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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 449 KB, 1080x1429, Chainlunk Advocate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16796699 No.16796699 [Reply] [Original]

Even your "advocates" shoot down your chainlink wet dreams.

>> No.16796788

1000 eoy -2018
1000 eoy -2019
1000 eoy -2020

>> No.16796839

They're both right. But right now, it needs ETH.

>> No.16796919

literally who

>> No.16796942

Christ what a cuck.

>> No.16796949

link literally is eth's bitch

>> No.16796961
File: 90 KB, 482x315, dense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LINK abandons ETH
>New tokens issued on another blockchain, our ERC linkies are now worthless

>> No.16796990
File: 24 KB, 576x324, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their would be a token swap you mong

>> No.16797012
File: 1.48 MB, 644x800, 45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16797014

Let me get this through your thick head. If Ethereum loses its popularity to something like Tezos, for example, LINK will still work with Tezos and be just as valuable as it was on ethereum because it will still be the #1 decentralized oracle for the #1 blockchain. Even if Bitcoin implements smart contracts and makes ethereum irrelevant somehow, Chainlink will work on bitcoin and be the #1 oracle. Chainlink simply cannot lose at this point.

>> No.16797029

Maybe. Or maybe Sergey will just shadowfork it and take all our money. You don't know.

>> No.16797117

From my understanding of smart contracts ETH needs oracles or smart contracts won't get larger traction outside of crypto. So how is the first tweet wrong?

>> No.16797139


Can somebody explain who this is ?

>> No.16797142

What's chainlink? Is it that scam going around ? I heard these jews put forward a crypto coin and shilled it to a bunch of schizophrenic mentally ill homosexuals on /biz/ and /biz/ bought the scam! Imagine the bag holding suckers.

>> No.16797185

From my understanding of smart contracts ETH needs to scale, which it never will.

>> No.16797238

>Even if Bitcoin implements smart contracts
doubt it, satoshi made bitcoin not turing complete on purpose and implemented opcodes instead. think blockstream are making a sidechain that is turing complete, though.

>> No.16797273

>He doesnstknow't

>> No.16797295

>the value is magically preserved and transported to a new chain

Blockchain agnostic retards are just that. Retarded.

>> No.16797310

A literal nobody. Some guy from LA with “Chainlink advocate” in his bio. He thinks Maker’s oracles are the same as Chainlinks so it’s apparent he’s low IQ

>> No.16797312

>he thinks he knows

>> No.16797313


>> No.16797366

And getting outside of the crypto world is part of that scaling; seems like catch 22.

>> No.16797379

Yeah it's like Ligntning. If you're not using the blockchain to scale then you're defeating the entire point of using a blockchain and should kys.

>> No.16797401

It's called chainlink. It solves the oracle problem and another problem that I can't remember right now. Yes, you should go all in on it.

>> No.16797457

Sirgays dads Lamborghini problem.

>> No.16797492

>>the value is magically preserved and transported to a new chain
Literally yes.

>> No.16797853

daily reminder that chainlink is a fucking /biz/ meme shitcoin

>> No.16797883

aaaand just like that, chainlink would no longer be listed anywhere.

>> No.16797908

I don't think you understand how aggregation/swaps works, at all. Why do people bother flaming when they haven't done any due diligence? Why you mad?

>> No.16797934

Digits confirmed $100 eoy, every year.
The real $1000 is the friends we made along the way

>> No.16797945

this, the value of link is metaphorical

>> No.16797995

Literally nothing happens for ethereum if link disappears. Nobody uses it, and even if that changes, it's trivial to replace.

>> No.16798220

anything that doesn't mean decentralized oracles still happens. But DeFi needs oracles, DeFi hype is dominating the sentiment right now... So yeah, link is set for an extremely bullish time. All you need to know is town crier/DECO/ari juels are about as real as it gets for this technology.

>> No.16798238

doesn't *need

>> No.16798397

>Literally nothing happens for ethereum if link disappears

Without Link, Ethereum will never progress beyond being a token dispenser.

>> No.16798412
File: 55 KB, 756x527, vitalik defi implies oracles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DeFi needs oracles
See pic.

>> No.16798839
File: 1.87 MB, 1080x1039, 1577942853302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one ever talks about the implications of just a few % of the finance market being captured by blockchain - we have not even begun to see.

What is 2% of 1.2quadrillion?


>> No.16798879

this guy got BTFO in the replies, btw
not sure how they made someone like that a community advocate

>> No.16798909

>but it only works on ETH

>> No.16798922
File: 49 KB, 465x327, decoaristandard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16798925

LMFAO this

literally only releasd 15 price feeds on eth IN A YEAR OF MAINNET .... what's a realistic timeline for doing this on every chain they work with? I had no idea when I first got into link how long it would take them to do this shit

>> No.16798933

you idiots are missing the big problem. you guys put out these talking points and idiot like in ops pic just repeat shit they dont understand

>> No.16798946

The thing is, not even 0.02% of the finance market needs anything from the blockchain. Or ever will.

In before "kike", "shill", "normie", etc.

>> No.16798947

>a year

We're still 5 months out from a year of mainnet. Almost to the day, actually.

>> No.16798969

Stay poor and stupid, I really don't care. You're going to live with regret for the rest of your life for doubting everyone in the waiting room instead of taking a seat when you had the chance.

>> No.16798981


>> No.16799179

why do you feel that sergey has any obligation to preserve your "investment"?

>> No.16799280

>yes node operators, your tokens are worthless now, but please come on over to our new network

>> No.16799299

Absolutely bullish, the last time an "advisor" fudded LINK he got royally btfo a week or two later.

>> No.16799338

>anything that doesn't mean decentralized oracles still happens
Link is not decentralized, stop. It all relies on kyc performed by chainlink itself. Chainlink chooses default oracles. It's all equivalent to trusting Sergey with everything.

>> No.16799379

>he still posts on 4channel.org/biz

>> No.16799608

users choose what oracles to aggregate what data.

>> No.16799617

That would be great if there were any users but there aren't

>> No.16799636

>Nodes are users. You're a fucking retard. Bye!

you had 2 years

>> No.16799693

>users choose what oracles to aggregate what data.
users don't even know if these oracles are separate entities, because they have to trust Sergey's kyc.
There's no escaping it - chainlink's security collapses to Sergey.