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File: 718 KB, 2896x2896, 2irctlma6il21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16736475 No.16736475 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly who would you hire if they have exactly the same ability.
Is physical appearance important in getting a job/promotion?

>> No.16736482

whoever puts effort into sucking my cock

>> No.16736484

the nice one of course

>> No.16736488

where do you queers even find these trannies Jesus Christ it never stops with you guys

>Inb4 Reddit
then go back

>> No.16736490

The one on the left if they wanted quality. The one on the right if they wanted to mass produce a cheap product so they could pay him 30% less.

>> No.16736505

>Is physical appearance important in getting a job/promotion?

i'd hire a retarded white over an average nigger.

>> No.16736520
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I’m taking dudebro, we do not need more women in IT. I wouldnt mind keeping her on the payroll to fuck in the face whenever I get bored or frustrated though.

>> No.16736524

Physical appearance is extremely important. Not only are race and gender considered, but also clique. You can tell if a guy is a jock, a nerd or a scumbag almost immediately by looking at them. Certain types work best for certain roles.

>> No.16736544
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I don't know

>> No.16736546

The one in the middle, with the black tie. Looks most professional, and like knows his way around in a corporate office.

>> No.16736781

Invalid option

>> No.16736797

>Mouth piercings
Clear sign of bad decision making, dropped. Give me the neckbeard.

>> No.16736811


here u go insecure man

>> No.16736829
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>> No.16736876

I'd hire the girl if same qualifications. I would rather want attractive people in my firm than unattractive. I mean if you swap out that dude for some attractive dude that kinda looks like Henry Cavill, then I would have a hard time picking. Might pick Henry Cavill looker because he probably won't have piercings around his face, that just shows bad decisions.

>> No.16736895


>> No.16736921

Yeah, but the buzz cut though. It just screams "capable and obedient."

>> No.16736940

the guy since he's more likely to actually work hard and not make drama and cause issues. plus hiring females thinking they'll actually work is a meme

>> No.16737895
File: 42 KB, 476x476, 1571094944909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I prevent my sons from ever turning into one of those freaks

>> No.16738202

I'd hire a tranny over a fat "person"

>> No.16738205

This is both hilarious and utterly terrifying
Poor kids

>> No.16738273

Time for wwIII

>> No.16738295

Yeah, but it depends on the job. If it's for my warehouse, left, for my office right.

>> No.16738446

Not enough information faggot.
Are they front of house or not? Also where, if it was a artisanal coffee house or place that did fine whiskies I'd take the giant beardo on the left.
If it was a marketing agency that specializes in 'diversity' and 'social justice marketing' the left.

>> No.16738487

>Honestly who would you hire if they have exactly the same ability.
the thot so she can suck my dick

>> No.16738517

i got the political left and my left hand side confused, I meant rightie for the marketing agency.
Mixed metaphors

>> No.16738523

>Chin studs
No thanks

>> No.16738533

wait a minute is that blonde the dude or the other dude?

>> No.16738651

I'll take wizard but he'd have to agree on the paycut

>> No.16738658

ID confirms sirs

>> No.16738678

>Is physical appearance important in getting a job/promotion?

Looks win, especially for companies that have a large budget.

>> No.16738777
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these people need help man ....

>> No.16738789

i legit want to know this. get them to stay away from social media until a certain age ?
i have no fucking idea

>> No.16739115
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>> No.16739432

your wife doesn't consume tons of estrogenated products while pregnant
no S O Y
keep food/drink away from plastics
lots of meat/veg
NO BABY POWDER after birth, only breast feed and again no plastics
no rubber dummy or whatever

read but here is the important part
>In mammals, chemicals having EA can produce many health-related problems, such as early puberty in females, reduced sperm counts, altered functions of reproductive organs, obesity, altered sex-
specific behaviors, and increased rates of some breast, ovarian, testicular, and prostate cancers

>> No.16739467

honk honk

>> No.16739893
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>> No.16739936

Jesus there is some real wasted genetics here. some of these guys are decently attractive. I honestly can't understand why they would choose to be a woman like this. Just get ripped as a dude and fuck the whole world man

>> No.16739974
File: 591 KB, 750x919, 556B7894-6B79-48D8-BDE4-8A16469C2271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek there’s some comedy gold there thanks

>> No.16739996

>beard and jesus wig
Unprofessional cannot take into client meeting, pls fix thx
>lip piercings
Unprofessional cannot take into client meeting, pls fix thx

>> No.16740252

Literally just be there for your kids. That’s it. I guarantee that most of these trannies are the results of absentee fathers. Or straight up absent fathers.

>> No.16740341

>40% of these people will end their lives

>> No.16740400

Depends. If I am in a position to fuck the girl then the girl. If my department is all-male then throwing in a girl would be chaos so I'd hire the dude.

>> No.16740450
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>> No.16740515

The crazy thing is lots/most of them become "lesbians". I guess they could fuck each other but otherwise they have reduced their attractiveness 99%.

>> No.16740529

No. Only thing that matters is being related to someone important

>> No.16740680

Looked best 09

>> No.16740780

Holy shit that dude hand!
Why do they insist on transitioning when they'll just be an ugly non-passing girl? I don't get it.
You'd you rather be a genderqueer or non-binary rather than a failed woman? Maybe that's just coming from a 'hetronormative' or whatever the fuck they call it perspective.
I have enough trouble looking like a Chad, looking like a woman seems like it's just being a glutton for punishment.

>> No.16740824

>Why do they insist on transitioning when they'll just be an ugly non-passing girl? I don't get it.
they're obviously mentally ill. instead of being treated for their delusions, they're actively encouraged because a significant percentage will suicide. this contributes to the cleansing of the gene pool. there is no other rational explanation for this phenomenon that i'm aware of.

>> No.16740874

Are loony bins not a thing anymore?
Suddenly the solution to insane trannies is to encourage them, and California thinks to solution to deranged homeless is to build each one a mansion

>> No.16740904

Honestly, they don't have the same ability. You can't reach a point of rock bottom in your life where you want to cut your own dick off and still maintain the ability to perform efficiently at anything requiring some kind of effort.

>> No.16740907

yeah hot people have the advantage

>> No.16740919

there's a major shortage of psych beds in california. it's significantly cheaper just to give them hormones and let them kill themselves.

>> No.16740950

>he doesn't know about the transexual athletes absolutely dominating in women's sports

>> No.16740983

Can we leave the teleological stuff aside: Are you saying they see themselves as feminine when they look in the mirror? Like when they begin to transition and the world sees Bruce with bad makeup and a 5 o'clock shadow they see Bella with on fleek eyebrows?

>> No.16741084
File: 56 KB, 640x512, grimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Went to look at the trainwrecks and instead fell in love with this FTM in a grimes shirt. Nearly a decade on 4chan and this is the thread that finally turned me gay. Son of a bitch.

>> No.16741107

im in charge of hiring for a very large business and i routinely dont hire: niggers, trannies, fatties, ppl that smell bad, and typically ugly ppl, and dont forget assholes. i never hire an asshole even the ones that try to hide it. cant forget "tattoo" or body modification freaks. and do u know why i get away with not hiring these kinds of people? bc im a social slacker that has all the right connections at the company.

>> No.16741478

That hairline though. Kys faggots

>> No.16742525

Congrats Anon