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File: 10 KB, 442x293, real_craig_wright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16777035 No.16777035 [Reply] [Original]

why won't he sign bros? it would clean the space up like he wants so why wont he do it?

>> No.16777044


>> No.16777060

>no Tulip trust
so the whole story was fake after all...

>> No.16777069

This collectivist, socialist mindset that has infiltrated what people call libertarian thought is rather despicable. You seem to actually believe, surprising as that seems that you have a right and that I have an obligation to give you information. That when I'm not seeking anything from you, what am not asking you to help, where in fact I don't actually care two damns about your existence that I should do something to obtain your gratification or even some respect from you. I'm sorry, I don't care about the respect that some people seem to garnish and gather from social media sites to their pseudonymous identities. It is funny to watch however.

Enjoy. 2020 is going to be an interesting year and some of you are going to find out how interesting very shortly.

that you want to use the _Dread Pirate Roberts_ defense - I was only just handed these keys... But that will never be. It does not matter at all what you say. You shall learn just how far gone you are this year and just how many people see you as the fool.

Enjoy failure... It has been your life and it shall remain so.

- DrCraigWright

>> No.16777072

Deposition in less than a week

>> No.16777080

Because he is a scam artist. He literally made a cult of retards who will blindly follow him.

>> No.16777081

my point is DUMBASS, he could btfo everyone right fucking now if he signed but he wont and its not because "hurr durr i dont owe you anything". hes always talking about cleaning the space and getting rid of scammers, well signing would pretty much do that.

>> No.16777084

the odds of him signing are the same as me signing

>> No.16777086

>gives a shit what anyone else thinks about him
You have a lot to learn.

>> No.16777095

This actually sounds like it was written by that madman

>> No.16777097

He lied. About both things, kek

>> No.16777098

he looks mentally ill

>> No.16777103


The trust doesn't even matter because hes always had the keys for blocks 0-9. That's the real weapon, and hes had it all along.

Listen very closely to this video and what's happening here:


>> No.16777111

He lied

>> No.16777114

I think that it's ridiculous that there are still cultists out there who can somehow argue that he is actually satoshi after so many slip ups and lies. But if I had to play devil's advocate, I'd say that hiding your identity by acting retarded and making a claim to that identity could actually work well. Also he would be instantly kidnapped or assassinated by thieves or governments.

>> No.16777112

i want you to be my sweetheart (L)

>> No.16777152

What does he have to gain by signing now? Wouldn't that tank BTC price? He's still got a shit-ton of BTC to unload.

>> No.16777151


Watch the video again

>> No.16777171


>> No.16777189

so he implies that btc does have value then right? its so strange how all this is playing out. id even be convinced all these big crypto guys are on the same team and its them vs us (normies). keep us entertained enough to hold until the next bull run instead of massive dumping
big if true

>> No.16777193

What I don't understand is the purpose behind this fork. Bitcoin is already depreciated in terms of technology and is essentially waiting for a successor in the next 5 years to take it's place. BSV can't do that. It's the same god damn thing.

>> No.16777204
File: 3.06 MB, 1897x1078, 1521216700383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16777231

What is he waiting for? Every day that the criminal continues to operate, he partakes in the crime.

>> No.16777238

it's true, it's all true, I want him to be my sweetheart

>> No.16777254

yea i dont know hes dragging this out so fucking long. he says "in 5 years...." wtf? or MAYBE he cant fucking sign

>> No.16777553

I just don't see what he has to gain by definitively proving it right now. But doesn't the fact that he was ordered to pay Kleinman half his BTC imply that he is Satoshi? I mean, that's what the court must think, right?

>> No.16777565
File: 567 KB, 680x486, 1577845961645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In late December of the year after next month, I will be legally changing my name to Satoshi Nakamoto.
>In addition, I will also be releasing a series of research papers definitively proving that Dave Kleiman and myself used credit cards to buy BitCoin mining equipment in the summer of 2012. These papers shall be released two (2) years after I have legally changed my name.
>I will also begin to tell the real story of why I created BitCoin.
>You see, what people don't realize is that there used to be child sex slaves selling fentanyl and barbiturates using eGold and Liberty Reserve and whatever else. This is what Nick Szabo sought to emulate when he designed Bitgold.
>Both Dave Kleiman and myself were so opposed to this that we almost never mentioned these things when we were posting as Satoshi, for fear that others would get the wrong idea.
>This has been the plan all along.
>And soon, you're going to learn what really happened.
>Five years from now, you will finally see that Bitcoin was just the beginning.

>> No.16777595
File: 1.15 MB, 1137x2020, DA6AB044-168E-45A8-A2A0-76636031007A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except you do care what the public thinks which is why you place yourself in the public square by making lofty unsubstantiated claims to fame.

You're a massive faggot, fren.

>> No.16777608
File: 14 KB, 275x275, 1561520868552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no tulip trust
>US judge calls him a liar
>falsified evidence
>lies about controlling addresses
>proved false by the people that actually own the addresses
>no bitcointalk account
yeah he's only refusing to refuse to sign because he is worried about his personal safety kek

>> No.16777623

dude what part of "getting rid of scammers" dont you get? he signs, all the shitty people disappear

>> No.16777626

Or maybe he just wants to see bitcoin succeed? After all, all his public talks has been about bitcoin

>> No.16777632


Real Satoshi is DEBO

>> No.16777649

He can't.

>> No.16777669

Isn't it in his interests to crash btc as sooner as possible?

>> No.16777671
File: 49 KB, 500x618, BSVBROKEBITCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was. bsv fags are just copy/pasting this garbage from here

>> No.16777683

because he can't obv

>> No.16777697

How many BSV for a new shovel to dig your own hole even deeper?

>> No.16777699

death to israel faggot

>> No.16777721

I would think he'd want to sell his BTC before he crashed the price. I'm hedged with both BTC and BSV so I don't really care if he is or isn't. I have about 60 BTC and 500 BSV at the moment...

>> No.16777737

I literally cannot imagine being this delusional and I hold a ton of LINK.
If he had the keys, he would move some coins or sign a message with the private key to the wallet containing the proceeds of the genesis blocks.
He has not done so, and will never be able to do so, because he is a fat Australian parading around some faggot Great Value chink twink and for some absolutely unfathomable reason, some non-zero portion of this board apparently holds the asset created by this evident, clear scam. Like this is right next to Bitconnect.

>> No.16777776

Is craig an israeli?

>> No.16777804

maybe he actually doesnt give a shit about scammers or criminals and all he cares about is dodging taxes

>> No.16777830

You assume it is important for him that a bunch of gamblers in the crypto "community" knows for sure whether he is satoshi or not. He don't care. Why should he? He has signed in private for the people that matter and he do business with

>> No.16777846


>> No.16777873

Because he’s in court saying it. If the US Gov asks you to do something in court that you say you can do and then you hit em with the ol ‘well I’ve done it for the people that I do business with and matter’ you look like a drunk blathering charlatan - which is perfect because he is in fact a drunk blathering charlatan

>> No.16777877

>He thinks the scammers will magically disappear if Craig signs

>> No.16777902

either that or craig becomes untouchable but 2bh i dont think he wants that, he wants the value to stay as high as possible and as long as possible

>> No.16777941

If the tulip trust is fake, so is the rest

>> No.16777980

Those digits. Checked and checked.

>> No.16778146

He is not Satoshi. For the last time. He is pretending to be Satoshi. If he was Satoshi, sign into Bitcoin Talk. Say you're back. He's not the person that was Satoshi on the forum. That was Satoshi.

>> No.16778165

signed in private?
what the fuck are you talking about nigger do you have any fucking idea how any of this shit works?
because it doesn't fucking work like that lmao
jesus fucking christ dude do you have ANY idea what you're buying

>> No.16778185
File: 51 KB, 506x500, 1572793680600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just paid shills. They get paid to push this garbage by Calvin

>> No.16778193

anyone can sign as satoshi in a controlled environment private seance. i can do it.

>> No.16778219
File: 54 KB, 644x659, 1578336787116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread lmao. 4chan has always been retarded.

There is not a doubt craig is satoshi.

>> No.16778233
File: 149 KB, 883x883, 1572556953941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16778236

r: 8e01c1fe941d89bbe9d0dca65a47b2f816dd565a0579c257982b9f3e0a96ad26
s: bb010590e060b575eeb09da77287d148966cd232eae619e6ce6227b17e8f58a6
h(m): 6ecae1c5d358f540dfae1d69bbf7bf839fb56804ab2cbe39bee4f13898ef3223


Public key: (0x678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb6, 0x49f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f)
Signature: r=0x9aaf4ee1c48adf04afcf18816f4a2ede63edbd7e6dd324113070afc20fe952d5, s=0x5ac43481ca1d7d93c848147a6c716713bdb9ae0f9d6d1f0060fc82015671b13
H(m): 20963263850230950175255265505713730077647297319299372054537156005789460166266
Signature valid? True
key_hash = 62e907b15cbf27d5425399ebf6f0fb50ebb88f18
checksum = c29b7d937e3049e279391e62fdf00c12def7444013ddf6215808d10e9f2d5996
key_hash + checksum = 0062e907b15cbf27d5425399ebf6f0fb50ebb88f18 c29b7d93
bitcoin address = 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa

this was an older signature, to prove a point, but in a moment i will present a new one. all the pretender needs to do is replace the message hash or make sure the message looks random generated for the purpose of testing and assume a hash for it. you can watch like a hawk you still gonna believe everything is fine especially if he is a seasoned conman.

>> No.16778254
File: 1.17 MB, 1536x2048, EMrN7AIVAAcz1MZ.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16778261

r: 1e6605569b793cf1dc1fa6fcfda7a5aa9ba787b02a907d3c1b0642c8be766bc6
s: ceec83b1e48fa7698e708df24eac11e6837af1adea3f17790eb4ed976e88eaea
h(m): 78aa72cf66506766618f81f995312a7c8d6733f553f22074a32dbf72fa2a969d

you will not find these in the archives i assure you they will validate.

>> No.16778262
File: 49 KB, 485x392, Wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16778289

try it!

>> No.16778333

or try this one...
r: c07455b87db68d9279e3a279469fdb72f3894abd36547171b807330703e410e1
s: 1e3616e9e16a29cca6702b1cc4f74fc17c2eb39da1c6b077fdddafbd3cf9a0af
h(m): 48e6de6033495290a93296fe50db51704729675aea8a89500cd93b14a9772a39

>> No.16778348

there is a reason people insist on public signing. it's way too easy to do a fake signing seance. anyone and their mother can do it. some dogs too.

private signings are worthless. in fact they reveal you can't sign properly.

>> No.16778601

Lazy anti-BSV shill. Greg should fire you

>> No.16778604
File: 262 KB, 1792x1419, craig-proves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no comments dickface?

>> No.16778618

well you are missing the part where he never wanted to come out as satoshi publicly, but he now doesn't have the choice and will come out publicly this year.
good job core cucks, you asked for this.

>> No.16778642

And the bonded courier will finally arrive?

>> No.16778649

he already did actually, dyor

>> No.16778654


>> No.16778692

bullshit, it was all orchestrated by calvin who wanted bitcoin ip by making his own fake satoshi

>> No.16778903

you can't make up a signature
you need the private keys to do one

it's very simple to sign too
here's one of my empty public addresses


craigo lying again

>> No.16778911


>> No.16778958

>>Both Dave Kleiman and myself were so opposed to this that we almost never mentioned these things when we were posting as Satoshi
except satoshi did mention zooko, szabo and wei

Related Links
Wei Dai's b-money
Nick Szabo's bit gold
Zooko's blog

>> No.16778996

>you can't make up a signature
watch me... it's called reusing a signature something craig did a few times.

craigo lying again

>> No.16779053

So, what's the new deadline?

>> No.16779074

and this is one example when he was barely caught
even an accomplished cryptography expert couldn't catch him on the spot.