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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 74 KB, 794x596, il_794xN.1887767232_pqz6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16759124 No.16759124 [Reply] [Original]

I can make like $100/oz profit selling legal hemp as weed to unsuspecting college kids. Any downside to this?

>> No.16759156

Get a real job, you bum.

>> No.16759168

Getting your skull beat in by the guy you ripped off and his five friends

>> No.16759172

this shit looks dank
don't say it would not work

>> No.16759179

How will they find me. I will make a new account after every trade and keep track of the marks

>> No.16759208

Nigger i can make more profit per oz selling real weed kek

>> No.16759218

But that's illegal. What I'm gonna do is legal.

>> No.16759226

No repeat customers.
More time and effort spent dodging old customers than an actual weed dealer would spend dodging the law.
Limited to exclusively selling to customers who don't know what real weed looks like, stoners will go for bad shit when their supply dries up, but they won't go for you because they'll know it's not real bud.
It's fraud. Fraud is illegal.

>> No.16759231

You fucking moron. It is just as illegal to sell fake drugs as real drugs in most states. So not only do you have a shitty business model that rips people off so you have no repeat customers, you also take on the same risk as selling real shit AND the risk of getting your weak beta skull kicked in by someone you ripped off. Absolute fucking losers on this board.

>> No.16759247

It's still illegal dipshit

>> No.16759256

You're going to fucking die. Literally, someone's going to kill you. For like 40 dollars.

>> No.16759348
File: 77 KB, 564x777, 104DDF9C-FC84-4C86-8F68-285C95B88824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP ist eine fagot

>> No.16759357

do you still get high?

>> No.16759359


>> No.16759383

It's the same criminal charge as selling real marijuana if you're caught, funnily enough

>> No.16759417

That's actually retarded if true

>> No.16759423

Weed is pretty much legal and every jabroni selling is making an effort to sell decent weed and multiple products. Even someone smoking the first time will know your selling garbage.

You must be 14

>> No.16759439

"What? You're telling me I can't sell broken glass to idiots and call it meth? Why can't I impersonate a drug dealer?"

>> No.16759452

>defrauding people with no opportunity for legal recourse
enjoy eventually getting shot and murdered, OP

>> No.16759593

is there really niggers on /biz/ now? show a photo of your hand jerome

>> No.16759618

Only wh*tes would sell fake weed. You idiots love talking about boating accidents this is the perfect way to experience one 1st hand.

>> No.16759641

You will have no repeat customers and you might get beat up if you sell to the wring nigger or junkie. Your business will crash after profiting maybe $200

>> No.16759658

Please stop trying to kill people for profit.

>> No.16759662

Cant do this forever, they will just stop buying and let their friends know u sell trash.

>> No.16759670

Buy legal research chemicals and sell them as other stuff on the onion. Now that’s a way to make money

>> No.16759675

Do it op!!!!

>> No.16759692

Strange, only niggers sell fake drugs where I live. I've seen two different niggers punch holes in the wall at the pool hall and sell drywall as dope.

>> No.16759716


>> No.16759721
File: 74 KB, 674x674, LolPlane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've seen two different niggers punch holes in the wall at the pool hall and sell drywall as dope.
Fuck that's hilarious. Did they get any customers?

>> No.16759723

Unironically this. Unless you only sell to whites

>> No.16759731

hemp doesnt really flower like weed though right? nor does it have the crystals or smell etc
you'd only be able to sell to first time idiots

>> No.16759873 [DELETED] 
File: 1018 KB, 3024x3024, hemp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a first timer yourself. Ruderalis (hemp) flowers and has trichomes just like indica and sativa strains. It just has very low THC.
For example, this photo is a hemp strain (under 0.03% THC) called umpqua sold by hi-top hemp.
But selling hemp as normal cannabis is a total nigger move.

>> No.16759895

nope, selling something legal under the guise of it being an illegal drug can get you the same/similar charges to selling the real thing.

>> No.16759911

>It's fraud. Fraud is illegal.
>Officer! I tried to buy drugs from a guy and he gave me something legal!!! I don't have proof or a receipt and I attempted to buy something illegal! Get that man!

>> No.16759952


>> No.16759970

>How will they find me
That gave you away as a rookie with no experience in that game. You rip people off of some drugs and you’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll be found. You’re 100% going to get your shit fucked up. If you rip the wrong 1 you run a high risk of getting shot or stabbed.

Do what you want but never underestimate anyone you fuck over when drugs are involved and never feel confident you can’t be found. You’re going to get caught lacking and you’re going to get absolutely dealt with.

>> No.16759979


>In some cases, the attempted distribution of fake narcotics is actually more severe than in the case of real drugs. The penalty for attempting to distribute a counterfeit drug is the same as it would have been if the actual drug was present, but the process of selling counterfeit drugs may lead to additional federal criminal charges as well.

get fucking rekt op kek

>> No.16760032

It doesnt look or smell like weed and its as illegal to sell as weed if you say its weed.

Are there any downsides? Absolutely, every downside

>> No.16760056

Honestly, I'm questioning if there's any upside to this.

>> No.16760631

Until someone shoots you.

Ever been shot?

Its quite the rush.

>> No.16760690
File: 4 KB, 100x100, tfw2smartformemes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually you're the retarded one, as proven by your OP. How could you ever think this would be a good idea, let alone legal?

>> No.16760786

>Pot Smokers
>Beating someone up

If they are to retarded to buy this then it is their own fault deny everything then go tot he police get them busted and then rip them off again some how.
t. corporate shark

>> No.16760803

10 years ago I sold fiber hemp buds (less than 0.5% thc content) to ex classmate of mine.

There is absolutely no way, apart from some cbd, that it would produce any sort of high (Trust me, we tried to get it to work).

The scary thing is, he wanted more. Placebo can be a hell of a drug.

>> No.16760811
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1577766258248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop being a shit head.

>Using your time, energy, and effort to formulate a scam instead of using the same time, energy, and effort to formulate an actual business or being of value to an employer.

The absolute state.

>> No.16761207

As others have pointed out, you'd get in big trouble if you tried to sell it as weed.
However if you sold it as hemp, you might be able to find some unsuspecting college kids who don't know the difference.

>> No.16761233

Maybe he was using it as chop for actual bud, instead of tobacco

>> No.16761234


lmao lil nigga no cap you try that shit on me I’ll blow a hole in you

>> No.16761537

>Any downside to this?
yeah, you get your ass kicked by the dumbfags u ripped off. thats about the only downside. theres also a criminal charge associated with it as well if u are in america. it still counts as a drug sale or criminal simulation which is a class A misdemeanor in lots of states.

>> No.16761607

does work if you do it quickly, happened to a mate of mine in front of me when I was a kid. £20 for a bag of literally leaves

>> No.16761987

Lace it with legal synth thc e-liquid for vapes

>> No.16762293


Get a load of this guy

Get 𝓪 lo𝓪d of this guy

Get 𝕒 lo𝕒d of this guy

>> No.16762319


I didn't know bl𝒶ck people browse biz

丨 ᗪ丨ᗪ几'ㄒ Ҝ几ㄖ山 乃ㄥ卂匚Ҝ 卩乇ㄖ卩ㄥ乇 乃尺ㄖ山丂乇 乃丨乙

>> No.16762338
File: 6 KB, 250x203, 1577667656303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


千ㄩ匚Ҝ 丨'爪 丂卄ㄖ尺ㄒ丨几Ꮆ 丂乇乇 ㄚㄖㄩ 卂ㄒ $5,000

>> No.16762810

the best way to unironically do this is to buy an oz of decent shake and mix it with your shit hemp. then it will get the n00bs a bit high and will at least buzz them and they will think its shwag

>> No.16762841


>> No.16762861
File: 24 KB, 474x522, 1573097413625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you want to add on more felonies to your retard plan?
all of those chemicals are scheduled and its a felony to possess or sell them
you are 100% retarded

>> No.16762867

Holy shit. That is Genius...I can get a dank ounce , not shake, for $125. It's beautiful big buds. I can then cut it 50% with $25/oz hemp. Then I have $75 ounces I can sell for $160. $85 profit per zip. Not bad.

>> No.16762888

Let retard OP be killed, everyone is telling you this is a fucking bad idea with so much repercussions isn’t even funny, if you want to be incarcerated in the best of the cases or die and maybe never be found in the worst do what you want you fucking idiot.

>> No.16763360

>lot of work, low pay, risk of injury or jail

sounds like a plan OP!

>> No.16763396

my god dude you would be so much better off selling actual weed like an normal person. why don't you want to just sell normal weed? are you some low IQ dipshit that is only interested in getting one over on someone, even if "honest" business is more profitable in all but the most immediate short term?

>> No.16763405

Is there no honour among drugdealers anymore? This (one) is the reason I don't do drugs anymore. Everyone will simply rip you off and give you bad quality products that could also contain dangerous shit like >>16761987
suggests. That Vape liquid is terrible on the lung, even more so than smoking plain cigarettes.

>> No.16763429

I've never known anyone past high school that tried pulling some shit like this, then again I'm not a dumb piece of shit that would attract that kind of person, so who knows. You should only buy drugs from your friends if possible anway

>> No.16763466

he's 100% retarded like i said above

pounds of real weed, decent oregon grown weed, wholesale for $200 per pound in oregon you utter retard
they have wholesale weed auctions and weed farmers markets
its easy as fuck to get a dank pound for $500 there
and selling real weed is no more illegal than selling fake weed. in fact, selling fake weed is a worse crime in some states