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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 1000x500, FBA9C355-176C-48AD-9A40-5061A25A5E24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16766083 No.16766083 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that this is the biggest scam in crypto at the moment

>small team of frat boys and one dev
>fake Air Force “partnership”, it’s just a grant that hundreds of other projects received
>ceo has zero blockchain experience and runs a meat business on the side
>hired a shill group called satsgang to pump and dump their project
>satsgang runs their telegram and bans anyone who says anything negative
>original ceo daytraded investor funds
>mainnet released without a wallet

If you’re considering investing in this please look into the above first and then avoid it like the plague

>> No.16766109

pee pee poo poo

>> No.16766147


Thank you for the awareness bump sir

>> No.16766213
File: 104 KB, 780x895, SBIR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16766260


>if successful
>has potential

It’s a copy paste letter they send for all SBIR applicants. Pro-tip it won’t be successful because there is only one dev who can’t even manage to make a wallet

>> No.16766269


>> No.16766319


>> No.16766370

No way!
They will soon validate highly classified data on their nodes because of the vapoware chain.link and quant partnerships. They shifted priorities from wallet to Big Data, you are just fudding.

Greetings to the teen-boy lover, who will soon show up here and post his favourite Pakistani boys pics with the sunglasses.

>> No.16766384
File: 155 KB, 771x784, Forbes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small team of frat boys and one dev
That's a lie. Document your claim, liar.
>fake Air Force “partnership”, it’s just a grant that hundreds of other projects received
No, it's unique, that a direct quote from USAF >>16766213
Your ramble that it's a "copy paste" letter is insane. >>16766260

>> No.16766399
File: 703 KB, 1242x2208, 1561263279875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ceo has zero blockchain experience and runs a meat business on the side
He has some of the best business experience and understanding in crypto space. Pic.

>> No.16766420

>1 post by this ID
>2 posts by this ID

>> No.16766436
File: 55 KB, 798x433, DAG LINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hired a shill group called satsgang to pump and dump their project
>satsgang runs their telegram and bans anyone who says anything negative
Deluded and psychotic accusation. Provide documentation for your insane lies. Do it.

>> No.16766460
File: 50 KB, 656x325, Brendan1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>original ceo daytraded investor funds
Lies, pic related. Present your documentation, ling coward.

>> No.16766466
File: 252 KB, 960x1280, 5C7E3EF2-F3C1-4C6C-ADA8-80DF522FB90A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>No it’s unique to DAG only!!!

Pic related. They had to pitch with 68 other projects on day 1 to the air force. Not even close to being unique.

Funny how you failed to address satsgang relation. Quit scamming people.

>> No.16766478

>3 posts by this ID
>4 posts by this ID

>> No.16766486

>I didn't day trade just trust me.

>> No.16766490
File: 81 KB, 644x684, DAG - Quant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mainnet released without a wallet
They are rolling out mainnet. As a tech ignoramus you don't understand the sequence. Main thing is to have the wallet up and running before the token swap.

>> No.16766500

By the way were you aware that Brendan has already moved on to his next ICO scam? https://pngme.com

>> No.16766511

>No way!
>They will soon validate highly classified data on their nodes because of the vapoware chain.link and quant partnerships. They shifted priorities from wallet to Big Data, you are just fudding.
>Greetings to the teen-boy lover, who will soon show up here and post his favourite Pakistani boys pics with the sunglasses.
You sound psychotic. Your vpn abuse is not good for your brain.

>> No.16766532


Go back to your satsgang buddies and plan a new pnd because this one is over.

>> No.16766574

You are either deluded or a pathological liar. They should not pitch at that pitch day, only do presentation and get connections, as they had a working contract with USAF long time before early November. Again you got caught in a lie. Pathetic.

>Funny how you failed to address satsgang relation. Quit scamming people.
I said it was utter rubbish and asked you to present documentation. You with zero documentation for your lies and just running away is suddenly, in your insane head, me not addressing it? What scam, it's one of the most solid projects in crypto and will be among top 20 CMC within this year. You are delusional.

>> No.16766583

>Go back to your satsgang buddies and plan a new pnd because this one is over.
You are insane and delusional. Satsgang is a very small amateur investorgroup. They have a fraction of one percentage of the whales that do indeed move the markets. You are clearly psychotic and mentally ill. Plus pathological liar, of course.

>> No.16766597


I’m not going to provide documentation when it takes 5 seconds to pop into their telegram and see that it’s a bunch of circlejerk satsgang faggots with the occasional dumb investor

>> No.16766611

>next ICO scam?
Seems legit to me. How did you reach your conclusion, dishonest moron, tell us.

>> No.16766627

Pop in the Telegram they're scamming street shitters again. If you don't recall the Constellation ICO it was all Indians that got rekt with along with Raphael and a few European whales

>> No.16766630

>I’m not going to provide documentation when it takes 5 seconds to pop into their telegram and see that it’s a bunch of circlejerk satsgang faggots with the occasional dumb investor
Riiight, you lie through your teeth, have nothing but your scammy and false accusation, and when asked for documentation, we shall find it ourselves by going to their telegram? That's even more morbidly stupid than saying "Google it" or whatever you scammers normally say.

>> No.16766659

>If you don't recall the Constellation ICO it was all Indians that got rekt with along with Raphael and a few European whales
How do you know? Documentation. Even if true, who cares?

>> No.16766679

I cant provide documentation they wiped out the Telegram chat history for obvious reasons. It was all Indians that got dumped on. That's their target demographic. Brendan is now targeting Africans with his microlending scheme that has no need for a token but is selling one anyway

>> No.16766718
File: 332 KB, 2048x1280, Market Potential and Usecase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constellation (DAG) will surely slowly moon to top 10-15 on CoinMarketCap.

Very low market cap, only 10M and that is less than 30% of the capital they got from pre-sale. Thanks to crypto winter, Constellation is now at a bargain price. Plus:

>The next stage of crypto is data focused. 'Data is the new oil.' This is Constellation's specialty and focus: direct on-chain data processing. No other blockchain infrastructure is able to do that
>DAG founders recently burned ALL their tokens, 7.2% of total supply
>Deflationary token model
>Horizontally scaleable. Faster and more capacity with every node. No theoretical limit to TPS.
>Light-nodes on phone
>CEO actually ran a business with 45 million in annual revenue
>Advisor: Rehito (Ray) Hatoyama former Managing Director of Hello Kitty (Sanrio) and proven marketing genius
>USAF partnership is well under way and are now being heavily considered for collaboration with the Department of Defense
>Has been declared the official data validator/wrapper for Chainlink's smart contracts enabling LINK to become infinitely scalable
>Partnership with Quant enabling cross-platform interoperability for companies building production & sandbox text environments for BigData, IoT and AI.
>Had an official cross community AMA with Rory from Chainlink a few days ago
>Working with Honda to improve their self-driving car tech
>Have working back and forth relationships with Honda, Bosch, IBM, General Motors and Goldman Sachs
>US, San Francisco based so close proximity to Fortune 500s
>Part of a large ecosystem, with real use cases that will provide security for the network and world-wide market. Same as IOTA and Nano but better
>This large ecosystem and not solely a currency will provide protection from Central Bank regulators, like ETH & IOTA, but unlike Nano.
>All zero-fee systems are open to spam attacks. Constellation has a much more advanced and elegant solution than Nano with their reputation system

>> No.16766740
File: 273 KB, 1838x1838, 1571951955103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mainnet is ongoing/current/rolling out in Batches - Batch 0 is live now and Batch 1 will be onboarding soon
>Early 2020, a full function mainnet, data on the network, node operators running,
>Nik Patel went from rating the project a 9/10 investment to declaring it his top pick for 2020.
>It's still early

>> No.16766753
File: 2.33 MB, 3739x1320, Mentally Insane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I cant provide documentation
Of course you can't. Pathological liars never can. Pic related. Seek help.

>> No.16766761


>op said it’s a scam I should shill some more!

Christ dude you obviously have invested too much into this scam. Sell what you have while you still have the shirt on your back.

>> No.16766766
File: 286 KB, 850x567, 1561227684654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constellation (DAG) will go to top 10 on coinmarketcap. Just watch this 30 min interview with the man behind Hello Kitty, one of the most successful brands and marketing operations in history, who is now cooperating with and supporting Constellation.

Ray Hatoyama has a proven record of:
1. Sniffing out superb projects with global potential
2. Bringing projects to global dominance

DAG will 1000x. Currently it is still cheap with a market cap of only 50% of the startup capital they raised pre-sale.

>> No.16766776
File: 394 KB, 736x583, Cointelegraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no other blockchain outside DAG that is designed to handle big data. If the USAF contract goes well, they will provide to the whole US military. For a tech startup company to get such a deal, so quickly, is unheard of. It's a very strong signal to the market of both the projects and the teams quality. That alone will give DAG a MCAP of 100M USD.

>> No.16766786

Protip: Immediately short anything which claims that "[product] is the new [insert forex commodity]". Double digit returns guaranteed every time.

>> No.16766801
File: 1.07 MB, 1297x643, 1564993093238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, walk us through how your reached your clinically insane accusations. Use documented facts and logic only. Good luck

>> No.16766832
File: 235 KB, 1280x1118, Constellation [DAG].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you have lost every single innovator since the beginning of time. Nice. No wonder you panic sold DAGs and went bankrupt. Mentally weak and intellectually lazy idiots like you should stay the hell away from financial investments. Your hang to pathological lies does not help you.

>> No.16766845

It´s not difficult to make a blockchain that handles big data tho. As far as I know, Dag is not handling any data at all

>> No.16766846
File: 80 KB, 1280x710, photo_2019-10-29_18-05-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constellation Network engages with Chainlink to become a node operator on the Chainlink network, to provide smart contracts with access to real-world streaming data from Constellation’s enterprise clients, and to provide validation for streaming data. The integration, explained in the recently released paper, “Oracalizing Big Data on Distributed Ledger Technology” outlines how Constellation will become an oracle node on the Chainlink Platform.


>> No.16766859
File: 41 KB, 690x360, 1568334236088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAG team member Benjamin Jorgen is working with Portland State University on the worlds first accredited Blockchain certificate program.

This is a business focused program on accelerating learnings around business adoption of distributed ledger technology. https://www.pdx.edu/sba/blockchain

Due to our market impact and technology focus, Constellation is in the preliminary talks of becoming part of the PSU board of advisors.

The reason this is important is because for us to have a connection to a governing board at a leading university in the Blockchain space, it will only increase Constellation’s ability to have a seat at the table to influence Enterprise business adoption. This is yet another deposit in the validity of our team and overall company focus to be a trusted partner that’s in this for the long haul.


>> No.16766860


The fact that you are so uncomfortable with me or anyone else saying anything negative about the project and you being the only shill in this thread tells me and everyone else enough. You are clearly a part of satsgang or you put too much money into dag and are not confident enough so you have to shill from your prepared folder until some noob buys your bags.

>> No.16766876
File: 345 KB, 732x621, Brad Laurie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAG is less than 1/3 of pre-sale and still insanely cheap. More about Constellation (DAG) technology pic and here:

Tech Gem Solves DAG Centralization: Bye IOTA Bye Hedera. Enter Constellation

Plus interview, pic related.

>> No.16766879

Yes but I lose 100% on one innovator that sticks the landing and make ~30% on the several hundred innovators that die trying. The aggregated return is unironically worth it.

>> No.16766892
File: 99 KB, 860x560, New Constellation Token Model.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constellation founders burned all their DAG tokens. How is that for showing the community their commitment to the project?

>> No.16766907
File: 216 KB, 736x634, VP Finance Mathias.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Token Distribution Model:
Partners and Advisors – 537,065,000
Private Sale – 730,124,835
Community Tokens – 80,000,000
Foundation Tokens – 764,810,165
BURNED – Founders Tokens – 288,000,000 (7.2%)


>> No.16766914
File: 135 KB, 1125x1115, photo_2019-07-03_19-58-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constellation's (DAG) lead dev is a genius, pic.
To get a commercial USAF contract for a tech start-up company, is insanely rare and sign of big future success. It also reflects the professionalism , tech, and stamina of the team. 10M market cap is nothing. DAG will 1000x.

>> No.16766930
File: 103 KB, 1280x724, photo_2019-07-26_12-27-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone watching this video will understand that DAG will slowly moon to top twenty CMC short term and be top ten within one to two years.

Constellation & The Department of Defense: Strategic Alignment Overview

>> No.16766942
File: 45 KB, 493x237, DAG dev team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one dev
That's a lie. Pic.

>> No.16766951

Made up my mind how I could influence your pathetic brain not to post Raphael pics today. No Raphael pics so far, seems like it made something with your brain.

>> No.16766963

>You are clearly a part of satsgang
No, I have nothing to do with them. Their strategy is to leave biz totally, something I find absurd and harmful.

>> No.16767022
File: 21 KB, 637x260, DAG 2018-11-22_00-12-03AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtually all the fud against Constellation (DAG) is from two scammers, pic related. Both of them panic sold DAG during crypto winter, as none of them are professional investors and just got easy money through pure luck during 2017 bull run. Raphael got doxxed as a pedo-paki immigrant with a history as a gay sexual predator and That Martini Guy from youtube is a bisexual drug addict.


Here is proof 'That Martini Guy' is working with Fantom's Michael Chen to FUD Constellation... (TMG and Michael Chen both shill the Hoowdoo scam):


>> No.16767144
File: 869 KB, 966x1034, 667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16767151

thanks just sold 100k DAG

>> No.16767278

Sure, the idiot that screamed scam but could provide NO substantiating of his scammy lie, now provides a new lie that he is actually an investor and just sold 100K. That's how a sociopath operates.

>> No.16767376

>29 posts by this ID

>> No.16767553 [DELETED] 

>The fact that you are so uncomfortable with me or anyone else saying anything negative about the project
Moronic and sociopathic "documentation" you and your vpn abuse, plus some others, lie through their teeth. I call them out and ask for documentation, you utter idiot claims that me saying your false claims are lies and ask for documentation, IS documentation for you false and retarded scam claims. That's so insane and so absurd that only scammers and sociopaths would come up with something that retarded.

>> No.16767566

>30 posts by this ID

>> No.16767623

>The fact that you are so uncomfortable with me or anyone else saying anything negative about the project
So me calling out you liars and vpn psychos and ask you do document your false and dishonest claims, is in your scammer world your documentation for your false claims? Do you have any idea who insane and utter sociopathic you sound?