wouldnt be worth the couple hundred. id rather try the loan.

>> No.16800527

>he were asking you to fill his wallet that’s one thing,
well to be honest, i wouldnt mind a one in a million wealthy anon offering to help me out but im not counting on that lol.

>I encourage you to keep looking at legal angles- were all the side effects listed?
I've tried probably half a dozen law firms and no one can help.
people have https://youtu.be/tExiSijba4M

>> No.16800554

another https://youtu.be/ssk2Y1upYJ4

>> No.16800887

Help you out how? $30,000 for a treatment?

>> No.16801027

in my wildest dreams. anyway, i guess gofundme and loan w/ cosigner are still my options atm.

>> No.16801073

Who exactly is going to perform stem cell work on you for $30k?

>> No.16801167
File: 11 KB, 513x139, Cipro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not reach out to https://www.drugwatch.com/?

>> No.16801190

I dont want to dox him here in case some tards turn him into a meme or something.but does a bunch of injections including stem cell for about 15k. he has a team of specialists that would bring it to 20k. found another doctor who specializes in ozone therapy (which studies have shown might purge this poison) and he charges a few hundred per session but i might need months of it so it will add up. plus cost of travel and living. in need to plane and hotel or airbnb. idk if my friend who would come with would need help with costs too. im not exactly mobile so ill need someone. 30k is a comfortable estimate of everything. maybe its a bit high. 23k would probably work fine. if I do gofundme or whatever, I wouldnt mind returning any money i dont use if possible.

>> No.16801223

*sorry for grammar. phoneposted that.
sure ill give that a try.

>> No.16801241

He is a charlatan offering you false hope. Do not fall for his bullshit. There's a reason ozone therapy has been niche forever - if it worked, it'd be common. as for stem cell, man that's so fuckin experimental. if anyone told you it'll work, they know you're desperate and want your money

>> No.16801254

I filled it out. not expecting anything different but fingers crossed.

>> No.16801323

hes not, ive spoken with people who have seen him and read many reviews. his procedures are legit. he uses your own healthy cells with a high degree of success, this isnt fetal stuff you're thinking. and its not just that but other things like prolotherapy. ozone i admit it a little shakier but i think it would help in my case. a study has shown that it purges FQs

>> No.16801375

I wonder if there's anything that helps get rid of the toxin that you could just buy and administer yourself and save the money. Some drug or supplement or whatever. Maybe even buy your own ozone or something.

>> No.16801404
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>> No.16801518

id rather let the expert do it. id probably fuck it up somehow. plus im not really mobile alone

>> No.16801622

ouch, floxes are shite. I royally fucked my eyeballs using a quinoline eyedrop after PRK surgery, it gave me horrible visual snow and afterimages for 2-3 years afterwards. I recovered eventually but lots of folk never do. I'm lucky I never took anything systemically.

>> No.16801649

I don’t know your methodology but you need to spell out the case as much as possible and research the legal precedence yourself. If you’re only giving them the circumstance they made gloss it over as you vs big pharma. If you list the actual legal infraction they may have made, maybe they’ll take it

I’m sure you’ve done this but just trying to help

>> No.16801753

I’m really sorry that happened to you. Honestly, you should try a gofundme. You can post it here, I’m sure you’d get at least some funds from it; not everyone on this board is a sociopath.

>> No.16801842

Have you contacted this firm yet? https://www.carlsonattorneys.com/fluoroquinolones-flqs/

They seem to suggest that they have been able to sue the prescriber as well as the drug company. They might be able to point you in the right direction if they cannot help you outright. Good luck anon.

>> No.16802337

Thanks anon. I actually did try them and they could not help.

>> No.16802431

>I honestly dont blame the physician. I dont want to ruin her over this.
There has to be some part of this disgustingly bloated system where you can get insurance money. All doctors have insurance so don't worry about her. You are clearly owed compensation so make sure you pursue every possible avenue to get it.

>> No.16802640

Ugh I’m so sorry. This story is everyone’s worst nightmare. I honestly didn’t even know this was a thing before this thread/ Google. I wish we could help you somehow and get your story out there so this doesn’t keep happening to other people. It’s really scary that they haven’t pulled these drugs yet.

Hang in there. I feel like there has to be help out there somewhere. We just don’t know how yet.

>> No.16802789

I had a friend who had nerve damage, he got a full disability benefit from the government

>> No.16802859

Sue the doctor that prescribed it for malpractice if you can't sue the manufacturer. Or bring your case, the fact you're disabled and can't even sue the people who disabled you, before the media. It would probably reach the national news, and then you might either have enough attention for crowdfunding or for media appearances to pay for it. Contact a local news station, they're always looking for stories like this.

>> No.16802869

>ozone therapy
Don't waste your money, it's quackery meant to prey on desperate people like you

>> No.16802875

>a study has shown that it purges FQs
Post it please

>> No.16803078

So is it your nerves or your tendons OP

>> No.16803107

OP is full of shit. Anybody buying his sob story deserves to hang next to him from a street light.