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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1675025 No.1675025 [Reply] [Original]

> 140k invested, another 40k in chequing
> pulling 120k, about 90k after tax
> spend $36500/yr living very comfortably (apartment overlooks a creek, can walk everywhere, go out multiple times a week)
> by maxing out 401(k), backdoor and mega backdoor Roth, can put $59500/yr into tax-advantaged accounts
> if i do this, i wind up with 6-8k less in chequing than when i started
> assuming no raises or changes, i can do this for 5 years before my chequing account runs low and i have to reassess
> at that point i'm 30 years old and have 600k in retirement savings, assuming a reliable 8% year-over-year return
> if my salary increases enough that I can sustain it for four more years, I'll have over a million dollars and be able to maintain this spending rate purely on financial in

Why does /biz/ shit so much on making money by employment income? By living reasonably frugally I can literally retire at 34 years old with no gambling or penny stocks or other shit.

>> No.1675038

because you didnt get to 140k over night. and the people here want fast money

>> No.1675044
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>can't touch 401k until 55

>> No.1675050

>Why does /biz/ shit so much on making money by employment income?
Because it makes you a cuck. Yeah, you might be earning 120k, but your boss/the owner of the company is making at *least* three or four times that from YOUR labor.

Keep in mind this is a pretty fringe way of looking at it; most people don't give a shit. "I'm making over a hundred grand a year, why the fuck would I care?" And that is perfectly reasonable. But I (along with the people who hate employment income on /biz/) am extremely sensitive to being taken advantage of, and I view that as being taken advantage of.

That said OP, you're smart, and it sounds like you're doing it the right way. Working for someone else is cuckoldry, but not working *at all* is freedom. And that's exactly what you're going to have if you stay focused and stay smart.

Just in case you haven't heard of Mr Money Mustache, here's a good intro on the early retirement thing: http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2012/01/13/the-shockingly-simple-math-behind-early-retirement/

His website has a ton of good information on, essentially, getting out of the fucking rat race and flying the bird to all those entities who want to keep you working full time, commuting like another part time, and consuming bullshit until you die.

tl;dr it's because you're being paid a tiny fraction of what you earn for the company owner, and I view that as being taken advantage of

>> No.1675118

Ever heard of a Roth rollover you fucking retard?

>> No.1675120

Regarding the "you're being taken advantage of", none of my bosses are making more than twice my salary. We're a startup and not yet revenue-neutral so arguably I'm being paid infinity times "what I'm contributing".

Now, my CEO does have like 20 times as much equity as I do, so if the company is successful then I'll be "screwed" in the sense of still making enough money to stop working. So what if the boss makes more than me, he's dealing with political and administrative stuff that would suck my soul out, while I'm working from home mostly doing work in my head while I watch the squirrels run around outside, and setting my own hours.

You can, you can rollover your 401k into a tIRA when you change employers (or even before, if your plan supports in-service withdrawals, as mine does). You can then convert however much money as you want from a tIRA to a Roth, which is a taxable event, and then the total amount you converted is available for withdrawal penalty-free in five years.

So my entire 401(k) is available to me with a 5-year delay, which I can easily cover with taxed accounts.

>> No.1675154
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This sounds like bullshit.

>> No.1675156

10/10 post would hire as CEO

>> No.1675260


I agree with you, but time actually does not equal money.

You can always make more money, but time can never be recovered once it is lost.

Therefore maybe you could live a bit more fun and more socially with that money and the relationships and joy you get would actually be worth the investment.

>> No.1675276

I'm not sure what more I could be doing. The things I wish I was doing instead of shitposting on 4chan are literally free -- practicing piano, learning ASL, reading novels, writing or working on open source projects.

I go out with friends at least once a week. The bar scene isn't really exciting, I'd often rather be out hiking or swimming, which are also free (or nearly so).

When I imagine being more social or getting more valuable time out of my life, I think I end up spending less, actually.

>> No.1675693

Man I'm 24 and barely breaking $85k
what's it take to make it to $120k still in your 20's

>> No.1675897


>> No.1675907

Most of it was one year when I was working more than full-time at contracting wages ($75/hr) while working on my PhD, which also provided a stipend. Then I dropped out of the PhD, so this was a bit underhanded of me, but I managed to increase my savings by like $100k that one year.

>> No.1676572

>So what if the boss makes more than me
Like I said, if you're being purely logical then this is the right way to look at it. But /biz/ is filled with irrational, butthurt people, including me. I don't like the idea of someone else benefitting more from my labor than me. That said, you're in the most ideal situation; getting into a startup near right at the beginning puts you in a position where you aren't being cucked nearly as hard.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm just telling you why some people here think that. It's irrational, petty jealousy, no doubt. I just happen to be a jealous person.

Wait, which part sounds like bullshit?

>> No.1676593

What if I told you that companies are trying to maximize profit by making their costs as low as possible. Companies earn per unit income and owners get a portion if the profit. You are one of the costs. You are selling your labor.

>> No.1676603

>more like work in the bay area
actually thinking about it i realized i could get to six figures on 3% raises alone

>> No.1677424

No disagreement there. You're trading your labor for money, and each and every company is going to try to get the best bang for their buck. That's *why* working for someone else is cuckoldry, or at least, why so many people on /biz/ view it that way.

>> No.1677431

Based anon, could you give us an overview of your portfolio?