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1675157 No.1675157 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing triggers me more than seeing a wagecuck still working a retail, customer service or fastfood job in their 30s or 40s. Like How the fuck can anyone be satisfied with low pay all their lives and not do anything to better themselves? Is this some kind of mental disability that prevents them from sitting down and contemplating how much of a failure they turned out in their lives? What the FUCK is wrong with them?!

>> No.1675163
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I'm in my 40s
I work multiple hourly jobs because I want to focus on my business
If I stayed in one serious job, I'd be expected to work long hours, I'd probably be manager or director level by now
How would I have time for my business?
I'm comfy. You jelly

>> No.1675178

I'll free them one day

>> No.1675184

Hahahha omg my lord how many times I've heard this or similar from people in there 30-40's in McDonald's when I worked there in my teens all I'd hear is 'I'm only hear for a while just so I can focous on my University course' or business and then literally years and years later like 5+ I'll go back and get a burger or something and they are still there hahaha

>> No.1675189

They usually have a family to feed or drug addiction or multiple felonies or something that takes up more time than progressing their career

>> No.1675410
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>be my roommate several years ago
>working at Whataburger
>dude in his 40s-50s is there working along side him
>middle eastern guy
>not a manager
>says he's been there for about a decade now
>turns out he used to be an airline pilot making close to six figures
>9/11 happened
>airline sacks all airborne employees of middle-eastern descent to avoid incidents with customers
>he applies everywhere with no luck
>Whataburger picked this dude up and MATCHED HIS SALARY
>still works there now, happy to have a gig, but even happier to be working for someone who embraces who he is instead of leaving him out to dry

tl;dr - burger joint in texas saves the day

>> No.1675420

>the fuck can anyone be satisfied with low pay all their lives and not do anything to better themselves?
not being educated enough?
being immigrants?
employers wanting to hire younger people?

>> No.1675425


Horseshit no business would ever pay a high salary to a common grunt especially in fast food. He must have known somebody high up in the company to be getting that kind of charity.

>> No.1675429

Obviously you've never been here in Texas. We're awesome like this

>> No.1675454

I have a 40 year old and a 38 year old wome. Both the same team member level as me at Krispy Kreme. Like...are you fucking kidding me. That shit is sad. We are young adults from 18-22 and these two old fuckers are in this minimum wage job? Seriously?

>> No.1675458

if a major airline fired him for his fucking ethnicity he wouldn't need friends in fast food.

the legal settlement he'd win would buy about 50 of those shit shacks.

>> No.1675459

Great story my dude, I'll file it under things that never happened.

>> No.1675508

if its a pensioner, its likely the only job they will be given to try and force them out of the company.
since unless you can prove they cannot do the job you have to pay them a shit ton of money for leaving.

>> No.1675511

they're usually the store owner, area manager or store manager.

if they're the employee they probably just want easy lives

>> No.1675513
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i know bro

last week i was at burger king and this middle aged cunt wanted to take my order
so I ordered a large vanilla shake and then threw it in her face because she fucking failed at life and should khs

she was all shocked and on the verge of tears lmao fucking poorfags

>> No.1675515

whatever you need to tell yourself to get through each day buddy...

>> No.1675518

as he posts this from his computer in his room at his parents house

>> No.1675556

people try and fail.. life aint a walk in the park, especially if you are doing things with an element of risk.

>> No.1675596

I am 31. Work at McDs. Started out making 5.15 in the window and now I am a GM making 47,000 base, not including bonuses and other perks. I feel the same way about people that old still making minimum wage because its kind of a waste. Like, people put in no effort and expect to make 15 bucks an hour. Opportunity is there...but only if you bust your ass to get it.

>> No.1675598

Not everyone has it easy in life. Not everyone has the same level of intelligence, grit, and so on. Not everyone can be a zuckerberg.

that being said, you do kind of wonder why they haven't become at least a supervisor or something. But again, look at what i said before.

>> No.1675603


If you're really "working on your business", you'd be working on your business and not at some shitty minimum wage job while deluding yourself on a Russian mechanical watch manufacturing forum.


>> No.1675651

You really shouldn't take joy in the misery of others. It's not a good look.

>> No.1675942


I've actually been to Texas and it's a shit hole inhabited by the scum of the earth, so knowing what I know makes the story a complete fantasy.

>> No.1675962


Where abouts exactly?

Please stop lying, you must not actually live here

>> No.1675979

Grocery stores are the worst for this shit, I mean they are insane. There is this person at my local place, not sure if its too local so won't specify. However, he has worked there for a decade so far. I myself have gone through college twice, bank teller, loan officer, Masters of Finance, gunning for Senior now in this same time.

My theory is the grocery store pay and benefits become acceptable for some people, like OK I am making 12 hr, some light bennies nothing much and job is satisfying because I am a baker or florist and I guess I could see it.

Some people are just happy with low pay and to see Rogue One 4 times and chill through life maybe have a kid and get laid once or twice.

>> No.1676271

why do you care what others do in life, it does not effect you at all yet you get "triggered" and waste your time writing about them. you are not better than anyone else, and you will never be successful with this mentality.

>> No.1676286

Whats a good field of work for a seemingly normal guy with crippling anxiety to the point where I experience delusions? I stay in my wagecuck restaurant job because any sort of change in my life results in panic attacks.

>> No.1676289

I wonder this too and I'm a 27yo wageslave. But mostly it's either immigrant, stuck paying bills and loans they can't get from or they're just old people looking for spare change.

Funnily enough they keep telling me

>get out this job or you'll end up like us anon

Unfortunately, I don't have the looks or personality and only a 2.2 (3.0gpa) maths degree.

>> No.1676291

Obviously they didn't give him that as the reason for his termination. Firing people is easy as shit, especially if they aren't part of a union.

>> No.1676294

>Obviously they didn't give him that as the reason for his termination

>let's fire thousands of employees of a certain ethnic background
>nobody will notice or complain or hire lawyers

still filed under things that didn't happen

>> No.1676320

>be me, 16 y.o. working at Wendy's during high school
>make friends with co-worker Dustin who is 35 and has been working there for 15 yrs
>find out he works at the McDonald's across the street for more than 10 yrs
>guy is in questionable relationship with this other weirdo guy named Woody who works on the weekends when he doesn't have shifts at the mushroom plant

When I was in college, I got a message from an old co-worker that both Dustin and Woody died in a freak car accident together. I always liked the guy, but in all his years, he never got promoted to anything, not shift supervisor, not nothing. He worked mornings at McDonald's and evenings at Wendy's. Drove a piece of shit van and on his time off, he had a classic rock cover band he played in.

Nice guy, but could never make much of his life. The other old guy I worked with at Wendy's was fat as fuck and had a really awful stutter, so I guess I understand why he was stuck in a shitty job. Nice guy too if a bit of a dolt, on my final day before I went off to college, he rolled up a blunt to smoke with me in the parking lot.

>> No.1676322

So the guy flipping burgers makes twice as much as his store manager just because he has brown skin?

This story is so full of shit and makes zero sense.

>> No.1676330


>> No.1676583


I work a security job. At least its quiet, pays above minimum wage and has a set schedule..

>> No.1676645

anyone bartending over 25 is way worse off.

>> No.1676654

Depends on individual state laws dummy

>> No.1676675


>> No.1676680

You're supposed to have learned all the floor jobs and have started on a management track by then.

When I worked at McDonalds in college I quickly cycled through all floor jobs and at the end of 5 months I was calling all production and drive through operations. They told me they wanted me to start attending management prep classes and begin transition to restaurant manager. They wanted me to run the place by 30 and perhaps go into corporate.

This wasn't all that long ago. I'm a chemist now, so of course I turned them down. But if you aren't a complete loser and show initiative you should be running the place by your 30s.

>> No.1676804

find a better job than bartending part time to network for your real businesses

also find a better job for getting laid

>> No.1676851

>eating a burger that took over 9000 liters of water to produce and then gives you cancer
Probably not a good idea freind :^)

>> No.1676859

Exactly right, Anonymous Poster! I'd much rather chow down on a vegan burger topped with Daiya's famous cheddar-style shreds!

>> No.1676867


What's your "business"?

That's the only way we can determine whether what you're doing is worthwhile or not.

>> No.1676873

maybe they dropped out of college because they dont have a good place to study.

>> No.1677436

Fuck off to reddit

>> No.1677440

fuck off back to redddit

>> No.1677463

I'm 30 and I change tires for 20 bucks an hour. I hate my life

>> No.1677479

It may well be a mental disability. That's what I have.

>> No.1677512


No one is "satisfied" working a wagecuck job. They usually do it because of bad choices they've made growing up. They make bad choices because of a shitty education system. No one sees themselves working at McDonalds at 30+.

>> No.1677539

>asking 20something NEETs to judge me

>> No.1677548

OH, look it's this thread again.

Back to /r9k/ with you.

>> No.1677613

I'm 34, and a data analytics director at Charter. I pull down $138k a year, plus bonuses, plus an 8 to 5, M-F shift when not traveling to our vendor sites, plus 40 days off paid (combining vacation time, sick time and "personal holidays,") plus health insurance that is equal to an ACA "Platinum" plan for $220 a month, including vision, dental and scripts, plus free cable. 9 years hard work with my company, and this from being a $13 an hour phone rep. My lowest paid people, hired with no practical experience, come in with a $55k a year salary, 30 days off, and all the other benefits I listed.

All of that is kind of to brag, but also to put some shit into perspective. You've been grinding at McDicks for 10 years (at least, could have started when you turned 18 in 2003,) and are just making barely 3 times minimum wage, and you're making less than my guys (the lowest paid of which was hired with a HS diploma and a couple of SQL certs, and nothing more.) Before looking down on your own people, who are earning a living the best way *they* can, remember, you're a fucking loser compared to a huge part of this country, and you probably don't like us looking down on you either.

>> No.1677615


How can I get a position like this senpai

>> No.1677624

To the Charter guy, I have an interview as an outside sales rep coming up for Charter. Is that a good place to get my foot in the door. Or can someone with your power give me more of a push. I have previous exsperience as a feild technichian. Instilation and troubleshooting. Along with drop burrys. Also posses knowledge on vendor and Mso relation shipps.

>> No.1677645

If you're serious, recommended qualifications are (and honestly, this is pretty standard for my company and the Cable/MSO industry:)

-BA or higher in business, finance or mathematics (preferably statistics,) or 2 years experience, or any equivalent combo of them

-Actual experience with Excel, and it doesn't take much. While being able to build macros and run VB script, or tie into SQL is nice, just being able to fucking run a multi-level pivot table without fucking it up is a big leg up.

-A basic understanding of how call centers and finance works. This largely ties into the education/experience part.

-Developer level Excel experience, SQL experience, and other big data solutions experience (Microstrategy, Tableau, Cognos.)
-Experience with staffing and services platforms, like eWFM, Blue Pumpkin, NiceIEX, etc. Hell, that one alone trumps most of the others.
-Experience with call switches and software, like Avaya CMS or Siemens HiPath.
-Knowing someone inside the company who can vouch for it all.

>> No.1677649


If you want to joke about "I'm just doing this while I work on X" or "I'm just working this job till X comes along"
you better be joking about bar tenders. You are literally a glass filler up-er and dish washer.
There is no forward progression, there is no increase of income, you have no real specialized training or skill set. Bar tenders are always stagnating, waiting for something magical to happen to them. The worst part is, if you are a guy there is no hope for you to out perform a female, even if she does a lesser quality service than you. If the job qualification of 'female' trumps any skillset you have, its a dead end job for you.

Sum it up with this; Anyone ever seen a bartender that was on the verge of great success?

>> No.1677654

Cool I took a whole Business Intelligence class. The pivot tables and shit weren't that bad. Do you use SQL and Visual Studio too?

>> No.1677657

It's a terrible place to get your foot in the door. Outside sales/Direct sales is tough. With that said, you can post for a new position internally in six months, so do your best and you should get a better shot.

If you actually do have field experience, try for that. Alternately, work with your local HR team and manager to come up with a career progression plan. They'll expect you to have a 1 year, 2 year, and 5 year goal in mind. Come to them with that and they will do their best to make sure you have a path to make it happen.

>> No.1677659

Charter guy, im extremy under qualified. So when do i start? You would think 2 years of career Technical school. With most outstanding business student award and top salesman 2 years runing with being the FBLA president. Along with a school ambasador would get me somewhere in life. But fuck me right, anyways... when do i start? Haha

>> No.1677672

Two of my guys who work development use Visual Studio. The rest use SQL Server Management Studio. We also use Tableau for our biggest of big data.

>> No.1677684

I'm going to be blunt. Outside sales will take any meat that walks through the door as long as you have a clean piss test and no felonies. It's just like our customer retention team. Extremely high turnover.

That said, if you can make it there for six months, you can make it in any other department once you've got the training. Focus on getting those six months done, start working with your manager and HRBP to get a career plan going, and good luck.

>> No.1678693


I'm currently 33 old guy who had working as dishwasher and I realise that I have no true future as dishwasher and decided to learn computer programming and web development. I wished that I had learning programming much earlier...

The older people who keep doing low payment either don't think about their future or don't want to leave their comfort zone. Some people love the job or don't simple care about career success.

>> No.1678768

>Get solid 2k a month in hand with job security
>Invest 1k every month with avarage returns of 7%
>Millionaire after 30 years

>/Biz/ "investor"
>Some office job
>Spend everything on the next meme coin
>Pay hookers the rest of your money
>Try different money making schemes
>Fall for a dozen pyramid schemes
>Savings after 30 years 0 dollars
>Move back to mom and kill yourself

Never judge a mans wealth by his working position, you might just be the cuck in the situation

>> No.1678830
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>still working

>> No.1678832


>confirmed NEET

2k a month is absolutely nothing. Once rent and bills are paid you'll have a few hundred to put into savings if that. Try living on your own without your parents to do everything for you and you'll understand the value of money.

>> No.1678887


I like with 2200$ a month.

495$ in rent - heating is included. It's very small apartment. A studio with a closed kitchen in a kinda shitty neighborhood (not dangerous tho, just full if immigrants).

55$ for the Internet

300$ a month on food

80$ to buy my bus pass

25$ a month in electricity

10$ a month gym

200$ other expense like buying clothes or going to bar.

I save 1000$ a month dude. If you are frugal you can make it.

>> No.1678893

2k a month 30 years ago is enough for a single adult to be comfy

>> No.1679805

we need to make this a sticky already.

>cost of living is higher in big cities but you can find higher paying jobs
>apartment in big city: minimum 1.5k a month and can easily be more
>apartment in middle of nowhere: 300 a month

For proof, go on zillow or any housing website and actually click on somewhere else for once

>> No.1679822

$1000 a month saved is solid my dude. Do not listen to the naysayers. You should really aim to increase your salary though.

>> No.1679842

Nothing triggers me more than seeing a commutingcuck that needs to sit in a boring ass job until they are bald and have cancer while 16 year old kids make millions with 5 minutes of vloging.
Is this some kind of mental disability that prevents them from sitting down and contemplating how much of a failure they turned out in their lives? What the FUCK is wrong with them?!


>> No.1679852

We don't know where he is from. $2200 is top tier in certain places.

>> No.1679877

>be a rich kid
>make a vlog
>that vlog actually makes you more rich
>you make money from people looking at you past a glass ceiling

>> No.1679890

my uncle either owns or runs 6 dunkin donuts here in florida, not sure whats up with that
dude lives in a 5/4 on 10 acres and drives a lambo (tho hes selling it cause 7MPG highway, kek)

if you actually work up through the ranks apparently you can make it far.

publix is actually a good floridian wage cuck job, easy promotions, 401K, health, etc etc

I know someone who started as a bager and is now the manager of 4 stores living comfy.

that being said i love my comfy m-f development job, but thats not the path for everybody.

but if you're still literately flipping burgers at 40 KYS

>> No.1679910

shut up and get me another order of tendies, bitch

>> No.1679930

I worked a few jobs in food and it seems like basically all they want from you in order to get promoted is to do anything at their beck and call. They aren't really interested in initiative or intelligence. I always got the impression that they just wanted people who would do what they were told no questions asked.

I always ran into the scenario where the scheduling manager would fuck up the schedule because they wanted to save costs and labor, and so they were always understaffed. And then they'd call me and other people while we were off, and ask us to come in. If you told them no, they'd try pressuring you and guilting you. Like a 16 year old making $7.25/hr is supposed to give a damn about "the team"

>> No.1679934

How do I into vlogs. Seems like you can make a shit ton just really talking about nothing if you get enough exposure. I realized most of the channels i watch aren't that interesting or funny. And yet it's still way better than anything on TV and they all get hundreds of thousands of views per video.

>> No.1679940

Age 22, cashier at Sears. AMA about my shit job

>> No.1679941


And the name of that pilot...


Please like and share

>> No.1679943
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why would you get angry for such thing? is it that you are afraid you end up being of them?

if you are well off you naturally do not look down to people, you dont have to. i respect and treat all people well and im doing probably better than 99% of people here

>> No.1680356

Only success a bartender could get is having a day job and saving his bartending money to open his own bar.

>> No.1680362

what about at a grocery store? >_>

>> No.1680428

Depends on "success." My younger brother is a bartender in the Vista area in Columbia SC. Nicer area with prices that keep college students (except perhaps post-grads) out. He takes $400-$500 a night in tips usually, up to a grand if it's a really good night. He picks at me because he makes more than I do. I pick at him because he can't take a vacation longer than three days.

He's pleased with his station in life, as am I. To each their own.

>> No.1680459
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Unless you're moving up, you're stagnating.
I got moved from cashier to customer service after about a month, and it's my first job.
A lot of people who had been there longer complained, but they're the same people who cause problems and don't listen or learn.

Now i'm fighting an uphill battle to get to the next position up since it's management.
Tbh i'm not even sure why I want it besides just proving that I can get it. It would make the rest of my college jobs easier if I could just apply up to a management position.
I enjoy the challenge, solving problems, etc. but I really just want to be able to do what I want, and see what I can do. To do that at work, I need more power. To do it outside of work, I need more money.

I spend most of my free time dreaming of having some real dreams. The only constant dream I have is being able to go where I want, and live the way I want to.

Life it tough.

>> No.1680501

this is my first job, and I've only been here 3 months
how long do you think before I should start hinting at wanting something higher? one or two people I know told me 3 more months

>> No.1680507

There are no universal truths, it depends on your boss. I was upfront and honest. I was open to learning everything, and took my job seriously. I never hinted anything, I slapped it on my application that I wanted to move up. I spoke about it to my boss multiple times.
Luckily my store is cool about that stuff.
Don't listen to anyone who isn't higher up than you. Develop your own personality and style of doing things.
Basically, just do whatever will work, don't wait or bullshit around. If they don't take you seriously, or jerk you around, look elsewhere. If you can't do what you want, it's a waste of time anyway.

>> No.1680614

This, or related. My father in law and sister's husband are both franchisees but often have to work the stores because average employees are so irresponsible

>> No.1680720

I have thought about working at a pizza place because I have always wanted to. I have a good paying full time job though.

>> No.1680744

It's a motherfucker out there anon for some. I'm mid 30s going back for my masters, working a part time job to help make ends meet.

>> No.1680820

I know a millionaire who used to be some stupid lawyer who works at McDonalds part-time, he's retired but works there because he met his wife there and it brings back memories/nostalgia.

He's very happy and content with his life, OP isn't

>> No.1680830


I find this so hard to believe.

How could a man whose time is worth so much do something so menial and brainless for "fun"

>> No.1680846

/biz/ memes aside working in a corporate environment gets boring pretty fast and it's not what Hollywood dresses it up to be, what is money worth relative to the stress and utter wageslavery that your life becomes?

The guy is in his mid 40s and from what I'd imagine has more than enough to retire on, gets him out of the house and grounds him to reality from the impression I've got, makes you grateful for what you've got type thing combined with as I said the significance of what the restaurant meant to him

I know a couple who are family friends and who used to be Uni lecturers and now run a frozen icecream place, life isn't a dickmeasuring content it's about enjoyment and I guess thats what they get enjoyment from, if you're already a millionaire why would you give a shit about status?

>> No.1680853


Just because you have done nothing with your life doesn't mean anyone cares what you think. The dude won and finished early. He has no reason to keep trying so hard, unlike you tryhard.

>> No.1680865


I guess if it grounds him.

I'd do something like gardening, woodwork, painting, etc...

>> No.1680868


I make $100/hr.

On a scale to ten I'd say my effort at work is about a 5.

>> No.1680894
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filing reddit tales

>> No.1680933

>implying they can afford college/trade school as a 40 yr old living off minimum wage

>> No.1680959
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What a super hero

>> No.1681064

You have a small penis.

>> No.1681279
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All right - help me out /biz/.

I've been working on/off wagecuck jobs since age 16, I've got IT certifications and a chemistry degree, 26 right now, I've worked in fast food, retail, was manager of a post office - but I seem to have a commitment issue when it comes down to long-term deciding upon a career and trying to remove myself from this nihilistic rut. I'm perpetually stuck in this indecisive thinking, it's like I freeze.

I already have a 9/10 girlfriend (feel free to not believe me, but it helps to say I got with her in uni while it still looked like I had a clue). Family and friends are becoming expectant of me to settle down when there is no worse time for me than to settle down right now, that would be a nightmare.

I've went from leaving my manager position to spending a year out in Eastern Europe with gf's family, to going back to having a 22 year old showing me the ropes in fast food, it was quite humiliating. Still, I'm not in danger of not being laid. One hot girl actually called me 'romantic' when I told her I worked in fast food. "you're just holding out until you know what is right, anon." Fucking lol. It hurts to live.

So -- How to get the long-term plan? Either way it seems I'm in for hard graft. I'm wondering whether to do something finance/accounting-based (means I can work in a bank in the mean time - already did banking experience in the post office etc. while I do a finance/economics course) OR, I go for 'the dream' - a PhD in chemistry which is like the women's studies of STEM and is not paid well.

Thanks for reading if you did - what do?

>> No.1681292

Yeah, the last fast food place I worked at, had an ex-army sniper and an elderly un-tenured physics professor in the chicken section. No one believes me, haha.

>> No.1681319

DO the phd then manage mcdonalds bro. super romantic.

>> No.1681334

live in eastern europe trading bitcoins

>> No.1681337

yes some people like to garden once alot of money

>> No.1681403

Former Whataburger manager here.

I was a manager while still in college, not even managing the whole store, and I pulled in about $40K annual. This is in a small rural area where an apartment is less than $500/month.

Whataburger pays very, very well.

The general manager at the busiest store in my area made about $110k/year, running a single Whataburger restaurant.

I have doubts as to your story, but they really are a great company. I'd go work in their corporate office now, given the chance.

>> No.1681468


Which IT certs did you do, and why THE FUCK aren't you working in IT?

>> No.1681484

CISCO CCNA and general tech support at a helpdesk, I was only 18 and people said, 'but anon you should go do science at uni, isn't that the dream?"

Fast forward and I'm now completely off the wagon.... it's like I can't stick with something, that's my main issue.

>> No.1681486

That's why you always schedule more than what you need. Always going to be some lazy ass Section 8 fucker that will want to go home early. They always like going home early because if they work too many hours they take their benefits away or cut them sharply.

>> No.1681494


Adding to this -- when I was doing IT I was incredibly lonely, in my parents basement in my hometown, and needed an excuse to move to a city. I could have done comp. sci but the idea of staring at a screen while the world revolved around me while I was still a virgin did not bode well with me at that point.

However on the flipside, I did meet all my current friends, got myself a gf and have matured and mellowed out, the prospects for my future are fucking dire. I wouldn't even wipe my ass with my CV.

>> No.1681506

>CISCO CCNA and general tech support at a helpdesk
God that is sad. Get a fucking real job dude.

>> No.1681511

something something video games something something you're a faggot

>> No.1681512

I should add to this, several people at the grocery store I work at are retirees who were bored.

>> No.1681585

How in the hell do you possess a CCNA cert/chem degree and not make $25+/hr?

>> No.1681608

I've got a high-paying comfortable office job, but I've considered calling the local Whataburger and seeing if they want a badass grill guy for a couple of hours every other Sunday.

It's like meditation, sometimes. Lets you really clear your mind and think about the motions you're making and nothing more.

For some, doing menial labor can be much like doing taiji or yoga.

>> No.1681616
File: 91 KB, 745x554, henry-rollins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You really shouldn't take joy in the misery of others. It's not a good look.

You should, there is a natural reason why we bully. We bully so that they the weak become strong, they need to get a high-dose of reality kicked into them and man the fuck up.

clip highly related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTdaWUDeGsg

>> No.1681663

I'm 30, and I admit to being one of these people. I have been working at the same grocery store since junior year in high school, stocking shelves on the third shift. I have seen thousands of employees and hundreds of managers come and go through the revolving door. To me that's job security and I will probably have this job until I am fired or can't physically work anymore.

And screw college, unless you study something like computer science or engineering you're just going to end up at the grocery store like many of my co-workers with liberal arts degrees.

>> No.1681695 [DELETED] 


If you're working at Krispy Kreme at all you're beyond pathetic, so don't think about it too much.

>> No.1681834

my fucking sides, this is what everybody is talking about, THIS is the reason why they're working at retail jobs, stupid pessimism and give up attitude.
I lived in a shitty country, with dirt poor parents, I had no help from parents and paid their bills, so we wouldn't get kicked out or get our electricity turned off.
My first job was a porter/security at a hotel, I was still in highschool at that moment.
In 6 months they promoted me for a receptionist, in a year I left the job.
Went to another hotel, as a night receptionist, had a situation where a sales departement worker complained about some problems, I thought about them some time and sent her a email which would help to resolve them, in 2 months from the day I signed the contract, the director wanted to meet me and told me that he would like me to assist the sales departement worker.
At that time I didn't have a high school degree, because I would be kicked out if I wouldn't work like crazy and the salary is too shitty to get an appartement myself or get by, I was making money from the side, but it mostly went on bills, which were not mine.
While I extended my time to finish highschool for a year, I only had to finish 2 courses, in which time I would just shit down a whole year, I took lessons in bookkeeping.
When I finished highschool I had a second level bookkeeping certificate and worked in a sales departement, after that I went to study law.
They moral of the story is that you can get by without a degree, but you need a I will die of hunger like motivation for it and you need to make a great effort beforehand and alot of luck.
I had no computer, I didn't fancy people, so I just read books and I was able to talk myself into my first job with no past experiences.

>> No.1681843

There are people like you, who are mad at life because everything wasn't given for granted and you just sit at facebook, watch shitty youtube videos and think why your life is shit and it's everyone elses fault, baby boomers, economy, trump, obama, hillary whatever.
You can get by without a degree, which is hard, very hard.
But having a degree, give up attitude and being lazy, unmotivated and having shit for brains is near impossible to get by.
It's not my fault, not your neighbors, not your mom fault, IT'S YOUR FAULT, you made yourself a sore loser and you just take up the dick from life and goggle it down with joy and self pity.
This is what makes people at 30-40 work retails jobs, laziness, self pity and blaming everybody else.
Or just some people like to draw or have hobbies and don't value money as much.

>> No.1681849

P.S: Job security isn't working at one place for 40 years, a new manager doesn't like you, you get fired, will meet a cunty customer, you will get fired and will be fucked.
The only real job security is yourself, your work experience, your CV, your knowledge.
If you have a somehow decent work experience, you will not be jobless, having a great degree is job security: You will always get a job, nevertheless of the state of current economy.

>> No.1681867



>> No.1681878

Rollins is an edgy fag.

>> No.1681884

why though, who's gonna pump your gas , serve your food, clean your windshields if everyone was STEM graduates working in companies.

>> No.1681891

This, too. It wouldn't be my first choice but why is it such a concern to people in this thread what people choose to do with their lives is beyond me. If anything it knocks out the competition to have the population subverted this way.

>> No.1681905


I totally agree man, just think there are better options than working fast food.

>> No.1681908

You are correct. Also I have AIDS.

This is different though, they are often doing it for the health coverage.

>> No.1681960

Will you let me do a couple hours of your office job a week in exchange for hours at my wagecuck job?

>> No.1681976
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Because here in the USA work-life balance is a meme that only exists in the tech industry. Every other professional job expects you to work 40+ hours a week, most of the year. This has a lot to do with tax laws that make it more cost effective to hire only full time employees and give people overtime instead of just allowing someone to work only 3 days a week for 3/5 the pay of full time workers. So if someone doesn't want to or is unable to work a full time job for whatever reason, and is not intelligent enough to develop useful technical skills, they end up being a wagecuck in retail or food service. Since this is the only type of job that offers part time unskilled work.

To make it personal, I would gladly work if I could work only 3 days a week 42 weeks a year and make half of what a fulltime professional does, but since this doesn't seem possible, literally the only jobs that even considered hiring me part time after being a NEET for 5 years are fast food prep and fitness club janitor. Meanwhile the professional world is so hell bent on maintaining the status quo, everyone getting their 40 hours regardless of how long it takes to actually be productive, that officecucks spend most of their time slacking off pretending to work, because if they acknowledged how inefficient the system is, and completed their work early, hours and budgets would be cut. This is common knowledge, especially in government. Gold bricking for rent seeking. Some would be overjoyed to live such a work life, but I actually like to be outside and do things- having lots of time to fuck around on the computer or cellphone while sitting in an office is not what I consider freedom.

>> No.1681987

bullshit, bullying turns kids into neurotic fuck ups, I teach my kids to neither bully nor be bullied, I won't let it be part of their lives

>> No.1682033

kids need a healthy amount of bullying to grow up right or else you get special snowflakes.

>> No.1682052

>implying bullies aren't snowflakes

>> No.1682239
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would you really teach your kid to be bullies because it's 'healthy'? seems anti-social. where do you draw the line? it's a parent's job to teach their children how to be civilized when they go out into the world.

>> No.1682885

This is wisdom.

Poorly written, but wise nonetheless.


>> No.1682920

>I pull down $138k a year,
blah blah blah.. and you fail to mention you're around 30 too and you live in silicon valley (or someplace similar) where that salary isn't shit and you're at the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.1683090

Pretty much every manager hated my guts (mostly because they were bitter college grads pissed that they got stuck in retail) But they usually quit or get fired/demoted within a few months to a few years.

>> No.1683099


t.neckbeard NEET

>> No.1683123

Eastern Europe, so basically a mongol I guess.
Poorly written with a drunk mind, I just spat it out and didn't read it over, now I'm more adequate, if you have additional questions.

>> No.1683141

shit I forgot, I'm not on /pol/, there was a theory that Estonians, Finnish and Hungarians are mongols.
I'm Estonian.

>> No.1683376

What your monthly income after taxes?

How much money do you have in savings/investments?

>> No.1683436

Step 1 being a rich kid

When you done with that I'll tell you the next step

>> No.1683651

Uncle owns a chicken spot (Dallas) in the UK. He prob a millionaire now but that doesn't stop him frying chicken and fries.

Only a fucktard like you keeping themselves busy worrying about others. Let them work, low or high income doesn't matter as long as people work and stimulate the economy you should stop crying.

>> No.1684347
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>tfw phamacist in retail CVS
>doctorate but treated as any retail trash
>atleast I have my mcmansion and BMW

>> No.1684353

there's nursing and some other healthcare jobs

>> No.1684366

Different people have different goals. Big whoop who cares

>> No.1684374

Bartenders make more than a lot of college grads

>> No.1684382

Youve clearly never seen cocktails

>> No.1684386

>Get solid 2k a month in hand with job security
>Invest 1k every month with avarage returns of 7%
>Millionaire after 30 years

but that million doesn't matter after inflation

>> No.1684392

The 7% figure is adjusted for inflation, which is like 2-3%. Actual returns are like 9-10%.

>> No.1685668

I'm not really thankful for the bullies I had in school and believe they're the main cause for my paranoia and dysthymia.

I can't deny the fact that they definitely changed my outlook on life and made me a stronger person though.

>> No.1685961

Law enforcment....the military....wont be rich though just well of to comfortbale

>> No.1685984


That sounds like something one of my libtard FB friends would share on their wall.

>> No.1686136

Yeahche solution is stop acting like a bitch. I was the same way. I just had enough picked up a self help book and slowly became a normal. Just do this things:
>don't play video games
>don't smoke or do drugs
>sleep normal and eat right
>pick up a hobby like jogging

And don't do anything autistic like watch anime or collect dolls and you should be ok.

>> No.1686145

Nigga what? Just fucking study. Simplest shit ever.

>> No.1686154

You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

Most tech/CS companies are infamous for assigning ridiculous work loads that amount to 60+ hours a week.

>> No.1686155
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>And don't do anything autistic like watch anime or collect dolls and you should be ok.

dont agree with this
it's no different than watching movies/sports or collecting wines etc and much less time consuming than videos games, drugs, or other time wasting shit

>> No.1686166


so i guess software is a meme? or is the number of hours worked depends on your talent?
>i can debug this shit in 5 hours while scrub does it in 12

>> No.1686169

The only legitimate reason I've seen is for the benefits.

A lot of people didn't have the foresight to invest in retirement, and so they can't afford health/sight/dental/etc. insurance when they're older.

So I've met a lot of people who work with me at Starcucks Inc. in their late 50's and higher that work the minimum amount of hours a week (20) to get cheap insurance through the company instead of expensive as shit independent plans.

>> No.1686177

So bieng man child is ok as long as your not wasting too much time?

Yeah gtfo with that shit

>> No.1686178

some do it because they were tired of of the 60-70 hour salary thats only pays 60k and getting screwed over on promotions. id do the same if their shoes.

better to work 40 for 40k than be a cuck with no life

>> No.1686181

Best vlogger ruben sole

Only one I can watch

>> No.1686182

hope youre trolling me cus youre on an anime board with tons of shitposting by bunch of kids prob younger than you

>> No.1686189

Attention all you little faggots bragging about how you are better than everyone because you make 40-50k a year. I just made 45k on one fucking trade last week. So stfu and go eat a dick. You aren't better than anyone and neither am I. Assholes

>> No.1686199
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Sometimes people come from some really bad background. Be it family on benefits, parents from a poor country, or so on. Their measure of success is calibrated differently. So working a full-time first world job? Thats like being a fucking king. Food on the table, you won't get kicked out of your house because of money problems. You don't have to work around the law, or with druggies? Amazing.

Other part is often that its can be an incredibly low stress lifestyle. It's the type of work where there is no deadlines, or work you can do outside of work hours. When you are at work, you are at work. When you are off, you are off.

Sometimes it's also the child lock. If you knock up a girl at 18-21, you can easily be stuck in a loop where all money goes to the family, and you can't really quit or go to college. Then, after a certain point, they can sort of 'give up' and just stay in the job.

It's oddly comfortable to be in their situation when you get used to it.

I will also be devils advocate and say often, after enough years, you tend to get moved up a bit in their 'ladder', meaning you do different work, tend to manage other people, and have higher job security if it's a chain.

>> No.1686215

>He's pleased with his station in life, as am I. To each their own.


>i dont need much
>im rich with love and experiences and family
>im happy cuddling with my wife and my wifes son on the couch watching her favorite reality tv show

$500/night... I seen this meme before. Maybe good tips 2 nights a week. Im sure 3 taco Tuesday nights are just a total cash haul :^)

>> No.1686238
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It's hard to get out of the rut sometimes.
I am currently going back to school to finish my computer science degree but it's hard to find a job that can fit my school schedule while still paying for rent, car insurance, and other bills.
I am in my 20s and still make minimum wage.
I work in customer service as a grocery cashier.
Only been at my current job for a little over 6 months and was finally forced to join the union or get fired about a month ago.
I recently received a letter from the union saying I owe them about 600 dollars in one month or I will be fired.
How the fuck can they charge me 600 dollars for nothing with barely half a year of work.
I don't get better wages since I make the minimum of 10 dollars an hour and will never get a raise until 2022 because minimum wage going up cancels it out.
The medical benefits from the union don't help me at all because I make so little that I already get free ,medical insurance.
There are only around 5 paid holidays in the year which still amounts to less than what I pay in fees and they are trying to take away time and a third pay for Sundays in the new contract deal.

Fuck these unions trying to insert themselves into jobs without raising them above the minimum wage.

It's hard to find a better job when the people I am competing with have bachelor's or master's degrees and it's hard to go to school when I make so little to provide for myself and have little time to take classes.

>> No.1686251


Not everyone was born an entitled american millennial faggot

>> No.1686826

Grocery unions are infamously corrupt. It's almost impossible for a union to do anything for you, because anybody can bag groceries--so people organize unions just to play middle man and get rich off the working poor.

Unions are only really viable for skilled labor fields. I'm a union member and it has massively improved my life. But it was hard for me to join at first because of the fees.

I'm sorry you're being abused by opportunists. It's not supposed to be this way.

>> No.1686840

This im so glad i got bullied at school thank to that i stoped being such a cringe grandmaster who plays videogames all day

>> No.1686842
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I'm a Texan and I think his story sounds like a crock of chain posting on Facebook level shit. I also think you're a fucking dumbass.

>> No.1686847

There's definitely a balance

You can't coddle a kid so that he becomes a participation trophy safe space retard... and you can't wail on him til he just turns off emotionally and becomes a robot who retreats into porn and vidya.

Basically everybody needs an older brother who knocks them around a little when they're being a little faggot, but knows when to cut it out.

>> No.1686857

Hahahaha thats exactly what my history teacher used to say makes me think he visited 4chan on a daily basis do to his insane use of 4chan memes

>> No.1687076

Yet here you are with me on a Japanese child molestation forum.

>> No.1687517

No fun posting here. I just browse /biz/ since I'm the one who originally started the board by constantly requesting it on /q/.

Anime is cancer and video games are for children. Read a book and jog man child.