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16740708 No.16740708 [Reply] [Original]

How do I turn $1500 usd into 47 million dollars?

I gotta pay my rent this month

>> No.16740713

Nerva is a great bet

>> No.16740719

That tranny looks like my younger sister, it always weirds me out. Anyway, like the mentally ill man in your attached image, invest in kneepads.

>> No.16740744

Double your money 15 times.

>> No.16740747


>> No.16740749

Hook me up with your sister bruh.

>> No.16740750

How many Trons for her

>> No.16740759

Sure, our parents are out of town and I am heading to work. My address is 5037 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008. Knock loudly.

>> No.16740763

does your sister do anal?

>> No.16740764

that is a man

>> No.16740765


>> No.16740801
File: 659 KB, 2471x3752, MTpEmx6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16740825


>> No.16740831

Get help, faggot. Traps are gay, moot said so.

>> No.16740864

Oh sweet Vishnu

>> No.16740884

post feminine penis

>> No.16740932

im straight as fuk...but I don't care if that's a dude I would smash

>> No.16740953

You are legit gay

>> No.16741110

you will have a 1 in 389,601.784 shot of winning with $1500

Or you could keep buy super otm daily options and hope they become super itm over and over but that probably has a lower probability than the Powerball.

>> No.16741122

Feminine penis plz

>> No.16741125

that's a girl's arm. have sex with a girl incel

>> No.16742138
File: 1.13 MB, 960x540, 1575619395524.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16742149

so cute

>> No.16742188
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>How do I turn $1500 usd into 47 million dollars?
Fucking omegakek. The absurdity of the amount was perfect for my dumb ass 6am brain

>> No.16742478

how is it absurd? plenty of people done it

>> No.16742504

no they have not

>> No.16742512

sure, whatever helps you to sleep at night

>> No.16742621

the fuck

>> No.16742948
File: 257 KB, 1712x2048, EDodC-vUYAA2LnM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I play the same numbers or different ones every time?

>> No.16743082

what's the catch? it can't be that easy

>> No.16743195

That's a man bro

>> No.16743297

Your rent is $47 million and you only have $1500? Sounds like the place is a little outside your price range. You can probably get something cheaper.

>> No.16743654
File: 878 KB, 573x1024, zoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boys are just better than girls at everything.. even being a girl

>> No.16743674

The catch is it gets harder to double your money each tome

>> No.16743739
File: 44 KB, 500x658, 1563910509522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, these abominations aren't breeding, still they become more and more. Time to protect your kids from gender bending chemicals that are almost everywhere. The depopulation conspiracy is no theory. The increase in such severe birth defects should wake up the dullest mind. And stop fucking them, you degenerated fucks. It's like fucking a mongoloid.

>> No.16744177

You have to actually homeschool your kids, making sure they spend a lot of time in nature and away from the cucked internet of "ideas" and porn. You also need to be a part of a congregation that doesn't allow LGBT trash so your kids aren't autists. Kids should be playing social games outdoors for the majority of childhood.

Why should it surprise anyone that young people getting addicted to porn and video games would have this outcome?

>> No.16744205

now she does

>> No.16744213

imagine being this deluded
they cant have kids
they don't have a vagina

walking abominations

based and redpilled

>> No.16744244

cringe incels

>> No.16744309

>only an incel would want to have children
Maybe your right, and it would make sense. I wish all degens would fuck off and leave children alone. The entire liberal progressive social machine is busy shifting the overton window far enough that children can be sexually indoctrinated and then "make their own decisions" after having been brainwashed, getting on hrt before they touch puberty.

Conservatives and traditionalists are going to separate themselves from degenerate culture and outbreed you in a few generations, enjoy your life of porn, discord trannies, the future will not look on you with anything but pity and disdain.

>> No.16744345

When did teens doing porn become cute? Do you think his dad is proud of his fledgling porn star son?

>> No.16744437

>Conservatives and traditionalists are going to separate themselves from degenerate culture and outbreed you in a few generations

Yeah, and those kids are going to despise everything their parents stand for

>> No.16744542

projecting and you probably had shitty parents. Children don't naturally reject their parents' ideology outside a narrow window of teenage angst, unless their parents are actually horrible in which case the increased critical view can be liberating for the kid.

Having strong parents who actually look out for your best interests instead of allowing you to be an internet/media/porn addict during the most critical years of your life isn't a bad thing. Individuals who spend 3+hours a day at their computer screen from adolescence to adulthood are fucked in many cases, but now we are seeing that effect magnify to literally everyone because of smartphones. The collective soft brained future consciousness of the modern world is neurologically dependent on trash media itself beholden to principles and standards that have not stood the test of time.

>> No.16744835

>When did teens doing porn become cute?

>Do you think his dad is proud of his fledgling porn star son?

>> No.16744844

imagine making her (male) lick your balls and ass