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16758406 No.16758406 [Reply] [Original]

Jews always win, even if they lose. They sponsor both sides. Think back to Napoleon. The FUD and secret buying. Same with BTC. Google and FB are complicit. As is Kushner. As is Schiff. If you are not buying gold and BTC you are not paying attention. Most stocks will be crashed as well.

>> No.16759608
File: 375 KB, 900x900, F1299A0F-0F82-41E7-9E79-263022B7937D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War isn’t happening you retard. You saw what happened, didn’t you? That was a bitch slap compared what awaits if they try anything else. You will see countless surgical strikes decimate numerous targets all at once. There will be no war. Only complete and utter annihilation.

>> No.16759621

>Only complete and utter annihilation
Muslims will roll the dice on that. Iran is also 50% mountains, you won't be able to win so easily like in Iraq.

>> No.16759647

Rods from God will be used so the mountains aren't a problem

>> No.16759676

>usa so strong they wont dare to strike back!
Complete fucking idiot deserving of ban or shill. Either or. No gray area on this one.

>> No.16759809

they can strike back but they'll get annihilated if they do. their choice

>> No.16759818
File: 200 KB, 1285x1606, 6F5F838B-CB41-4958-AEE3-BC52652FCF84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Iran buys bitcoin so they can trade with china and nk
>btc x1000, altcoins x10,000

>> No.16759840
File: 3.94 MB, 434x244, 6ED6D7F4-ADD9-4FAA-908C-9D0A0C0C30B6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. seething subhuman
Must feel horrible knowing that despite everything burgers have done to themselves they are still number one in the world. Iran’s fate is in their own hands right now. They are free to strike the us, I’m not saying they wouldn’t dare to do so. But if they do, the consequences will be horrifically devastating. The choice is theirs. As we speak, there are probably dozens of operators sitting comfy in Colorado with their trigger fingers ready to launch a few Hell fires into everyone’s asshole. But it’s 2020 so maybe we’ll even see some DEW’s or Rods from God like anon said. Whether it happens or not, honestly, I couldn’t care less. US has plenty of domestic problems that could use more attention at the moment. Btc might pump but markets aren’t going to fail. In fact, people will probably want to invest more when they are reminded who is #1.

>> No.16759844

This will happen, not a matter of if but when

>> No.16759903

they cant fucking wait

>> No.16760198

They'd have to live in the mountains, there would be nowhere else to go back to.

>> No.16760467

New tech is horrifying. Drone strikes were new, now it's old tech. What do you thinking is being cooked up next?
I know what's coming next.
Unbelievably terrifying.
I'm not sure how to feel about it even if it destroys a bunch of evil enemies

>> No.16760484

What a pussy

>> No.16760491

1. Why would Iran need bitcoin to trade with China
2. What does NK have to trade

>> No.16760780

Because even chinks don't trust and just plain don't like mudslimes.
And nigger. You only need to love something to have some potential to be terrified.

>> No.16760814

iran has some sort of air defence, they also succesfully hacked drones.

also there is support from russia and china, no they wont get involved officially but there will be shared intel and tech because they want to know how to harm the army most efficient.

>> No.16760844

good thing ive got nothing to lose then! there will be no war tho. some americans will probably get killed in the ME and after that some skirmishes between the us and iran. at worst case scenario an invasion, but its going to be a relatively small regional war

>> No.16760867

trump is right in that regard, that iran doesnt have the capacity to stop the strongest military in the world. intel wont help when you are blockaded and bombed 24/7 from carrier ships and bases in neighbouring countries. iran will just simply give up after a year or two at most and the us will move some ground troops in then.

>> No.16760879

Dream om, btc ain't going nowhere near 50k.
Maybe 5k.

>> No.16760883

Everyone seems to forget that when small countries are in a war involving the US, the small country wins
>what is vietnam
>what is the revolutionary war
America was literally built by farmers shitting on the most powerful military in the world

>> No.16760899

i would call that peak delusion. serious question, do you really believe that would work?
pakistan already sided with china, how do you prevent border crossings here? it already didnt work with afghanistan.
you greatly underestimate the iranian people, possible side effects and implications for the whole region

>> No.16760925


maybe iran will "win", but the us wont lose either. what did vietnam win exactly? the right to be commies. the us lost some troops and money. no big deal in the greater scheme of things. winning would include successfully invading the USA, which would literally be impossible, even if the rest of the world powers would square up against the burgers, which is not going to happen. small regional skirmishes and then iran will submit to them in some way.

>> No.16760943

You stupid fuck what is vx gas

>> No.16760957

Habib have tons of this shit now what do you think will happen by US just waiting for them to take revenge?

Short burgers asap

>> No.16760970

DPRK has free (slave) labor, significant mineral resources and a booming pharmaceutical industry. Did you know they make a shit ton of generic pharma drug, amphetamines etc and sell them worldwide? It’s nuts.

>> No.16760973

winning for iran means that they get control over iraq and syria. this goal is nearly reached btw.

in the greater scheme of things that would mean that china has now a land bridge reaching to the Mediterranean Sea.

the US would become an island, politically and economically.

>> No.16760977

Not hacked, essentially what they did was DDOS but with radio waves lolol
>t. don’t worry about it

>> No.16760990

Ok Reddit geopolitical analyst lmao you’re fucking dumb as bricks

>> No.16760991

they downed more than one drone and not only in iran

>> No.16760999

name calling faggot

>> No.16761007

israel would never tolerate a muslim state in its neighbourhood that interferes with its territorial and political plans. the us is economically strong enough, despite the massive debt to wage war indefinitely. also israeli influence can potentially drag in the rest of nato, and maybe even russia in some form. iran knows this, and that is why they will back off

>> No.16761049

