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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 250x250, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16736720 No.16736720 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, so Brave & BAT seem to have the most legit dev team in the entire cryptocurrency space and are led by a web veteran, but why exactly did they choose to build on a token? A mere token?

>> No.16736732

lightning wasnt ready is the real answer. sad because brenden wanted it to be a btc play, but didn't work out.
I keep hoping they switch to rsk, liquid, lightning (ie. something btc based). being tied to eth is bad.

>> No.16737559

$5 when

>> No.16737641

There has been a lot of BAT discussion lately. /biz/ has always hated it, so is this shilling or are things actually happening?

>> No.16737883

Sold when they forced KYC on creatos. Even patreon does not need me to scan a fucking ID to earn money.

Will buy back when they do not force KYC.

>> No.16737937

Brap anon where are you?

>> No.16738037

Eoy 2021

>> No.16738051

It’s why Maker takes it. Only legit ERC. Pinkies BTFO obvi.

>> No.16738854

You are going to miss out because you have a warped ideology. The absolute state

>> No.16738885


>> No.16738919
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>Brave & BAT seem to have the most legit dev team in the entire cryptocurrency space
not even fucking close. KEK. are you really this stupid or just ignorant as fuck? either way, this market will destroy you and dance on your remains. good luck faggot

>> No.16739040

They created the internet. Nobody else in crypto has that pedigree

>> No.16739382


>> No.16739447

Bullshit, he wanted to fill his own pockets so he made up reasons to avoid Bitcoin so that he could create a new token to get rich. Simple as that

>> No.16739981
File: 53 KB, 600x450, 1577682952538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btc is shit. Muh lighting. Its boomer tier. Slow as fuck and huge withdrawal prices. Next bull btc will x5-10. Bat will x100
You think Brendan needs to line his pockets? Hes already made it. Now hes building a legacy

>> No.16740045
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You're just jealous that a cryptocurrency is seeing genuine utility and distribution like an actual currency. Have fun tightly hodling your BTC in wallets as you circlejerk with the rest of the Maxi's about how it will one day be used to pay for things.

>> No.16740064

People still dont seem to get it. Everything has already pumped beyond belief and theres foing to be a few 2-3x coins. BAT never pumped because people still dont realize the value. Just wait until the day of reckoning once people realize BAT is a better cryptocurrency than bitcoin because it focuses on a better ui/ux. Oh cool you built a computer that uses punch cards, heres windows 98

>> No.16740160

I hate KYC as much as the next guy, but more because it's invasive and a pain in the ass. What's the ideology of someone that flat out refuses to do it?

>> No.16740219

I used to think BAT was stupid too, but it's actually making a lot of progress and Brave is pretty gud

>> No.16740557

The anti KYC camp is a bunch of detractors that try to undermine the entirety of the project over something trivial. Its like saying people who drive cars are fags because they have to change their oil every 6k miles. It's just the nature of business. Yeah it's a pain in the ass, but its necessary in a regulated world.

Theres still a few ancap retards who flat out refuse to use Brave/BAT because it doesn't meet their decentralization/cypherpunk agenda. These people should be flat out ignored.

The other camp that thinks its a pain in the ass has a little bit more merit. They can still use brave, and im sure there will be BAT utility that doesnt require kyc. Or alternatively they can just keep collecting BAT until its worthwhile to withdraw or the process becomes easier. I have over 200 BAT just from using the browser. Its only worth $40 right now and i cant be bothered to withdraw it. If the price of BAT shot up to $40 per BAT I would have earned over $8k for not being an ancap crypto fag, and suddenly KYC wouldn't be a big issue. It would be like telling someone to go down to the DMV and wait in line to pick up their free new car. If BAT only pumps to a few dollars oh well, i still have more free cash than the ancap fag

>> No.16740595
File: 25 KB, 480x268, bogbat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16740603

KYC will evolve to become a very useful aspect of blockchain in the future that will give privacy unseen before, unfortunately for the moment its having the opposite effect.

When you present your ID at the liquor store you need to show the cashier your full ID and they get to see all of your personal info, but all they need to know is your age. Once encrypted blockchain IDs are functioning you'll have all of your personal data encrypted into a block. By Smart Contract specific parts of the data can be released to complete a transaction, but ONLY what is required.

You buy something online, the webstore doesn't need to see where you live or what your name is, they just need to know if you are legally allowed to own the product, and you've paid them. The courier company will be the ones to recieve your address.

>> No.16740772


KYC is going to happen regardless of any maximalist ideology. Not sure why people think differently. It's the difference between brewing a couple kegs of beer for yourself or brewing hundreds. You are going to draw flags at some point. Crypto has operated most of its existence as a poverty home brewer. Now its basically Anheuser-Busch and people are treating it like a poverty home brewer.

Whats even more startling is people still haven't figured out that they have a couple bags of vaporware coin. I don't know how they are going to make the jump to understanding the regulatory hurdles.

>> No.16741691
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, brave bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using BTC was a losing play from the start. Maxis are fucking delusional thinking BAT's essential tokenomics would have ever worked had BTC been used instead.

>> No.16741706
File: 79 KB, 900x560, bat worship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I even saw Roger Ver favorite a Brave post recently, albeit it was a post trashing BAT but praising Brave.

The fact of the matter is people are paying attention to Brave. They hate it because it's such a good idea and executed so superbly that they're forced to squirm and critique BAT in place of praising an actual useful cryptocurrency project.

>b-but muh shitcoin should have been used instead!
>muh KYC!

pathetic sore losers. BAT should be $5 already if this space wasn't full of charlatans

>> No.16741747

Shitcoiners and bitcoiners hate on BAT because they can't compete with it.

>> No.16741780

They still don't and probably wont ever get it. You think getting people to switch from chrome to a better alternative is a tough task? Yet getting people to switch from their banks to a digital anxiety rubix cube is easier?

Bitcoin has less than 7 million active wallets. Thats probably only a couple of million people. Brave has 11m users. They could potentially have 25m by next year. At the rate brave is growing bitcoin cannot keep up. It doesnt help that bitcoin has an ancap "digital gold" "store of value" creepy weirdo value prop that 99.7% of the world does not care about.

At least with BAT the value prop is easy to figure out in 15 seconds. "Get paid to use this browser, and you can tip people and buy things with its point system"

BAT is becoming huge, and the maximalists are only going to try even harder to squash it in the coming months.

>> No.16742019

BATlet - nervouscel here
need hopium asap

>> No.16742111

BAT Total Supply: 1,500,000,000
Current Circulating Supply: 1,415,000,000

What will happen when we're capped? Moon?

>> No.16742198

>brave shouldn't use btc
....you can create BAT tokens on liquid / rsk (which was my point).
in fact, eth solidity runs native on rsk...thus its like a 30 sec operation to cut and paste same code...
this would give us all the benefits of token use but integrated (merged mining & pegged) with bitcoin. there would be a host of benefits from this arrangement.

>> No.16742885

Based trips & bullish as fuck. Most projects have a massive locked supply by contrast. The fact that the locked supply of BAT is so tiny signals that the devs are honest.

>> No.16743132
File: 121 KB, 1469x712, batbitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its almost fully circulating. this is less inflationary than btc, with more users that are growing at an exponential rate. let that sink in.

bat has been under heavy accumulation since last summer. if it isn't obvious enough just from the chart, you can literally look on etherscan and see it. there is 1 guy in particular that has been meticulously sucking bat off of binance for over 6 months every day, making sure his transfers are just small enough that they dont trigger the whale wallet watcher bots. thats called SMART MONEY. almost everyone on biz is going to miss this shitcoin doing a 100x because they cant see whats right in front of their fucking faces, but it has to be this way. them not having it now is our future demand. i am going to ram my fat bat bags down these peoples fucking throats in a year or 2 and they will love it too. have a good weekend guys!

>> No.16743149

wats your theory on make it bag size? 50k?

>> No.16743412
File: 207 KB, 810x1352, Screenshot_20200104-093652_Binance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on mobile so different IP address, but 50k is a nice bag. You'll make it. Just keep buying through the accumulation period. See the trendline on the chart I posted? You want to buy before the next markup through that level. I scooped another 200k this week. The book is so thin on this shitcoin that even I could clear the entire thing with a market buy and push it through the resistance and I'm not even a mega-whale or anything.

>> No.16743490

other whales would dump on you, or they could release more to dump on you.

>> No.16743591


How many BAT do you have total?
Whats your prediction to where the price could head to over time in the future?

>> No.16743939

how often does brave give bat token grants

>> No.16744104

>why a token
because devs deserve to get rich on the project they make
Tone Vays is a fucking faggot bootlicker nigger kike who deserves to get anthrax in the mail
the reason for tokens is because economic incentive is the way to go
it's why the gentoo devs are all homeless while satoshi travels the world and it's rich as fuck