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File: 50 KB, 1200x630, iran explosion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16783123 No.16783123[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16783138

you are a couple hours late buddy, basically there is not war and its a big nothingburger

>> No.16783159

you think Iran is stopping now? keep drinking the MSM kool-aid, goy.

>> No.16783173


He's a pussy. He's not going to do anything

>> No.16783191


Nothing but a slight miscalculation on Trump's part; killing that general was too aggressive. He'll have to take the missiles in stride and let it go; he's already downplaying the severity of the retaliation. Iran has stated they'll stop here as long as the US doesn't strike back. Neither party wants war at this point and contrary to popular belief these things don't take off on accident.

>> No.16783547

yeah let the little babies have their "revenge" even though technically we were the ones doing a revenge first!

>> No.16783555

Iran attacked an empty airfield. Its not getting downplayed, they did nothing.

>> No.16783567

This, only idiots think trump will start a war

>> No.16783577

No, just business as usual.

>> No.16783596
File: 62 KB, 960x540, 1520486854556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally a nothing burger. They didn't even kill any Americans in the attack. The Iranian government literally had to respond and they did it in a calculated way in order to not look weak to their subjects, but also not harsh enough to provoke American bomb the absolute fucking shit out of them in a new war.

It's probably going to simmer down from here.

>> No.16783602


>> No.16783609

The guy was a terrorist. The US has been bombing terrorists from the air for two decades. So what he's a military fag from some shithole dictatorship. What's the big deal?

>> No.16783621

NoOooOOoooooooooo you can't just speak the truth I love pretending that Obama didn't order drone strikes on Iran! The US is a horrible democracy for responding to a provocation that caused the deaths of US citizens. Iran is so much better!!!!

>> No.16783622

>general gets killed
>crypto pumps 20% overnight
i'm unironically hoping for WWIII now

>> No.16783625

We are entering another 'cold war' anon, both sides are posturing trying to make it seem like they are prepared to go to war, neither side really wants to because of mutually assured destruction/large scale damage.

It'll still happen, but it's going to take a while.

>> No.16783638

They look like a fucking joke now especially after the "hardrevenge" thing. It would have been better to just let the thing get buried.

>> No.16783639

80 US soldiers dead + worldwide embarrassment = slight miscalculation
Iran knows Trump's threats are meaningless now, they have free reign

>> No.16783646

lol, didn't Trump say he had 52 locations ready to be bombed if Iran retaliated?
Instead he tweeted "all is well"
What a joke

>> No.16783653

RIP Trump and RIP US. Same shit with NK, just empty threats.

>> No.16783668

Iran literally warned the US troops the missiles were on the way. It was just for show, why wpuld we NUKE a country just for throwing some missiles at an empty runway?

>> No.16783669

No us soldier died fren. No reason for a real retaliation.

>> No.16783670

0 dead retard. Iran warned usa before that strike is coming so that they were ready. Fired a few missiles to safe face, now everything is back to normal

>> No.16783677

Lol i thought the iranians have balls and now they are getting bitchslapped by donald continuously.

>> No.16783689

What can they do? US has nukes and new missiles, iran does not have nothing nor allies

>> No.16783756

Let me get this straight. Iran has now accepted its place as the US' punching bag. What kind of country allows having a very prominent politician and military leader get murdered on a foreign trip at a FUNERAL, then threatens with "hard revenge", severe retaliation and proceeds an empty airfield, after warning the troops stationed there, effectively inflicting 0 casualties, not even a grunt, in exchange for a GENERAL, then call it a day? You might as well just roll over, and give the US everything and it will be less of a fucking joke.

>> No.16783772

>keep drinking the MSM kool-aid, goy.
uhhhhhhh retard? MSM wants a war because its a ratings bonanza

>> No.16783790


>> No.16783819

Let's wait and see about 0 dead.

>> No.16783839

Its true. Thats why donald also deescalated.