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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16732207 No.16732207[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16732219

feelin cozy cause im too old

>> No.16732231

Im 26 anon kek

>> No.16732235

I'm obese. Will they force me to go anyways?

>> No.16732256
File: 53 KB, 1080x945, hU6X9nR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16732374

have mental health history and a physical problem, nothing debilitating but enough to keep me comfy while the other zoomers are fighting with al shebob

>> No.16732389

Everyone from 20-to-30, just like Ole' pappy

>> No.16732392
File: 2 KB, 118x125, 1543992163357s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the man in plaid will soon arrive at the end of time. We are safe marines.

>> No.16732533

imagine thinking the draft will ever get enforced. The second they tried to enforce the draft there would be massive rioting and protests, as well as desertion. A war the people don't believe in won't last, look at vietnam.

>> No.16732541
File: 130 KB, 355x440, 1569798141669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW healthy and fit but 31 years old
Enjoy fighting for my freedoms zoomzooms lmfao

>> No.16732551

I still have self harm scars from high school so I’m comfy

>> No.16732556

Oh my god you look good. Can you post your insemination tool too?

>> No.16732557
File: 66 KB, 466x330, Screenshot_20200103-012220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Have you seen the average current male under 30 in the US? If a draft does happen there will likely be a majority who will dodge it and likely be too lazy to flee. Imagine getting sent to jail with 15 million other males your age for refusing to go to war. Prison will likely be safer than usual during that time.

>> No.16732565


>government subsidized tendies as politicians fume over our refusal to fight their war
>hanging out with biz anons in jail

>> No.16732572


i am a neo nazi and a communist i have severe depression and schizophrenia and i have taken dozens of drugs including marajuana, cocaine and lsd also my back and knees hurt

>> No.16732575

zoomer ('generation meatshield') cope

>> No.16732589

They're not going to give a shit about any of that if there's a draft

>> No.16732590

good thing Ive had prior surgery and could probably get diagnosed with a mental disorder that the army kicks people out for despite ironically a large portion of people who enlist actually get later diagnosed with said disorder

>> No.16732598

my eye sight is shit

>> No.16732601

>america collapses under the weight of its own fat

>> No.16732603

the gobmint aint got my address for the last 5 years
how they finna send me that draft letter?

>> No.16732610

Suck it up zoomie, stop making excuses, it's time to pay your dues

>> No.16732624
File: 308 KB, 475x595, Hi0IymG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the moment you put a gun in my hand im shooting up the entire army base

>> No.16732632

pro tip, the administration areas are literal gun free zones, thats what the Fort Hood guy did

>> No.16732644

Nothing's going to happen, even though I wish it did.

Get over it.

>> No.16732730

That's a great idea, guaranteed death by US troops instead of just rolling the dice with Iranian troops that would largely get BTFO by an air campaign first

>> No.16732744

I wouldn't actually do it, that's just what I'd tell the recruiters

>> No.16732750

Welcome to McNamara's Morons kid, you are just the right fit.


>> No.16732759

You have no idea how this works do you

>> No.16732761

i am waaaaaay too fat
i'd love to do drones or some shit even now but again, way too fat

>> No.16732764

A war always happens whenever you are at a financial depression.

We've almost made it anons.

>> No.16732767

Won't be any war dumb asses stop listening to mainstream media scare tactics

>> No.16732790

If ya'all wanna dodge the draft without legal ramifications, just straight-up declare during the interview that
"if you put a gun in my hands, the first person I would shoot is my Commanding Officer, next the command team, then you."