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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 30 KB, 710x458, devcon5-vitalik-1-710x458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16735056 No.16735056 [Reply] [Original]

honestly wish this guy were dead. my investment has just kept going down

>> No.16735066

Needed money for my game, yo.

>> No.16735098

Baby's first bear market. Relax and learn to be patient. All good investments take time.

>> No.16735111

nigger are you schizophrenic?
jesus nigger fucking christ

>> No.16735132

We told you that it mooned due to illegal securities offerings. That use case is done

>> No.16735147

Vitalik is based as fuck . Good luck in life thinking you’re a smarter person than him

>> No.16735151

I didn’t know Quinten Tarantino had AIDS

>> No.16735160

Holy shit it cant be unseen

>> No.16735169

If the collective brainpower and community working on Ethereum (which is orders of magnitude larger than the next active chain) can't scale it successfully and see more mainstream use case, then crypto is dead. No other chain has the amount of work going into it that ETH does. No other chain has a community as large as ETH's that is working on it and gives a shit about it. It's literally ETH or bust.

And don't you dare start naming Fantom or some other bullshit coin.

>> No.16735235

nice babble. Why yes, im a low iq nigger monkey ape who eats literal fucking shit.

the only coins that work are monero and xrp.

not chainlink, btc or eth. kill yourself. dumb schizo nigger

>> No.16735247

i wish upon him endless curses

>> No.16735262

Nah mate he was just addicted to mETH.

>> No.16735269


>> No.16736219
File: 49 KB, 259x335, 1542661823884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always do the opposite of what normies are doing.
When they are in a buying frenzy sell, and when they sell/ don't want something buy to dump it on them later...

>> No.16736283

Yes, but some early design decisions are not easy to modify on future releases.

>> No.16736557

>be wraithlike autistic tard
>get hired to write mastercoin whitepaper
>write a bunch of shit that no one asked, including impossible shit about "world computer"
>get fired from job
>start new project with garbage whitepaper
>see no problem with turing completness
>fail 2 deliver
>have huge bugs
>hard fork
>keep failing 2 deliver
>whoops forgot about ice age
>hard fork again
>keep failing 2 deliver
bb..b...uut why is price go down?

>> No.16736676

You were supposed to buy this shitcoin in early 2017 before the bubble like everyone else. Vitalik is an autistic pedo loser sure but it’s your own fault for not recognizing an obvious speculative bubble. I’m pretty sure he himself said that fair value for ETH is around $7.

>> No.16736706

It doesn’t matter if it scales. The bigger problem is that “dapps” are a complete meme. There has been no meaningful enterprise adoption in the 2 years since the bubble popped because no real company gives a shit about blockchain. Crypto was a fad.

>> No.16736789
File: 20 KB, 353x400, 3b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16736825

wtf are you talking about do you even know? talking out of your ass. decentralized pooled liquidity protocols is the greatest financial instrument created in this century. this shit is about to blow up Fukushima style

>> No.16736841
File: 152 KB, 1024x398, jkwbn7giij241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're forgetting about bitcoin

>> No.16736879
File: 18 KB, 300x225, d45b06a5924544ad1c3a9002a0896782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's too old to understand crypto, or even to use a computer, but he's not dumb

>> No.16736885

double digit shitcoin infinite supply look at this fucking retard

>> No.16736922

Not really an investment. Do you horde and accumulate Nintendo store tokens? No, you purchase them 10 seconds before you buy a game. That's what Ethereum is and always has been. It has no scarcity like Bitcoin so it's worth very little. The network can still be successful but that doesn't mean ETH will accrue any meaningful value.

>> No.16736926

>is in demand
>has no value
Anon, i....

>> No.16736927
File: 325 KB, 710x930, gavinwood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is ETH's problem

>> No.16736935

you missed the point

is in demand
has unlimited supply
has no value

ETH kids are retards

>> No.16737018

unlimited supply? news to me, you sound retarded

>> No.16737032

and this is why you're down 90% on your purple chuck-e-cheese tokens

>> No.16737036

how many ETH tokens will be issued?
vitalik said no more than 100m yet they pass 109m and counting

>> No.16737064

>increase of supply by 9 million
sounds like you got held back in school or something

>> No.16737179

and you can't answer my question lol
fucking mETHeads are irrational