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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16739357 No.16739357 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16739370

steady decline as fuck

>> No.16739409
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>this is definitely an ethereum killer

>> No.16739582
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>FTM is sitting comfy at 144 sats, in the same 100-150 sat range it's been in for literally half a year.
>This was shilled heavily to /biz/ in the 50-100 sat range, where smart money bought massive bags, sold a little at 600 sats on the binance pump, then bought back in around the current range.
>It follows every other coin on the market nearly identically
Unless you hold no crypto and are an /r/buttcoin pajeet, you should have nothing bad to say about a coin that has literally moved in a pack with the rest of the altcoin market nearly identically. You will cry when the next bullrun comes and you're stuck with 4x-5x coins while most anons are cashing out 100x's.

>> No.16739659

imagine cashing out at 100x lmao

>> No.16739730

What exchange can I even buy FTM from as an American?

>> No.16739733

Im in but only with 30k tokens I feel it is not enough.

>> No.16739770

I tried delegating this shit and the ftm never appeared in my mew wallet. Then my mew wallet just kept loading when I tried to sign in???

>> No.16739776


>> No.16739830

100K minimum suicide stack

>> No.16740807
File: 144 KB, 392x324, 372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

July: "moon soon"
August: "moon soon"
Setpember: "moon soon"
October: "moon soon"
November: "moon soon"
December: "moon soon"
January: "moon soon"
February: ???
>what is opportunity cost?

>> No.16740938

>what is opportunity cost?
yeah because everything has been mooning all around us right?

>> No.16741603

Not selling till $100 and this will hit $eSy this year.

>> No.16741609

*100. Fuck me I need sleep

>> No.16742332

i didn't have any problems. fantom is an IQ test

>> No.16742375
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>> No.16742386
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be patient you moonboy autismos. our time will come and the best part will be laughing at all the weak hands who got shook out

>> No.16742389

They launched one client mainnet that's a big secret and one that's was over Christmas and most likely nobody knows it's live because zero marketing. The third one better be good

>> No.16742403

We ran a poll and FTM was voted scam of the year by the board and you guys are surprised it’s trashing? Hahahahahaha

>> No.16742417

don't wastw your time sanjay. i'm staked on opera and couldn't sell even if i wanted to (which i don't)

>> No.16742541

I think fantom is an interesting experiment.

If mainnets 3,4 and 5 work hard for validators and stakers you could see the economic death of the Xar Network mainnet before they get started. Opera has already shown the competitive nature of the way Fantom is set up and how we can make money from this

>> No.16742639
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If you think holding a sinking ship is the ONLY option you need to stop because you're going to lose everything.

>> No.16742652

it's literally just crabbing along like everything else

>> No.16742715

Yes. Literally every other shit coin on binance has been pumping more than ftm.

>> No.16742727

Stop posting Fantom we don't need more biztards to catch on. All the smart ones are already in.

>> No.16742731

except that's wrong

>> No.16742750
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>doesn't know the meaning of the word "literally"
>zoomer confirmed

>> No.16742756

yeah that just is false

>> No.16742757


>> No.16742769

Will keep posting because rupee payment for strong project like this is high and profit is good for both family and village.

>> No.16742770

>posts fake info
>gets told it's fake
fucking an hero you incel.

>> No.16742774
File: 106 KB, 720x998, 20200102_084404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm coping with the $500 per month in passive income i'm already making by staking on opera. even if the price never moves i'm still going to 2x my investment

>> No.16742784

This. Rain or shine, I am holding this.

But really, consider the price and the upside. This is the type of shit that moons 100x. If it doesn't. I'm out 1500 bucks. Boo hoo.

>> No.16742804


>> No.16742816


>> No.16742826

look at these sky-high staking rewards though! >>16742774
the only way you can lose with FTM is if the price goes to zero, which is highly unlikely for a project with constant updates and active development (native wallet drops on jan 7th) and a team with three years of runway capital. fantom may or may not be the 100x we all hope it will be, but nobody is going to get rekt. it's a safe hold