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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16787238 No.16787238 [Reply] [Original]

They don't add value to the board.
They don't start meaningful conversation about business or finance and clog the board.

>> No.16787249

ok boomer

>> No.16787278

We were here first faggot.

>> No.16787282

It doesn't matter whether I'm boomer or not.
It makes sense to move them to their own board.
It doesn't make sense to make them clog this board.

>> No.16787318

LOL, do you even know this board was created specifically for “cryptocurrency gamblers”? It’s true, /biz/ was created to get the bitcoin and ethereum posters off /g/.

>> No.16787334

fuck off old man

>> No.16787346

Fuck off newfag.
Also newfag, it wasn't Bitcoin and Ethereum, it was Bitcoin and Dogecoin in December 2013.

>> No.16787413

Look, just read the description of the board.
It's obvious that these gamblers are clogging it.

>> No.16787479

This board is now 90% Pajeets pumping and dumping shitcoins on the 10% of western brainlets dumb enough to fall for it.

I honestly dont even feel bad for people who get rekt on biz, they deserve it. There is no magic crypto thats going to save you from a life in your moms basement

>> No.16787485

How new are you man? /biz/ was made for crypto

>> No.16787489

you forgot the .1% who are based and wau pilled. but really this is biz if you dont like crypto why even stay?

>> No.16787505

Have sex weirdo

>> No.16787506

Just. Read. The. Description. Of. The. Board.

You are referring to some historical nuances. Who cares about them?
The board is dedicated to meaningful conversation about business and finance.
These gamblers clog the board, but it doesn't have to be that way.

>> No.16787533

Literally fuck off boomer. Go to /smg/ and shut up

>> No.16787543

Ok boomer

>> No.16787572

Can you give me a link to it?

>> No.16787582

Kill yourself you fucking retard.

>> No.16787598
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Make a \NG\ (Nocoiner General) and seclude yourself there then.

>> No.16787605

go to cripple incel chan where tbe business board only has one crypto generak and all the retard jncels get mad when other crypto threads are made

>> No.16787608

Are you really literally suggesting me to kill myself?
You see, the thing is that I don't want to suffer.
Is there a way of doing that without suffering? Like calmly falling asleep.

>> No.16787617

Crypto's the only interesting thing on the board. Slow-moving, single-digit annual gain stocks are not of my interest.

>> No.16787627

If it's interesting then it wouldn't make a difference for you if it gets moved to a dedicated board, right?

>> No.16787638

No it wouldn't you are correct. I wouldn't care if cryptocurrencies were moved to their own board unlike other retards in this thread.

>> No.16787746

So, maybe you want to go to a "feedback" page and write a suggestion to the mods?