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16790093 No.16790093[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

aaaaaaahaahhahahahahahahaa CNN btfo

>> No.16790101

Good for him.

>> No.16790106

How do we get him to dump it in LINK?

>> No.16790122

Well that's being white for you. Making millions for just standing around in the right place at the right time.

>> No.16790125

im over here dying and almost homeless trying to make a dollar and this dude stands with a smirk in the right place and gets 275 million. no word can describe how i feel.

>> No.16790130

Is it really that easy to become a millionaire?

>> No.16790138

It was always about luck.

>> No.16790142

asking the real questions

>> No.16790154

Based white young man

>> No.16790178

I would waste it all by acquiring a french football club and fill the starting XI with pacey ngubus

>> No.16790192

It's the power of being a kike, look closer at the nose.

>> No.16790217

25 mil from CNN is what Insider say.

There's about 5 more major outlets to go. Hahahahaha fuck liberals.

>> No.16790226

> cnn enriching another kike!!! That'll show em!!!

>> No.16790229

completely ignoring how without this lawsuit, no way in hell this dude would of been able to get a worthwhile career in anything without this being brought up lol. also ignoring how this was used to spread misinformation like a virus ultimately destroying more than just this dudes reputation - but anyone who is even slightly right leaning.

wasn't just a win for this now based rich faggot, but right wingers in general. anytime misinformation is defeated is a W

>> No.16790234


>> No.16790241

now watch him get seduced by some 10/10 jewish babe who neutralizes him.

>> No.16790246

this. white privilege

>> No.16790259

The Sandmann family aren't kikes you fucking retard.

>> No.16790270
File: 1.14 MB, 933x652, The_White_Man's_Burden _Judge_1899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome for everything.

>> No.16790273


>> No.16790276

Proof? Sounds very jewish

>> No.16790283

This is obviously bait but people like this actually exist, unironically.

>> No.16790284

they are kikes you retard
if he was a goy they would have threw the case out top kek
jews never lose in court

>> No.16790289

It was a catholic high school

>> No.16790291

why does every retard here assume all jews are zionists? something ill never understand

>> No.16790301


>> No.16790302

He's literally a Catholic schoolboy.

>> No.16790309

If you consider yourself Jewish but you aren't orthodox, then you are, by definition, a Zionist.

>> No.16790313

Because they are.
What is a crypto jew?

>> No.16790314

So? That means absolutely nothing. The name is jewish, so therefore he's most likely jewish. If someone has proof that he's not, then so be it, but without proof it is safe to assume he's a jew

>> No.16790316

> AzltefUi

>> No.16790318

not all germans liked the nazis either whats ur point fucko

>> No.16790331
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> t. seething kike

>> No.16790342

>zoomer snowflake gets offended
>waaaaaaaaaaaa pay me!

>> No.16790368

you need to prove he is

>> No.16790383
File: 23 KB, 330x395, canaanite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't need to prove anything, look at the nose, that's proof enough moshe.

>> No.16790395

It is reasonable to assume that a person with the last name “Sandmann” is Jewish. Just like it is reasonable to assume that someone with the last name “Nguyen” is Vietnamese or ”Hernandez” is Mexican.

You’re the one claiming that he is not Jewish. Why are you so sure? Where’s your proof?

>> No.16790401

nope, you're not white.

>> No.16790426

>It is reasonable to assume that a person with the last name “Sandmann” is Jewish
No, it isn't. Jews often have surnames ending in man; however, the majority of people who have surnames ending in man are not jewish, and surnames ending in mann - with the double n - are rare even amongst jews. So neither man, nor mann, proves jewishness, but mann makes it much less likely that he is jewish.

> Where’s your proof?
catholic school, no evidence of jewishness in his family.

>> No.16790431
File: 50 KB, 800x450, 1574106123298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is white? You're right I'm a product of this fucked up mixed race clown world, if Hitler had won, I wouldn't exist. Weird knowing that in a perfect world I am absent, here I am in this kike created hell hole, I'm quite certain that God has sent me here to punish kikes.

>> No.16790452

>catholic school, no evidence of jewishness in his family.
Oh, so now you’re familiar with his family history? Post your proof of this and I’ll happily admit that you’re right

>> No.16790455

>no evidence of jewishness in his family
have you seen his face?! the features are not something you can miss once you know what to look for

>> No.16790457
File: 407 KB, 498x474, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're right I'm a product of this fucked up mixed race clown world

>> No.16790467

fucking paid schills get the rope first.

>> No.16790478

dude kys. u fucking schill

>> No.16790487

no u

>> No.16790493

I don't think you're white.

>> No.16790500


>> No.16790545
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>> No.16790549

i'm as white as you can possibly be so think whatever you want.
his name is sandmann. he looks like a jew, the whole thing smells judaic, he wins 250 million in damages from cnn? yeah, ok, this happens a lot to the regular goy. doesn't matter if he went to a catholic school, his jew parents might not even be religious
i know a jew when i see one

>> No.16790561

Hope CNN goes bankrupt desu famalam

>> No.16790574

> parents might not even be religious
he attended catholic school and is an anti-abortion activist
not the child of secular atheist jewish parents

>> No.16790592

What a retarded world we live in now

>> No.16790615


people send their children to catholic schools all of the time despite not being religious. he's a jew. even if he is a practising catholic he is a jew because his parents are jews, or he is half-jew, so still a jew, according to jews themselves

>> No.16790631

he his parents are not jewish.

>> No.16790648

The proof, motherfucker. Do you have it or not? Either cite your source or gtfo

>> No.16790652
File: 1.63 MB, 360x270, 1554036495113.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source on this claim
probably the case that one of his parents or grandparents are jewish but doesn't acknowledge it or care

>> No.16790662

That's a Roman nose.

>> No.16790663
File: 903 KB, 300x200, CzKSB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goes two ways though, right now he's in a Quantum Entanglement state of Catholo-Jewery
Like George Costanza? Is he or isn't he? We just don't know. Italian last name, but obviously Jewish.
Schrödinger's Cat - is it a live of dead? We don't know. Someone observe it and change it's Quantum state.

>> No.16790673

When there is no evidence of him being jewish, the null hypothesis is that he is not jewish.

>> No.16790678

>prove his parent's aren't jewish
None of you have proved that his parent's are jewish anyways, the fuck does this shit matter
This is fucking gay. I don't care what political affiliation or ancestry this guy had. Our legal system is so fucking ridiculous how the fuck do we stop this bullshit from continuing to happen?
There are people who lose their arms/legs at work accidents in the USA who don't even get as much money as this little shit did
Fuck I hate this retarded ass culture of lawsuits

>> No.16790679
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>> No.16790688
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It matters because jews in the United states are a catered to class, yes a jew will get ridiculous settlements in lawsuits while any regular goy gets jack shit, you almost made the connection. Are you starting to see?

>> No.16790697
File: 178 KB, 692x1024, 36020637116_4eab93ba48_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like Chelsea Clinton.

Can't find the one about her making $9,000,000 last year for being on various companies' Boards of Directors, but here's one referencing her first job out of college -- she was given a high-six-figures job at NBC News.

>> No.16790702

Man fuck off with this bullshit trying to convince people there's jewish involvement when the little fuck went to catholic school
You just try to scapegoat every chance you can get. This isn't even a kid who went to a normal public school or a jewish school, just fuck the hell off

>> No.16790703

>When there is no evidence of him being jewish
His last name is a jewish name. I know it's not 100% sure evidence, but last name origins are a strong clue of someones ancestry. And in this case it is likely that he is in fact a jew