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16780426 No.16780426 [Reply] [Original]

Who here soon to be /fleeing to Canada/?

>> No.16780502

I will sandpaper-off the scrotum of every American who comes here to evade the draft.

>> No.16780521

nah fuck off burgers no one wants you, also imagine thinking you would be in any danger, fuckign retard

>> No.16780525

Leaf here planning to go to the US and fuck American men’s girlfriends while they either run to Canada Mexico or sent the fucking desert

>> No.16780527

>fleeing to Canada
cringe and bluepilled. if anyone tries to draft you kick their ass

>> No.16780530

its funny really. americans think canadians like them.

>> No.16780532

Enjoy the 50% capital gains tax on your cashed out crypto

>> No.16780541

Id rather fight and die for israel than be in a country of cowardly cucked faggots.

>> No.16780551

We’re coming anon.
We’re refugees and immigrants from America and you’re PM welcomes us.
I’m the wetback now.

>> No.16780556

lmao ikr, you south fucks can tug on yer balls

>> No.16780562

Thank Trudeau.
Touch an American and I’m dialing him.

>> No.16780569

We're full.

>> No.16780577

Fuck off aye

>> No.16780588

>Cryptocurrency is taxed like any other investment in Canada. 50% of the gains are taxable and added to your income for that year. Let’s say you bought a cryptocurrency for $1,000 and sold it later for $3,000. You would have to report a capital gain of $1,000 (50% of $2,000) which would be added to your income and taxed at your marginal tax rate.

>> No.16780600

50% capital gains based on income bracket.
Not 50% total. If you're making like 47k you'll be taxed 15% in capital gains. 5% if it's dividends.

>> No.16780629

This guy knows his shit.

>> No.16780642

more importantly how cheap will american real estate get in areas with higher than average rates of dodging and is there a way to predict where these areas will be

>> No.16780651

u better flee to Iceland or New Zealand

>> No.16780664

Why? The US gvt is about to collapse.

>> No.16780687

Better have a forklift to lift our guts to get access to our sacks.

>> No.16780698

Fuck off with your gay tiktok meme zoomer, no one is getting drafted

>> No.16780700

dont come to Alberta we are full

>> No.16780702

Sorry we are already full of war refugees (because of you). You'll have to stay put.

>> No.16780704
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>> No.16780713

Either way anon the Americhads are going to banging your women while you Toronto basedbois jerk off in a corner

>> No.16780720

why would anyone want to run away to China's colony?

>> No.16780740
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Please help us

>> No.16780793


>> No.16780882

yes goyim thats right.

>> No.16780890

I consider Canada an Iranian proxy state

>> No.16780943
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What would give you that sort of crazy idea?

>> No.16781105

just deposit to a brokerage and buy some high yielders

>> No.16781147

Fuck off faggot we're full. We have enough liberal cowards here already.

>> No.16781178

Ok, you go die in Iran, too.

>> No.16781191
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This is advanced spook

>> No.16781246

>5% dividend
>6% dividend
>4% dividend
>6% dividend
Like our industries seem to have lower PE's and higher dividends at the moment. So I've been buying a bit more Canadian stocks than US.

>> No.16781536

knock knock

>> No.16781877

my egf is going to sponsor me in canada

>> No.16781981
File: 153 KB, 600x655, 600px-Canada_Köppen.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes come here America. I promise Canada is a great place to live.

>> No.16782057


All wrong. Even more cucked than that. You’ll have to pay taxes on 100% of your profits. Legally, all of you faggots would need to consider it as income since you monitor the market and intend to make a profit.


Fucked up ain’t it?

>> No.16782065

fuck off, we're full etc etc you get it by this point.

>> No.16782088
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Dude just lose 2 limbs and have your face fucking burnt off for no fucking reason lmao

>> No.16782171
File: 208 KB, 700x545, fbgbfgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I welcome burgers into Canada, even the mutts, but don't bring any niggers with you, we have enough of those already