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16739804 No.16739804 [Reply] [Original]

Will BTC be around in 5 years time?

Will it still be the most popular crypto?

>> No.16739816

about tree fifty

>> No.16739820
File: 2.44 MB, 680x331, 1570163975354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes & yes

>> No.16739827


>> No.16739832

roasties that live on easy mode and don't even bother to get a job deserve that haha

>> No.16739865

I'm sure she'll enjoy the parking space she can buy for $40k. Thanks MrBeast, buy you're about 90% short.

>> No.16739874

Yes it'll still be around, still be mined in some capacity. Yes it'll still be the most popular crypto in 5 years. How much will a bitcoin be worth? ehhhh fucked if I know.
Also why is seeing that ethot get more cash than I've ever seen in my life almost heart warming, why aren't I bitter? Why is all I can muster a
>good, good for her.

>> No.16739890

This picture makes me want to very violent things to many people.

>> No.16739938
File: 34 KB, 480x323, Survival of the fittest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because anon, its natural selection. This roastie got some rich cuck to give her 40k. She probably did not even ask for that. This guy probably just thought that MAYBE, PERHAPS, she would be inclined to meet him, and MAYBE, PERHAPS, fulfill futile fantasies. In reality, after the stream ends, she calls her chad of the week/month and proceeds to make euphoric love with him while they laugh about that cuck.
> hahahaha sigggh oooh my goood what a fucking retard
Anon I only agree with you. This is evolution. This world is a beautiful thing.

>> No.16739968

I dont see why anyone should care. Imagine allowing yourself to be mentally bogged down by this (literally nothing) bullshit. Lmao.

>> No.16739972

I don't even browse /pol/ but I seriously think it is because you are a cuckold faggot.

>> No.16739978

I mean just look at this guy trying to create a narrative around his sexual fantasies. So sad.

>> No.16739995

And this guy trying to empathize with a random person who received something from another random person. Who cares nigga focus on your own stacks

>> No.16740013
File: 289 KB, 1024x922, autistsimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about the price but I do care about volume. Do you think it will be traded with the same volume it is today or will it be less?

>> No.16740019

Nigger I posted that unironically. That cuck is beta. Deserves to be separated from his shekels.

>> No.16740028

It will be around. I think it will be worth a lot less, because the Fed is aggressively going after legislation that will drive all US based Neets and hopium huffers out.

It still has some traction in the 3rd world. But it won't see adoption at any high level that speds and degenerate gamblers keep claiming it will. Everyone, and I mean everyone, (except drug dealers and people buying child pron and DDOS bots) want anything to do with crypto, and have been looking into their own, see Facebook.

But, the exchanges are too dug in to go away completely that soon. As long as there are pajeets and get rich quick tards running around, it will exist, like penny stocks.

>> No.16740034
File: 45 KB, 1236x888, 1575767975653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously fucking hate jannies. I was getting some actual career advice about teaching English in Asia in the Thailand thread and they deleted it

>> No.16740055
File: 169 KB, 1024x680, Wince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh that's what it is.
kek, every time I feel bad about being single (in the past) I find there's someone who makes me look like a chad.
How do you figure?
I'm not 'trying to empathize', it's not empathy is it if you're trying?
What I'm about to say rests on a lot of assumptions, but to give you a totally inadequate yes or no answer - I think it will trade at roughly the same volume.
I'm sorry I can't guive you more of full response, I'm about to vomit out all my insides after reading that reddit screenshot.

>> No.16740057

Breh i understand but /trv

>> No.16740069

are you familiar with anything that trades similar to the btc/usd pair that isn't crypto? I love the volatility and there's a degree of predictability that I can't find in other charts, why is that? They say btc is manipulated as fuck but its moves make way more sense to me than some forex pair.

>> No.16740088

That's a fucking good question and I see where you're going with it but, no I don't have an answer for you. I'm going to think what securities or asset classes might be a good analogy.

>> No.16740146

Nickel index?
I'm not sure if oybeans with an 's' is a good analogy with all the trade negotiations, but it's had some volatility too.

>> No.16740158

thanks. I'll look into them. Though I really hope btc sticks around and doesn't change much for the next couple of years.

>> No.16740159

MrBeast is loaded and does shit like this all the time. He IS Chad.

>> No.16740192
File: 331 KB, 1275x959, 62FFD242-0249-459A-B8B9-B62AC8D94FD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he is Samson. The rich jew who is a chad for pay. No genetic right to plow the finest of wheat fields.

>> No.16740236

I think you’re letting your incel brain cloud your judgement. MrBeast is famous, rich (self made), young, and white, and he genuinely seems like a nice person, and I’m pretty sure that makes him Chad in the modern age.

>> No.16740264

I am a bit spergy.

>> No.16740265

it's amazing how you're trying to come off as so smug and intelligent but what you said is completely wrong

Yeah, MrBeast is a total alpha male Chad pussy slayer because he made a lot of money on YouTube. When you think of a man that women fawn over and want to fuck, what do you think of?

That's right - MrBeast. You fucking NAILED it dude! You're so fucking smart.

>> No.16740266

kek is this shit for real?

>> No.16740283

how do you not know who mr. beast is?

>> No.16740304

How do you know who mr beast is?

>> No.16740310


He pays our rent.

>> No.16740361

>I seriously fucking hate jannies. I was getting some actual career advice about teaching English in Asia in the Thailand thread and they deleted it

kek that sucks fren. could you maybe repost some of the advice here?

>> No.16740440

Christ. Im a zoomer and I didnt know who this was until I look it up. Still stand by my glr post

>> No.16740552

MrBeast is not chad he gives niggers and thots tons of money. If he was chad instead of spreading materialistic degeneracy he’d work at rebuilding our people

>> No.16740882


hes some faggot youtuber that does giveaways to random people all the time. ironically he has made alot of his wealth from buying btc in the early early days so that could be your answer there op

>> No.16740899
