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16771017 No.16771017 [Reply] [Original]

Just read more into Kleros after putting beer money into it over the past weeks. Got a bigger bag this past 48 hours and now i'm thinking i'm literally going to make it aren't I?

Check this out: https://blog.kleros.io/kleros-layer-2/

This thing is going to be the backbone of several dapps. In case you haven't bothered to do any research. PNK is the rights to ETH that flows through the platform. Almost like a lottery system. The more PNK you have staked the more ETH you can earn. Effectively making this a mad grab once the scent of adoption starts showing up.

What other 1 mil market cap project in the space has several working dapps + a dozen more in the pipeline.

Oh yeah also the rumors of Vitalik and his DAD shilling it are true but I won't spoon feed you that.

My bet? Team is going to let loose with heavy hitters as we get closer to the sale this weekend. It's rational for them to do that since the price will be pegged to the average.

Question is, are you smart enough to front run it? I think we both know the answer to that..

>> No.16771306
File: 50 KB, 640x640, IMG_20200107_004003_594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> waits for token sale to dump all remaining ETH for PNK

>> No.16771355

will buy after it dumps

>> No.16771365

Good luck.
Honestly. Good luck.

>> No.16771523

It's not going to dump. People aren't going to buy it and turn around and sell it for less. And to anybody wondering, its Jamaicoin team fuding Kleros about the circulation increase. He through a hissy fit in telegram chat then sold his stack and wants back in. He self doxxed himself in the last thread.

>> No.16771543 [DELETED] 

No I'm a different anon and was in that thread too. You started getting upset because I pointed out 150 million more tokens are released then asked to buy some of that shitcoin at discount. I would link the thread but I genuinely don't care, but stop lying

>asking questions is fudding
>being concerned about 150 million tokens released is fudding

Fuck this shitcoin and fuck the shills shilling it, whoever you are. Absolute cunt

>> No.16771689

This is now a YAH thread

>> No.16771712

Imagine missing a golden bull run holding shitcoin bags like this. There are 1000 other options for this. Buying this is like buying scratch tickets. Why don't you just play it safe and get rich with BTC and LINK.

>> No.16771788

I hold a shit load of both of those. Have you even read what Kleros is about? It's unironically undervalued.

>> No.16771845

lol keep dreaming nigger. Nobody's going to buy that shitcoin. Ever. Not even disgusting Jamaican street shitters.

>> No.16771889

>he thinks it's going to dump after one year of bear-market accumulation

>> No.16771931

and he still thinks he will make it
imagine not having a suicide bag yet

>> No.16771960

Anyone that doesn't have 1M Kleros after this quarter is just plain silly, IMO.

>> No.16771965

My issue with this was always liquidity, but the sale next week will fix that. Going heavy, boys. Pray for me. See you in the roman citadels if it works out. If we 100x some day, i'll be wearing a Kleros hexa pin.

>> No.16771981

I'll get straight to it. IDGAF if you buy Kleros or not. I have a make it stack. I'm so fucking comfy. All my other bags went down. Kleros strong like titanium. The show hasn't even started yet. 2 million market cap. Do the math you fucking pathetic miserable nigger faggots.

>> No.16772065

It really is holding up well, huh.

>> No.16772079
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>he does not know of the 350.000Million Kleros that will be unlocked in the next presale.

>> No.16772087
File: 10 KB, 192x262, pepesuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy gets it. but remember, we must be gentleman. when it hits $1 our composure, wording, and stiff eyed smirk will tell them everything.

>> No.16772092

you mean the one people are going to literally buy at market price in 72 hours? yeah, real worried they'll dump into themselves.

>> No.16772098

Fuck off you paid shill cunt. Nobody wants shitcoins in 2020

>> No.16772133

You're right anon. I should be more graceful. We're better than that. That one guy keeps putting up weak fud on here, I should just ignore it.

>> No.16772174

You aren't from here are you? Kleros has one of the best chancers to bring make it gains.

>> No.16772191

Sorry it's really hard to hear you over all of the curry. It fucking reeks in here

>> No.16772196

Ask me how I know English isn't your first language you fucking street shitting cunt

>> No.16772197

It's not a presale. Presales happen before the token has been released and it benefits a very few behind the scenes investors. Kleros has found a way to fairly balance out distribution at a good price that doesn't screw over current holders nor does it give current holders an advantage over new buyers. Do some research please.

>> No.16772205

>Kleros has found a way to fairly balance out distribution at a good price that doesn't screw over current holders nor does it give current holders an advantage over new buyers.
Sounds like a very fair and balanced assessment and not at all like a paid shill account. Where are the jannies

>> No.16772209

Hi Dinesh

>> No.16772308
File: 448 KB, 1920x2212, 485923495 jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I did was stop being a jerk and take the time to lay it all out nicely. To be honest at this point if you still don't get it after having so many people explain it to you I believe you're purposely not getting it. I'm not accusing you of it but some people want the price to stay down for longer, it's possible your'e part of that camp. This is the first project that doesn't make me sick to see get shilled on here.

>> No.16772327

You spent so much time trying to write an error free paragraph but still couldn't manage, kek. You're right Ranjeesh, I must "hate money" and I should "stay poor". Go back to your call center, you're not cut out for this

>> No.16772595
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Is this the Jamaicoin dev? Get back to my private message you fuck I've got a new idea!
Imagine seething because someone mistyped "chances"
How about this, you pick an alt of comparable market cap, and we see who gains more in the next 10 days. As for me? I pick, PNK, the clear choice. Its still in clear stealth mode. Judgement will come for you anon.

>> No.16772717

There's no devs at Jamaicoin. Kek. It's a few scammers shilling an erc-20 token is all it is. Check out their social media. No TG, they have an Instagram though kek with zero posts. Their github is non existent and no proof of donations to charity as they claim. Fuck them.

>> No.16772722

If you can't tell this thread is a street shitter infested shill pit I've got nothing for you. And what the fuck is a jamaicoin

>> No.16772739

I'm just here to make some money anon. I'll buy whatever looks good.

>> No.16772748

You going to samefag and answer your own question like you always do? Nobody gives a fuck what it is. This is a Kleros thread.

>> No.16772755

BTC ETH LINK and wait like two years Anon. What other projects even matter at this point. Unless a real competitor to ETH appears (possible)

>> No.16772759


>> No.16773025

>He's too poor to buy a suicide stack before take-off. Sorry, anon. This is the best low cap in the space, as far as I'm concerned, and Kleros is a /ourcoin/ now.

>> No.16773035

As it's been said, anyone not holding at least 1M PNK hates money.


Agreed. Kleros are "one of us". /ourcoin/ approved.

>> No.16773109

>too poor
anon, I....I don't know what you tell you. Because I explicitly don't buy shitcoins, ever, and run away the moment I smell street shit, I've done quite well thanks to BTC ETH and LINK. Statistically I probably have quite a lot more money in crypto than any of you niggers.

>> No.16773127

You just described my portfolio. You seem to be really missing something here.

Biz probably holds 30% of the supply by now

>> No.16773146
File: 118 KB, 891x1280, pnklink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fren, LINK is a shitcoin. I hold 125,000, and have sold more than that, and even I can admit that. Anything except BTC is a shitcoin. Some go up high.

I can tell by your demeanor you won't buy no matter what anyone says, and that's too bad. Kleros will out-perform Link tenfold by 2021, and, well, this image attached sums it up quite well.

>> No.16773612

If you're bullish on crypto, you should be bullish on Kleros, and that's the bottom line.

>> No.16773980

sounds like Link. ALL of this sounds like Link, except at a $1.8M cap.

>> No.16773988

Same here, that's all I'm holding now.

>> No.16774150

Gonna make it

They compliment each other well. Vitalik said it himself on the blog about the reputation. Kleros TCR, fuck yeah.

>> No.16774193
File: 304 KB, 1894x858, PNKvitaliksite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any time I doubt my Kleros investment I just re-read Vit's blog and remember how early we are, and that there are literally 0 bagholders for this, unlike 99% of the space.


>> No.16774238

150 million tokens to be released
If Vitalik didnt occasionally mention it then it would be dead in the water
Shilled daily on biz

>> No.16774299
File: 81 KB, 1024x768, wBM2Hwnp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>150 million tokens to be released
Sold OTC at market rates
>If Vitalik didnt occasionally mention it then it would be dead in the water
Wrong but maybe it wouldn't 30x in the next few months
> Shilled daily on biz
Yeah because jury duty makes NEETs good money in ETH

pic is you buying my bags at 400 to 900 sats, depending on how generous I am

>> No.16774339

Shilled as often as it should be. Not overdone.


I remember some brainlet a few days back saying "THEY WILL DUMP THE TOKENS ON THE MARKET AND THERE'S NO VOLUME"

... typical biz.

This is an ETH shovel. The "sell shovels" meme was just a meme in 2017. 2020, it's reality.

>> No.16774344

I'll never buy this shitcoin the team are incompetent

The shitcoin gas no volume and supply will double

>> No.16774361

Its shilled everyday with samefags in the thread

>> No.16774382


>> No.16774425

Remember what it was like before you read about LINK and finally "got it"? Same feeling reading about Kleros.

>> No.16774447


>> No.16774472


PNK kids are autists. I unironically trust them. Feels comfy.

>> No.16774496
File: 465 KB, 1415x2048, PNKtimeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ditto. been in since the "doges on trial" days. cannot believe i've had this long to keep buying in this range.

in a world filled with -90% bagholders, kleros stands alone.

>> No.16774574

So what's a realistic price down the line and how far is that line?

>> No.16774972

$1000 EOY

>> No.16774982


50 cents by the end of the year is not unreasonable at all anon. Look at the market cap .

>> No.16775380

> kleros stands alone.

>> No.16775560


50 cents is a bit much.

10-20 cents EOY 2020 (let's curb our expectations, and we'll be happier, remember, you're gaining ETH as well here)

2021, if we're in full bonkers use case mode and go post halving mega bull, we very well could hit $1.

Patience is your friend, and remember, this hasn't even begun.

>> No.16775768

I'm new to crypto so I have to say I admire the fact that some of you are that optimistic and are able to hold for years for the slim possibility of these alt coins mooning. That said I have about 100k PNK lel, should I keep accumulating?