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16760283 No.16760283[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the biggest black pill you ever swallowed and how do you cope?

Mine: Life is meaningless. The moment your forgotten your dead and even when your dead the majority of accomplishments you'll ever achieve will most likely be forgotten anyways.

How do I cope? I drink.

Any advice on how to escape cynicism? It's not like a constant feeling. Just once in a blue moon.

>> No.16760288

babbys first thought

>> No.16760289

no amount of money will make woman love you. Bro i just want to feel.

>> No.16760290

what are you, 10? The age requirement to use 4chan is 18+

>> No.16760296

yeh, everything means nothing. just roll with it mang

>> No.16760298

>What's the biggest black pill you ever swallowed and how do you cope?
Black pill: that op loves men. How do I cope? Just fine.

>> No.16760300

you could at least try to sketch your name in a rock so an archaeologist on 1000 years finds it

>> No.16760335

>biggest black pill
My wife stopped loving me.
>how do you cope
Haven't figured that out yet apart from laying on bed binge watching TV shows and posting some desperate messages on 4chan. In a few days if I finally feel a bit better I'll go have sex with some other women, hopefully it'll help (current state of mind says no but we shall see).

>> No.16760342
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The people I thought were my friends actually are not.

>> No.16760359

sorry to hear that man. why did your wife stop loving you?

>> No.16760360

pills are a huge meme for faggots
at some point you need to come off it

>> No.16760370

I'm a lazy loser that stalled her for years about having kids and starting my own business. Funny thing is I was finally getting serious about this when this happened.

>> No.16760380
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my dads semen. Didn't know it at the time, but it taught me a lot

>> No.16760385

"The requirement is 18+"
-So why are you here?

>> No.16760393

The real blackpill is that we’re living on a flat plane underneath the firmament and your life absolutely does have meaning. You are not an insignificant, accidental dot floating in infinite space. You are being watched right now.

>> No.16760401
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This guy is illuminati

>> No.16760409
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if you were about to get serious about this then dont let her disappointment stop you seize the moment and make her proud but do this for yourself also not just her

because nihilism is for babies no shit we are going to die nobody is immortal. use that fact to live your best possible life because the clock is ticking or use that fact to do nothing

>> No.16760413
File: 11 KB, 676x397, 1577425889115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im above 18, by the way seems like you are new to respond to comments you want to make sure to click the id of the person who you are referencing.

>> No.16760455
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>What's the biggest black pill you ever swallowed
All women are whores

>> No.16760462

Life is only meaningless if you want it to be anon.

If you think you have no free will and all your actions are a result of chemicals in response to your environment, then that's fine.

But the better logic would be to act as if this were not the case, and you can improve and you will be blessed in not thinking that way.

Because at the end of it all, if the first proposition were true, even if you "tried" it wouldn't have mattered to begin with in the first place, because the end result would be the same.

Hope this helps.

>> No.16760477

50/50 ID referencing actually goes through for me. Dont know why, just does.

>> No.16760494

I kind of lost the drive to pursue the project right now. Hopefully I'll manage to get back to it soon.

Don't be like me /biz/bros, happiness can feel very normal when you're in it, so much so that you are barely aware of it and neglect it.

>> No.16760506

Drinking is red. Getting high is green

>> No.16760681
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You cope by being fucking realistic. I've had to learn that I'll never end suffering in the world and that I can't forever blame my upbringing or environment for my shitty life - that there came a point sometime after I turned 18 when the only person responsible for me was me.
I could dwell on the helplessness or I could fucking figure out: what's an outcome I'd be happy with, and how do I accomplish it?
I've figure out the first part, but the 'doing' is tricky.
The great thing about the lack of meaning in the universe means that it's a fucking rorshack test, you literally can't get it wrong, as long as it's feasible it's right.

>> No.16760687

>Life is meaningless
Pathetic have a drink

>> No.16760712

this is actually a bluepill, op
the blackpill goes like this: life is full fo meaning, and your life is in your genes. your purpose is your genes. immortality is that purpose, and it's only attained through procreating
most people can't swallow this pill. it requires letting go delusions of grandeur and ego. unfortunately it's the only pill that matters

>> No.16760720

>What's the biggest black pill you ever swallowed and how do you cope?
Women are incapable of feeling love in the way us humans do and to have a happy LTR you have to play a constant game with them, training them like a pet.

>> No.16760725

>life is full fo meaning, and your life is in your genes. your purpose is your genes. immortality is that purpose, and it's only attained through procreating
That’s literally an NPC pill.

>> No.16760731
File: 59 KB, 593x264, scam - safex (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biggest black pill
McAfee convinced me to buy safex
>how do you cope
Safex is now worth 1 sat, I wish I can go back in time and buy monero instead

>> No.16760751
File: 535 KB, 400x226, 1544567397429.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finding happiness in other people is rare. Maybe children can do this for some.
Immortality through children or technology!

>> No.16760804
File: 74 KB, 800x533, wat-sri-soonthorn-liegender-buddha-phuket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean you could also look at it like a white pill. there is no weight of the world on your shoulder, there is no pressure etc.
When we're dead our accomplishments and our life will be forgotten eventually, there is no need to torture ourselves to achieve accomplishments for the approval of anybody else. There is no need to suffer over this shit.
If we pursue accomplishments or anything, the only thing that matters is what it means to us personally. And even that is not that serious because it will be lost and forgotten soon anyway.
Did you know that Buddha and the enlightened people were just NEETING it up their whole lifes?
Jesus was a carpenter and then NEETED it up until wizard status.

>> No.16760831

You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded