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16727550 No.16727550 [Reply] [Original]

>just be a doctor bro
>300k starting :^)

>> No.16727576

This comparison is unfair as fuck because an AI can instantly compare millions of existing images and diagnostics to find an accurate result. The doctor can only use his own knowledge.

>> No.16727602

virgin doctors vs chad AI

>> No.16727606

ok comrade, valid point
AI is still better and cheaper and fuck doctors

>> No.16727639

Okay. Fire the doctors then.

>> No.16727652

This is a good thing. Medical costs will fall

>> No.16727674
File: 231 KB, 1699x1920, 30grof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparison is unfair
fuck you dumbfuck. AI does it better, period. once radiologists were the best, now they aren't. before you know it we all will be reduced to being AI reality checkers until we are phased out and AI fixes all our sit for us. enjoy the process faggot.

>> No.16728133
File: 46 KB, 480x480, 1576936939167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait from doctors to fall from their pedestal, the entire industry and health system is a huge fraud.

>> No.16728232

You mean more profits for the medical companies and businesses along with jacking up the prices even further.

>> No.16728236

Well just become a surgeon

>> No.16728264

The people who build these AI systems are making 500k+ easily per year.
t. guy who (failed to get a job at top-tier AI companies) but still in the field of AI

>> No.16729343

this, also doctors tend to be such pretentious assholes

>> No.16729389

>AI reality checkers
Sounds like a gig economy job that could be based on reCaptcha

>> No.16729480
File: 104 KB, 300x300, 1575151353772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doctors are the worst people in existence
>be doctor
>charge $500 an hour for your "services"
>scam insurance by getting cheap medical supplies and charging clients 20x what they could buy the supplies for on amazon
>Literally force people to buy insurance because of your price gouging
>act like you're morally superior to everyone because you're "in it to help people"
>literally make your living on extorting people who are suffering
Fuck these shit eating whores. I hope they all get raped in hell

>> No.16729493

The overwhelming majority of doctors don't/don't want to do this. It's the big medical 'nonprofits' (UMPC is a perfect example, though there are many others) and the insurance companies you should be upset with.

>> No.16729497


the only doctors i respect are surgeons. they have real skill. all others are bullshit artists in a white coat that charge $200/visit to write a prescription.

>> No.16729512

Doctors are usually dicks

>> No.16729515

Most premeds I knew were in it for the money/prestige.

>> No.16729517

Holy shit you’re retarded
Fuck off back to r*ddit you commie faggot holy shit

>> No.16729537

>the doctor doesn't want to steal my money
I doubt it. The whole medical industry is a racket though. These rats should be hanged.

I agree. Maybe we'll have a deadly new ebola strain and they'll all be the first to go

>> No.16729561


sounds exactly like video related:


>> No.16729567

except now radiologists can literally work from home

whats your deal faggot

>> No.16729580

>This comparison is unfair as fuck

You idiot you think anyone gives a fuck about HOW the results were made as opposed to WHAT the results are?

>> No.16729587

Now have that AI tell me whether I picture is a chocolate ice cream cone, or a wrinkly pug. That's right, it cant. AI has extreme limitations right now.

>> No.16729592

Reality doesn't care about fairness dumb fuck. Why would I pay a doctor that performs an inferior service to a computer?

>> No.16729631

bruh my photos app can do that

>> No.16729690

Most premeds don't get in lol.

>> No.16729691
File: 60 KB, 1024x1024, disturbed waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know
u should really catch up on what ai can do

>> No.16729726

specifically crafted noise can fool classifiers, but they can definitely discern between specifically trained categories. It's called adversarial examples and most techniques need the weights of the inference graph to work.

>> No.16729764

Truly! The worst thing to happen to medical careers since X-Rays and Penicillin! Oh noooOOOooes!

>> No.16729833

A.I. is a parlor trick that will never really hit the escape velocity and mass applicability everyone is marketing it as to suck up budget and VC allocations. It's the "flying car" of the 21st century.

>> No.16729879

Just make renting license to such a program cost 10k USD/day, oh and don't forget to not make it available unless you have a degree.
There, get back in the line waiting for your dose of oxy, faggots :^)

>> No.16729918

That is literally the point

>> No.16730141

>Train AI to distinguish between neoplastic breast tissue and normal breast tissue, potentially saving thousands of lives per year
>"heh but it can't tell the difference between an ice cream cone and a pug, what a piece of shit!"
You are a fucking retard.

Yeah this whole AI thing is absolutely amazing, I've seen advances with this kind of thing in a number of different specialties, it's great.
Doctors won't be made obsolete any time soon, but maybe in the more distant future.

>> No.16730153

>American healthcare
Wew lad

>> No.16730359


>Lebron James beats me at basketball

This comparison is unfair as fuck because Lebron James has years of practice and is much taller than me and can jump higher, and he can use all of these advantages to put the ball in the basket. I can only use my own knowledge.

Time to join your colleagues with your above-average suicide rate, doc.

>> No.16730477

keep dreaming bizcucks, get back to playing with your e-currency

>> No.16730533
File: 47 KB, 480x468, fKcGriH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man this shit is hard

>> No.16730545

brainlet cope.

>> No.16730551


KEK this, that fag has literally an inferior complex

>> No.16730598

Of course Doctors are still needed. Like 1 part of Doctors job is made easier now.

>> No.16730613

A reddit-tier response

>> No.16730651


>> No.16730681
File: 84 KB, 926x1632, 1530824517691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a huge fraud
get your shots

>Most premeds I knew were in it for the money/prestige
yeah fuck them for not pissing away the day shitposting

>Maybe we'll have a deadly new ebola strain and they'll all be the first to go
But without doctors, how would you know it's ebola?

>> No.16730693

Who is Al?

>> No.16730694

medcucks itt SEETHING

>> No.16730738

>medcucks itt SEETHING
Yep they sure are! (jk nice fanfic tho)

>> No.16730822

>the doctor making 300k now buys this AI diagnostic machine for his office
>continues to see patients using the AI diagnositic machine
>Now he is diagnosing more patients
>now he is able to treat more patients than ever before
>he now makes 700K a year

>OP still seething

>> No.16730837


Also I doubt anybody but doctors will be able to give the final check on the AI , or even use the AI computer to diagnose. this just means more money for hospitals and docs, since more cancer patients being diagnosed

>> No.16730967

>diagonisticians and doctors replaced by AI
>medical practitioners consist of female negros trained to 'push da buttons' for minimum wage
>economic collapse occurs along with hospitals and the ability to manufacture and maintain the computer networks required
>the art of modern medicine is lost
>revert to medieval style healing techniques to complement the new feudal era

>> No.16731514

youre forgetting that doctors still need to treat the patients who were diagnosed and tell those female negros what to do

>> No.16731790

fuck doctors i hate them with a passion, I mea
GP's especially. They are beyond useless, googling my symptoms has done me more good.

Dont ever expect them to do shit, always ask for a specialist. Can't wait for A.I to take over both of those faggot overpaid jobs ridden with money hungry pharm kickback taking psychopath

Yes this is personal, yes they have hurt me

>> No.16731810

Insurance is the scam.

>> No.16731828

Electricity was a parlor trick. Crypto is currently a parlor trick. "AI" is at least useful .

>> No.16731897

such is life. learn to code doctor fags, before the robots take that one too.

>> No.16731909

GPT-2 proves that coding is going to be one of the first things automated.
We will all be rich or dead.

>> No.16731916

Wrong, health providers are the biggest contributors to corruption in the health care system

>> No.16731924

SAAAAME, I have had a horrible rash/infection on my face since last summer and have been to 2 dermatologists and 4 different doctors who prescribe me nothing but shit that in some cases made it worse. My face is burning right now, and I have to wait three weeks for my next fucking appointment

>> No.16731957

>>a huge fraud
>get your shots
Keep burying your head in the sand, it's literally a huge fraud. That's not just my opinion, there's a mountain of academic journals and books explaining this. See for example

>> No.16731966

Yes your time is up. Greed is not fair. It's unfair.