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File: 86 KB, 513x2379, LINK OVER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16752189 No.16752189 [Reply] [Original]

It's all over, there's no recovery from this. What an absolute fucking disaster.

>> No.16752221

100k holder here unironically thinking of dumping this shitcoin after 2 years of ironfist holding.

There are no partnerships or development with large legacy enterprises. The emperor has no clothes. Sergey is literally focused on heartbeats for Synthetix atm. That is what they refer to when they say they're creating mainnet usage.

Chainlink has been reduced to a price checker for one single DeFi scam. It's all over.

>> No.16752227

Yeah sell it please.

>> No.16752254

I think I will, thanks.

>> No.16752284


Same, I can’t believe these people think Synthetix is bullish. Reminds me of these tards believing REQ to be “the new Paypal”.

>> No.16752297

Lol I sold this shit at like 2.75. if you're stilling holding this garbage I really feel sorry for you

>> No.16752502

the thing is, Chainlink waved off the fact that Request was looking to use their oracles like it was pathetic, and now they're literally 100% focused on pandering to a scam just like it.

If Synthetix was so great, why the fuck aren't these people 100% all in on SNX, instead focusing on who delivers them their market data. To make matters worse, Chainlink is doing this completely out of their own pocket. Literally getting cucked by a pyramid scheme.

The dream is fucking dead.

>> No.16752507

It's funny you missed double dubs by 1 with this egregious statement. That means you're a kike.

>> No.16752528
File: 284 KB, 1440x1571, PicsArt_01-03-09.08.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you missed quads by 1. You're REALLY full of shit.

>> No.16752552


>> No.16752557

>shit my bags are heavy
>i see biz is giving up on the scam
>Didnt sell at $4

>> No.16752574

I'm right though. Synthetix is a scam and Sergey is 100% focused on making heartbeats for it at the moment. This is objectively the worst move he could have taken, and he's completely committed to it by now.

There is no SWIFT partnership, no Google partnership, no Oracle partnership, no partnership of any kind, besides every crypto scam unilaterally announcing Chainlink integration. And for these "partners", zero hours of actual integration work has been done.

The emperor has no clothes. You will learn this in your time.

>> No.16752608

I normally wouldn’t care to give full details but you guys both don’t deserve them and wouldn’t believe me anyway so I’ll just drop this here: Synthetix is getting acquired by a major exchange. Remember to kys when you have to reflect back on reading this and thinking it was a larp.

>> No.16752637


Make your own decision whether you want to sell. 180k$ is a good amount of money. The risk in Link is so large due to the incompetence in management (they have one integration engineer??). When you read the whitepaper the idea seems so revolutionary however when you look at how it actually turn out I just feel so embarassed for them. I hold around 90k Link now, sold some during the last pump. I will never sell all of my Link for the slight chance I'm wrong, however by the looks of it it's going to bleed over a long time.

>> No.16752946

>muh partnerships!
The simple fact that google and oracle have even tweeted about chainlink is your signal. The rest is noise.

>> No.16752983

link is going to follow the shitcoin pattern in 2020. sirgay was just clever in avoiding the shitcoin pump cycle back in late 2017. high iq people see through his stoic facade as nothing more than a farce. he and his team made their millions during the fake google pump and no longer care.

>> No.16753005

it's actually undeniably proven that Chainlink is vaporware. You literally cannot disprove it no matter what you'd say.

Undeniable proof:
>1+ year test net
>6 months main net
>nobody can name a single dapp with users using Chainlink oracles in production
>(with proof link to dapp.com/dappradar/etherscan)
>Linkers: this is bullish!

If you read the whitepaper, it's extremely clear it's a scam. There is ZERO technical explanation about how to actually decentralize the oracles. The 2 paragraphs about collateral and reputation are literally a scam. There's no technical explanation about how any of it would work (cause they don't know how it would work).

Why do you think they've spent 3 years and $40+ million without any progress towards decentralization? I'm sorry you have low IQ and actually think the whitepaper was legit. Learn to code brainlet.

kek he thinks 1 marketing blog post (probably bribed for) followed by literally ZERO usage for 6 months is worth a $2 billion valuation. How low is your IQ?

>> No.16753021

Everyone in this thread needs to read this. Especially the last sentence. No usage does not equate to a $2 billion valuation. Altcoins as a whole will continue to go down.

>> No.16753043

Bitcoin has no usage and a marketcap of 136B, so LINK has a potential upside of x80. Not bad if I may say so.

>> No.16753062
File: 2.94 MB, 266x400, 1557940424665.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16753076

the 8 year olds grinding on each other is weird enough, what the fuck is with the ones literally mock-fucking each other??? lol

>> No.16753285
File: 885 KB, 900x677, 1522696973807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I sold after Gravelcoin.

Got Request Network vibes and turns out I was right.

>> No.16753333

It's not going to do anything to the price if he sells 100k.. he's probably larping anyways and wont sell it.

>> No.16753458

its the webm that keeps on giving