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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16750410 No.16750410 [Reply] [Original]

January 11th is coming, anons. We know Fit Vit is gonna go heavy. How much you putting in? Got a feeling this liquidity boost will start the PNK bull.

Going for $20K. It's all Link gains anyway, so it can burn if it must, but it won't. ETH shovels will be the new boon. People said that in 2017, but the market wasn't quite ready yet. 2020-2021 is our time.

Chads report in.

>> No.16750428

I will buy after it dumps

>> No.16750431


>> No.16750433

it's not going to dump, brainlet.

>> No.16750444

Are you sure? 150 million more tokens are released. That's what it says on the site

>> No.16750449

The way they are doing the token sale prevents a dump. If they wanted to they could dump on the market. Think about it deeply anon.

>> No.16750466
File: 253 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20200105_164706_037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's the thing. Most projects when they mean released they just dump on retail. Kleros is selling the tokens at market price to buyers directly, instead of dumping on the market. Ask yourself. Who buys only to sell at the same price? Now ask yourself. Who buys the rights to earning ETH on a rapidly growing platform that is shiller by Vitalik himself, and then sells at a loss or at the same exact price right before a huge impending bull run?

Absolutely NO ONE.

>> No.16750467
File: 9 KB, 343x147, ultrabrainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iLL bUy wHeN thEy pUt thRi MonIeZ iN anD dUmP oN themSelvEs.

This. You must be the anon from the other day that thinks they're going to market sell it all.

>> No.16750471

Shilled but whatever you get the point and also dubs on myself

>> No.16750476

> Hey guys I'm going to participate in the sale with my 20 ETH and then sell it right back to the market at the same cost or even a lower price!!!

>> No.16750499

I honestly think whoever that was is just pure trollololol.

>> No.16750513

Spot on. If you think this will suddenty downtrend you are in for a big disappointment and probably price out soon. Long overdue.

>> No.16750515

That or a woman or leftist because that seriously requires some mental gymnastics

>> No.16750516

You think they're going to sell 150 million in the sale?
>supply doubles
>dude it's nothing
>$400 volume
Am I being shilled?

>> No.16750523

>woman or leftist
They live in your head rent free

>> No.16750528 [DELETED] 

If they don't it's back to business as usual. The team has a half dozen other sources of income, and are very patient. They know their worth, and in case you hadn't noticed...one can see straight away when a team dumps. It cucks the price into oblivion. Go look at Hashgraph, ICX, AION, literally anything... Now, go look at the PNK chart born during a literal bear market. See the difference?

>> No.16750535

If they don't it's back to business as usual. Kleros is the most patient team I've come across in a long time. They know their worth, and in case you hadn't noticed...one can see straight away when a team dumps. It cucks the price into oblivion. Go look at Hashgraph, ICX, AION, literally anything... Now, go look at the PNK chart born during a literal bear market. See the difference?

>> No.16750579

I *REALLY* don't get you brainlets.

Most of you are new, I get it. Link holders had to wait 2 years for a 10-20x. Kleros, an even better buy IMO, stays at the same accumulation range for a year, and you bitch about volume, then are offered a chance at 0 spread big liquidity, and don't take it, right when bullish sentiment comes. If you think you're going to pick another random shitcoin that will out perform, then make a list of what you do and post it here.

Lemme tell you how this is gonna go down.

- smart money buys in the sale. holds.

- idiots think they can gain better, buy some bullshit Binance IEOS.

- idiots see PNK mooning. think it's all just another 4chan scam

- idiots watch it gain healthily over Q2-Q3.

- dumb money buys at 10 cents. complains when it falls back to 5 cents.

- PNK heads towards 0.25 in 2021.

Kleros has been posted about on biz off and on for 8 months now. I really don't understand anyone in this space who doesn't at least have a 1M suicide stack at this point.

>> No.16750591

> he thinks they aren't playing 2025 long game with Vitalik and give 0 fucks about the price short or mid term

woops. do you understand the implications of even a mere 10x ($10-15M marketcap) for the PNK token x ETH staking? use your brains, kids.

>> No.16750623

So I will buy after it dumps then

>> No.16750637

Supply not doubling and volume can be low at times but there is almost always more volume on Uniswap. Baseless fud.

>> No.16750664

The jamaicoin team explained them how a rights issue works in the telegram. Otherwise they would have capped the price for months or dumped it below market. Google it. That moment I knew I had to sell my top 50 stack.

>> No.16750692

How will they ever live without your $10,000.

>> No.16750709


>> No.16750712

what do you mean? do you realize it's only like $6,000 to enter the top 50? kek.

>> No.16750714


Yeah. No one gives a fuck about JAMAICOIN lmao. Sorry it didn't become as big as Brapper or some shit. Try again next alt season anon.

>> No.16750762




>> No.16750782

>[deleted] They never almost screwed over anyone and you never helped shit you fucking nigger faggot. Fuck you and fuck Jamaicoin.
Makes u think

>> No.16750789

Let's hope you sold all your Kleros and went all into literally JAMAICOIN. You don't deserve to have money.

Jesus some of you are...unfathomable.

>> No.16750799

Yeah. Think about profits.

I don't give a fuck about Jamaicoin. Unless.. are you unironically the Jamaicoin dev? if so I am interested in buying huge quantities at a massive discount OTC.

>> No.16750878

Don't feed the trolls (or JAMAIcoin)

>> No.16750895

Where's the troll? I just quoted your post

>> No.16750932

How much is a make it stack? How much is a suicide stack?

>> No.16750935

Will probably throw a few grand into this and stake until a new catalyst. No bagholders is safety.

>> No.16751095


>> No.16751165

Who's going to dump for cheaper than they bought it for your fucking moron?

>> No.16751202

>15% of supply to be sold
>further 35% to be sold in future
>still no volume
>unlikely that there will be enough demand to sell all the tokens

People capitulating. Just look at any alt chart that has dumped 90%

>> No.16751210

Stfu pathetic nigger faggot. There was already a proposal put in place to have this sort of thing implemented. All you did was bitch and moan in the main chat like a lazy faggot nigger. I also saw you spamming "Jamaicoin" on big wallets in the etherscan comment section. You're a needy bitch and you better rest assured that whenever Jamaicoin tries to step up their marketing I'm going to be there reminding everyone that you're the lazy nigger that's fuding kleros because he sold his sack while on his fucking period. Jamaicoin is fucking finished, capiche?

>> No.16751238

I don't think you understand. Guess we will see.

>> No.16751283

I do understand. If you truly believed in this you would be fudding so you can accumulate more.

>> No.16751306 [DELETED] 

Nah. I've got more than I'd even like already put in. Link tipped the scales, and I'm hoping for + 0.01 by February. We'll see.

>> No.16751326

Who needs longer than a year to accumulate a position? We're not all putting monthly paychecks into crypto, mang. Nah. I've got more than I'd even like already put in. Link tipped the scales, and I'm hoping for + 0.01 by February. We'll see.

>> No.16751703

>Jamaicoin is fucking finished, capiche?

> Imagine not putting some of every monthly paycheck into crypto

>> No.16751785

I've got a crypto-only nut i keep in case things get dark. There's a world of assets to invest in, and let's face it, this shit aint what it used to be. I do think we have one more major "make-it" bull, so I'm just waiting until things start flying 100% in a day.

>> No.16751814

5 days of 20% green and im out.
> and let's face it, this shit aint what it used to be

he is right you know..
I unironically get 2017 vibes from PNK though. Got a few hundred worth in case they actually pull through.

>> No.16752377

I always did. The op cost has hurt a bit, but it'll be worth it in the end, and i'm sure i would have just lost 90% in some other shitcoin anyway. The way it's held up has been bullish af.