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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16734935 No.16734935 [Reply] [Original]

do you faggots not know that craig gained control of the tulip trust on january 1? its literally pumping as we speak you retards. imagine missing out on the next 1000X moonshot lmao

>> No.16734945

It's pumping because BCH is pumping even harder, and BCHSV follows BCH. Soon to decouple (downwards)

>> No.16735037

Other way around

>> No.16735045

BCHSV retains half the BCH price and the ratio has only gotten worse over the past year. Say thanks for pumping you along.

>> No.16735107

so, BSV is like BCH's retarded little brother, that follows it around aimlessly unless it bumps into a lamppost or something first and falls over?

>> No.16735114


>> No.16735149

curious, why are there so many BSV posts on biz and zero bcash?

>> No.16735168

because /biz/ is sometimes smart

>> No.16735181

Just the same few people with a mental illness (homosexuality) virtue signalling to each other, no biggie

>> No.16735196

BASED : You buy bsv you're a fagg

>> No.16735201
File: 405 KB, 596x450, no1_boys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally organic not-shills like >>16735168 here.
Their reddit is dedder than that guy the Muricans just spread across a Baghdad runway. tldr, they fucking pajeets with a commercial interest in promoting this fucking garbage

>> No.16735297


Because BCH has no memetic energy

>> No.16736131

>they fucking pajeets with a commercial interest
Why do you hate Indians? I love Indians. They have delicious food
Also I suspect you are an Indian yourself my friend

>> No.16736338

who sez I hate indians?
bsv has pajeets of all nationalities. All spiritually pajeet shilling rupee scammers tho, at heart
>i is indian
i is no rly. never set foot there, sadly. fascinating land, by all accounts. many pajeets tho

>> No.16736371

MY FRIENDS! There will be many rupees for us all. WE can all share at the upcoming poop festival. I bring my many cows that i bought from my earnings from BSV. My village is very proud. We will all make it my friends. Please continue to worship the holy cow as he gives us many fortune and riches.

>> No.16736395

pajeet shills get paid by calvin to post on here

>> No.16736445
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Stop lying sleazebag

>> No.16736447


Prove it

>> No.16736463
File: 130 KB, 990x659, A5CDE480-9B04-47E3-8006-C0F6FCFCEB21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is incredibly based and redpilled truth only the most autistic can realize.

>> No.16737582

$0.05 has been deposited into your accounts

>> No.16737624
File: 30 KB, 679x325, 3a0bac71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSV stands for the original scaling plan. Why do you hate Bitcoin?

>> No.16737649


Buy the rumors, sell the news.

So the dump is in feb?

>> No.16737666

If he had gained control, and he sold then it would fall
If he had gained control, and he did nothing, then it would crab
If it is pumping he Neither gained control, nor did he sell or do nothing
Result: he’s pumping his own shitcoin

>> No.16737999

>Result: he’s pumping his own shitcoin
Trips of the dark lord says this is true. And I'm fine with that

>> No.16738288


>> No.16738314

What you doing here, frog?

>> No.16738324

Okay, this is epic.

>> No.16738331

im not a frog, im a leaf, ya dingus

>> No.16738339

I know it's you frog

>> No.16738366
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>> No.16738371

because BCASH does not waste their time paying bounties to pakis
LINK had a 500% swing and Calvin thought that it was due to spamming here

>> No.16738384

>prove a negative

>> No.16738385

Contact me

>> No.16738386

The Bsv marketing pajeet thought it would be worth their time posting here.... I guess anyone retarded enough to buy it deserves to loose all their money

>> No.16738524
File: 188 KB, 680x680, 1561601806093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its probably not the best idea to contact random people from 4chan, fren.