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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 550x413, house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1677489 No.1677489 [Reply] [Original]


how do I make enough money to afford pic related, /biz/?

Is Digital Marketing/SEO/PPC a meme industry? I saw a youtube video of someone talking about how they did a 2 week course and got a 38k/yr job, and the dude who makes the course said within a year he can easily make 60k, then in 3 break 100k.

>> No.1677515

is that the house from the gucci mane video bling blaww burr?

>> No.1677526

1) Inherit enough to bring your mortgage balance down to the range of home you can afford.

2) Link up with high earning partner and pool income to capture a loan for this property.

3) Create wealth through enterprising activities.

There are a few options.

>> No.1677534

>how do I make enough money to afford pic related, /biz/?
suck a lot of dicks

>> No.1677537

>how do i make enough money to afford pic related

invest in some comfy kneepads

>> No.1677552

What's the best option for short term saving? Specifically form now to May. If I put aside 50% of my salary every month I'll make my goal. Should I put it in a Personal Investment account? A Savings account?

>> No.1677565

>spending over $1M to live in fucking ohio

>> No.1677582

>this house would cost $15-20mil in california or NY

>> No.1677605
File: 36 KB, 500x566, hmm-2716706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1677607




>> No.1678096

No kidding - when I saw that I was like "Wow, the pool isn't frozen over in that picture!"