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16789342 No.16789342 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone tried coin roll hunting? The idea is, there are (a few) rare/key dates out in circulation, so you just buy coin rolls from a bank and comb through them, hoping to get lucky...

>> No.16789347


>> No.16789355
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>> No.16789362

yes, only for metal. its a waste of time

>> No.16789378

You mean, like, silver? I did read that most of those had been removed.

>> No.16789381

Someone needs to make a machine that will check coins automatically so me as a cashier can do this everyday waiting to hit the jackpot for a extra dollar for a penny

>> No.16789390

Yeah sure, spend 10 hours a day hunting pennies to make $1/week. Sounds like a good plan.

>> No.16789405

A guy on youtube says he does it that much and makes six figures. Would he lie?

>> No.16789551
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The silver dimes that OP is talking about are usually worth like $3.

Maybe $11 if they're in mint condition. Or $1.09 if they're just scrap silver.

Yes. See pic.

>> No.16789611

This sounds crazy but I've done it and got some choice coins and silver but nothing seriously valuable.
Now I'm telling you this as someone in his fifties (yeah, boomer) and I had a paper route in the mid/late 70's. Back then everyone would pay cash weekly or pay check for a month. I would get tons of coins and every Tuesday I would cash them in with the distributor, along with many other delivery boys. I took my cut in rolled coins and after I went thru them, I'd re-roll them and take them to a bank and swap the rolled pennies and nickels for rolled half dollars and there was always a fuckton on silver halves in the rolls...mind you this was back in the 70's just a decade or so after the silver swap out so many were still in circulation. I kept them for years and still have about $1000 face value of silver coins worth thousands from back then...never found anything rare or valuable tho. I'm not even Jewish, just Catholic.

>> No.16789701

Yes hes bullshitting unless he knows someone at the bank that specifically picks out good rolls for him or something or he is that 1 lucky person out of many. He probably is also factoring in the money he makes from youtube to. Coin roll hunting is something to do as a hobby not as a job. A lot of times you won't find shit. Like maybe 1 - 3 silver dimes of a box of $250 dimes. Key dates for coins are rare to. You could find more silver or key date coins if you're lucky. Often none. You're better off just buying the silver coins from your personal favorite online metals shop. It's a lot of time spent looking at coins for key dates, reroll the junk back up, then spend gas to send it back to the bank.

>> No.16789749

copper lol

>> No.16789802

ive been crh for a while it's mostly to fill out my collection folders and stack a bit of extra silver on the weekends when I can't be bothered with my other hobbies.

>> No.16789814

>I'm not even Jewish, just Catholic.
A Catholic is a Jew with good food.

T. Former Jew current Catholic.

>> No.16789923
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Former jew here to confirm

>> No.16789937

how to into coin rolling

>> No.16789951

>A guy on youtube says he does it that much and makes six figures. Would he lie?
You are the mark.

>> No.16789975

Biz, what has happened to you? You've become worse than pajeet

>> No.16790481

no its a waste of time anything good has almost all gone into some boomers collection that had this idea back in 1992 i will say i got a bunch opf silver half dollars by going to my local bank and buying all thier half dollars uin stock back in high school

>> No.16790494

This is literally worse than begging for money on a street corner.

>> No.16790624

I got a good portion of my silver by doing this. With that said, I've been doing it for years and I can tell you that hunting through dimes and quarters is pointless. The only thing worth buying is half dollars. I've found entire rolls of silver by doing this. The other alternative is buying pennies and looking for coppers and wheats. The latter is not really worth it in terms of monetary gain but it's kind of fun. With that said, if you want to make money, only buy halves. When I'm done I dump all of my shit halves (non silvers) in the coin machine at my local credit union and get cash.

>> No.16790700

But it seems like halves are hard to find

>> No.16790761

Good advice here, gotta go during holiday season when people turn in a bunch of half dollars for cash

>> No.16790771

He buys rolls of halves from the bank you fucking illiterate retarded nigger

>> No.16790796

Kek :^) how are americans so financially illitterate? If I was in the states I would be exploiting four loopholes to get money and build wealth from the moment I stepped off the plane. But I am stuck in youropoor, where all the ladders to wealth and making it legally have all long since been pulled up.

>> No.16790800

Fucking boomer faggot, die already.

>> No.16790812

They're really not if you just make a day of it. Pick an area you're going to hunt. Say you're going to go to the city to find coins. Drive to the city and stop at every bank you see along the way. You'll find some banks that have halves and some that don't but many of them will.
Sometimes a bank will have like 500 dollars in halves. Those are usually "dump banks" where a CRH (coin roll hunter) dumps their shit coins. If you have limited cash don't spend it all at a place you think might be a dump bank. Maybe just buy 100 dollars with of coins if you only took 500 dollars with you at those places.
Other banks might have like 2 rolls on hand. Sometimes these are the banks where you might hit the "jackpot" where some crack head or ignorant person turned in grandpa's coin collection for a quick buck. I've gone to banks like this and found entire rolls of half dollars, san fransico mint coins, etc... etc... It doesn't always happen but every once in a while you get lucky.
About 50% of the time you'll spend 4-5 hours of your day hunting and find nothing. 40% of the time you'll find maybe between 2-3 40% silver halves and maybe 1 90% half and the other 10% of the time you'll hit the "jackpot" and find an entire roll of silver and highly valuable collectible coins.
You'll usually just break even or lose a few bucks in gas but sometimes you get lucky and get a shitload of silver basically for free. I say this as someone who has been coin roll hunting off and on for the past 10 years.
That's a good idea as well.

>> No.16790827

Fuck off from this thread if you're not interested in coin roll hunting. I'm only 28 and I think it's a fun hobby.

>> No.16790833

Fuck you faggot I tried doing this shit in my teens and every bank I stepped into required a membership to get any of their coins. Fuck kikes.

>> No.16790854

It's probably because you were an anti-social retard. Generally their policy is that you need to be apart of the bank but if you actually ask nicely they'll usually just give you halves, especially they've been sitting on the coins for a while. Every once in a while they'll be anal retentive about membership but 80% of the time it's not a problem, especially if you just tell them you're a coin collector and are looking for something interesting (without mentioning silver specifically).

>> No.16790864

That's what I meant you...fellow human being.
Ok thanks.

>> No.16790873

I was polite, they were just brain dead NPCs.

>> No.16790901

Than you either live in a liberal city where people aren't friendly, you didn't go to enough banks, or you only went to big banks like PNC, Chase, etc... where they're usually very up their own ass in their policies. Smaller local banks are usually friendlier and often actually have silver.

>> No.16790910

Liberal shit hole. I'll just stick to buying silver, I don't give a shit.

>> No.16790950

If you do try to buy it at spot or as close to spot as possible. Because I'm a nice guy I'll give you this link to spot silver.

>> No.16790959

So, what are some key dates? Weren't they silver in the early sixties?

>> No.16790972

1964 on back is 90% silver. If I remember correctly, 1969-1965 is 40% silver. You can only get 40% silver in half dollars though. If for example you were to find a quarter dated 1965, 1966, etc... etc... it would be a shit coin with no silver content.

>> No.16790982

Thanks for the link, I don't care too much about premiums, but this could be useful in the future for sure.

>> No.16790990

You should care because premiums are what eat up all of your profits.

>> No.16791007

And if I want to sell them should I just go to a local dealer?

>> No.16791045

I try not to buy to sell. I just got back into stacking, I'd like to hold for many years if not forever. Also I'm kind of particular about which kinds of coins I like to buy, I hate roosevelt dimes and generic mints.

>> No.16791114

That's the hard part... You're probably not going to be selling for a long time, and if you do it's going to be in small amounts (generally). Dealers will rip you off. You need to find other people who both understand the value of silver, are willing to take it as a legitimate currency, and not rip you off.

If you're going to sell your silver, sell it to people who are educated on silver who are close to you. Friends, family, etc... etc...
You probably won't sell a whole lot to these people unless they have money to spend and are looking to buy silver.
This is going to sound strange but if you want to spend/sell large amounts of silver you should do it at places like flea markets and gun shows. Anywhere where bartering is acceptable pretty much acceptable.

Gun shows are a good place to trade silver for other valuables such as potentially rare or undervalued guns. A good portion of the people who attend those events are boomers who will know just as much about silver as you do or nearly as much, therefore they will understand it's value as a currency. Say what you will about the boomers, but if it's one thing they understand, it's silver and they generally keep up with spot values, this can work to your advantage or disadvantage
Flea markets are also good places to trade silver as they are are basically modern bazaars where bartering and trading physical goods in the norm.

Physical silver is good for bartering for other goods but when you start asking for cash you'll get ripped off, unless of course you own silver in the form of stocks. You can generally get it cheaper than physical silver, and make faster returns as you can sell it whenever you want.

>> No.16791245


>> No.16791342

>I try not to buy to sell.
That's a good idea overall. The only times you're going to be selling silver is when you're desperate, broke, or you can get something of greater value that is real and tangible.
>I'm kind of particular about which kinds of coins I like to buy
You shouldn't be too particular about what kinds of silver you buy as long as you know it's real silver. Don't be picky about buying Roosevelt dimes or any other coin/bar/bullion etc... just think about the price you're buying it at. You're not a collector, you're an investor.

Collectible silver is difficult to take care of properly and just costs you more money overall.

Junk silver is often times a good option if you want silver but you're on a budget. Just keep conversation ratios in mind with regards to 35% (nickels) and 90% american silver vs .999~ privately made silver bullion.

Also keep in mind the privately made silver can sometimes be fake. [not usually but sometimes. (don't ever buy "German silver")]

It's also not impossible to find fake Morgan dollars as well as other counterfeit government coins. You'll also sometimes get fucked if you order silver directly from China.

>> No.16791343


>just spend all day hoping to find rare coins

The absolute state of this board

>> No.16791357
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that's still good. some dudes keep sending their addresses to get literally 0$

>> No.16791363

This board is 99% crypto faggotry.

>> No.16791412

I just hate that traitor roosevelt can't stand having his face on silver. Any other form of junk silver is fine by me.
I really like American silver eagles, they are widely recognized by all dealers and hard to fake, I'm just accumulating at least 100 of them before I started stacking generic shit. To me it feels like it's a bunch of boomers who are minting all the generic stuff and the designs are quite distasteful, I'd much prefer if they just poured them into crude rounds or bars.

>> No.16791428

This seems like a market that boomers have already oversaturated

>> No.16791442

>I just hate that traitor roosevelt can't stand having his face on silver.
Who cares, it's still silver.
>I really like American silver eagles, they are widely recognized by all dealers and hard to fake
Not really, they're popular so there's going to be fakes out there. With that said, most silver you come across will be real but you'll occasionally get Jewed.

>> No.16791450

>me me me me
>i i i i i i
>i'd i'd i'm i'm
Kek you really are like 12 years old arent you?

>> No.16791535

>former Jew current catholic

You lie.

>> No.16791549

Jew confirmed. I'm sure you think shit with the queen's ugly face is acceptable too huh?

>> No.16791553
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You really are obsessed with me huh ?seething kike

>> No.16791565


>> No.16791570
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And most fakes are painfully obvious, you would have to be a real retard to get jewed like that.

>> No.16791588

Jew confirmed. I'm sure you think shit with the queen's ugly face is acceptable too huh?
I don't give a fuck what it looks like as long as it's made of silver. If you don't like it just fucking melt it down and make a bar you dumb nigger.

>> No.16791599

Good luck telling the difference on an ebay listing.

>> No.16791601

Can't even green text properly... go back.

>> No.16791610

I'm drunk. You're lucky I'm giving you my secrets on getting free silver you nigger.

>> No.16791611

You're literally arguing with a child

>> No.16791613
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That's the last place I'd ever buy a fucking coin lmfao.
I go to my local coin dealer, they kind of jew me with their premium, but I am quite confident that they will never sell a fake.

>> No.16791619

> what the fuck is google?
I literally could give a shit about what info you have on precious metals. You sound like a retard, you should remove the alcohol jew from your life.

>> No.16791630
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>> No.16791641

2/10 bait faggot.
I'm 10 times more intelligent than you when I'm on booze and about 1000 times more when I'm sober. You're basically a worthless nigger to me.

>> No.16791650
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> me so smart, my mommy said so!!!!

>> No.16791657
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If you were so smart you wouldn't be on this board. Yet here we are, together, forever!!!

>> No.16791717

>If you were so smart you wouldn't be on this board. Yet here we are, together, forever!!!
That's true, we're all probably fucked.

>> No.16791718
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>tries to insult others
>insults self in the process
Thats our jew loving underage fag for ya

>> No.16791752
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Seething kikes cannot resist!!