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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16788572 No.16788572 [Reply] [Original]

ETHLEND marketplace successfully launched Aave Protocol


>Swiss-based Fintech Aave has launched Bitcoin support on its crypto lending marketplace ETHLend. Aave, as one of the early adopters of Ethereum protocol, is now able to provide a bridge between Ethereum and Bitcoin protocols. The users of the platform can now use BTC, ETH, and ETHLend’s native token LEND, along with a range of ERC-20 tokens as collaterals to borrow funds when they want to avoid selling their holdings in the hope of an upside of the crypto market.

>The Aave Oracle Powered by Chainlink
We are also excited to announce the launch of the Aave Oracle, powered by Chainlink and securing 16 cryptocurrency price feeds! Aave is the first lending protocol to leverage off-chain data for calculating lending rates using a decentralized network of price oracles, making this a momentous step for DeFi. Working with Chainlink ensures that Aave protocol is decentralized through and through, including our oracle system.
Aave protocol introduces the burning of the LEND token — all fees of the protocol are redirected to burn the LEND token.

>> No.16788615

there was another thread on this that just got deleted lmao

>> No.16788623

The OP deleted it: >>16788605

>> No.16788645


Delet OP, this place is dead.
/biz/ served its purpose as the incubator for the next big thing, and now it’s time for it to die.

>> No.16788652

did jannies delet this or op?

>> No.16788653

Nobody cares, this project is a complete joke because of S*rgey fudding it for the past 2.5 years. It should already be at $50+ but we'll be lucky if it hits that by the end of 2021.

>> No.16788670
File: 43 KB, 801x200, op out catalog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP did, see pic

>> No.16788673

thank you sergey

>> No.16788675
File: 592 KB, 623x799, timo_wojack2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu pussies, you think this is twitter or what?

suck my big cum filled hairay balls emo faggots.

either you're an OG or a nulinker, fucking nulinkers acting like they own the place.

fkin go kys with your 5k stacks scum

>> No.16788678

So buy LEND?

>> No.16788685


>> No.16788687

keep your hatespeech OUT OF HERE, this is a nobully zone :3

>> No.16788689
File: 66 KB, 1316x596, 1578517886595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this good?

>> No.16788696

oh, based
also og linkie but feel the same tbqhwyf

>> No.16788697

See >>16788653

Just delete the thread, /biz/ must die as Link arises from its ashes.

>> No.16788708


>> No.16788712

>nobody cares
the only fucking crypto that matters and bizrealis care about is LINK you mongoloid child

>> No.16788716
File: 121 KB, 800x999, 1564853613267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy LEND whales, come on, it's so easy to pump it. Also check 'em

>> No.16788718
File: 74 KB, 480x480, rory_the_cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is A BULLY ZONE

>> No.16788738

This place is shit now, Link will take over the world while /biz/ will continue to squabble over nickle and dime shitcoins.

>> No.16788744
File: 879 KB, 642x856, 1566080051288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know, been here since eoy 2017, this place has always been shit, filled with psyops and spajeets, but I don't care spoonfeeding gives me boners

>> No.16788767
File: 267 KB, 1600x1150, p3uc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You weren't bullied enough faggot.


>> No.16788780

I have more link than you and hate S*rgey, does that upset you faggot? I hate you cum guzzling crabs who refuse to admit this project would be better off without him, he's purposely fudded his own project and refuses to say or do anything meaningful to legitamize link for the masses. Imagine being S*rgey, a retarded cum guzzling philosophy major who has his project shilled by Klauss Schwab and that it's going to usher in the 4th industrial revolution, so instead of telling the world this he's given the same speech 37x about a problem that doesn't even exist.

Asphyxiate yourself.

>> No.16788856


>> No.16788876

people that bitch about this are the pieces of garbage that come here just to mine this place instead of contributing

>> No.16788903

imagine being this mad that Sergey didn't pose holding a skateboard with an OMG logo on it

>> No.16788990

What's the interest rate for lending your LINK?

>> No.16789072

Is there any benefit to using this sort of system to increase your, say, LINK exposure instead of just trading on margin? It seems convoluted to stake LINK as collateral to get more LINK.

>> No.16789102

It is teh next ponzi you fucking mongoloid, everyone is going to lock up their tokens and stop panic selling into 5 minute candles trying to be wanna be day traders.

Shit will moon like crazy and the faggots who locked up will not be able to touch their shit.

The mega big dick whales with all the liquidity from buying on interest trickle out for fat profits then when shit starts unlocking for plebs it is a dumpfest.

It is the same ponzi keeping the stock market propped up.

>> No.16789120

Why was it deleted?

>> No.16789198
File: 396 KB, 1200x1192, DxzaUpqVYAA0gNJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow I can relate to your words, you are not alone.

>> No.16789258

This isn't a joke Mr. Whiskers

That's a terrible strawman and wonderfully elucidates your double digit IQ and repressed homosexuality.

I know there's plenty of people who'd agree, most of them not here on /biz/ anymore since coming here for anything LINK related is a complete waste of time. All that's left is nufags and S*rgeys legion of niggeresque neets who unironically call themselves 'link marines' as their low brow intellect marvels at the quality of old LINK memes.

>> No.16789503

In the early months /biz/ was pretty much the only place where Link's potential was recognized, and where info on Link was being disseminated. Nowadays Link is just another target.

>instead of contributing
That's funny considering the OP of the previous thread about Aave was contributing.

>> No.16789932

ok so what does that have to do with the reddit/twitter trash that data mine here for fame